960 resultados para Work Measurement


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In this paper a previously developed theoretical model of the measurement process performed by a transit-time ultrasonic anemometer is applied to a fluid flowing through a circular section pipe. This model considers the influence of the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory from straight propagation due to the flow on the measured speed. The aim of this work is to estimate the errors induced in the measured velocity by the shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory. Using different duct’s flow models, laminar and turbulent regimes have been analyzed. The results show that neglecting the effect of shift of the acoustic pulse trajectory leads to flow rate measurement underestimation.


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In this paper, a model of the measuring process of sonic anemometers with more than one measuring path is presented. The main hypothesis of the work is that the time variation of the turbulent speed field during the sequence of pulses that produces a measure of the wind speed vector affects the measurement. Therefore, the previously considered frozen flow, or instantaneous averaging, condition is relaxed. This time variation, quantified by the mean Mach number of the flow and the time delay between consecutive pulses firings, in combination with both the full geometry of sensors (acoustic path location and orientation) and the incidence angles of the mean with speed vector, give rise to significant errors in the measurement of turbulence which are not considered by models based on the hypothesis of instantaneous line averaging. The additional corrections (relative to the ones proposed by instantaneous line-averaging models) are strongly dependent on the wave number component parallel to the mean wind speed, the time delay between consecutive pulses, the Mach number of the flow, the geometry of the sensor and the incidence angles of mean wind speed vector. Kaimal´s limit k W1=1/l (where k W1 is the wave number component parallel to mean wind speed and l is the path length) for the maximum wave numbers from which the sonic process affects the measurement of turbulence is here generalized as k W1=C l /l, where C l is usually lesser than unity and depends on all the new parameters taken into account by the present model.


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Paper submitted to the Sixth International Conference on Social Science Methodology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, August 16-20, 2004.


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A reduced set of measurement geometries allows the spectral reflectance of special effect coatings to be predicted for any other geometry. A physical model based on flake-related parameters has been used to determine nonredundant measurement geometries for the complete description of the spectral bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF). The analysis of experimental spectral BRDF was carried out by means of principal component analysis. From this analysis, a set of nine measurement geometries was proposed to characterize special effect coatings. It was shown that, for two different special effect coatings, these geometries provide a good prediction of their complete color shift.


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"Mr. Burgess has rewritten anew the whole book, so that it is no longer a translation, but an original work."


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cont. VI. The application of standard measurements to school administration. [By] D.C. Bliss. VII. A half-year's progress in the achievement of one school system. A. The progress as measured by the Thorndike visual vocabulary test. B. The progress as measured by the Courtis tests, series B. [By] H.G. Childs. VIII. Courtis tests in arithmetic: value to superintendents and teacher. [By] S.A. Courtis. IX. Use of standard tests at Salt Lake City, Utah. [By] E. P. Cubberley. X. Reading. [By] C.H. Judd. XI. Studies by the Bureau of research and efficiency of Kansas City, Mo. [By] George Melcher. XII. The effects of efficiency tests in reading on a city school system. [By] E.E. Oberholtzer. XIII. Investigation of spelling in the schools of Oakland, Cal. [By] J.B. Sears. XIV. Standard tests as aids in the classification and promotion of pupils. [By] Daniel Starch. XV. The use of mental tests in the school. [By] G.M. Whipple.


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Awareness of optimal behaviour states of children with profound intellectual disability has been reported in the literature as a potentially useful tool for planning intervention within this population. Some arguments have been raised, however, which question the reliability and validity of previously published work on behaviour state analysis. This article sheds light on the debate by presenting two stages of a study of behaviour state analysis for eight girls with Rett syndrome. The results support Mudford, Hogg, and Roberts' (1997, 1999) concerns with the pooling of participant data. The results of Stage 2 also suggest, however, that most categories of behaviour state can be reliably distinguished once definitions of behaviours for each state are clearly defined.


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We present a new model for the continuous measurement of a coupled quantum dot charge qubit. We model the effects of a realistic measurement, namely adding noise to, and filtering, the current through the detector. This is achieved by embedding the detector in an equivalent circuit for measurement. Our aim is to describe the evolution of the qubit state conditioned on the macroscopic output of the external circuit. We achieve this by generalizing a recently developed quantum trajectory theory for realistic photodetectors [P. Warszawski, H. M. Wiseman, and H. Mabuchi, Phys. Rev. A 65, 023802 (2002)] to treat solid-state detectors. This yields stochastic equations whose (numerical) solutions are the realistic quantum trajectories of the conditioned qubit state. We derive our general theory in the context of a low transparency quantum point contact. Areas of application for our theory and its relation to previous work are discussed.


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Despite current imperatives to measure client outcomes, social workers have expressed frustration with the ability of traditional forms of quantitative methods to engage with complexity, individuality and meaning. This paper argues that the inclusion of a meaning-based as opposed to a function-based approach to quality of life (QOL) may offer a quantitative means of measurement that is congruent with social-work values and practice.


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Background and Aims The morphogenesis and architecture of a rice plant, Oryza sativa, are critical factors in the yield equation, but they are not well studied because of the lack of appropriate tools for 3D measurement. The architecture of rice plants is characterized by a large number of tillers and leaves. The aims of this study were to specify rice plant architecture and to find appropriate functions to represent the 3D growth across all growth stages. Methods A japonica type rice, 'Namaga', was grown in pots under outdoor conditions. A 3D digitizer was used to measure the rice plant structure at intervals from the young seedling stage to maturity. The L-system formalism was applied to create '3D virtual rice' plants, incorporating models of phenological development and leaf emergence period as a function of temperature and photoperiod, which were used to determine the timing of tiller emergence. Key Results The relationships between the nodal positions and leaf lengths, leaf angles and tiller angles were analysed and used to determine growth functions for the models. The '3D virtual rice' reproduces the structural development of isolated plants and provides a good estimation of the fillering process, and of the accumulation of leaves. Conclusions The results indicated that the '3D virtual rice' has a possibility to demonstrate the differences in the structure and development between cultivars and under different environmental conditions. Future work, necessary to reflect both cultivar and environmental effects on the model performance, and to link with physiological models, is proposed in the discussion.


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Water-sampler equilibrium partitioning coefficients and aqueous boundary layer mass transfer coefficients for atrazine, diuron, hexazionone and fluometuron onto C18 and SDB-RPS Empore disk-based aquatic passive samplers have been determined experimentally under a laminar flow regime (Re = 5400). The method involved accelerating the time to equilibrium of the samplers by exposing them to three water concentrations, decreasing stepwise to 50% and then 25% of the original concentration. Assuming first-order Fickian kinetics across a rate-limiting aqueous boundary layer, both parameters are determined computationally by unconstrained nonlinear optimization. In addition, a method of estimation of mass transfer coefficients-therefore sampling rates-using the dimensionless Sherwood correlation developed for laminar flow over a flat plate is applied. For each of the herbicides, this correlation is validated to within 40% of the experimental data. The study demonstrates that for trace concentrations (sub 0.1 mu g/L) and these flow conditions, a naked Empore disk performs well as an integrative sampler over short deployments (up to 7 days) for the range of polar herbicides investigated. The SDB-RPS disk allows a longer integrative period than the C18 disk due to its higher sorbent mass and/or its more polar sorbent chemistry. This work also suggests that for certain passive sampler designs, empirical estimation of sampling rates may be possible using correlations that have been available in the chemical engineering literature for some time.


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In this article, we review recent modifications to Jeffrey Gray's (1973, 1991) reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST), and attempt to draw implications for psychometric measurement of personality traits. First, we consider Gray and McNaughton's (2000) functional revisions to the biobehavioral systems of RST Second, we evaluate recent clarifications relating to interdependent effects that these systems may have on behavior, in addition to or in place of separable effects (e.g., Corr 2001; Pickering, 1997). Finally, we consider ambiguities regarding the exact trait dimension to which Gray's It reward system corresponds. From this review, we suggest that future work is needed to distinguish psychometric measures of (a) fear from anxiety and (b) reward-reactivity-from trait impulsivity. We also suggest, on the basis of interdependent system views of RST and associated exploration using formal models, that traits that are based upon RST are likely to have substantial intercorrelations. Finally, we advise that more substantive work is required to define relevant constructs and behaviors in RST before we can be confident in our psychometric measures of them.


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Scanning capacitance microscopy (SCM) measurement is a proposed tool for dopant profile extraction for semiconductor material. The influence of interface traps on SCM dC/dV data is still unclear. In this paper we report on the simulation work used to study the nature of SCM dC/dV data in the presence of interface traps. A technique to correctly simulate dC/dV of SCM measurement is then presented based on our justification. We also analyze how charge of interface traps surrounding SCM probe would affect SCM dC/dV due the small SCM probe dimension.


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Conventional detection scheme for self-mixing sensors uses an integrated photodiode within the laser package to monitor the self mixing signal. This arrangement can be simplified by directly obtaining the self-mixing signals across the laser diode itself and omitting the photodiode. This work reports on a Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser (VCSEL) based selfmixing sensor using the laser junction voltage to obtain the selfmixing signal. We show that the same information can be obtained with only minor changes to the extraction circuitry leading to potential cost saving with reductions in component costs and complexity and significant increase in bandwidth favoring high speed modulation. Experiments using both photo current and voltage detection were carried out and the results obtained show good agreement with the theory.


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Although organizational research has made tremendous strides in the last century, recent advances in neuroscience and the imaging of functional brain activity remain underused. In fact, even the use of well-established psychophysiological measurement tools is comparatively rare. Following the lead of social cognitive neuroscience, in this review, we conceptualize organizational cognitive neuroscience as a field dedicated to exploring the processes within the brain that underlie or influence human decisions, behaviors, and interactions either (a) within organizations or (b) in response to organizational manifestations or institutions. We discuss organizational cognitive neuroscience, bringing together work that may previously have been characterized rather atomistically, and provide a brief overview of individual methods that may be of use. Subsequently, we discuss the possible convergence and integration of the different neuroimaging and psychophysiological measurement modalities. A brief review of prior work in the field shows a significant need for a more coherent and theory-driven approach to organizational cognitive neuroscience. In response, we discuss a recent example of such work, along with three hypothetical case studies that exemplify the link between organizational and psychological theory and neuroscientific methods.