945 resultados para internationalization.


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Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is recognized, both in the academic and business world, as one of the most powerful strategic management accounting tools. Thus, we launched in October 2004 a questionnaire survey applied to the 250 largest Portuguese companies aiming at observing the knowledge, use, and companies’ characteristics which are adopting this management instrument. Despite the majority of the companies inquired recognize BSC more as a strategic management tool than a performance valuation system, the results show that there is still a reduced and recent utilization of BSC in Portugal. Similarly to other countries Portugal is still in the initial state of BSC utilization. Our work has shown that the companies that use more BSC belong mainly to the secondary sector of industry. Nevertheless, unlike other studies, we did not get empirical evidence on the influence of variables such as geographical localization, dimension and internationalization, in the use and knowledge of BSC in Portugal.


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Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is recognized, both in the academic and business world, as one of the most powerful strategic management accounting tools. Thus, we launched in October 2004 a questionnaire survey applied to the 250 largest Portuguese companies aiming at observing the knowledge, use, and companies’ characteristics which are adopting this management instrument. Despite the majority of the companies inquired recognize BSC more as a strategic management tool than a performance valuation system, the results show that there is still a reduced and recent utilization of BSC in Portugal. Similarly to other countries Portugal is still in the initial state of BSC utilization. Our work has shown that the companies that use more BSC belong mainly to the secondary sector of industry. Nevertheless, unlike other studies, we did not get empirical evidence on the influence of variables such as geographical localization, dimension and internationalization, in the use and knowledge of BSC in Portugal.


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The aim of this paper was to estimate the return on investment in QMS (quality management systems) certification undertaken in Portuguese firms, according to the ISO 9000 series. A total of 426 certified Portuguese firms were surveyed. The response rate was 61.03 percent. The different payback periods were validated through statistical analysis and the relationship between expected and perceived payback periods was discussed. This study suggests that a firm’s sector of activity, size and degree of internationalization are related to the length of the investment in QMS certification recovery period. Furthermore, our findings suggest, that the time taken to obtain the certification is not directly related to the economic component of the certification. The majority of Portuguese firms (58.9%) took up to three years to recoup their investment and 35.5% of companies said they had not yet recovered the initial investment made. The recoup of investment was measured by the increase in the number of customers and consequent volume of deliveries, improved profitability and productivity of the company, improvement of competitive position and performance (cost savings), reduction in the number of external complaints and internal defects/scrap, achievement of some important clientele, among others. We compared our work to similar studies undertaken in other countries. This paper provides a contribution to the research related to the return on investment for costs related to the certification QMS according to ISO 9000. This paper provides a valuable contribution to the field and is one of the first studies to undertake this type of analysis in Portugal.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyse, firstly, to what extent intangible assets in the consolidated accounts of seven Portuguese banks and seven Spanish banks between 2006 and 2009 are disclosed and, secondly, to analyse what the most influential factors are in the above mentioned disclosure. In order to do this, before reviewing the existing literature and on the basis of other studies on this topic, a disclosure index has been created based on the requirements related to the intangible assets as stated in IAS 38. Then, two statistical analyses have been made: a univariate one for each of the explanatory variables and a multivariate one, in which all variables have been analysed. Both analyses led to the conclusion that the disclosure index of intangible assets is 0.96, where the bank dimension and the internationalization degree are the variables that are considered explanatory of the variation of the disclosure index in the regression analysis.


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The purpose of this paper is to analyze relationship patterns between headquarters and subsidiaries of Brazilian Multinationals Enterprises (BrMNEs). The key construct for that investigation is Subsidiary Initiative, which comprises Subsidiary Entrepreneurial Orientation, Autonomy, Integration, Local Competitive Context and Business Network. A survey was carried out in a sample of 65 subsidiaries of 29 BrMNEs. The main outcome is that subsidiaries are highly integrated and receive Entrepreneurial Orientation from Headquarters (HQs), but Initiative is limited. Actually, the main determinants of subsidiary's initiatives are Local Context and Business Networking in the host country. This apparent paradox may be explained by what we call 'rebellious subsidiaries', which take initiatives based on their business environment and connections, regardless of their HQs' directions or delegation of autonomy.


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O presente estudo tem por objectivo analisar o papel desempenhado pelo Brasil no processo de internacionalização das empresas portuguesas e, consequentemente, da economia nacional, com recurso preferencial ao Investimento Directo Estrangeiro no desenvolvimento desse processo, analisado não só na vertente económica, evidenciando a sua contribuição para a modernização e o aumento de competitividade da economia portuguesa, num mundo globalizado, mas também da sua relevância na criação de uma nova imagem dos portugueses e das empresas nacionais, no Brasil, e no aumento da importância política de Portugal na América Latina, em resultado desse continuado esforço de internacionalização. Para atingir o objectivo proposto, o Trabalho procura abordar o tema do Investimento Directo Português no Brasil (IDPB) seguindo um caminho inverso do habitualmente utilizado, ou seja, a partir dos protagonistas – os investidores – obter um conhecimento mais profundo dessa realidade e, com base nesse conhecimento, concluir para a teoria. A metodologia de trabalho adoptada consistiu na realização de um survey, que permitiu identificar 110 empresas de capitais portugueses, investidoras em 24 sectores da actividade económica brasileira, e no estudo de cinco casos paradigmáticos, seleccionados a partir dessas empresas (estudo de caso, multi-casos). Os resultados obtidos permitem concluir ser o Brasil importante para o processo de internacionalização das empresas portuguesas, particularmente desde a segunda metade dos anos 90, dado tratar-se de um mercado de elevado potencial e em crescimento e dada a existência de factores sócio-culturais de grande importância para as empresas investidoras portuguesas, e considerar a relevância assumida pelo IDPB não apenas como um fenómeno histórico, meramente conjuntural, mas sim como um fenómeno cuja importância se prolonga na actualidade, com perspectivas realistas de futuro. Uma adequada pesquisa documental, complementada pela realização de entrevistas, e a correspondente análise crítica dos resultados permitem ainda identificar quais os principais desafios que se colocam aos investidores portugueses no Brasil, para terem sucesso nos seus empreendimentos, no futuro, e concluir pela relevância do IDPB na criação de uma nova imagem dos portugueses e das empresas nacionais, no Brasil, e no aumento da importância política de Portugal na América Latina, em resultado desse continuado esforço de internacionalização.


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RESUMO: Considerando a identidade como um processo dinâmico de interacção social, afastando-nos da ideia de identidades pré-estabelecidas, ancoradas numa visão essencialista e, aproximando-nos de uma identidade profissional que se constrói através de sucessivas interacções, procurámos conhecer a identidade profissional do docente de enfermagem. Convictos de que o estudo da identidade pode oscilar entre um pólo individual e um estrutural, optámos pela dimensão biográfica como eixo estruturante deste trabalho. Efectuaram-se oito biografias a docentes integrados no conceito de perito com uma profissionalidade reflectida. Utilizámos ainda o focus group como método complementar. Constatámos que os actores deste estudo se sentem enfermeiros, embora a sua área de actuação seja a docência. Destacam a integração do ensino de enfermagem no ensino superior como determinante na mudança da sua representação social. Todos estes docentes se incluem nos grupos que apresentam um estatuto da identidade realizado ou outorgado. Das competências que devem estar presentes no docente de enfermagem, salientam-se a comunicação, actualização científica e relação, capazes de promover um ambiente que propicie as aprendizagens significativas, de internacionalização, de investigação, como um modelo de conduta a seguir, que participe na vida da organização e seja capaz de motivar o outro, mas sobretudo que seja um bom enfermeiro. ABSTRACT: Considering identity as a social dynamic integration process, departing from the concept of pre-established identities anchored in an essentialist vision, and approaching a professional identity built trough successive interaction, we aimed to know the professional identity of the nursing teacher. Believing that the identity study may oscillate between an individual and a structural pole, we have chosen the biographic dimension as the structural axis for this assignment. Eight biographies from teachers integrated in the expert with a reflective professional identity have been made. We have also used the focus group as a complementary method. We have seen that the actors of this study feel themselves as nurses although their working area is teaching. They point out the higher teaching of Nursing as a determinant in the change of their social representation. All of these teachers are included in the groups that present an identity status that has been fulfilled or attributed. From the skills that should be present in the nursing teacher, communication, scientific knowledge and relationship are indicated when these are able to provide significant learning, internationalization and research as a behaviour model to be followed regarding the life of the organization and that might incentive others, but above as a way to be a good nurse.


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Relatório de estágio realizado por: Tiago André Nogueira da Cruz Trabalho orientado pela Mestre Célia Sousa


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização


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Globalisation has eliminated frontiers and in the case of Europe helped the crossing of borders and changed forever the concept of social (and I would also say individual) geography: the rest of the world is out there; we can pretend not to see it, but we cannot avoid it. Moreover, Europe is undergoing a serious crisis, also economic, and new markets and business partners are welcome. In this context, cultural bonds like a common language can open new investment paths and give rise to successful stories. In this paper we intend to present an example of how low linguistic distance can lead to good business, even if a) in the internationalization process of the companies’ language is often forgotten as a management element and b) consumers of language products (like User Guides) are also not stimulating investment in language by the companies. Through the results of 2 studies carried out in 2010 and 2011 we will show how a pluricentric language like Portuguese is managed in multinational companies (MC) and Small and medium Enterprises (SMEs). The second study is based on an online survey questioning the effectiveness, efficiency and general quality of User Guides and the reaction of consumers to language. Results show that although playing a role in the internationalization process of companies in the same linguistic space, language is opportunistically used. On the other hand, Portuguese and Brazilian consumers show a very functional perception of the Portuguese language...


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientada por Prof. Doutor José Freitas Santos


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientada por Professor Doutor José Freitas Santos


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão das Organizações, Ramo de Gestão de Empresas Orientador: Professor Doutor Orlando Manuel Martins Marques de Lima Rua


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Finanças Empresariais