948 resultados para active participation
Today, the requirement of professional skills to university students is constantly increasing in our society. In our opinion, the content offered in official degrees need to be nourished with different variables, enriching their global professional knowledge in a parallel way; that is why, in recent years, there is a great multiplicity of complementary courses at university. One of the most socially demanded technical requirements within the architectural, design or engineering field is the management of 3D drawing software, becoming an indispensable reality in these sectors. Thus, this specific training becomes essential over two-dimension traditional design, because the inclusion of great possibilities of spatial development that go beyond conventional orthographic projections (plans, sections or elevations), allowing modelling and rotation of the selected items from multiple angles and perspectives. Therefore, this paper analyzes the teaching methodology of a complementary course for those technicians in the construction industry interested in computer-aided design, using modelling (SketchupMake) and rendering programs (Kerkythea). The course is developed from the technician point of view, by learning computer management and its application to professional development from a more general to a more specific view through practical examples. The proposed methodology is based on the development of real examples in different professional environments such as rehabilitation, new constructions, opening projects or architectural design. This multidisciplinary contribution improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and the independent development of three-dimensional solutions. Thus, the practical implementation of new situations, even suggested by the students themselves, ensures active participation, saving time during the design process and the increase of effectiveness when generating elements which may be represented, moved or virtually tested. In conclusion, this teaching-learning methodology improves the skills and competencies of students to face the growing professional demands of society. After finishing the course, technicians not only improved their expertise in the field of drawing but they also enhanced their capacity for spatial vision; both essential qualities in these sectors that can be applied to their professional development with great success.
Both the current economic situation in the construction sector and the continuous normative changes in the building area imply the use of new methodologies to enhance students’ competences in the degree of Building Engineer. The aim of this paper is to present, analyse and discuss the development of constructive workshops as a new teaching methodology used in the subject of Construction of Structures I at the University of Alicante to complement the constructive and technical knowledge acquired by our students and to enhance their communicative and representation skills essential for their professional practice in the future. The used methodology is based on the development of three-dimensional construction details (in groups of 3 or 4 students) to be shown in two A1-pannels exposed in the corridors of the Polytechnic School. Thus, students’ work approaches constructive problems in a global way by discussing simultaneously with teachers and other groups about the most suitable solution on each case. This contribution has multiperspective results and improves criticism of students in different areas, encouraging new learning strategies and active participation. What is more, on-line information and web applications have been used to prepare and organize this kind of workshops, allowing students to use new technologies as a complementary learning methodology. In conclusion, the use of these new workshops in the Degree of Building Engineer stimulates an interactive class versus a traditional lecture where the participative groups´ attitude and the development of oral presentations dissolve the traditional boundaries regarding public communication skills of the students in the Degree.
O presente relatório foi realizado no âmbito da unidade curricular de Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, inserida no plano de estudos do curso de Mestrado em Educação Pré- Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. A intervenção em contexto de Educação Pré- Escolar teve a duração de 180 horas, das quais 24 horas foram em contexto Creche. A intervenção em contexto de 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico teve, igualmente, a duração de 180 horas. Na Educação Pré- Escolar, trabalhamos com um grupo de 19 crianças, de 3 e 4 anos de idade, e no 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, com um grupo de 23 crianças que integravam o 3.º ano de escolaridade, com 9 anos de idade. Ambos os contextos pertenciam à rede pública. Para proporcionar um conhecimento mais alargado das instituições e da realidade de cada contexto e grupo de crianças, foi elaborada a caracterização dos dois contextos. Ao longo da prática procurámos desenvolver atividades que respondessem às necessidades e interesses das crianças, de forma a criar momentos de participação ativa, de partilha de saberes e de cooperação no âmbito das Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-escolar, das Metas Curriculares e do Programa do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Tendo em conta que o tema autonomia se revelou uma preocupação no decorrer da nossa Prática de Ensino Supervisionada, surgiu uma questão que nos fez refletir: Como é que o professor estagiário perceciona a construção da autonomia da criança, em contexto educativo? Tentando dar resposta a esta questão definimos três objetivos que orientaram o nosso percurso investigativo: (i) perceber de que forma é que a rotina diária influência na autonomia (ii) perceber a importância da organização do espaço no desenvolvimento da autonomia das crianças nos contextos do Educação Pré-Escolar e do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. e (iii) perceber como as experiências de ensino/aprendizagem ajudam na construção da autonomia; Como instrumentos de recolha de dados recorremos à observação participante, registo de notas de campo e de fotografias (sempre que possível). A metodologia utilizada foi a investigação qualitativa de natureza interpretativa. Este tipo de investigação apresenta os resultados através de narrativas com descrições contextuais e citações dos participantes, e que desta forma transmitem as ações e reações que os mesmos tiveram ao longo da prática em ambos os contextos. Os resultados recolhidos nesta investigação, referem que o estagiário perceciona a construção da autonomia da criança como um percurso longo, gratificante e com evoluções mais significativas na Educação Pré-Escolar.
A alteração demográfica característica deste século e a desertificação do interior, em detrimento de grandes meios urbanos, no litoral, tem levado a que a população seja maioritariamente idosa e isolada. A falta de perspectiva, valorização pessoal e mesmo objectivos de vida conduzem à solidão, constituindo-se um dos principais problemas dos dias de hoje, com repercussões a nível social e económico. Este trabalho surge exactamente nesse sentido, constituindo-se numa forma de modificar atitudes e comportamentos dos idosos, tornando-os, dentro das limitações e gostos individuais, mais ativos e, tendencialmente, menos sedentários. Com o tema: A percepção sobre a solidão e qualidade de vida no envelhecimento: impacto de um projeto de animação sociocultural, tem como objectivo conhecer o impacto de um plano de actividades de animação sociocultural, na perceção sobre a solidão e qualidade de vida de vida de um grupo de pessoas com mais 65 anos. O trabalho apresentado está estruturado em três partes: enquadramento conceptual, metodologia e apresentação e discussão dos resultados, onde se identificam os dados da solidão como barreira limitativa e as condicionantes que provoca aos diferentes níveis na qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Através de uma série de atividades de animação sociocultural, com carácter lúdico e informal, propõe-se despertar os idosos para as vantagens de uma socialização mais ativa, como forma de estímulo também a nível cognitivo. Relativamente à metodologia do trabalho, optou-se por uma recolha de dados fidedigna através da versão portuguesa da Escala de Solidão da UCLA e pela versão portuguesa do WHOQOL-100 sendo o trabalho centrado no estudo da evolução destas variáveis nos idosos, antes e depois das actividades. O grupo estudado é constituído por catorze reformados, residentes no concelho de Portalegre, com idades compreendidas entre os 63 e os 83 anos, de ambos os géneros, e com escolaridade que varia entre a 4ª ano do ensino básico e o ensino superior, permitindo uma abordagem abrangente. Relativamente aos domínios da qualidade de vida foram encontrados valores superiores em todos os domínios, na avaliação efectuada após as atividades, sendo essas diferenças estatisticamente significativas em todos os domínios excepto no Domínio Psicológico. Na variável solidão foram encontrados valores superiores de percepção da solidão após a realização das atividades embora essa diferença não seja estatisticamente significativa. Relativamente aos resultados informais, percebeu-se que todo o grupo mostrou interesse em participar nas atividades de carácter cultural e social propostas, referindo nos seus próprios depoimentos a vontade de continuar, reconhecendo as diferenças no seu próprio comportamento e as significativas melhorias nas suas vivências e de relação com o outro, atribuindo outra visão ao seu tempo livre e participação ativa num envelhecimento que reconheceram como “mais saudável”.
The first Regional Conference on the Integration of Women into the Economic and Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean was held almost 40 years ago (Havana, 1977). It provided a regional forum for exchange after the World Conference of the International Women’s Year in Mexico City in 1975, where participants supported the idea of social demands for women’s rights and gender equality (which were starting to spread from country to country) being converted into government commitments. On that occasion they adopted the Regional Plan of Action for the Integration of Women into Latin American Economic and Social Development, the region’s first road map for progress towards the recognition of women’s contribution to society and the obstacles that they face in improving their situation. At that same conference, the Governments gave the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) a mandate to convene periodically, at intervals of no more than three years, a Regional Conference on Women. In fulfilment of this mandate, over the next four decades ECLAC organized 12 Regional Conferences on Women, first through its Women and Development Unit, then its Division for Gender Affairs. This interaction between governments, with the active participation of the women’s and feminist movement and the support of the entire United Nations system, has become the main forum for the negotiation of a broad, profound and comprehensive regional agenda on gender equality, in which women’s autonomy and rights are front and centre. Policies for development and overcoming poverty have always been a key focus at these meetings. This publication is a compilation of all the agreements adopted by the Governments at the regional conferences and will serve not only as a tool for reference, but above all as a tool for action and for building a future based on the collective memory of the women of Latin America and the Caribbean.
This paper explores the connections between scaffolding, second language learning and bilingual shared reading experiences. A socio- cultural theory of cognition underpins the investigation, which involved implementing a language and culture awareness program (LCAP) in a year 4 classroom and in the school community. Selected passages from observations are used to analyse the learning of three students, particularly in relation to languages other than English (LOTE). As these three case study students interacted in the classroom, at home and in the community, they co-constructed, appropriated and applied knowledge form one language to another. Through scaffolding, social spaces were constructed, where students learning and development were extended through a variety of activities that involved active participation, such as experimenting with language, asking questions and making suggestions. Extending these opportunities for student learning and development is considered in relation to creating teaching and learning environments that celebrate socio-cultural and linguistic diversity.
An assumption of theory-based physical activity interventions is that active participation positively affects the theoretical constructs upon which the intervention is based. This assumption is rarely tested. This study assessed whether participation, defined as completion of homework, in a lifestyle physical activity intervention was associated with changes over 6 months in constructs the homework addressed: the behavioral and cognitive processes of change, self-efficacy, and decisional balance (the pros and cons). Participants were 244 sedentary adults aged 25 to 75 years. They completed an average of 12 of 20 homework assignments. Those completing at least two-thirds of the homework (n = 113) had greater changes in the theoretical constructs from pretest to posttest than those completing less (n = 90). Post-hoc analyses suggest that completing theory-based homework may impact the processes of change and self-efficacy in lifestyle physical activity interventions and, therefore, are warranted in future interventions.
A pesquisa tem por objetivo trabalhar o evento da Revolta de Jeú, em conjunto com a Estela de Dã, tendo como ponto de partida para tal, a exegese da perícope de 2 Reis 10-28,36. A história Deuteronomista apresenta o ato da Revolta de Jeú como sendo um feito demasiadamente importante, na restauração do culto a Javé em Israel, a partir de um contexto onde o culto a outras divindades, em Israel Norte, estava em pleno curso. No entanto, a partir da análise conjunta da Estela de Dã, que tem como provável autor o rei Hazael de Damasco, somos desafiados a ler esta história pelas entrelinhas não contempladas pelo texto, que apontam para uma participação ativa de Hazael, nos desfechos referentes a Revolta de Jeú, como sendo o responsável direto que proporcionou a subida de Jeú ao trono em Israel, clarificando desta forma este importante período na história Bíblica. Para tal análise, observar-se-á três distintos tópicos, ligados diretamente ao tema proposto: (1) A Revolta de Jeú e a Redação Deuteronomista, a partir do estudo exegético da perícope de 2 Reis 10,28-36, onde estão descritas informações pontuais sobre período em que Jeú reinou em Israel; (2) Jeú e a Estela de Dã, a partir da apresentação e análise do conteúdo da Estela de Dã, tratando diretamente dos desdobramentos da guerra em Ramote de Gileade, de onde se dá o ponto de partida à Revolta de Jeú; e por fim (3) O Império da Síria, onde a partir da continuidade da análise do conteúdo da Estela de Dã, demonstraremos a significância deste reino, além de apontamentos diretamente ligados ao reinado de Hazael, personagem mui relevante no evento da Revolta de Jeú.
Offshore oil and gas pipelines are vulnerable to environment as any leak and burst in pipelines cause oil/gas spill resulting in huge negative Impacts on marine lives. Breakdown maintenance of these pipelines is also cost-intensive and time-consuming resulting in huge tangible and intangible loss to the pipeline operators. Pipelines health monitoring and integrity analysis have been researched a lot for successful pipeline operations and risk-based maintenance model is one of the outcomes of those researches. This study develops a risk-based maintenance model using a combined multiple-criteria decision-making and weight method for offshore oil and gas pipelines in Thailand with the active participation of experienced executives. The model's effectiveness has been demonstrated through real life application on oil and gas pipelines in the Gulf of Thailand. Practical implications. Risk-based inspection and maintenance methodology is particularly important for oil pipelines system, as any failure in the system will not only affect productivity negatively but also has tremendous negative environmental impact. The proposed model helps the pipelines operators to analyze the health of pipelines dynamically, to select specific inspection and maintenance method for specific section in line with its probability and severity of failure.
Selection of a power market structure from the available alternatives is an important activity within an overall power sector reform programme. The evaluation criteria for selection are both subjective as well as objective in nature and the selection of alternatives is characterised by their conflicting nature. This study demonstrates a methodology for power market structure selection using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), a multiple attribute decision-making technique, to model the selection methodology with the active participation of relevant stakeholders in a workshop environment. The methodology is applied to a hypothetical case of a State Electricity Board reform in India.
This investigation seeks to explore the hypothesis, derived from observation and practice, that there is a strong relationship between the development of literacy skills and the growth of confidence in adult literacy students. Implicit in the developmental approach is the notion of progression towards some cognitive goal. Such a goal necessitates the establishment of a base line of existing attainment, together with subsequent assessment so that progress and development can be measured. The study includes an evaluation of existing formal and informal methods of initial and subsequent assessment and diagnosis available at the time for Adult Literacy Scheme Co-ordinators. Underlying the funding by Cheshire County Council for the project is the assumption that the results will be available for all practitioners and that the tools of measurement may be used by other Adult Literacy Co-ordinators in the County. It is intended, therefore, that this research should result in practical outcomes in which methods of assessment will involve active participation by students as well as by tutors, becoming part of the learning process. It is hypothesised that this kind of co-operation could lead ultimately to self-directed learning and student-independence. For the purposes of this research, a balance is attempted in the use of assessment tools, between standardised tests and informal methods. The study provides facts about students! reading habits; as well as their reading levels, their spelling levels, their handwriting, their writing skills and their writing habits. The study seeks to show the students' feelings towards education, their educational attainments and the type of school which they attended. The study also attempts to come to some measurement of those aspects of student personality which relate to confidence, by means of tests and questionnaires. The study concludes with an examination of the link between cognitive and affective progress.
The article gives an account of the various microfilming initiatives taken in Malta during the last thirty years. Various archives have managed to microfilm their holdings under co-operation agreements with international societies, or manuscript libraries. The advent of digital technology is now posing new challenges and opportunities for the archives sector. The idea of a National Memory Project that will try to bridge the different approaches in the preservation of records in the various public, private, and ecclesiastical archives in Malta is discussed. Technical challenges are highlighted, as are the opportunities that arise from collaboration and active participation in international projects such as the European Visual Archives (EVA), and the SEEDI initiative.
E-learning and e-learning applications/tools are available to all educators thanks to the evolution of technology and the internet. Although a great variety of technologies are available it is not always obvious how these can be integrated in traditional teaching to support and enhance the learning experience. The majority of the existing literature proposes the use of blogging as an activity that students should do in order to increase their active participation in learning. This article presents the use of blogspots in the teaching of Strategic Management as a tool used to create greater linkages between theory and practice, discussing the evolution of its utilisation in my modules, the current state of use and a series of reflections on experience gained from its use so far. Overall, I have found that there is limited literature on how blogging could link to teaching activities and its utilisation should be viewed as learning by doing which is evaluated and improved by critical reflection of the user.
This dissertation explores the political exclusion and reintegration of families and individuals in Córdoba, Argentina during the early nineteenth-century. Part one is an examination of how Federals in Córdoba managed the process of political identification and purge. Federals set up ad hoc institutions that were responsible for targeting political subversives within provincial communities. From 1831 to 1852, Federals managed to target, or “classify,” over 400 individuals and families in various towns and villages as “savage Unitarians,” a political label that meant the certain loss of rights, property, exile, and worse. Federals also sought active participation among “citizens” from all levels of society. Thus, I argue that the process of correctly identifying a “savage Unitarian” in Córdoba was constantly subject to modification at the local level. I also reconstruct the stories of accused families as they struggled to survive the political purges. Many of the families were large landowners and wealthy merchants, confirming that early republican Argentine political struggles were often intra-elite affairs. However, the “classified” individuals and families also represented a variety of socio-economic, ethnic, and racial groups. ^ The second part of this study focuses on families who petitioned Federal authorities for the restitution of rights and property. They proclaimed their loyalty to the “Federal cause,” and often, they had friends and family who could vouch for their claims. These petitions forced Federal authorities to doubt the precision of political identification and re-think how the ideology of Federalism was defined. Authorities granted most requests for repatriation, thereby creating a process of reintegration that included amnesty and restitution. Yet, this system failed to repair the psychological, emotional, materials, and political effects of political purge. Conflicts between society and state led to numerous misunderstandings about what restitution, justice, and reconciliation meant. The new regime's leaders more often denied restitution claims to formerly accused families and individuals, demonstrating that the journey from “savage” to citizen left an indelible imprint on family life in mid-nineteenth century Argentina. ^
Environmental education focusing on sustainability should be integrated into the elementary curriculum. Learning experiences should include home learning projects that are relevant to the students, involve active participation, and stimulate discussions with their families. Students can use their knowledge and skills to influence the attitudes and behavior of their parents and other community members.