958 resultados para Transitional civil administration international


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Early warning systems (EWSs) rely on the capacity to forecast a dangerous event with a certain amount of advance by defining warning criteria on which the safety of the population will depend. Monitoring of landslides is facilitated by new technologies, decreasing prices and easier data processing. At the same time, predicting the onset of a rapid failure or the sudden transition from slow to rapid failure and subsequent collapse, and its consequences is challenging for scientists that must deal with uncertainties and have limited tools to do so. Furthermore, EWS and warning criteria are becoming more and more a subject of concern between technical experts, researchers, stakeholders and decision makers responsible for the activation, enforcement and approval of civil protection actions. EWSs imply also a sharing of responsibilities which is often averted by technical staff, managers of technical offices and governing institutions. We organized the First International Workshop on Warning Criteria for Active Slides (IWWCAS) to promote sharing and networking among members from specialized institutions and relevant experts of EWS. In this paper, we summarize the event to stimulate discussion and collaboration between organizations dealing with the complex task of managing hazard and risk related to active slides.


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En nom de la exportació dels valors democràtics s’ha pretès justificar la introducció dels principis del neoliberalisme a escala mundial. L’imaginari democràtic ha estat utilitzat com a disfressa elegant per a intentar tapar la progressiva debilitat generada en el cos social pels processos de globalització de l’economia. Però malgrat de l’inicial triomfalisme del “pensament únic”, paral•lelament s’ha anat generant tota una xarxa internacional de resistència que sembla tenir cada cop més un gran poder de mobilització


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The aim of the study is to find out “What are the challenges to overcome for the successful nanotechnology commercialization in Russia?” Working closely with the case country was definitely an advantage when it comes to the understanding of the research subject. The thesis is divided to two parts: first part examines the concept of technology commercialization and identifies unique aspects of the process in context of nanotechnology. Second part is dedicated to an empirical research, investigating current status of nanotechnology commercialization in Russia. For the purpose of this study, Russian and international scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, industry and government representatives were interviewed systematically during 2007 – 2009. Based on the research done it can be concluded that immense public funding provides necessary support for the development of Russian nanotechnology industry. However, investments alone do not address important structural shortcomings of a national innovation system, which in turn slow down the progress. Taking into consideration gap between science and business and challenging IPR legislation, expected significant economic impact in Russia may be overestimated. Nevertheless it should be noted that development of nanotechnology is advancing rapidly and therefore, the state of commercialization is changing accordingly, even while this lines are written.


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Há 40 anos, em plena Guerra Fria, Robert Bellah concluiu seu célebre artigo sobre a religião civil americana com a seguinte pergunta: como conceber a aplicabilidade legítima dos valores-chave que suportam o imaginário nacional americano para além dos confins territoriais do seu Estado-nação? O presente artigo quer revisitar esta questão criticamente à luz de incursões regulatórias recentes dos EUA sobre o campo da liberdade religiosa no globo. Primeiramente, reviso a história da relação entre secularismo, identidade nacional e cristianismo nos EUA. A seguir, analiso as articulações político-religiosas que dão origem ao International Freedom of Religion Act (IRFA), em 1998. Por fim, tento destacar como este exercício pode fornecer contribuições mais gerais para o estudo da relação entre religião, nacionalismo e poder secular na contemporaeidade, com ênfase na relação entre estes e o princípio de soberania do estado de direito.


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Comprend : Décret portant règlement d'administration publique (article 34 du décret du 22 août 1912)


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The thesis assesses the impact of international factors on relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots during and after the Cold War. Through an analysis of the Cyprus problem it explores both why external actors intervene in communal conflicts and how they influence relations between ethnic groups in plural societies. The analytical framework employed throughout the study draws on contributions of International Relations theorists and students of ethnic conflict. The thesis argues that, as in the global political system, relations between ethnic groups in unranked communal systems are anarchic; that is, actors within the system do not recognize a sovereign political authority. In bipolar communal systems dominated by two relatively equal groups, the struggle for security and power often leads to appeals for assistance from external actors. The framework notes that neighboring states and Great Powers may heed calls for assistance, or intervene without a prior request, if it is in their interest to do so. The convergence of regional and global interests in communal affairs exacerbates ethnic conflicts and precludes the development of effective political institutions. The impact of external intervention in ethnic conflicts has the potential to alter the basis of communal relations. The Cyprus problem is examined both during and after the Cold War in order to gauge how global and regional actors and the structure of their respective systems have affected relations between ethnic groups in Cyprus. The thesis argues that Cyprus's descent into civil war in 1963 was due in part to the entrenchment of external interests in the Republic's constitution. The study also notes that power politics involving the United States, Soviet Union, Greece and Turkey continued to affect the development of communal relations throughout the 1960s, 70s, and, 80s. External intervention culminated in July and August 1974, after a Greek sponsored coup was answered by Turkey's invasion and partition of Cyprus. The forced expulsion of Greek Cypriots from the island's northern territories led to the establishment of ethnically homogeneous zones, thus altering the context of communal relations dramatically. The study also examines the role of the United Nations in Cyprus, noting that its failure to settle the dispute was due in large part to a lack of cooperation from Turkey, and the United States' and Soviet Union's acceptance of the status quo following the 1974 invasion and partition of the island. The thesis argues that the deterioration of Greek-Turkish relations in the post-Cold War era has made a solution to the dispute unlikely for the time being. Barring any dramatic changes in relations between communal and regional antagonists, relations between Greek and Turkish Cypriots will continue to develop along the lines established in July/August 1974. The thesis concludes by affirming the validity of its core hypotheses through a brief survey of recent works touching on international politics and ethnic conflict. Questions requiring further research are noted as are elements of the study that require further refinement.


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Good faith plays a central role in most legal systems, yet appears to be an intractable concept. This article proposes to analyse it economically as the absence of opportunism in circumstances which lend themselves to it. One of the objectives underlying the law of contract on an economic view is to curtail opportunism. In spelling out what this means, the paper proposes a three-step test: bad faith is present where a substantial informational or other asymmetry exists between the parties, which one of them turns into an undue advantage, considered against the gains both parties could normally expect to realise through the contract, and where loss to the disadvantaged party is so serious as to provoke recourse to expensive self-protection, which significantly raises transactions costs in the market. The three-step test is then used to analyse a set of recent decisions in international commercial transactions and three concepts derived from good faith: fraud, warranty for latent defects and lesion.


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"Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en droit (LL.M.)". Ce mémoire a été accepté à l'unanimité et classé parmi les 15% des mémoires de la discipline.


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Le principal reproche qui est adressé au droit international est la faiblesse de ses mécanismes de sanctions. Pour cette raison, plusieurs penseurs juridiques ont conclu que le droit international n'existait pas. Le présent mémoire vise donc à étudier la rhétorique derrière cette affirmation et à examiner sa validité. Pour ce faire, nous analysons dans un premier temps la relation entre la sanction et le droit à travers le cadre positiviste du XIXe siècle. Nous étudions tour à tour les soi-disant critères constitutifs de la sanction. Nous les comparons avec d'autres ordres non juridiques pour ensuite rejeter le postulat positiviste qui fait de la contrainte et de la centralisation des pouvoirs les éléments essentiels de la sanction. Nous étudions ensuite le cadre d'adoption des sanctions économiques du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. Cette étape nous permet d'expliquer les principales faiblesses et limitations du droit international. Parmi celles-ci, le manque de coopération internationale, le droit de veto et le principe de la souveraineté nationale sont les éléments qui freinent l'adoption des sanctions coopération internationale. Nous examinons ensuite les objectifs derrière l'imposition des sanctions ainsi que leur efficacité. Finalement, nous étudions les embargos en général et les embargos sur les armes. Cette étude nous permet d'une part de démontrer les effets des sanctions économiques sur la population civile et sur les États tiers. D'autre part, elle nous permet de mieux comprendre les problèmes relatifs à l'administration d'une sanction, ainsi qu'aux mesures de contournement des interdictions.


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"Thèse présentée à la Faculté des études supérieures de l'Université de Montréal en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (LL.D.) et à l'Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) Droit-économie-Sciences Sociales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en droit (Arrêté du 30 mars 1992 modifié par l'arrêté du 25 avril 2002)"


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Daniel Weinstock, director of CRÉUM, interviews two professors that were invited to pursue their work at CRÉUM during the summer of 2008. His invitees are Lisa Eckenwiler, Associate Professor of Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy and in the Department of Health Administration and Policy at George Mason University; and Chris Macdonald, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax. You will also hear General International, an experimental/avant-garde music band that was formed only a few months ago.


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Comme son titre l'indique, ce mémoire traite de la légitimité du recours à l'action déclaratoire en droit international privé québécois. L'action déclaratoire, qu'elle soit introduite par déclaration ou par requête, a pour but de faire prononcer un tribunal sur l'existence ou l'inexistence de droits et obligations des parties. Bien que très ancienne, l'action déclaratoire n'était que peu utilisée au Québec jusqu'à l'avènement en 1966 de la requête en jugement déclaratoire dans notre Code de procédure civile. Aujourd'hui, cette action est largement utilisée en droit public dans le cadre du pouvoir de surveillance et de contrôle de la Cour supérieure, mais aussi dans le contexte du droit international privé comme une stratégie de défense, ou parfois d'attaque, dans le cadre d'un litige international. Fondamentalement, la finalité de cette action est d'offrir un mécanisme de protection judiciaire des droits d'un individu lorsque les autres recours ne sont pas disponibles ou accessibles, et de permettre un recours efficace hors du cadre traditionnel de la procédure ordinaire. Dès lors, il semble contestable d'utiliser en droit international privé l'action en jugement déclaratoire pour bloquer les procédures ordinaires autrement applicables. L'objet de cette étude est ainsi de démontrer que bien que le recours à l'action déclaratoire soit légitime en droit international privé, son utilisation actuelle à des fins stratégiques en présence, ou en prévision, d'une action ordinaire intentée dans une autre juridiction, paraît difficilement justifiable. Ainsi, la première partie de ce mémoire est consacrée à l'étude de la légitimité de l'action déclaratoire en droit international privé québécois, et la seconde partie s'intéresse aux effets d'une requête en jugement déclaratoire étrangère sur la procédure internationale au Québec.