392 resultados para flavour


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Sherry wine has characteristic taste and aroma, different from other wine-based alcoholic beverages. This paper reports a study of the non-volatile, low-molecular weight compounds found in sherry and related alcoholic beverages that may contribute to taste. Compounds analysed included free amino acids, organic acids, sugars and small peptides (linear and cyclic). A series of seven diketopiperazines (cyclic dipeptides) namely, cyclo(Leu-Leu), cyclo(Pro-Leu), cyclo(Pro-Ile), cyclo(Pro-Met), cyclo( Pro-Val), cyclo(Pro-Pro) and cyclo(Val-Ala) were identified for the first time in sherry. Although traces were found in some other alcoholic beverages, levels were low compared with sherry. The base wine used in the sherry production had only traces of diketopiperazines, indicating that the casking stage of sherry production might be responsible for their formation.


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Strategies proposed for reducing the formation of the suspected carcinogen acrylamide in cooked foods often rely on a reduction in the extent of the Maillard reaction, in which acrylamide is formed from the reaction between asparagine and reducing sugars. However, the Maillard reaction also provides desirable sensory attributes of cooked foods. Mitigation procedures that modify the Maillard reaction may negatively affect flavour and colour. The use of asparaginase to convert asparagine to aspartic acid may provide a means to reduce acrylamide formation, while maintaining sensory quality. This review collates research on the use of enzymes, asparaginase in particular, to mitigate acrylamide formation. Asparaginase is a powerful tool for the food industry and it is likely that its use will increase. However, the potential adverse effects of asparaginase treatment on sensory properties of cooked foods and the need to achieve sufficient enzyme–substrate contact remain areas for future research.


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This degree project was made in cooperation with AssiDomän Frövi and Charlotte Andersson and the main objectivehas been to create to ice cream pacbges from 250 gsm Frövi Light board. The paekages are intended to be easilyresealable while decreasing in size together with the ice cream. The project also describes the food packaging labelsand symbols currently present in the European common market.Both capsules utilize a separate lid for resealing. One of the paekages (Capsuie A) is indended to be cut along withthe ice cream and thereby decrease in size. The other one (Capsuie B) uses a series of flaps for contracting and expandingwhich enab1es adjusting of the size without cutting the package up.The design for Capsuie A is created both as a series of flavours with a super-hero theme intended for children andwith a colfee flavour for a maturer audience. For Capsule B, a design was created for a sorbet.


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The Disability Adjusted Life Year (DALY) is a widely used summary measure of population health combining years of life lost due to mortality and years of healthy life lost due to disability. A feature of the DALY is that, in the assessment of morbidity, each health condition is associated with a disability weight. The disability weight lies on a scale between 0 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to full health) and 1 (indicating the health condition is equivalent to death). The disability weight associated with each health condition is currently fixed across all social, cultural and environmental contexts. Thus blindness in the United Kingdom has the same disability weight as blindness in Niger in spite of structural interventions in the UK that make the disability less severe than in Niger. Although the fixed disability weight is defended on grounds that it supports a strongly egalitarian flavour in the DALY, we argue that the lack of consideration of realistic contexts results in a measure that will underestimate the burden associated with morbidity in disadvantaged populations and overestimate the burden in advantaged populations. There is, consequently, a loss of information on possible non-clinical points of intervention. Disaggregated estimates of the burden of disease such as those in the World Health Report 2000 should be interpreted with caution.


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The present study examined whether replacing fat with inulin or lupin-kernel fibre influenced palatability, perceptions of satiety, and food intake in thirty-three healthy men (mean age 52 years, BMI 27·4 kg/m2), using a within-subject design. On separate occasions, after fasting overnight, the participants consumed a breakfast consisting primarily of either a full-fat sausage patty (FFP) or a reduced-fat patty containing inulin (INP) or lupin-kernel fibre (LKP). Breakfast variants were alike in mass, protein and carbohydrate content; however the INP and LKP breakfasts were 36 and 37 % lower in fat and 15 and 17 % lower in energy density respectively compared with the FFP breakfast. The participants rated their satiety before breakfast then evaluated patty acceptability. Satiety was rated immediately after consuming the breakfast, then over the subsequent 4·5 h whilst fasting. Food consumed until the end of the following day was recorded. All patties were rated above ‘neither acceptable or unacceptable’, however the INP rated lower for general acceptability (P=0·039) and the LKP lower for flavour (P=0·023) than the FFP. The LKP breakfast rated more satiating than the INP (P=0·010) and FFP (P=0·016) breakfasts. Total fat intake was 18 g lower on the day of the INP (P=0·035) and 26 g lower on the day of the LKP breakfast (P=0·013) than the FFP breakfast day. Energy intake was lower (1521 kJ) only on the day of the INP breakfast (P=0·039). Both inulin and lupin-kernel fibre appear to have potential as fat replacers in meat products and for reducing fat and energy intake in men.


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The study investigated the physical, nutritional and sensory properties of different ripening stages of banana during extrusion processing in combination with rice flour to develop quality snack products. Dehydrated banana flours at ripening stages 4, 5 and 6 (peel colour) were mixed separately at 40% banana to 60% rice flour levels. The mixtures were extruded through a twin-screw extruder at 120 °C barrel temperature, 220 and 260 r.p.m, screw speed and 12% feed moisture. Increase in ripeness indicated negative effect on expansion and water absorption capacity while increasing the water solubility index and moisture retention (wet basis) of the products. Protein and mineral (except for zinc and copper) content of the products were significantly different (P < 0.05) from 4 to 6 of the ripening stages. Most of the essential amino acids in the extruded products increased significantly (P < 0.05) at the ripening stage of 6. All the products were within the acceptable range in the 9-point Hedonic scale showing the best texture and flavour scores for stage 4 and 6, respectively. The extruded products show potential as snack products because of their nutritional quality and sensory acceptability.


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The effects of dietary manipulation of muscle long-chain omega-3 fatty acids (FA) on sensory properties of cooked meat in second cross ([Merino×Border Leicester]×Poll Dorset) wether lambs were evaluated. Lambs fed dietary supplements of fish meal (FM, Exp. 1) and fish oil (FO, Exp. 2) showed moderately (P<0.01) and markedly (P<0.001) increased muscle long-chain omega-3 FA content compared with those fed the basal diet of lucerne chaff and oat chaff. Protected canola seed (PCS, Exp. 1) significantly (P<0.001) increased omega-6 FA content of the longissimus muscle. In each of the 2 experiments (1 and 2), after being fed experimental diets for 6 weeks lambs were slaughtered at a commercial abattoir. At 24 h post-mortem (PM) the semitendinosus and biceps femoris muscles were removed from animals and stored at −20°C until evaluation of sensory properties using experienced panel members. The muscle samples were stored for 3 (Exp. 1) and 12 (Exp. 2) months then removed, thawed and cooked for sensory evaluation. The meat samples were cooked under standardized conditions in a convection microwave at 180°C (20–25 min) to an internal temperature of 75°C. Cooked samples were tested for flavour, aroma, juiciness and overall palatability. The significant increase in muscle long-chain omega-3 with FM (Exp. 1 and 2) and FO (Exp. 2) or omega-6 FA with PCS (Exp. 1) were not detrimental to sensory panel evaluations of flavour or aroma of cooked meat when compared with the basal diet. However, meat from FM (Exp. 1) had lower juiciness and FO (Exp. 2) had lower overall palatability. Protected sunflower meal protein with FO (Exp. 2) significantly lowered ratings for flavour, juiciness and overall palatability. Lamb meat with increased levels of long-chain omega-3 FA can be produced without altering the sensory quality (flavour or aroma) of the cooked meat.


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Lawulu fruit (Crysophylum roxberghi GDon) possess nutritional, medicinal and functional properties. However, it is less consumed due to its  characteristic off flavour. The present study was carried out to investigate the potential of utilizing lawulu fruit for isolation of pectin and to develop jam and fruit leather. Products were evaluated based on physico-chemical and sensory properties.

Pectin isolated fromf irm ripe lawuluf ruit using 0.1 M hydrochloric acid  followed by 96% ethanol precipitation yielded 7. 3% pectin on wet weight basis and 26.1% on dry weight basis. The isolated pectin contained 0.74% ash, 0.02% acetyl content and 7.85% methoxyl content with equivalent weight 993.5. These values were comparable with commercial high methoxyl pectin. In addition, Iawulu pectin at 1.5% concentration formed a gel within 12-14 min in the presence of 68% sucrose and 0.5% citric acid.

Jam was prepared by using Iawulu-pineapple ratio as 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1 respectively. The gel strength of jam (650 Brix and pH 3.1) at 0.35% commercial high methoxyl pectin was comparable with commercial mixed fruit jam. Sensory evaluation indicated a significant preference (p<.05) for jam containing lawulu-pineapple ratio of 1:2 and 1.1 respectively overthe ratio of 2:1. With increased lawulu percentage both yellowness and lightness of jam increased significantly (p<0.05).

Fruit leather was prepared by changing lawulu-pineapple ratio as 1:2, 1:1 and 2:1 respectively with 20% sucrose, 0.3% citric acid, 0.05% pectin and 100 ppm potassium metabisulphite followed by drying at 65±10C for 12-14 h. Sensory evaluation data revealed that changes in lawulu-pineapple ratio had no significant effect on taste, texture and overall quality of fruit leather.   However, significant preference (p<0.05) for colour was observed with increasing lawulu percentage. Both yellowness (b' value) and lightness (L'value) of fruit leather were sign[icantly increased (p<0.05) with increasing lawulu percentage.


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A period of purging before harvesting is common practice in intensive aquaculture to eliminate any possible off flavours from the fish. The present study was conducted to evaluate the biometrical, nutritional and sensory changes in intensively farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) after 0, 2 and 4 weeks of purging. After the main biometric parameters were recorded, fish were analysed for proximate, fatty acid composition and flavour volatile compounds. A consumer preference test (triangle test) was also conducted to identify sensorial differences that may affect the consumer acceptability of the product.

Fish purged for 2 and 4 weeks had a significant weight loss of 4.1% and 9.1%, respectively, compared to unpurged fish, whilst perivisceral fat content did not change. The concentration of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and highly unsaturated (HUFA) fatty acids were not significantly affected by purging time, while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), n − 3 and n − 3 HUFA were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in purged fish compared to unpurged fish. Consumers were able to detect differences between the purged and unpurged fish (P < 0.05) preferring the taste of the purged fish. However, consumers were unable to distinguish between fish purged for 2 and 4 weeks.

This study showed that a 2 weeks purging period was necessary and sufficient to ameliorate the final organoleptic quality of farmed Murray cod. With such a strategy the nutritional qualities of edible flesh are improved while the unavoidable body weight loss is limited.


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Background – Chickpea and fenugreek are both legumes that confer several nutritional and functional virtues, especially to diabetes and associated metabolic syndrome conditions. They are high in protein and fibre, low in fat and prove to be low glycaemic. They also provide a gluten-free alternative to those suffering from celiac disease. Though these seeds are locally available, hardly any products appear on the supermarket shelves.
Objectives – The aim was to utilise the health and nutritional benefits of chickpea and fenugreek and develop acceptable snack products by extrusion technology.
Design – Preliminary trials were conducted with different proportions of rice and chickpea at a range of extruder conditions to optimise the raw material and processing conditions. Studies were then conducted at optimum processing conditions using a 7:3 chickpea and rice combination replacing with 2% fenugreek or 5, 10, 15 and 20% FenuLifeÒ (deodorized fenugreek powder). Products were evaluated for their physical (expansion, crunchiness and colour) and sensory ( texture, colour, flavour and overall acceptability) characteristics in order to identify their suitability as snack products.
Outcomes – Addition of chickpea up to 70% with rice showed increased expansion and stable product characteristics. Addition of fenugreek and FenuLifeÒ, indicated slight reduction in product expansion (radial) and crunchiness. However, the product made with 20% FenuLifeÒ had significant changes in expansion, crunchiness and colour values. The median scores of sensory evaluation indicated that all products were within the acceptable range. Inclusion of fenugreek showed lower ratings for flavour due to the strong bitter taste of fenugreek. There were no significant differences between products containing FenuLifeÒ (5-15%) in their colour, flavour, texture and overall quality.
Conclusion – This study demonstrates an opportunity for using chickpea and fenugreek in functional product development. Fenugreek in the form of deodorize powder (fenulifeÒ) could be incorporated up to 15% in a mixture of chickpea and rice to develop snack products of acceptable physical and sensory properties.


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The present study was conducted to characterize caviar obtained from farmed white sturgeons (Acipenser transmontanus) subjected to different dietary treatments. Twenty caviar samples from fish fed two experimental diets containing different dietary lipid sources have been analysed for chemical composition, fatty acids and flavour volatile compounds. Fatty acid make up of caviar was only minimally influenced by dietary fatty acid composition. Irrespective of dietary treatments, palmitic acid (16:0) and oleic acid (OA, 18:1 n-9) were the most abundant fatty acid followed by docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6 n-3) and eicopentaenoic (EPA, 20:5 n-3).

Thirty-three volatile compounds were isolated using simultaneous distillation–extraction (SDE) and identified by GC–MS. The largest group of volatiles were represented by aldehydes with 20 compounds, representing the 60% of the total volatiles. n-Alkanals, 2-alkenals and 2,4-alkadienals are largely the main responsible for a wide range of flavours in caviar from farmed white surgeon


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A period of purging before harvesting is common practice in intensive aquaculture to eliminate any possible off flavours from the fish. The present study was conducted to evaluate the biometrical, nutritional and sensory changes in intensively farmed Murray cod (Maccullochella peelii peelii) after 0, 2 and 4 weeks of purging. After the main biometric parameters were recorded, fish were analysed for proximate, fatty acid composition and flavour volatile compounds. A consumer preference test (triangle test) was also conducted to identify sensorial differences that may affect the consumer acceptability of the product.

Fish purged for 2 and 4 weeks had a significant weight loss of 4.1% and 9.1%, respectively, compared to unpurged fish, whilst perivisceral fat content did not change. The concentration of saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and highly unsaturated (HUFA) fatty acids were not significantly affected by purging time, while polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), n − 3 and n − 3 HUFA were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in purged fish compared to unpurged fish. Consumers were able to detect differences between the purged and unpurged fish (P < 0.05) preferring the taste of the purged fish. However, consumers were unable to distinguish between fish purged for 2 and 4 weeks.

This study showed that a 2 weeks purging period was necessary and sufficient to ameliorate the final organoleptic quality of farmed Murray cod. With such a strategy the nutritional qualities of edible flesh are improved while the unavoidable body weight loss is limited.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effects of starvation and water quality during the purging process on the biometric parameters, fatty acids, and flavor volatiles of Murray cod farmed in a recirculation system. Market size Murray cod, at the end of the grow-out stage, were divided into eight treatments. The treatments were either fed/starved (F or S) and kept in clean water (CW: CWF2, CWS2, CWF4, and CWS4) or fed/starved and kept in recycled water (RW: RWF2, RWS2, RWF4, and RWS4) for either 2 or 4 weeks. Fish were sampled at 0, 2, and 4 week intervals. Food deprivation was responsible for a significant (P < 0.05) weight loss compared to that of fed treatments. The same was observed for the condition factor (K), hepatosomatic index (HSI), and dress-out percentage (DP). No significant changes were, however, observed in the visceral fat index (VFI). Saturated fatty acids (SFA) were highest in RWF4 and lowest in CWS4 (P < 0.05), while monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) were lowest in CWF4 (P < 0.05). Starvation did not affect the flavor volatile compounds, which were mainly affected by changes in water quality. Specifically, total aldehyde (% w/w) content was significantly (P < 0.05) affected by water quality, but the time of purging was not responsible for any noteworthy differences. This study was able to separate the effects of starvation and water quality, in the purging process, on the final eating quality of farmed market size Murray cod. It is concluded that because of the inevitable weight loss during starvation, Murray cod should be fed during the purging stage but kept in clean water and deprived of food only for the time necessary to empty the gastro-intestinal tract.


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Caffeine is the worlds most consumed psychoactive chemical and as such is a valuable commodity to the food and beverage industry. Caffeine also activates the bitter taste system causing a potential problem for manufacturers wanting to develop products containing caffeine. In the present study both oral peripheral and central cognitive strategies were used in an attempt to suppress the bitterness of caffeine. Subjects (n = 33) assessed the influence of sodium gluconate (100 mM), zinc lactate (5 mM), sucrose (125 mM and 250 mM), milk (0%, 2% and 4% milk fat), and aromas (coffee, chocolate, mocha) on the bitterness of caffeine (1.5, 3 and 4.5 mM). The oral peripheral strategies proved most effective at suppressing the bitterness of caffeine: zinc lactate (−71%, p < 0.05), non-fat milk (−49%, p < 0.05), and sodium gluconate (−31%). Central cognitive strategies were partially effective: 250 mM sucrose (−47%, p < 0.05) and mocha aroma (−10%) decreased bitterness, while chocolate (+32%) and coffee (+17%) aromas increased perceived bitterness. Overall, zinc lactate was the most effective bitterness inhibitor, however the utility of zinc in foods is negated by its ability to inhibit sweetness.


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Background and objectives The digestion rate of proteins and subsequent absorption of amino acids can independently modulate protein metabolism. The objective of the present study was to examine the blood amino acid response to whey protein isolate (WPI), β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, hydrolysed WPI and a flavour-identical control.

Methods Eight healthy adults (four female, four male) were recruited (mean±standard error of the mean: age, 27.0±0.76 years; body mass index, 23.2±0.8 kg/cm2) and after an overnight fast consumed 500 ml of each drink, each containing 25g protein, in a cross-over design. Blood was taken at rest and then every 15 min for 2 h post ingestion.

Results Ingesting the β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI drink resulted in significantly greater plasma leucine concentrations at 45-120 min and significantly greater branched-chain amino acid concentrations at 60-105 min post ingestion compared with hydrolysed WPI. No differences were observed between WPI and β-lactoglobulin-enriched WPI, and all protein drinks resulted in elevated blood amino acids compared with flavour-identical control.

Conclusions In conclusion, whole proteins resulted in a more rapid absorption of leucine and branched-chain amino acid into the blood compared with the hydrolysed molecular form of whey protein.