992 resultados para palynology
Selective degradation of organic matter in sediments is important for reconstructing past environments and understanding the carbon cycle. Here, we report on compositional changes between and within lipid classes and kerogen types (represented by palynomorph groups) in relation to the organic matter flux to the sea floor and oxidation state of the sediments since the early Holocene for central Eastern Mediterranean site ABC26. This includes the initially oxic but nowadays anoxic presapropelic interval, the still unoxidised lower part of the organic rich S1 sapropel, its postdepositionally oxidised and nowadays organic-poor upper part as well as the overlying postsapropelic sediments which have always been oxic. A general ~ 2.3 times increase in terrestrial and marine input during sapropel formation is estimated on the basis of the total organic carbon (TOC), pollen, spore, dinoflagellate cyst, n-alkane, n-alkanol and n-alkanoic acid concentration changes in the unoxidised part of the sapropel. The long-chain alkenones, 1,15 diols and keto-ols, loliolides and sterols indicate that some plankton groups, notably dinoflagellates, may have increased much more. Apart from the terrestrial and surface water contributions to the sedimentary organic matter, anomalous distributions and preservation of some C23-C27 alkanes, alkanols and alkanoic acids have been observed, which are interpreted as a contribution by organisms living in situ. Comparison of the unoxidised S1 sapropel with the overlying oxidised sapropel and the organic matter concentration profiles in the oxidised postsapropelic sediments demonstrates strong and highly selective aerobic degradation of lipids and palynomorphs. There seems to be a fundamental difference in degradation kinetics between lipids and pollen which may be possibly related with the absence of sorptive preservation as a protective mechanism for palynomorph degradation. The n-alkanes, Impagidinium, and Nematosphaeropsis are clearly more resistant than TOC. The n-alkanols and n-carboxylic acids are about equally resistant whereas the pollen, all other dinoflagellate cysts and other lipids appear to degrade considerably faster, which questions the practice of normalising to TOC without taking diagenesis into account. Selective degradation also modifies the relative distributions within lipid classes, whereby the longer-chain alkanes, alcohols and fatty acids disappear faster than their shorter-chain equivalents. Accordingly, interpretation of lipid and palynomorph assemblages in terms of pre- or syndepositional environmental change should be done carefully when proper knowledge of the postdepositional preservation history is absent. Two lipid-based preservation proxies are tested the diol-keto-ol oxidation index based on the 1,15C30 diol and keto-ols (DOXI) and the alcohol preservation index (API) whereby the former seems to be the most promising.
Two marshes near Muscotah and Arrington, Atchison County, northeastern Kansas, yielded a pollen sequence covering the last 25,000 yrs of vegetation development. The earliest pollen spectra are comparable with surface pollen spectra from southern Saskatchewan and southeastern Manitoba and might indicate a rather open vegetation but with some pine, spruce, and birch as the most important tree species, with local stands of alder and willow. This type of vegetation changed about 23,000 yrs ago to a spruce forest, which prevailed in the region until at least 15,000 yrs ago. Because of a hiatus, the vegetation changes resulting in the spread of a mixed deciduous forest and prairie, which was present in the region from 11,000 to 9,000 yrs ago, remain unknown. Prairie vegetation, with perhaps a few trees along the valleys, covered the region until about 5,000 yrs ago, when a re-expansion of deciduous trees began in the lowlands.
This study reconstructs middle and late Holocene vegetation and climate dynamics in the Oshima Peninsula, SW Hokkaido, using the published method of biome reconstruction and modern analogue technique applied to the Yakumo pollen record (42°17'03''N, 140°15'34''E) spanning the last 5500 years. Two previously published matrices assigning Japanese plant/pollen taxa to the major vegetation types (biomes) are tested using a newly compiled dataset of 78 surface pollen spectra from Hokkaido. With both matrices showing strengths and weaknesses in reconstructing cool mixed and temperate deciduous forests of Hokkaido, the results suggest the necessity to consider the whole list of identified terrestrial pollen taxa for generating robust vegetation reconstructions for northern Japan. Applied to the fossil pollen data, both biome-reconstruction approaches demonstrate consistently that oak-dominated cool mixed forest spread in the study region between 5.5 and 3.6 cal ka BP and was subsequently replaced by beech-dominated temperate deciduous forest. The pollen-based climate reconstruction suggests this change in the vegetation composition was caused by a shift from cooler and drier than present climate to warmer and wetter, similar to modern conditions about 3.6 cal ka BP. Comparing the pollen-based reconstruction results with the published marine records from the NW Pacific, the reconstructed vegetation and climate dynamics can be satisfactorily explained by the greater role played by the warm Tsushima Current in the Sea of Japan and in the Tsugaru Strait during the middle and late Holocene. An increase in sea surface temperatures west and south of the study site would favour air temperature rise and moisture uptake and cause an increase in precipitation and snow accumulation in the western part of Hokkaido during the late Holocene.
Beringian climate and environmental history are poorly characterized at its easternmost edge. Lake sediments from the northern Yukon Territory have recorded sedimentation, vegetation, summer temperature and precipitation changes since ~16 cal ka BP. Herb-dominated tundra persisted until ~14.7 cal ka BP with mean July air temperatures less than or equal to 5 °C colder and annual precipitation 50 to 120 mm lower than today. Temperatures rapidly increased during the Bølling/Allerød interstadial towards modern conditions, favoring establishment of Betula-Salix shrub tundra. Pollen-inferred temperature reconstructions recorded a pronounced Younger Dryas stadial in east Beringia with a temperature drop of ~1.5 °C (~2.5 to 3.0 °C below modern conditions) and low net precipitation (90 to 170 mm) but show little evidence of an early Holocene thermal maximum in the pollen record. Sustained low net precipitation and increased evaporation during early Holocene warming suggest a moisture-limited spread of vegetation and an obscured summer temperature maximum. Northern Yukon Holocene moisture availability increased in response to a retreating Laurentide Ice Sheet, postglacial sea level rise, and decreasing summer insolation that in turn led to establishment of Alnus-Betula shrub tundra from ~5 cal ka BP until present, and conversion of a continental climate into a coastal-maritime climate near the Beaufort Sea.
1) Ingesamt 11 Profile aus sechs Mooren und Seen im Gebiet des Hannoverschen Wendlandes wurden pollenanalytisch untersucht. Die Ablagerungen umfassen den Zeitraum vom Beginn der Älteren Tundrenzeit bis zur Gegenwart. 2) Die Waldgeschichte des Hannoverschen Wendlandes weist teils Merkmale der atlantisch geprägten Gebiete Nordwestdeutschlands, teils solche des kontinental beeinflußten nordostdeutschen Raumes auf und nimmt damit eine Zwischenstellung ein. 3) Die Kiefer wandert zu Beginn der Allerödzeit ein, d.h. später als im mecklenburgisch-märkischen Gebiet und im mitteldeutschen Trockengebiet. Im Verlauf der Allerödzeit bildeten sich hier wie dort lichte Kiefern-Birken-Wälder aus. 4) In der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit fand zunächst nur eine geringe Auflichtung der Wälder statt, und die Kiefer überwog weiterhin. Erst im späteren Verlauf dieser stadialen Phase breitete sich die Birke aus und verdrängte die Kiefer. Der späte Rückgang der Kiefer stellt eine Parallele zu der Entwicklung in Südostmecklenburg und in der Altmark dar. Die Abgrenzung dieser Phasen in der Jüngeren Tundrenzeit ist durch eine 14C-Datierung gesichert. 5) Noch im Atlantikum ähneln die Diagramme aus dem Gartower Talsandgebiet im Osten des Wendlandes in ihren hohen Kiefernanteilen denen der Sandergebiete in Brandenburg. Die Diagramme aus dem Moränengebiet des westlichen Wendlandes schließen dagegen mehr an die der östlichen Lüneburger Heide und des Hamburger Gebietes an. Dieser Unterschied wird auf edaphische Unterschiede zurückgeführt. 6) Seit dem frühen Subboreal glich auch die Vegetation des Gartower Gebietes mehr den buchenarmen Waldgesellschaften auf sauren Sandböden, wie sie im atlantischen Westen vorkommen. Die Kiefern sind fast ganz aus dem Waldbild verschwunden, wobei der rasche Rückgang zu Beginn des Subboreals sicher zu einem wesentlichen Teil vom Menschen beeinflusst worden ist. Die anschließende kiefernarme Zeit dauerte im gesamten Wendland bis zum Beginn der Kieferaufforstungen in der Neuzeit. 7) In allen untersuchten Diagrammen ist etwa seit dem Subboreal eine Besiedlung nachzuweisen. Diese muß im Osten des Wendlandes intensiver gewesen sein als im Westen. Es lassen sich Phasen geringer und intensiver Besiedlung nachweisen. 8) Seit Beginn des Subboreals ist das Waldbild schon so stark vom Menschen beeinflusst, dass die Ausbreitungsgeschichte der Laubwaldarten nicht ohne Berücksichtigung der Siedlungsphasen diskutiert werden kann. Besonders im Westen bestand eine ausgedehnte Lindenphase, die durch eine Siedlungszeit (Bronzezeit) beendet wurde. Beim folgenden Rückgang der Siedlungsintensität breitet sich bevorzugt die Hainbuche aus, die dann bei der nächsten Besiedlungsphase (Eisenzeit) zurückging. Erst danach erfolgte die maximale Rotbuchenausbreitung, die nur im Westteil des Wendlandes bedeutende Ausmaße zeigte, während im Ostteil rot- und hainbuchenreiche Eichenwälder entstanden. 9) Seit Beginn der mittelalterlichen Besiedlung ist dann der Eingriff des Menschen so stark gewesen, dass die edaphisch bedingten Unterschiede zwischen Moränen- und Sandergebieten im Pollenspektrum verwischt wurden. Sowohl die buchenreichen Wälder des westlichen als auch die buchenarmen Wälder des mittleren und des östlichen Teilgebietes müssen zu fast reinen Eichenwäldern geworden sein. 10) Calluna-Heiden sind im östlichen Wendland schon in vorgeschichtlicher Zeit nachzuweisen. Im Mittelalter und in der Neuzeit treten sie im gesamten Wendland auf. Etwa im 18. und 19. Jahrhundert war die Ausdehnung der Heideflächen am größten. Erst danach wurden sie im Zuge der Kiefernaufforstungen bis auf geringe Reste verdrängt. 11) Während in der spätglazialen Vegetation Juniperus auftritt, ist der Wacholder sowohl in vorgeschichtlicher als auch in geschichtlicher Zeit - im Gegensatz zur Lüneburger Heide - wohl niemals ein Bestandteil der anthropogenen Calluna-Heiden gewesen.
The article shows that pollen analysis plays an important role in the prediction of potential settlement areas and, furthermore, can offer a crude determination of settlement duration. Especially when the archaeological data fails to offer a possibility of dating, pollen analysis in connection with 14C can importantly broaden the knowledge base. As in the present case, the results of the Archaeo-Prognosis mapping and the pollen analysis of the Gabelsee are compared and, within this vicinity, confirmend. = Der Beitrag zeigt, dass die Pollenanalyse eine wichtige Rolle für die Vorhersage von potenziellen Siedlungsflächen spielen und darüber hinaus eine grobe Berechnung der Siedlungsdauer bieten kann. Insbesondere wenn die archäologische Datenbasis keine genaue Datierung zulässt, ermöglicht die Pollenanalyse in Verbindung mit der 14C-Datierung eine wichtige Erweiterung der Kenntnisse. Im vorliegenden Fall konnten die Ergebnisse der Archäoprognosekarte mit denjenigen der Pollenanalyse des Gabelsees verglichen und für diesen lokalen Raum bestätigt werden.
Lake Blankensee is filled with 14 m of late- and postglacial deposits, Lake Siethener See with 22,5 m. The lacustrine sedimentation begins in Lake Siethener See in the middle of the Alleröd with annual lamination which partly continues in the Younger Dryas. A 2 cm thick layer of the Laacher See tephra was found in both lakes, the Saksunarvatn tephra only in Lake Siethener See where the cool Rammelbeek-phase (Preboreal) could be shown. The youngest part of the sediment profiles is suspended drifting mud. Masses of Pediastrum (algae) indicate an increasing shoaling of Lake Blankensee after the Subboreal.
In order to investigate a possible connection between tropical northeast (NE) Atlantic primary productivity, Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), and drought in the Sahel region during Heinrich Stadial 1 (HS1), we used dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) assemblages, Mg/Ca based reconstructed temperatures, stable carbon isotopes (d13C) and geochemical parameters of a marine sediment core (GeoB 9508-5) from the continental slope offshore Senegal. Our results show a two-phase productivity pattern within HS1 that progressed from an interval of low marine productivity between ~ 19 and 16 kyr BP to a phase with an abrupt and large productivity increase from ~ 16 to 15 kyr BP. The second phase is characterized by distinct heavy planktonic d13C values and high concentrations of heterotrophic dinocysts in addition to a significant cooling signal based on reconstructions of past sea surface temperatures (SST). We conclude that productivity variations within HS1 can be attributed to a substantial shift of West African atmospheric processes. Taken together our results indicate a significant intensification of the North East (NE) trade winds over West Africa leading to more intense upwelling during the last millennium of HS1 between ~ 16 and 15 kyr BP, thus leaving a strong imprint on the dinocyst assemblages and sea surface conditions. Therefore, the two-phase productivity pattern indicates a complex hydrographic setting suggesting that HS1 cannot be regarded as uniform as previously thought.
Dinoflagellate cysts, pollen, and spores were studied from 78 samples of the Eocene to Miocene section of ODP Site 643 at the outer Wring Plateau. Dinoflagellate cysts ranging from less than 1,000 to rarely over 30,000 per gram of sediment in the Paleogene, and generally between 50,000 and 100,000 in the Miocene were present. The shift to conspicuously higher cyst frequencies takes place in the lowermost Miocene section and appears to reflect increased cyst recruitment rather than a change in sedimentation rate. Of the 179 dinoflagellate cyst forms whose ranges were recorded, 129 are known species. Fifteen assemblage zones have been recognized, although the upper Eocene is missing and no substantial lower Eocene was recorded at Site 643. Norwegian Sea and Rockall Plateau zonations were compared with this study. Detailed correlation with existing onshore section zonations was difficult because key zonal species are inadequately represented; however, the middle to upper Miocene zonation established for Denmark is applicable. Pollen and spores occur with relatively low frequencies, and palynodebris is generally absent, in contrast to the observations from DSDP Leg 38. Thirty-nine samples from Eocene to Miocene sediments at Site 642 were studied and correlated with Site 643. A lower Eocene cyst assemblage present in Hole 642D is older than the questionably lower Eocene assemblage from Site 643. Site 642 has a lower Eocene to lower Miocene hiatus.