305 resultados para intimacy
Introdução: A expectativa de vida dos brasileiros cresce a cada ano; com isso, os idosos vivem mais, e fatores como, Hipertensão Arterial Sistêmica, Diabetes mellitus e o próprio processo de envelhecimento os tornam suscetíveis à doença renal crônica (DRC). Com a DRC, esses idosos têm maiores chances de desenvolverem a fragilidade e terem consequências desfavoráveis na Qualidade de Vida (QV). Objetivo geral: Analisar a relação entre as variáveis independentes (fragilidade, características sociodemográficas e clínicas) e a variável desfecho (QV) de idosos com DRC em tratamento conservador, hemodiálise (HD) e diálise peritoneal (DP). Material e método: Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa, descritiva e transversal. Participaram idosos com 60 anos ou mais, com DRC em tratamento conservador, HD ou DP, que estavam, no mínimo, há seis meses em tratamento e em acompanhamento em um hospital público de Ribeirão Preto-SP. A coleta de dados ocorreu de outubro/14 a março/15, utilizando-se os seguintes instrumentos: de caracterização sociodemográfica, econômica e clínica adaptado; para avaliar a fragilidade, a Edmonton Frail Scale (EFS); para avaliar a QV, o WHOQOL-BREF e WHOQOL-OLD; para avaliar a cognição, o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas, teste de correlação de Spearman e análise de variância multivariada (MANOVA) para as variáveis de interesse. O nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. O projeto foi aprovado por um Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa com seres humanos com CAAE número 34923214.0.0000.5393; seguiu-se as recomendações da Resolução CNS 466/2012. Resultados: Participaram 77 idosos, sendo 35 em tratamento conservador, 14 em DP e 28 em HD. A maioria era homem (41; 53,2%) e tinha companheiro(a) (51; 66,2%). A média dos escores de fragilidade entre os tratamentos foi: tratamento conservador (7,71±3,10); DP (6,79±2,72) e HD (7,36±2,92). No WHOQOL-BREF, os domínios relações sociais e físico obtiveram maior e menor escores médios, respectivamente, (68,93±17,48) e (55,44±14,11). O WHOQOL-OLD apresentou a maior média na faceta Intimidade (68,67±16,45) e menor média na faceta Morte e morrer (37,66±22,76). Foram encontradas correlações inversas entre a idade e o escore do MEEM (p=0,001) e entre anos de estudo e fragilidade (p=0,016); por outro lado, houve correlações positivas entre os escores do MEEM e anos de estudo (p<0,001), entre número de complicações da DRC e fragilidade (p<0,001) e número de comorbidades e fragilidade (p<0,001). Em relação à QV, houve correlação positiva entre o escore global do WHOQOL-BREF e o escore da faceta global do WHOQOL-OLD, bem como correlação inversa entre os escores globais desses instrumentos com os escores de fragilidade (p<0,00; p=0,023). Na MANOVA, o tipo de tratamento e o número de complicações não influenciaram a QV, porém a fragilidade apresentou relação com o constructo, sendo que, para o aumento de um ponto na escala da fragilidade, a QV apresentou redução média de 1,38 no escore global do WHOQOL-BREF e 0,82 no escore global do WHOQOL-OLD, considerando pertencer ao mesmo tipo de tratamento. Conclusão: os pacientes com DRC apresentaram piores escores médios de QV mediante a maiores escores de fragilidade, independentemente do tipo de tratamento e considerando-se a mesma média de complicações
A maioria das demandas envolvendo pedidos de danos morais no judiciário trabalhista brasileiro é originada a partir de abusos patronais cometidos no exercício do poder diretivo, em especial de sua dimensão fiscalizatória. Embora inexista, no Brasil, disciplina normativa específica quanto aos limites à maior parte das manifestações do poder de fiscalização, seu exercício é restringido pela dignidade da pessoa humana, que deve ser compreendida de acordo com a noção de trabalho decente propugnada pela OIT. A dignidade humana constitui cláusula geral de proteção aos direitos da personalidade, dentre eles, os direitos à intimidade e à vida privada, os mais ofendidos por meio da fiscalização patronal abusiva nas fases précontratual, contratual e pós-contratual. Práticas como a revista pessoal nos trabalhadores e em seus pertences, a limitação à utilização de banheiros, a instalação de câmeras e microfones no local de trabalho e o monitoramento dos computadores utilizados na empresa revelam, por vezes, violações a esses direitos. A revista não encontra fundamento no poder de fiscalização e no direito de propriedade do empregador, salvo quando tiver por objetivo a garantia da saúde ou segurança no ambiente laboral. A instalação de equipamentos audiovisuais, quando visar a proteção patrimonial do empregador ou for essencial ao procedimento de gestão, somente pode se dar nos espaços em que o trabalho for efetivamente desenvolvido e por tempo determinado, fundada em situação específica, sendo imprescindível a ciência dos monitorados quanto à instalação e à localização dos equipamentos. A escuta telefônica e o monitoramento de computadores e e-mails somente será possível quando o empregador determinar a utilização dos meios exclusivamente para os fins da prestação laboral, com ciência inequívoca dos trabalhadores, além de disponibilizar ou autorizar a utilização de meios alternativos para a comunicação pessoal. Não devem ser admitidas quaisquer limitações à utilização de banheiros, bem como o estabelecimento de escala de gravidez no âmbito empresarial. Sendo o tomador de serviços legitimado a exercer o poder fiscalizatório sobre a atividade produtiva empreendida no estabelecimento e havendo a indiscutível imperatividade da proteção aos direitos da personalidade obreiros, é necessária a fixação normativa de limites ao poder patronal, em prol do estabelecimento da segurança jurídica. O direito de resistência é contraface do poder diretivo, no sentido de que o uso irregular deste faz nascer aquele e, consequentemente, os limites do poder diretivo condicionam os do ius resistentiae. Os trabalhadores devem exercê-lo com fulcro nos direitos à vida privada, à intimidade, à honra e à dignidade humana. A doutrina deve valer-se da técnica da ponderação para estabelecer os limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal, com fulcro no princípio da proporcionalidade. A divergência jurisprudencial deve ser minimizada pela atividade criativa dos juízes quanto aos limites ao poder fiscalizatório, consoante o princípio da proporcionalidade, e por meio da utilização de mecanismos específicos voltados à redução da insegurança jurídica no Judiciário Trabalhista, tais como recursos de revista, embargos de divergência, incidentes de uniformização de jurisprudência, súmulas, precedentes normativos e orientações jurisprudenciais. Nada impede, ainda, que limites ao poder fiscalizatório patronal sejam estabelecidos por meio de negociação coletiva.
Raising boys in accordance with traditional masculinity ideologies is creating a mental health crisis among men. Socialization in accordance with traditional male gender roles causes boys to develop dismissing-avoidant attachments with their primary caregivers. Approaching subsequent relationships with a dismissing-attachment style creates disconnection between men and male peers, female partners, and their children. Many researchers advocate clinical interventions that perpetuate men's traditional fears of intimacy, however attachment theory provides an alternative lens through which clinicians may approach therapy with men. By engaging men in therapeutic attachment relationships, clinicians can inspire implicit and explicit learning of new attachment patterns. This experience by nature challenges traditional definitions of masculinity, and men may develop more congruent, adaptive, and healthy definitions of masculinity.
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Família, Juventude e das Relações do Género), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016
Tese de doutoramento, Sociologia (Sociologia da Cultura, Comunicação, e Estilos de Vida), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2016
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
In this article, I have focused my comments on the possible associations between the cognitions related to different attachment styles, and the impact that those cognitions are likely to have on nonverbal encoding and decoding. I see attachment insecurity as acting as a filter, distorting both encoding and decoding processes. In terms of decoding, an insecure individual may appraise the situation as more threatening than it actually is, may see the attachment figure as more or less available than he or she actually is, and may make an inappropriate decision about the viability or desirability of seeking proximity to the attachment figure. Attachment insecurity is also likely to inhibit the distressed individual from expressing their distress in a way that is understood by the attachment figure and that increases the likelihood that the attachment figure will engage in supportive behavior.
Despite reports that adopted persons are destined for poor psychological and relational adjustment, this conclusion remains controversial. Previous research on this topic has been inconclusive, and has failed to provide a complex assessment of the predictors of adjustment. For instance, whether attachment security plays a key role in later relationship outcomes remains unresolved. This paper presents the results of a longitudinal study of adults who were adopted as infants, and a comparison sample of adults who grew up with both biological parents. Two research questions were addressed: differences in attachment security between the two samples, and the predictive relations between initial attachment scales and relationship variables (e.g., risk in intimacy, loneliness) assessed at follow-up. Attachment profiles at Time 1 indicated less security in the adopted sample than the comparison sample, and these differences were maintained at follow-up. However, adoptees who had not searched for birth relatives did not differ from the comparison sample. Although sample (adopted / comparison) was an important predictor of some relationship variables, it became less influential when attachment measures were included. Discussion focused on the complex factors that influence attachment security, and the need for in-depth study of the relational experiences of adopted people.
The entrepreneurship models in existence in Sri Lanka are often based on the assumptions of n-Ach and personality trait theory. In this paper we describe empirical research into entrepreneurial motivations in Sri Lanka that addresses the neglect of socio-cultural factors. Our findings suggest that entrepreneurial motivation in Sri Lanka is rooted not in a need for individual achievement, but in the conscious or unconscious need to satisfy a sense of social intimacy. The emphasis on social power, social relations and collectivism create a setting for entrepreneurial motivation in Sri Lanka that drives almost directly counter to western ideologies of entrepreneurial motivation (from paper).
One factor that research suggests impedes positive contact between outgroup members is the experience of anxiety that can occur when anticipating negative consequences of such interactions. Research examining attitudes and behaviour towards same-sex attracted individuals indicates that this intergroup anxiety is particularly evident when the anticipated interaction involves members of the same gender. The current studies investigate the effect of timing of disclosure of a person’s same-sex attractions in an effort to identify a means of reducing this anxiety. Study 1 uses a hypothetical scenario to gain insight into participants’ stated preferences for early or delayed knowledge of a person’s sexual orientation. Results reveal an association between experiencing close contact with gay individuals of the same gender in real life (but not opposite gender), and a preference for early disclosure. Results from an experimental study concur with these findings. After a face-to-face interaction task with a confederate of the same gender, participants sit further from the confederate for the late disclosure condition when compared with the early disclosure and no disclosure control. Future studies investigating the interaction between timing of disclosure of same-sex attractions and the intimacy of disclosure (casual vs. intimate), are discussed.
The image and style of political leaders are important elements of leadership, and of politics generally. They are related to both political culture and institutions, and are framed in ritual and ceremony. In democratic policies, where there is choice rather than coercion, the mediation of leadership/people relations creates imagined relationships between imagined leaders and their equally imagined interlocutors, the people or the electorate (who also, of course, actually exist). These relationships form part of the political process. By identifying, and adapting, classical Aristotelian distinctions in rhetorical studies, we can better understand this element or moment of the process, in particular the creation of an imagined intimacy in contemporary politics between leaders and followers. Political science should draw upon other disciplines and subdisciplines such as political psychology, cultural studies, rhetorical analysis, and social anthropology in order to understand how mediated relationships are inscribed into political institutions and exchange.
Purpose - This paper aims to demonstrate the need for an improved understanding of the opportunities offered by privacy online. This is contextualized in the case of supermarket purchases of food in particular, often described as an intimate and personal choice. In the case of grocery shopping, the "intimacy" may be at the household level between members or/and between e-grocers' food offerings, and their other "non-food" related services Design/methodology/approach - This paper draws upon social practice theory research, retailing and consumer behaviour in order to develop a conceptual framework for understanding the value of positive privacy. The research uses 39 in-depth interviews of e-grocery shoppers in the area of Portsmouth (UK). Findings - This paper suggests a framework for embedded elements of positive privacy into retailing strategy as a driver for growth in the e-grocery sector. Three meta-themes requiring different approaches to privacy are uncovered. Positive privacy is dynamic and contextual at the consumer/household levels as well as for product/e-grocery brands. Research limitations/implications - This paper advocates the building of long-term sustainable relationship through sharing, offering, and exchange of information rather than pure technological chasing of data. Originality/value - A consumer centred bottom-up approach is employed demonstrating the value of two-way dialogues with consumers on sensitive issues. E-grocery is used as an illustration that involves regular re-purchase of a basket of staple goods over a long period of time where privacy becomes a latent long-term concern. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
In this article about ‘For Better or Worse? Lesbian and Gay Marriage’ (Feminism & Psychology, 14[1]) we focus on the contributions to the special feature, the commentaries provided by Ellen Lewin (2004), Sheila Jeffreys (2004) and Sue Wise and Liz Stanley (2004), and on wider debates about lesbian and gay marriage and partnership recognition. We agree that ‘there is a lot of confusion/assumptions made about what “it” (i.e. “marriage”) is’ (Wise and Stanley, 2004: 333). Thus, when talking about same-sex partnership recognition we are concerned with civil marriage (or civil union, or civil partnership), and not religious marriage. Our emphasis is on the public not on the private sphere; we are less interested with the personal aspects of relationships (such as intimacy or commitment) than with their public function in, for instance, obtaining ‘rights and responsibilities’.
This paper is about mothering, young learning disabled people, their sexualised and relationship lives and normalisation - not through the lens of the disabled person, but via a mothers perspective and theoretical discussion. As a mother who has a learning disabled daughter, a feminist and an academic, my own mothering experience, my PhD research and social theory are woven throughout this paper with the intention of opening up debate about sex, intimacy, normalisation, and how this impacts upon young learning disabled people. I suggest that the relationship between sex, reproduction, intimacy and intellectual impairment, and a project to decipher what it means to be human, in all its dirty glory are also part of the discourse that needs to be discussed experientially and theoretically. So much so that the messy world within which we all live can be variously and differently constructed.