957 resultados para economic model of disability
Self-incompatibility RNases (S-RNases) are an allelic series of style glycoproteins associated with rejection of self-pollen in solanaceous plants. The nucleotide sequences of S-RNase alleles from several genera have been determined, but the structure of the gene products has only been described for those from Nicotiana alata. We report on the N-glycan structures and the disulfide bonding of the S-3-RNase from wild tomato (Lycopersicon peruvianum) and use this and other information to construct a model of this molecule. The S-3-RNase has a single N-glycosylation site (Asn-28) to which one of three N-glycans is attached. S-3-RNase has seven Cys residues; six are involved in disulfide linkages (Cys-16-Cys-21, Cys-46-Cys-91, and Cys-166-Cys-177), and one has a free thiol group (Cys-150). The disulfide-bonding pattern is consistent with that observed in RNase Rh, a related RNase for which radiographic-crystallographic information is available. A molecular model of the S-3-RNase shows that four of the most variable regions of the S-RNases are clustered on one surface of the molecule. This is discussed in the context of recent experiments that set out to determine the regions of the S-RNase important for recognition during the self-incompatibility response.
An integrable eight-state supersymmetric U model is proposed, which is a fermion model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. It has a gl(3/1) supersymmetry and contains one symmetry-preserving free parameter. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. [S0163-1829(98)00616-X].
A general graded reflection equation algebra is proposed and the corresponding boundary quantum inverse scattering method is formulated. The formalism is applicable to all boundary lattice systems where an invertible R-matrix exists. As an application, the integrable open-boundary conditions for the q-deformed supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are investigated. The diagonal boundary K-matrices are found and a class of integrable boundary terms are determined. The boundary system is solved by means of the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. As a sideline, it is shown that all R-matrices associated with a quantum affine superalgebra enjoy the crossing-unitarity property. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
The integrable open-boundary conditions for the model of three coupled one-dimensional XY spin chains are considered in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method. The diagonal boundary K-matrices are found and a class of integrable boundary terms is determined. The boundary model Hamiltonian is solved by using the coordinate space Bethe ansatz technique and Bethe ansatz equations are derived. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
A mathematical model was developed to estimate HIV incidence in NSW prisons. Data included: duration of imprisonment; number of inmates using each needle; lower and higher number of shared injections per IDU per week; proportion of IDUs using bleach; efficacy of bleach; HIV prevalence and probability of infection. HIV prevalence in IDUs in prison was estimated to have risen from 0.8 to 5.7% (12.2%) over 180 weeks when using lower (and higher) values for frequency of shared injections. The estimated minimum (and maximum) number of IDU inmates infected with HIV in NSW prisons was 38 (and 152) in 1993 according to the model. These figures require confirmation by seroincidence studies. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The one-dimensional Holstein model of spinless fermions interacting with dispersionless phonons is studied using a new variant of the density matrix renormalization group. By examining various low-energy excitations of finite chains, the metal-insulator phase boundary is determined precisely and agrees with the predictions of strong coupling theory in the antiadiabatic regime and is consistent with renormalization group arguments in the adiabatic regime. The Luttinger liquid parameters, determined by finite-size scaling, are consistent with a Kosterlitz-Thouless transition.
Religious belief and practice plays an important role in the lives of millions of people worldwide, and yet little is Known of the spiritual lives of people with a disability. This review explores the realm of disability, religion and health, and draws together literature from a variety of sources to illustrate the diversity of the sparse research in the field. An historical, cross-cultural and religious textual overview of attitudes toward disability throughout the centuries is presented. Studies in religious orientation, health and well-being are reviewed, highlighting the potential of religion to effect the lives of people with a disability, their families and caregivers. Finally, the spiritual dimensions of disability are explored to gain some understanding of the spiritual lives and existential challenges of people with a disability, and a discussion ensues on the importance of further research into this new field of endeavour.
A new two-parameter integrable model with quantum superalgebra U-q[gl(3/1)] symmetry is proposed, which is an eight-state fermions model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained.
Two previous papers in this series (Nelson et al., this issue) described the use of the Agricultural Production Systems Simulator (APSIM) to simulate the effect of erosion on maize yields from open-field farming and hedgerow intercropping in the Philippine uplands. In this paper, maize yields simulated with APSIM are used to compare the economic viability of intercropping maize between leguminous shrub hedgerows with that of continuous and fallow open-field farming of maize. The analysis focuses on the economic incentives of upland farmers to adopt hedgerow intercropping, discussing farmers' planning horizons, access to credit and security of land tenure, as well as maize pricing in the Philippines. Insecure land tenure has limited the planning horizons of upland farmers, and high establishment costs reduce the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping relative to continuous and fallow open-field farming in the short term, In the long term, high discount rates and share-tenancy arrangements in which landlords do not contribute to establishment costs reduce the economic viability of hedgerow intercropping relative to fallow open-field farming, (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A new model for correlated electrons is presented which is integrable in one-dimension. The symmetry algebra of the model is the Lie superalgebra gl(2\1) which depends on a continuous free parameter. This symmetry algebra contains the eta pairing algebra as a subalgebra which is used to show that the model exhibits Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in any number of dimensions.
Integrable Kondo impurities in the one-dimensional supersymmetric U model of strongly correlated electrons are studied by means of the boundary graded quantum inverse scattering method. The boundary K-matrices depending on the local magnetic moments of the impurities are presented as non-trivial realizations of the reflection equation algebras in an impurity Hilbert space. Furthermore, the model Hamiltonian is diagonalized and the Bethe ansatz equations are derived. It is interesting to note that our model exhibits a free parameter in the bulk Hamiltonian but no free parameter exists on the boundaries. This is in sharp contrast to the impurity models arising from the supersymmetric t-J and extended Hubbard models where there is no free parameter in the bulk but there is a free parameter on each boundary.
In this paper, we develop a simple four parameter population balance model of in vivo neutrophil formation following bone marrow rescue therapy. The model is used to predict the number and type of neutrophil progenitors required to abrogate the period of severe neutropenia that normally follows a bone marrow transplant. The estimated total number of 5 billion neutrophil progenitors is consistent with the value extrapolated from a human trial. The model provides a basis for designing ex vivo expansion protocols.
We present a new integrable model for correlated electrons which is based on so(5) symmetry. By using an eta-pairing realization we construct eigenstates of the Hamiltonian with off-diagonal long-range order. It is also shown that these states lie in the ground state sector. We exactly solve the model on a one-dimensional lattice by the Bethe ansatz.