993 resultados para external communication


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Toxic (Gobiodon spp.) and non-toxic (Paragobiodon xanthosomus) gobies became infected with external parasites (gnathiid isopods) at equal rates in a laboratory experiment. Parasites were evenly distributed over the body of P. xanthosomus but were mostly confined to the fins of Gobiodon spp., where toxin glands are less abundant. Skin toxins were not associated with the rate of infection but their distribution did appear to influence the site of parasite attachment. (C) 2003 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.


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In an overview of some of the central issues concerning the impact and effects of new technology in adolescence, this article questions the reality of the net generation before considering the interplay of new and old technologies, the internet as both communication and lifestyle resource, and newer technologies like text messaging and webcams.


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Examples of recent research into adolescent risk behaviors from a variety of disciplines and methodologies, denoting the range of researchers interested in this area and whose interest in communication and language articulates and exemplifies the extent of the field, are surveyed in this article.


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Many older adults with hearing impairment continue to have substantial communication difficulties after being fitted with hearing aids, and many do not choose to wear hearing aids. Two group communication education programs aimed at such older people are described. The 'Keep on Talking' program has a health promotion focus, and is aimed at maintaining communication for older adults living in the community. An experimental group (n=120) attended the program, and a control group (n=130) received a communication assessment but no intervention. Significant improvements were found in the experimental participants in terms of knowledge about communication changes with age and about strategies to maintain communication skills. At the follow-up evaluation at 1 year, 45% of the experimental group, compared to 10% of the control group, had acted to improve their communication skills. The 'Active Communication Education' program focuses on the development of problem-solving strategies to improve communication in everyday life situations. Preliminary outcomes have been assessed on a small scale (n=14) to date. It is concluded that communication programs represent an important adjunct to, or supplement for, the traditional approach that focuses on hearing aid fitting.


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Patterns of vocal rehabilitation for 37 pharyngolaryngectomy patients and 55 total laryngectomy patients over a 5-year period were compared. An electrolarynx (EL) was introduced as the initial communication mode immediately after surgery for 98% of patients, with 30% of pharyngolaryngectomy and 74% of laryngectomy patients subsequently developing tracheoesophageal speech (TES) as their primary mode of communication. Follow-up with 14 of 37 pharyngolaryngectomy patients and 36 of 55 laryngectomy patients was conducted 1-6 years following surgery and revealed that 90% of the pharyngolaryngectomy patients maintained the use of TES in the long term compared to 69% of the laryngectomy group. Long-term outcomes relating to communication disability and handicap did not differ significantly between the two surgical groups, however the laryngectomy patients had significantly higher levels of wellbeing. Across the whole group of patients, statistical comparison revealed that patients using TES had significantly lower levels of disability, handicap and distress than EL users. Considering that lower levels of disability, handicap and distress are associated with TES, and the data supports that suitably selected patients can maintain functional TES in the long term, increased application of this form of communication rehabilitation should be encouraged where viable for the pharyngolaryngectomy population. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Background: Increasingly there is a call from clinicians and researchers for measures that document the impact of aphasia on a person's everyday communication. Do existing assessments of communication disability adequately sample communication activities relevant to our clients? Communication skills and networks change with age. A need exists to determine the everyday communication activities of older people and in particular those with aphasia. Aims: The primary aim of this study was to describe and compare the everyday communication activities of older people with aphasia and healthy older people who are living in the community. A secondary aim was to investigate the content validity of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Functional Assessment of Communication Skills for Adults (ASHA FACS, 1997) for older Australians. Methods & Procedures: Naturalistic observation was the method of choice for detailing the everyday communication of 15 older people with chronic aphasia following stroke and a matched group of 15 healthy older people who were living in the community. Researchers, in the role of participant observer, took field notes for 8 hours, over three occasions within a week. A total of 240 hours of observation have been coded in terms of communication activity, topic, communication partners, and place of communication. A brief 5-day diary served to check the representativeness of the observational data. After each hour of observation, the researcher checked which ASHA FACS items had been observed. Outcomes & Results: Naturalistic observation provided a rich, rigorous, and systematic methodology for detailing the dynamics and complexities of authentic communication. The most common communication activities for both groups were conversations at home and in social groups. Real-life communication was revealed to serve the dual purposes of transaction and interaction. Results indicate that older people with aphasia engage in similar communication activities to healthy older people although differences were evident in the frequency of communication and in specific activities such as story telling, writing, commenting, and acknowledging. ASHA FACS items were generally relevant to older Australians living in the community. Conclusions: This study demonstrated that communication activity is multifaceted in terms of the type of communication and contextual factors. The observational data describe the effects of aphasia on a person's everyday communication activity and reveal the impact of aphasia on the social functions of communication including sharing information, maintaining and establishing relationships, and telling one's story. Functional communication assessment requires a greater focus on the interactional and uniquely interpersonal aspects of social communication.


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The integrated control of nitrate recirculation and external carbon addition in a predenitrification biological wastewater treatment system is studied. The proposed control structure consists of four feedback control loops, which manipulate the nitrate recirculation and the carbon dosage flows in a highly coordinated manner such that the consumption of external carbon is minimised while the nitrate discharge limits (based on both grab and composite samples) are met. The control system requires the measurement of the nitrate concentrations at the end of both the anoxic and the aerobic zones. Distinct from ordinary control systems, which typically minimise the variation in the controlled variables, the proposed control system essentially maximises the diurnal variation of the effluent nitrate concentration and through this maximises the use of influent COD for denitrification, thus minimising the requirement for external carbon source. Simulation studies using a commonly accepted simulation benchmark show that the controlled system consistently achieves the designated effluent quality with minimum costs.


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Sob o ponto de vista constitucional os controles interno e externo somam-se a fim de promover responsabiliza????o permanente dos gestores p??blicos em torno dos princ??pios constitucionais da administra????o p??blica: legalidade, impessoalidade, moralidade, publicidade e efici??ncia. Neste artigo a argumenta????o segue no sentido de incrementar as discuss??es acerca da import??ncia de que em todos os n??veis da administra????o p??blica e nos tr??s poderes ??? Legislativo, Executivo e Judici??rio ??? seja implantada a auditoria interna, como unidade respons??vel pela an??lise do sistema de controle interno e a interlocu????o com o controle externo. Embora a administra????o p??blica no Brasil ainda se estruture hibridamente sob o sistema burocr??tico e o sistema gerencial, o fato ?? que os administradores p??blicos possuem na auditoria interna importante mecanismo gerencial que, como regra, contribui para detectar e propor a corre????o dos desperd??cios e procedimentos equivocados, principalmente antecipando-se a essas ocorr??ncias. Neste artigo, ?? apresentado ainda o exemplo da cria????o da auditoria interna no Instituto de Pesos e Medidas do Estado de S??o Paulo (Ipem-SP), sua interlocu????o com o Controle Externo e os resultados no ??mbito da autarquia.


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Este estudo aborda o tema orçamento como ferramenta de controle gerencial em uma Instituição Federal de Ensino Superior (IFES), cujo objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar, descrever e analisar os fatores que inibem a institucionalização do orçamento como ferramenta de controle gerencial em uma IFES. A questão de pesquisa é quais os fatores que inibem a institucionalização do orçamento como ferramenta de controle gerencial em uma IFES? Desta forma, a compreensão do problema norteou a opção por um estudo de caso, com uma abordagem qualitativa, com objetivos descritivo e exploratório, utilizando como procedimentos técnicos de coleta de dados a observação não participante, entrevista semi estruturada e analise documental. O levantamento dos dados deu-se nos meses de dezembro de 2013 a março de 2014. Como técnica de análise de dados foi utilizada a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin (1977, 2004) desenvolvida nos meses abril a junho de 2014. A pesquisa teve como referenciais teóricos, a literatura de Orçamento com trabalhos de Frezatti et al., (2008) e Covaleski et al., (2003) e a Teoria Institucional com a contribuição de trabalhos de autores como Burns e Scapens (2000) e Dimaggio e Powell, (1983, 2007). Entretanto, cabe destacar que a literatura principal utilizada foi a de Frezatti et al., (2011) onde foram analisadas oito categorias impactantes ao processo orçamentário. Na análise dos dados, foi analisado o processo orçamentário nos planos teórico e real, foi verificado os estágios de institucionalização das etapas e funções do processo orçamentário e foi observado oito categorias de análise com 27 fatores impactantes a institucionalização do orçamento. Como conclusão, foi verificado 16 fatores inibidores, tais como: Comunicação Top Down, Dados Históricos, Impessoalidade e que o orçamento na IFES ainda não foi institucionalizado como ferramenta de controle gerencial. É apenas um “critério cerimonial de valor” que estabiliza e legitima a gestão da universidade frente à comunidade acadêmica e aos órgãos de controle externo.


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Although Brazil has traditionally been characterized by a culture of inward-looking policy making, the presence of foreign firms in the Brazilian productive sector has always been significant. The share of foreign-owned firms is one of the highest that can be found among developing countries. This article discusses the main features of the external sector of the Brazilian economy, regarding trade flows, foreign investment, the internationalization of Brazilian entrepreneurial groups and the short-term financial requirements in foreign currencies


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The Museum Of All: Institutional Communication Practices in a Participatory Networked World


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Background: Surgical repair of pectus excavatum (PE) has become more popular due to improvements in the minimally invasive Nuss procedure. The pre-surgical assessment of PE patients requires Computerized Tomography (CT), as the malformation characteristics vary from patient to patient. Objective: This work aims to characterize soft tissue thickness (STT) external to the ribs among PE patients. It also presents a comparative analysis between the anterior chest wall surface before and after surgical correction. Methods: Through surrounding tissue segmentation in CT data, STT values were calculated at different lines along the thoracic wall, with a reference point in the intersection of coronal and median planes. The comparative analysis between the two 3D anterior chest surfaces sets a surgical correction influence area (SCIA) and a volume of interest (VOI) based on image processing algorithms, 3D surface algorithms, and registration methods. Results: There are always variations between left and right side STTs (2.54±2.05 mm and 2.95±2.97 mm for female and male patients, respectively). STTs are dependent on age, sex, and body mass index of each patient. On female patients, breast tissue induces additional errors in bar manual


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Several studies suggest that computer-mediated communication can lead to decreases in group effectiveness and reduce satisfaction levels in terms of trust and comfort of its users. Supported by an experiment, where the emotional or affective aspects of communication were tested with the experimentation of two architectures, Direct Communication Architecture (DCA) and the Virtual Communication Architecture (VCA) this paper validates the thesis that, from the users’ perspective, there is no opposition to the acceptance of virtual environments and interfaces for communication, and that these environments are able to cope with the reconfiguration dynamics requirements of virtual teams or client-server relations in a virtual enterprise operation.