520 resultados para diversificação
That work looked for to point out the different conceptions on the family agriculture and the established self-consumption practices inside the unit of production. Hypothesis: due to the conditions, more and more restricted of producing for the self-consumption, the rural families are more favorable present her situation of alimentary insecurity as severe as for the urban families, unlike what he/she defends. The research was accomplished in three states of the Northeast: Paraíba; Rio Grande do Norte and Sergipe. The results revealed that among the main factors that expose those families to situations of constant alimentary vulnerability are had: the low quality of the alimentary consumption in what concerns the readiness, to the diversification and mainly, to the accessibility. The analyses can be to subsidize a reflection concerning the alimentary pattern of families rural front to the precepts of Food and Nutrition Security (FNS) politics
The present work deals with study on the National Program of Reinforcement of Familiar Agriculture, Group B, referring it offers of agricultural credit the agriculturists who possess familiar prescription until R$ 2,000, 00, and its impact in the agricultural occupation of the city of Ceará-Mirim. From theoretical referencial regarding the agricultural occupation, it collects of data, application of questionnaires between the beneficiaries of PRONAF B and interviews with the involved actors, it was made possible ascertainment of the hypothesis of that the program in this modality of credit, is capable to provide only to the maintenance or diversification of the occupation in the familiar unit and not it generation of remunerated occupation not familiar. This research disclosed to the diverse possibilities of use of the credit and its impact in the agricultural occupation, exactly when it is deviated for other purposes not waked up next to the financial institution, generating impacts not waited, however positive. When destined to the waked up end, still new forms appear of way occupation to complement it the deriving familiar prescription of the main activity. Unable to discard the rise even though very small and informal, non-family gainful occupation. The knowledge is added of that exactly ahead of the easinesses of access to the social base of the program, many familiar agriculturists still find difficulties in the approval of the which had credit, on the other hand, the requirements of the financial institutions
A conformação do desenvolvimento propugnado pela Constituição Federal de 1988 como objetivo fundamental da república, certamente perpassa pela racionalização das questões energéticas e pela diversificação da matriz nacional enquanto estratégia de aprovisionamento. O desenvolvimento energético em toda a sua complexidade deve ser alicerçado não em uma relação de contraposição à sustentabilidade, mas cooperativismo normativo e de projetos sociais que objetivam a melhorias para a população nestes dois seguimentos. O advento das energias renováveis nesse contexto se consolida como uma alternativa viável, apesar do tratamento dado pela Lei Maior ao tema ter sido apenas com relação à geração em pequena escala. A interpretação sistemática dos postulados da ordem econômica e as exigências da sociedade estimulam o aproveitamento dos potenciais renováveis em escala comercial e regional, além do fortalecimento nos segmentos de autoprodução e produção independente. Dentre as energias tratadas como prioritárias neste contexto, a eólica revela-se como carecedora de aprofundamento das estruturas dogmáticas de sua positivação, que envolve um vasto manancial de regras pulverizadas na regulação econômica do setor elétrico e no controle ambiental. Esta textura submete os empreendimentos elioelétricos aos instrumentos da política nacional do meio ambiente e às determinações do poder concedente dos serviços de energia elétrica, responsável pela pormenorização da geração, transmissão, distribuição e comercialização de energia, independentemente da fonte primária utilizada no processo de transformação. Tratar destas questões com o compromisso na formulação de raciocínios críticos e propositivos, especialmente acerca de temas como a liberdade energética e controle de mercado, é imperioso para superar juridicamente as limitações presentes inclusive no discurso da delimitação de marcos normativos adequados. Havendo vantagens ambientais, tecnológicas e comerciais na exploração da energia cinética do vento como propulsora do desenvolvimento no modelo civilizatório estabelecido, cumpre também ao Estado dar a sua contribuição setorial na forma de incentivos, desburocratização e aprimoramento do modelo concorrencial. O estudo adota os métodos histórico-evolutivo, dialético e sistêmico de abordagem, encarando as hipóteses formuladas no aspecto das consequências multilaterais que as soluções encontradas apontam, exigindo que a estabilização de expectativas sociais por parte do ordenamento jurídico não ignorem o sentido material cognitivamente aberto do desenvolvimento. Hodiernamente, a perspectiva de desenvolvimento energético alia tendências econômicas e tecnológicas em favor das fontes alternativas mais eficientes, revelando a energia eólica como uma representante adequada em termos pragmáticos de normatização e preservação ambiental
Intending to explain the extraordinary lizard coexistence levels found in Australian deserts, Morton & James (1988) figured out a hypothesis which defends that the termite diversity would bring about lizard radiation. This study aims to verify the validation of that hypothesis in Caatinga lizard assemblages. This study also objectives verifying if the termite defense mechanisms influence their consuming levels by lizards and if this pattern differs between different lizard lineages. Termites were collected using a standardized sampling protocol of termites. Besides using haphazard sampling, we collect lizards with 108 pitfall traps in each area. Intending to check the linkage between the termite and lizard assemblages, the lizard stomach contents were analyzed and then a canonical correspondence analysis was performed. The presence of nonrandom patterns of diet overlap among the lizard species was also examined. Aiming to check if the defense mechanisms of termite influence their consuming pattern by lizards it was performed a laboratory experiment where termite with different defense mechanisms were offered to lizards of two different lineages. We verified that lizard assemblages do not consume termites according to termite abundance in ecosystems. Furthermore, mean niche overlap lizard species did not differ significantly from that expected by chance. We found that termite chemical defense mechanism does influence the termite s pattern consuming by lizards. These results do not corroborate premises which support Morton & James hypothesis (1988) and point out that lizard do not chose termites based on their abundance, but, trying to avoid consuming termites which exhibit chemical defense mechanisms. This defense mechanism, however, may not be the only explanation to patterns of termite s consuming by lizards.
The period post-war promoted several changes in relations economic, political and social world. Since then, a new division international of labor has delineated, with the great growth of Asian countries. In the field of international relations, the world still appears to transition is not completed because the old institutions were not replaced by new ones and the power of the United States as a major capitalist country remains unshaken, even with the emergence and strengthening of new economic global blocs. With globalization, Brazil emerges with more intensity in the face of new issues global, although its share in transactions trade global hasn‟t changed accordingly. In this sense, the objective of this dissertation is to examine, in a descriptive and critical the development of international relations and trade of Brazil and Rio Grande do Norte with the main blocs in the world from 1999 to 2008. As a secondary objective: to identify the assumptions theoretical that underpinned the decisions governments of the FHC and Lula, in particular, the interference of these terms in international relations and foreign trade. Adopted as the procedure methodological the literature review of the subject, as well as collection and processing of the data of foreign trade. During the Cardoso government has undergone the substantial growth in imports, as part of the economic policy of anti-inflationary, generating large deficits trade. From the first to the second term, with the inflection of exchange rate policy the country has resumed surpluses trade. The choice of government of the autonomy participation increased the relative share of the traditional blocks in total foreign trade and reduced the share of MERCOSUL. In the Lula government, there is the maintenance of some elements of the economic policy of the previous government and the partial shift in the conduct of foreign policy, with the option of autonomy through diversification, raising its stake on the blocks and other emerging countries in total foreign trade Brazilian and reducing the contribution of the traditional blocks such as NAFTA and the European Union. A trend observed in the previous government and deepened in the Lula government was the growth in commodity exports and the decline of manufactured products, confirming the model of conservative insertion of Brazilian exports. The Rio Grande do Norte followed the trend Brazilian in the growth of foreign trade, including in participating conservative, given that the products exported by the state are basically coming from horticulture irrigated and agribusiness. However, in the aspect of destination export, the state followed trajectory distinct from that in the Lula government, with the deepening of trade relations with traditional blocks, especially with the European Union and NAFTA
Industrial development experienced by Brazil from the 1950s, changed the concentration of population in the country. The process of development of domestic industry, concentrated in urban areas, crowded growing portion of the population.The Southeast region during the first stage of industrialization driven by the state, with the implementation of Plan goals, captained the major industrial projects implemented in the period and became the main industrial center of the country.In the decade from 1960 to 1980 the state action was marked by numerous regional development projects, softening the industrial concentration and Brazilian investment redirected to the Northeast.The second National Development Plan implemented in the 1970s led to major investments Northeast.This period marked the widespread urban growth and institutionalization of the first metropolitan areas in Brazil.The change of this developmental process is altered with the fiscal and financial crisis of the state in the 1980s and 1990s and spending cuts aimed at national development, reorienting the economy to liberal policies of economic liberalization and reduction of activity in the economy.Industrial policy was relegated to local development plans from the 1990s to the federating units fitting the wide use of tax incentives, the "war tax" to the continued industrialization process.In this context of the national economy work seeks to analyze the industrial setting in the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador between 1995 and 2010.Although the metropolitan areas of Fortaleza, Recife and Salvador are the main urban centers of the Northeast, responsible for the advancement of industrial development, reconfigurations occurred between 1995 and 2010 by changing the level of industrial specialization built by regional division of labor in these regions.The work will be carried out by the method of descriptive analysis of the literature review on regional and urban development.Constitute quantitative method as the secondary data analysis of formal employment from the Annual Social Information (RAIS) Ministry of Labour and Employment (MTE).Using data RAIS / MTE analyzes the industrial specialization index using the Locational Quotient (LQ).Thus, it is assumed as a parameter analysis QL> 1, when the region has become specialized in a particular sector or QL <1, when the region does not have expertise in industrial sector analyzed.The conclusion of study indicates that there was in these metropolitan areas maintained the same bias hub.Fiscal policies, the states, was not successful in diversifying the productive structure and the Northeast region itself.This result is demonstrated by the need and dependence on state investments in the region to promote development.Industrial policies of recent years have been positive to meet the objectives of employment generation, but there must be specific policies for better diversification of production, in addition to integrating the economy of the Northeast sector and regionally
A mid the many transformations and advances that the contemporary society is going through, the right to education is a topic that does not end and becomes increasingly present, given the urgency of including students with disabilities in education. Given this new reality, schools are challenged to receive them with quality, and implement actions that promote favorable conditions for their development at school. Accordingly, it is fundamental the organizational restructuring of education to meet the specific needs of students. Thus, it is imperative that educational institutions defining the type of person who intend to form and the society proposing to build. These are aspects that precede any question, since the knowledge covered in the curriculum will contribute directly to the creation of human beings are involved there. Based on this theme, this assignment reports aspects of a survey of a local public school, located in Natal/RN, which deals with the analysis of the curriculum and its implementation in teaching practice in the classroom, before the inclusion of students with disabilities intellectual. Thus, to undertake a study of case with five professionals at school, involving documentary analysis and observation of the curriculum of the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom, as well as conducting an interview with all stakeholders. To this end, the data analyzed shows that, although the right of citizens with disabilities is guaranteed by constitutional law, the school, locus of this study, have not realized the extent of conquest. Does not recognize the fact of being in school and learn together with others is also a right of persons with disabilities. Thus, while your resume is to present a progressive vision, believed to be open, concerned with the selection and organization of content, with flexibility in defining the goals, with the search for diversification of the procedures adopted, as well as the planning activities teaching and learning based on the level of student learning, this is not effective in teaching practice, either through ignorance of the guidelines defined either by lack of knowledge about the proposal and an inclusive curriculum can provide answers to all educational students, including those with intellectual disability
Through the examination of official indicators, it can be observed that writing is pointed out as one of the main problems concerning formal basic education. However, this teaching-learning object is one of the central objectives at school, having an essential role in different curricular components as well as in the interaction demands required by society. Such paradox indicates, therefore, the relevance of investigations which analyze the intrinsic elements of child development as written text producer. Hence, the main purpose of this research consists of analyzing the treatment given to the types of discourse and the teaching situations in which the written text are produced, concerning Portuguese language didactic material collections approved by Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD 2010) the Brazilian program of didactic book and worked at elementary school. Such materials correspond to the collections adopted in municipal education system schools from Natal, RN which were below the official education indicator IDEB 2009. Thus, the questions that guide this work are: 1. During writing production lessons, is the diversity of types of discourse effectively worked on didactic collections? 2. Which are the types of discourse and the social spheres prioritized when teaching writing production? 3. How is the situation addressed in the production of the written text should be produced? For this research, we retook the authors Bakhtin, Bunzen, Faraco, Freire, Rodrigues, Rojo, Schneuwly e Dolz and we made a list of all types of discourse and spheres contemplated in the propositions of the writing production in didactical books, concerning the eight collections which compounds the first moment of analysis. Then, we verified how the situation of production is oriented by examining two didactic collections if and how they express the elements referring to the social-historical, functional and linguistic-discursive context of the text to be produced. The data obtained indicate: lack of diversification of types of discourse in the collection that compounds the Aggregate Sample of the research; the conception of a diversity based on the didactic of visiting; the recognition of all canonical and hegemonic types of text as one of the privileged objects of study; the centralization on the standard variety of the language and the devaluation of the representative types of cultural diversity; the shortage of productions which retrace to written language related to different technologies of communication and information; and the little emphasis on the types of discourse related to public language practices. As for the situations of production, it is observed the predominance of the school as a producer of dialogic relationships, whose propositions present, for example, text addressees, enunciative positions, support and contexts of restricted circulation, especially at school. Two divergent situations are observed among the collections: the lack of a work in which the situation of production is under the perspective of the types of discourse as object of teaching-learning; the concept of the types of discourse as object of reflection, presenting a differentiated didactic orientation towards the situation of production. This research contributes, therefore, with a mapping of the existence and the treatment of the types of discourse on propositions of writing production in didactic books; with the critical analysis of the approach of written activities, considering the elements of the historical-social, functional and linguistic-discursive context; thus, through teaching, research and public policies, use and selection of didactic material for the area
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aim of this work is to analyse the tourism events and the performance of this segment from market as strategy in the combat of Natal's hotel seasonality, in the executives/managers's vision from this sector. Two searches were realized to turn available this study: Inicialy a bibliographic search involving the concepts associated with the tematic in question so that it arranges the embasament theoric-scientific and a survey from facts through the country search, where it was applicable in the establishments of work's population with the auxiliary from a formulary answered by a personal interview. The analyses techniques through facts were: estatistic descritive and Kolmogorov-smirnov test.Among the results found, it was verified that the main reasons alleged by the hotels to ingress in the segment from the events were the alinement from the competitive company, the diversification in the options in the sense of occupy the establishments during the period of low season and answer to the demand of market. Investigated the profile from the events occured in the Natal hotels referring to the port, public origin , kinds of events and frequency from their realizations, as well as , the capacity from these establishments to attend this segment.It was noticed that in spite of the hotels agree that the events are important estrategies to combat the seasonality, the establishments still suffer with the flutuation, what can be justified from the moment that it's considered that the events also behave from seasonal manner, having more concentration in certain periods from the year. It was evaluated that the main advantage noticed by the realization from the hotels's events is the utilization from alimentation and drinking services, surpassing the advantage from elevation of taxes occupation from the apartments
The portfolio theory is a field of study devoted to investigate the decision-making by investors of resources. The purpose of this process is to reduce risk through diversification and thus guarantee a return. Nevertheless, the classical Mean-Variance has been criticized regarding its parameters and it is observed that the use of variance and covariance has sensitivity to the market and parameter estimation. In order to reduce the estimation errors, the Bayesian models have more flexibility in modeling, capable of insert quantitative and qualitative parameters about the behavior of the market as a way of reducing errors. Observing this, the present study aimed to formulate a new matrix model using Bayesian inference as a way to replace the covariance in the MV model, called MCB - Covariance Bayesian model. To evaluate the model, some hypotheses were analyzed using the method ex post facto and sensitivity analysis. The benchmarks used as reference were: (1) the classical Mean Variance, (2) the Bovespa index's market, and (3) in addition 94 investment funds. The returns earned during the period May 2002 to December 2009 demonstrated the superiority of MCB in relation to the classical model MV and the Bovespa Index, but taking a little more diversifiable risk that the MV. The robust analysis of the model, considering the time horizon, found returns near the Bovespa index, taking less risk than the market. Finally, in relation to the index of Mao, the model showed satisfactory, return and risk, especially in longer maturities. Some considerations were made, as well as suggestions for further work
The use of Natural Gas Vehicle has had a fast increase lately. However, in order to have a continuous success this Program needs to develop converting devices of Otto-cycle engines, gasoline or alcohol, to the use of NGV (Natural Gas Vehicle) that presents low cost, maintaining the same original development of the vehicle and low level of emissions, considering the PROCONVE rules. Due to the need to diversify the matrix in order to avoid energetic dependence and due to strict pollution control, it has increased in the Brazilian market the number of vehicles converted to the use of NGV. The recent regulation of the PROCONVE, determining that the converted engines with kits should be submitted to emission testing, comes to reinforce the necessity of the proposed development. Therefore, if we can obtain kits with the characteristics already described, we can reach a major trust in the market and obtain an increase acceptance of the vehicle conversion for NGV. The use of natural gas as vehicle fuel presents several advantages in relation to liquid fuels. It is a vehicle fuel with fewer indexes of emissions when compared to diesel; their combustion gases are less harmful, with a major level of safety than liquid fuels and the market price is quite competitive. The preoccupation that emerges, and the motivation of this project, is to know which are the main justifications for such technology, well accepted in other countries, with a low index or emission, with a high level of safety, where its maintenance becomes low, reminding that for this it is necessary that this technology has to be used properly, and once available in the market will not motivate interest in the urban transportation companies in Brazil, in research centers in general. Therefore this project exists to show the society in a general way the current vision of the main governmental factors, of the national research centers and of the private companies concerning the use of natural gas vehicles in urban transport vehicles, in order to give a major reliability to the population as well as to motivate national market competitiveness with a low cost and reliable product and to enrich the national technology
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar, por meio de simulação econômica, a viabilidade de aquisição de um silo-secador, para pequenas propriedades rurais, tendo como referências as opções de terceirizar o processo de secagem/armazenagem ou a comercialização do milho úmido. em virtude da alta diversificação encontrada nas pequenas propriedades rurais, a simulação foi realizada considerando-se diferentes tamanhos de áreas exploradas com milho (10; 20; 30 e 40 ha), níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) e preços por saca de milho (R$ 13,03; R$ 19,69 e R$ 34,29), no Estado de São Paulo. Comparando as rentabilidades obtidas, notou-se a superioridade da receita líquida na aquisição do silo secador nas áreas de produção de 20 ha com produtividade de 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1, 30 ha e 40 ha nos vários níveis de produtividade (3.900; 4.500 e 5.100 kg ha-1) sempre que o preço de mercado da saca de milho cobriu os custos anuais do sistema. A terceirização da secagem/armazenagem apresentou-se como a melhor alternativa nas áreas de 10 ha (todas as produtividades) e 20 ha (produtividade de 3.900 kg ha-1). A comercialização do produto úmido nunca se constituiu na opção mais rentável.
Tendo em vista que o conhecimento do comportamento de uma cultura, em determinada região, determina o sucesso da produção, a qualidade do produto final e a garantia de aceitação pelo mercado consumidor, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a produção e as características físicas e físico-químicas de frutos de cultivares de pessegueiro e nectarineira, cultivados ou não tradicionalmente em São Paulo, mas que possam vir a apresentar uma opção de diversificação aos fruticultores do município de Botucatu-SP, e regiões climáticas semelhantes. O experimento foi realizado durante três ciclos agrícolas: 2006/2007, 2007/2008 e 2008/2009, na Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas, UNESP, Botucatu-SP. O clima da região é do tipo mesotérmico, Cwa, ou seja, subtropical úmido com chuvas no verão e seca no inverno. As cultivares de pessegueiro avaliadas foram: Turmalina, Cascata 968, Cascata 848, Cascata 587, Conserva 693, Precocinho, Diamante Mejorado, Oro Azteca, CP-9553CYN e Tropic Beauty. A cultivar de nectarineira avaliada foi 'Sun Blaze'. Foram avaliadas características de produção e qualidade dos frutos. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que a cultivar Turmalina foi a mais produtiva. As cultivares Cascata 968 e Diamante Mejorado apresentaram o maior teor de sólidos solúveis, e as cultivares Cascata 587 e CP 9553 CYN, a maior relação sólidos solúveis/acidez titulável.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior