962 resultados para electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS)


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ESI-MS was adopted to detect the difference of alkaloids compounds between root of Kusnezoffii Monkshood(RKM) and the compatibility of RKM and Fructus Chebulae(FC). Contrast to the diethyl ether extract of RKM, the relative abundance of diester-alkaloids decreased significantly when Fructus Chebulae was added, whereas it of lipo-alkaloids increased markedly. The results indicated that the acid components of Fructus Chebulae reduced the dissolvability of diester-alkaloids in diethyl ether


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The interaction of mitoxantrone (MXT) with duplex and triplex DNA, contain repeating sequence CTCT, CCTT and CTT were studied by electrospray ionization Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FTICR-MS). The 1:3 specific complexes of mitoxantrone and duplex DNA and 1:2 specific complexes of mitoxantrone and triplex DNA were observed. The results show that mitoxantrone has no remarkable sequence selectivity, however it has distinct structure selectivity, and destabilization the triplex.


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High performance liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(HPLC/ESI-MSn) was applied to analyze the chemical constituents from n-BuOH extract of Folium Isatidis.The data of retention time,UV spectra,molar masses and structural information on the compounds were obtained.Seventeen compounds are found in extract from n-BuOH.There are four nucleosides,two purines and eleven flavones.


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A high performance liquid chroatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometric method was developed for analysis and identification of ginsenosides from the decoction of ginseng, ginseng with trogopteroum feces and ginseng with semen raphani. Ten ginsenosides were separated and detected. The content variation of these ginsenosides was researched. The experimental results showed, that ginsenosides were less in compatible decoction than in separate one expect Ro. the stripping of ginsenosides were restrained by semen raphani and during combination of ginseng with trogopteroum feces, the precipitates were produced by ginsenosides.


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Sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS) is a powerful solubilizing detergent which is often used during the separation of highly complex protein mixtures by one- or two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) is a widely used technique for mass spectrometric analysis of some protein molecules compared to other techniques. But the presence of SDS or some salts usually leads to signal deterioration when using MALDI-MS. A method for using nitrocellulose membrane as the solid-phase carrier combined with n-octyl-beta-D-glucopyranoside in the matrix highly enhances the sensitivity of the molecular mass determination of lysozyme. This technique has the advantage that the signal-to-noise of the molecular weight profile is improved compared with the mass spectrum and the profile is relatively easy to interpret.


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The matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) spectra of four enzymes (PLA, AEase, Fibrolase, L-a.a. oxidase) in Agkistrodon blomhoffii Ussurensis venom, were given and interpreted. The experiment data showed that MALDI-TOF-MS can be used directly in enzyme analysis with high sensitivity and rapidity. In addition, the results were better than those from sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide.


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A quantitative analysis of the individual compounds in tobacco essential oils is performed by comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography (GC x GC) combined with flame ionization detector (FID). A time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF/MS) was coupled to GC x GC for the identification of the resolved peaks. The response of a flame ionization detector to different compound classes was calibrated using multiple internal standards. In total, 172 compounds were identified with good match and 61 compounds with high probability value were reliably quantified. For comparative purposes, the essential oil sample was also quantified by one-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) with multiple internal standards method. The results showed that there was close agreement between the two analysis methods when the peak purity and match quality in one-dimensional GC/MS are high enough. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The weakest step in the analytical procedure for speciation analysis is extraction from a biological material into an aqueous solution which undergoes HPLC separation and then simultaneous online detection by elemental and molecular mass spectrometry (ICP-MS/ES-MS). This paper describes a study to determine the speciation of arsenic and, in particular, the arsenite phytochelatin complexes in the root from an ornamental garden plant Thunbergia alata exposed to 1 mg As L(-1) as arsenate. The approach of formic acid extraction followed by HPLC-ES-MS/ICP-MS identified different As(III)-PC complexes in the extract of this plant and made their quantification via sulfur (m/z 32) and arsenic (m/z 75) possible. Although sulfur sensitivity could be significantly increased when xenon was used as collision gas in ICP-qMS, or when HR-ICP-MS was used in medium resolution, the As:S ratio gave misleading results in the identification of As(III)-PC complexes due to the relatively low resolution of the chromatography system in relation to the variety of As-peptides in plants. Hence only the parallel use of ES-MS/ICP-MS was able to prove the occurrence of such arsenite phytochelatin complexes. Between 55 and 64% of the arsenic was bound to the sulfur of peptides mainly as As(III)(PC(2))(2), As(III)(PC(3)) and As(III)(PC(4)). XANES (X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy) measurement, using the freshly exposed plant root directly, confirmed that most of the arsenic is trivalent and binds to S of peptides (53% As-S) while 38% occurred as arsenite and only 9% unchanged as arsenate. EXAFS data confirmed that As-S and As-O bonds occur in the plants. This study confirms, for the first time, that As-peptides can be extracted by formic acid and chromatographically separated on a reversed-phase column without significant decomposition or de-novo synthesis during the extraction step.


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Triclabendazole is the only anthelmintic drug, which is active against immature, mature and adult stages of fluke. The objective of this work was to develop an analytical method to quantify and confirm the presence of triclabendazole residues around the MRL. In this work, a new analytical method was developed, which extended dynamic range to 1–100 and 5–1000 g kg-1 for milk and tissue, respectively. This was achieved using a mobile phase containing trifluoroacetic acid (pKa of 0.3), which resulted in the formation of the protonated pseudomolecular ions, [M+H]+, of triclabendazole metabolites. Insufficient
ionisation of common mobile phase additives due to low pKa values (<2) was identified as the cause of poor linearity. The new mobile phase conditions allowed the analysis of triclabendazole residues in liver, muscle and milk encompassing their EU maximum residue levels (MRL) (250, 225 and 10 g kg-1 respectively). Triclabendazole residues were extracted using a modified QuEChERS method and analysed by positive electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry with all analytes eluted by 2.23 min. The method was validated at the MRL according to Commission Decision (CD) 2002/657/EC criteria. The decision limit (CC) of the method was in the range of 250.8–287.2, 2554.9–290.8 and 10.9–12.1 g kg-1 for liver, muscle and milk, respectively. The performance of the method was successfully verified for triclabendazole in muscle by participating in a proficiency study, the method was also applied to incurred liver, muscle and milk samples.


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Drug abuse is a widespread problem affecting both teenagers and adults. Nitrous oxide is becoming increasingly popular as an inhalation drug, causing harmful neurological and hematological effects. Some gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) methods for nitrous oxide measurement have been previously described. The main drawbacks of these methods include a lack of sensitivity for forensic applications; including an inability to quantitatively determine the concentration of gas present. The following study provides a validated method using HS-GC-MS which incorporates hydrogen sulfide as a suitable internal standard allowing the quantification of nitrous oxide. Upon analysis, sample and internal standard have similar retention times and are eluted quickly from the molecular sieve 5Å PLOT capillary column and the Porabond Q column therefore providing rapid data collection whilst preserving well defined peaks. After validation, the method has been applied to a real case of N2O intoxication indicating concentrations in a mono-intoxication.


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Les dernières décennies ont été marquées par une augmentation du nombre des cas de cancers, ce qui a subséquemment conduit à une augmentation dans la consommation des agents de chimiothérapie. La toxicité et le caractère cancérogène de ces molécules justifient l’intérêt crucial porté à leur égard. Quelques études ont fait l’objet de détection et de quantification des agents de chimiothérapie dans des matrices environnementales. Dans ce projet, une méthode utilisant la chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (LC-MS/MS) précédée d’une extraction sur phase solide (SPE) automatisée ou en ligne a été développée pour la détection et la quantification d’un groupe de six agents de chimiothérapie. Parmi ceux-ci figurent les plus utilisés au Québec (gemcitabine, méthotrexate, cyclophosphamide, ifosfamide, irinotécan, épirubicine) et présentant des propriétés physico-chimiques et des structures chimiques différentes. La méthode développée a été validée dans une matrice réelle représentant l’affluent d’une station d’épuration dans la région de Montréal. Deux des six composés cytotoxiques étudiés en l’occurrence (cyclophosphamide et méthotrexate) ont été détectés dans huit échantillons sur les neuf qui ont été recensés, essentiellement au niveau de l’affluent et l’effluent de quelques stations d’épuration de la région de Montréal. Les résultats des analyses effectuées sur les échantillons réels ont montré qu’il n’y avait pas de différence significative dans la concentration entre l’affluent et l’effluent, et donc que les systèmes d’épuration semblent inefficaces pour la dégradation de ces molécules.


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The hydrolysis reaction mechanism of phosphite antioxidants is investigated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS). The phosphites were chosen because they differed in chemical structure and phosphorus content. Dopant assisted-atmospheric pressure photoionization (DA-APPI) is chosen as the ion source for (lie ionization of the compounds. [it our previous work, DA-APPI was shown to offer an attractive alternative to atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) since it provided background-ion free mass spectra and higher sensitivity [M. Papanastasiou, et al., Polymer Degradation and Stability 91 (11) (2006) 2675-2682]. In positive ion mode, the molecules are generally detected in their protonated form. In negative ion mode, the phosphites are unstable and only fragment ions are observed: these however, are characteristic of each phosphite and may be used for the identification of the analytes in complex mixtures. The analytes under investigation are exposed to accelerated humid ageing conditions and their hydrolytic pathway and stability is investigated. Different substituents around the phosphorus atom are shown to have a significant effect on the stability of the phosphites, with phenol substituents producing very hydrolytically stable structures. Alkanox P24 and PEP-36 follow a similar hydrolytic pathway via the scission of the first and then the second P-O-phenol bonds, eventually leading to the formation of phenol, Phosphorous acid and pentaerythritol as end products. HP-10 exhibits a rather different Structure and the products detected suggest scission of either the P-O-hydrocarbon or one of the P-O-phenol bonds. A phenomenon similar to that of autocatalysis is observed for all phosphites and is attributed to the formation of dialkyl phosphites as intermediate products. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In order to investigate the chemical profile of 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. marine sponges, we have developed a method based on LC-PDA-MS for the detection of bromotyrosine-derived metabolites. The method enabled the dereplication of three distinct chemotypes of bromotyrosine-derived compounds based on UV absorptions, which were further refined by electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry analysis of the brominated quasi-molecular ion clusters. This procedure led to either a single compound assignment, or a maximum of two possible isobaric compounds. The dereplication study indicated that the chemical profile of the 14 specimens of Aplysina spp. analyzed presented practically the same dibromotyrosine-derived compounds. The results obtained suggested a possible biogenetic pathway for the formation of dibromotyrosine-derived compounds of wide occurrence in Verongida sponges.


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This paper investigates the occurrence and distribution of the lignan metabolites enterodiol (END) and enterolactone (ENL) and the isoflavone daidzein (DAID) in rat tissues by use of liquid chromatography−electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (LC−ESI/MSn) following a variety of dietary regimes. Furthermore, we examined the dose−response and distribution of END and ENL in liver, testes, prostate, and lung, and we investigated the effects of competition between lignans and isoflavones on metabolite distribution. In liver, testes, prostate, and lung tissue, dose-related increases in END concentration were observed. In the testes, coadministration of 60 mg/kg secoisolariciresinol diglycoside (SDG) with 60 mg/kg isoflavones produced alterations in the resulting metabolite profile, causing increased END concentration and decreased DAID concentration. Results indicate lignan accumulation in tissues occurs, and coadministration of lignans with isoflavones affects the metabolite profile, with effects dependent on tissue type.


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Primary and secondary amines, including amino acids, biogenic amines, hormones, neurotransmitters, and plant siderophores, are readily derivatized with 6-aminoquinolyl-N-hydroxysuccinimidyl carbamate using easily performed experimental methodology. Complex mixtures of these amine derivatives can be fractionated and quantified using liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC–ESI-MS). Upon collision induced dissociation (CID) in a quadrupole collision cell, all derivatized compounds lose the aminoquinoline tag. With the use of untargeted fragmentation scan functions, such as precursor ion scanning, the loss of the aminoquinoline tag (Amq) can be monitored to identify derivatized species; and the use of targeted fragmentation scans, such as multiple reaction monitoring, can be exploited to quantitate amine-containing molecules. Further, with the use of accurate mass, charge state, and retention time, identification of unknown amines is facilitated. The stability of derivatized amines was found to be variable with oxidatively labile derivatives rapidly degrading. With the inclusion of antioxidant and reducing agents, tris(2-carboxyethyl)-phosphine (TCEP) and ascorbic acid, into both extraction solvents and reaction buffers, degradation was significantly decreased, allowing reproducible identification and quantification of amine compounds in large sample sets.