957 resultados para Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist


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Resumen: Muy a menudo se escucha hablar de la Iglesia como santa y prostituta o como santa y pecadora, invocando como argumento decisivo que los Santos Padres decían que la Iglesia es una casta meretrix. Algún que otro teólogo lo pone por escrito sin citar la fuente; lo mismo dice algún predicador. Según parece, este testimonio patrístico cuadraría para poder hablar de los pecados de la Iglesia. Ahora bien, respecto a esta fórmula lo primero que hay que señalar es que se trata de un hapax de la literatura patrística, sólo se encuentra una vez en San Ambrosio. La figura retórica utilizada indica algo insólito que el lector moderno debe tratar de entender. Sobre todo, porque para quien acuñó la frase, lejos de aludir a algo pecaminoso, quiere indicar la santidad de la Iglesia. El artículo presenta la reflexión eclesiológica de este padre de la Iglesia que lo lleva a expresarse de esa manera y, a la vez, invita a situar en su contexto y en sus perspectivas concretas las afirmaciones patrísticas para traducirlas, interpretarlas y relacionarlas con nuestro modo de plantear los problemas.


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Esse estudo tem por objetivo principal analisar as reflexões do filósofo e psicanalista teórico esloveno Slavoj iek acerca dos impactos subjetivos das transformações normativas ocorridas no Ocidente nos últimos cinqüenta anos. O problema do chamado declínio do Simbólico passou a ser amplamente discutido pela comunidade de psicanalistas lacanianos na qual se insere o filósofo a partir do final da década de 1990, o que constituiu uma inovação em um campo fortemente influenciado pela concepção estruturalista da subjetividade. Situando o autor como pioneiro na utilização de ferramentas conceituais lacanianas para a análise do social, o estudo divide-se em duas partes. Na primeira delas, exponho as bases teóricas do pensamento de iek, contextualizando o seu itinerário intelectual e político, e abordando as suas três linhas fundamentais de investigação: a filosofia política, a discussão sobre o ato ético e a ontologia do sujeito. Assim, o primeiro capítulo retraça o percurso que vai dos primeiros estudos sobre o funcionamento ideológico nos regimes totalitários à abordagem pop filosófica da ideologia na atualidade. Em seguida, apresento a sua redescrição da noção de comunismo à luz da tese dos novos antagonismos do capitalismo tardio. Por fim, trato da perspectiva universalista do filósofo a partir de sua leitura materialista do cristianismo, lançando mão sobretudo dos estudos de Alain Badiou sobre São Paulo. No segundo capítulo, delineamos as coordenadas centrais da concepção de sujeito em iek, cuja originalidade reside na articulação das formulações de Lacan e Hegel. As noções de grande Outro, objeto pequeno a, pulsão de morte e negatividade são tomadas como os pilares nos quais se assenta a descrição do sujeito iekiano. Na segunda parte do estudo, examinamos as teses de iek a respeito das relações entre subjetividade e cultura, com ênfase nos novos impasses que daí decorrem. As inibições que sucedem à injunção de gozar sem entraves, a melancolização do laço social, as metamorfoses da culpa, a vitimologia e a culpabilização do Outro são os tópicos centrais que sobressaem desse recorte. Nessa parte do trabalho, as reflexões de iek são cotejadas com as análises de autores de orientação lacaniana, considerados representativos desse tipo de discussão, como Jean-Pierre Lebrun, Charles Melman, Dany-Robert Dufour e Roland Chemama. Pretende-se com isso enriquecer a discussão, apontando as aproximações e distâncias que o pensamento de iek entretém com os referidos autores. O capítulo final do trabalho é consagrado ao exame crítico da démarche iekiana acerca do declínio do Simbólico. Dois tópicos de seu discurso são analisados, a saber: a) seu posicionamento ambivalente no que tange à crítica do catastrofismo; b) seu esforço de expurgar da noção de ato ético na qual ele quer encontrar saídas para os embaraços engendrados pelo dito declínio do Simbólico qualquer traço de pertencimento à tradição moral judaico-cristã, guardando dessa tradição apenas o exemplo do aspecto formal do ato. Para empreender tal exame, nos servimos, de um lado, do estudo crítico do sociólogo francês Alain Ehrenberg sobre a declinologia noção por ele cunhada para se referir ao conjunto de estudos que enfatizam o atual risco da dissolução dos laços sociais , e de outro lado, nos apoiamos na concepção de ética do filósofo neo-pragmatista Richard Rorty.


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This thesis contributes to the understanding of the processes involved in the formation and transformation of identities. It achieves this goal by establishing the critical importance of ‘background’ and ‘liminality’ in the shaping of identity. Drawing mainly from the work of cultural anthropology and philosophical hermeneutics a theoretical framework is constructed from which transformative experiences can be analysed. The particular experience at the heart of this study is the phenomenon of conversion and the dynamics involved in the construction of that process. Establishing the axial age as the horizon from which the process of conversion emerged will be the main theme of the first part of the study. Identifying the ‘birth’ of conversion allows a deeper understanding of the historical dynamics that make up the process. From these fundamental dynamics a theoretical framework is constructed in order to analyse the conversion process. Applying this theoretical framework to a number of case-studies will be the central focus of this study. The transformative experiences of Saint Augustine, the fourteenth century nun Margaret Ebner, the communist revolutionary Karl Marx and the literary figure of Arthur Koestler will provide the material onto which the theoretical framework can be applied. A synthesis of the Judaic religious and the Greek philosophical traditions will be the main findings for the shaping of Augustine’s conversion experience. The dissolution of political order coupled with the institutionalisation of the conversion process will illuminate the mystical experiences of Margaret Ebner at a time when empathetic conversion reached its fullest expression. The final case-studies examine two modern ‘conversions’ that seem to have an ideological rather than a religious basis to them. On closer examination it will be found that the German tradition of Biblical Criticism played a most influential role in the ‘conversion’ of Marx and mythology the best medium to understand the experiences of Koestler. The main ideas emerging from this study highlight the fluidity of identity and the important role of ‘background’ in its transformation. The theoretical framework, as constructed for this study, is found to be a useful methodological tool that can offer insights into experiences, such as conversion, that otherwise would remain hidden from our enquiries.


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La Anunciación del Monasterio de Santo Domingo de Caleruega, fundado por Alfonso X el Sabio, ha permanecido prácticamente olvidada por la historiografía nacional. Aislado tras los muros de la clausura, el grupo escultórico presenta una particularidad que, durante mucho tiempo, no fue analizada convenientemente: la Virgen está embarazada. La cantidad de ejemplos contabilizados de la misma naturaleza demuestra que esta clase de representaciones fue habitual, durante la Baja Edad Media, en algunos reinos de la península ibérica. Con un enfoque fundamentalmente iconográfico pero sin renunciar a otra clase de aproximaciones, el presente artículo pretende estudiar en profundidad la singularidad de la Anunciación calerogana que, al mismo tiempo, se convierte en el punto de partida para un análisis global de esta variante de la Salutación Angélica.


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Para o caso dos Eremitas de Santo Agostinho, o texto seiscentista de Frei Aleixo de Meneses acerca de Beatriz Vaz de Oliveira, constitui o mais significativo exemplo da literatura hagiográfica feminina daquela ordem.


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Abstract In species with social hierarchies, the death of dominant individuals typically upheaves the social hierarchy and provides an opportunity for subordinate individuals to become reproductives. Such a phenomenon occurs in the monogyne form of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, where colonies typically contain a single wingless reproductive queen, thousands of workers and hundreds of winged nonreproductive virgin queens. Upon the death of the mother queen, many virgin queens shed their wings and initiate reproductive development instead of departing on a mating flight. Workers progressively execute almost all of them over the following weeks. To identify the molecular changes that occur in virgin queens as they perceive the loss of their mother queen and begin to compete for reproductive dominance, we collected virgin queens before the loss of their mother queen, 6 h after orphaning and 24 h after orphaning. Their RNA was extracted and hybridized against microarrays to examine the expression levels of approximately 10 000 genes. We identified 297 genes that were consistently differentially expressed after orphaning. These include genes that are putatively involved in the signalling and onset of reproductive development, as well as genes underlying major physiological changes in the young queens.


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A memorandum describing the days leading up to the Battle of Saint-Mihiel. The document describes 1. Statement of Operation, 2. Character of Terrain, 3. Initial Dispositions, 4. Suitability of Formations, 5. How such formations were, or could have been, best adapted to meet the changing conditions of combat and terrain, 6. Employment of Infantry Weapons, 7. Artillery Support, 8. Passage of Obstacles, 9. Passage of Lines, 10. Destruction of Opposition, 11. Fighting in Intermediate Zone, 12. Organization of Ground, 13. Liaison, 14. General Observations.


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Le commerce a connu à travers le temps de nombreuses évolutions, tant dans sa forme que dans son implantation, passant de grands magasins prestigieux dans le cœur des villes au début du XXe siècle à de grands centres commerciaux à la jonction d’autoroute dans les années 2000. Le lifestyle center est la forme commerciale la plus aboutie, concept américain existant depuis les années 80, il est apparu pour la première fois au Québec en 2006 à Brossard sur la Rive-Sud de Montréal. Ses caractéristiques hors du commun ; une surface de vente de près de 2 000 000 pi² faisant de lui un centre d’envergure supra régional, son agencement de boutiques en plein air regroupé autour d’une rue piétonne ainsi qu’un mix commercial extrêmement varié rompt avec les traditionnels centres commerciaux existants. Ainsi en s’implantant à Brossard le Quartier DIX30 est venu modifier profondément la structure commerciale de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un contre poids de taille par rapport à la domination du pôle des Promenades Saint-Bruno. Cependant, le Quartier DIX30 ne va pas seulement modifier cette structure commerciale, mais plus globalement la centralité urbaine de la Rive-Sud en s’imposant comme un pôle central majeur. Le Quartier DIX30 grâce à sa mixité d’activité et son concept favorisant les interactions sociales est en train d’insuffler un mouvement de concentration d’activité commerciale et tertiaire. Ainsi aujourd’hui se développe au pourtour du Quartier DIX30 de nombreux locaux à bureaux. Cependant, cette nouvelle centralité créée par le Quartier DIX30 soulève des interrogations notamment vis-à-vis de la privatisation d’un espace s’imposant de plus en plus comme un des pôles principaux de croissance de la Rive-Sud. Ainsi, une question légitime se pose, ne sommes-nous pas en train d’assister à une privatisation d’un centre-ville en devenir ?


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Mon mémoire "Colonial Ideology and Legacy and Feminine Resistance in Jamaica Kincaid" est une lecture féminine de la colonisation. Il définit, en premier lieu, l'idéologie coloniale comme une idéologie manichéiste et déshumanisante. Étant critique de cette idéologie binaire et réductrice, mon mémoire déchiffre et propose une résistance féminine, riche et diverse, à travers quelques écrits eux même divers de l'écrivaine Jamaica Kincaid. Ce mémoire conteste toute idée reçue sur la femme, en s'appuyant sur des théories anticoloniales et féministes. Il s'agit en effet d'un travail déconstructif où je vise inlassablement à décortiquer et à délégitimer ces hiérarchies qui habitent nos pensées et nos corps, et qui, entravent l'épanouissement de l'être humain. Les trois chapitres qui forment le corps de mon mémoire sont organisés à chaque fois en terme d'oppression et de résistance; de déshumanisation et humanisation, où le sujet colonisé essaie de se libérer des différentes formes d'oppression pour vivre pleinement son humanité. Cette relation hiérarchique est représentée métaphoriquement à travers la relation mère-fille, une relation que j'étudie dans le deuxième chapitre. Le troisième chapitre s'intéresse au mouvement du corps féminin, qui devient l'espace de résistance à une identité limitatrice.


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The thermal degradation of short nylon-6 fiber reinforced acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR) composites with and without epoxy-based bonding agent has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). It was found that the onset of degradation shifted from 330.5 to 336.1°C in the presence of short nylon fiber, the optimum fiber loading being 20 phr. The maximum rate of degradation of the composites was lower than that of the unfilled rubber compound, and it decreased with increase in fiber concentration. The presence of epoxy resin-based bonding agent in the virgin elastomer and the composites improved the thermal stability. Results of kinetic studies showed that the degradation of NBR and the short nylon fiber reinforced composites followed first-order kinetics.


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The thermal degradation of short polyester fiber reinforced polyurethane composites with and without different bonding agents has been studied by thermogravimetric analysis . It was found that degradation of the polyurethane takes place in two steps and that of the composites takes place in three steps. With the incorporation of 30 phr of fiber in the matrix , the onset of degradation was shifted from 230 to 238 ° C. The presence of bonding agents in the virgin elastomer and the composite gave an improved thermal stability . Results of kinetic studies showed that the degradation of polyurethane and the reinforced composites with and without bonding agents follows first -order reaction kinetics


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The thesis describes the development and evaluation of epoxy resin as interfacial bonding agent for short Nylon-6 fiber elastomer composites. Epoxy resin is well known for its adhesive property. The potential use of it as interfacial bonding agent in short fiber composite is not explored yet. Three rubbers viz., acrylonitrile butadiene rubber (NBR), Neoprene rubber (CR) and styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) were selected and different fiber loading were tried. The resin concentration was optimized for each fiber loading with respect to cure characteristics and mechanical properties. Rheological characteristics and thermal degradation of the composites containing different fiber loading and different resin concentrations were studied in detail to find the effect of epoxy resin bonding system. The mechanical properties were studied in detail. The short Nylon -6 fiber improved most of the mechanical properties of all the three rubbers. Tensile strength showed a dip at 10 phr fiber loading in the case of CR while it was continuously increased with fiber loading in the case of NBR and SBR. All the composites showed anisotropy in mechanical properties. The epoxy resin is an effective bonding agent for short Nylon -6 fiber reinforced NBR and CR composites. Epoxy resin improved tensile strength, abrasion resistance and modulus of these composites. SEM studies confirmed the improved bonding of fiber and matrix in the presence of epoxy bonding agent. Epoxy resin was not effective as bonding agent in the case of short Nylon fiber- SBR composite. From the rheological studies of the composites with and without bonding agent it was observed that all the composite exhibited pseudoplasticity, which decreased with temperature. At higher shear rates all the mixes showed plug flow. SEM pictures showed that maximum orientation of fibers occured at a shear rate, just before the onset of plug flow. The presence of fiber reduced the temperature sensitivity of the flow at a given shear rate. Die swell was reduced in the presence of fiber. Shear viscosity of the composite was increased in the presence of resin. Die swell was increased in the presence of epoxy resin for composites at all shear rates. The thermal degradation of NBR and SBR composites with and without bonding agent followed single step degradation pattern. Thermal stability of the composites was improved in the presence of bonding agent. The degradation of virgin elastomer and the composites followed first order kinetics.


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Este trabajo busca reflejar la influencia de la búsqueda de soberanía Palestina sobre las posiciones de la Liga de Estados Árabes en la Organización de las Naciones Unidas. Se hace énfasis en el análisis de este apoyo colectivo árabe a la causa palestina bajo el neorrealismo, los lineamientos teóricos propuestos por Kenneth Waltz.