345 resultados para Throwing weapon


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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The aim of this paper was to evaluate the efficiency of the treatment of cassava wastewater, separately from the root washing water, by means of ascending flux anaerobic digesters, with separation of the phases, without temperature control or addition of chemical products and to evaluate its suitability by means of its physical and chemical characteristics for throwing in receiving body, public sewage system or application in fertilization and irrigation. After reactors had been stabilized, essays were conducted varying feeding flow with 8.0, 12.0 and 16.0 Ld-1 corresponding to a hydraulic retention time of 8.17, 5.44 and 4.08 days, respectively. The best reduction for organic load reduction were obtained with hydraulic retention times (HRT) of 8.17 and 5.44 days with mean efficiencies of 89.8 and 90.9%, respectively.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Twenty-four masters swimmers participated in the study (42.0 ± 7.4 years, 1.74 ± 0.09 m, 74.8 ± 14.1 kg). Countermovement jump (CMJ) and 3 kg medicinal ball throwing (BM) were performed. At a 25 m swimming pool, each subject completed a maximal 50 m front crawl swim with in water start, 25 and 50 m performances (T25, T50) were recorded. Anaerobic critical velocity (AnCV) was determined by the slope of the distance-time relationship (Dd-t) in the two swimming distances. T25 and T50 (respectively 19.0 ± 2.7-sec and 38.8 ± 6.4-sec) were correlated with CMJ (27.2 ± 5.0 m) (respectively, r = -0.78 and -0.73, p < 0.01), and BM (4.3 ± 1.0 m) (r = -0.68 and - 0.58, p < 0.01). AnCV25,50 (1.31 ± 0.23 m.s-1 ) was correlated with T25 (r = -0.92, p < 0.01 ) and T50 (r = -0.98, p < 0.01). The strength parameters turn out to be important in aquatic performance in masters swimmers and AnCV may be relevant in the training of masters swimmers.


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Considering current technological progresses, they prove to be useful tools to be increasingly exploited in order to meet the population's needs. Generally, in Brazil, the Mobile Emergency Services (SAMU) tend to be limited to the management of incidents, which undermines the efficiency of these bodies. In this context, this final dissertation aims to present the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for the SAMU in the cities of Feira de Santana BA and Rio Claro SP, integrating occurrences data related to trauma by cold weapon injuries, injury by gun, and assaults, in the period 2012-2013, as well as census data. The study was developed in stages that included obtaining data related to trauma events linked to urban violence, and statistical Census data (2010), provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). Regarding the GIS, the free software Quantum GIS (QGIS) was adopted for processing and spatializing data, assuming the districts as units of study, in the urban area of the cities analyzed. The resulting research products were presented in thematic maps format, which conducted to a comparative analysis of the occurrences related to traumas. The achieved results were satisfactory, and a database in GIS was developed, integrating occurrences data by Cold Weapon Injuries (FAB), Injury by Gun (FAF) and Assaults with census data, allowing the proper use and update of the system. Making a comparative analysis between the two cities, it was possible to establish that Rio Claro presents more occurrences when it comes to FAF, FAB and Aggression recorded at SAMU per 100,000 inhabitants than Feira de Santana. Thus, although Rio Claro's population is about three times smaller than Feira de Santana's, it can be said that Rio Claro is a more violent city, considering the factors analyzed. It is possible to infer that the use of GIS applied to the SAMU in medium-sized cities is feasible, and it has the advantage...


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Serracutisoma proximum is a harvestman with alternative male morphs. Large males use sexually dimorphic second legs in fights for the possession of territories on the vegetation, where females oviposit. Small males have short second legs and do not fight but rather sneak into the territories and copulate with egg-guarding females. We investigated the presence of male dimorphism across 10 populations of S. proximum, compared gonadal investment between male morphs, and assessed if the distribution of the sneakers is influenced by harem size. In all populations, there was male dimorphism, indicated by the bimodal distribution of the leg II length/body length. Gonadal investment did not differ between morphs and was not affected by male size, second leg length, and morph relative frequency in the populations. We found 361 territories, 90.0% containing 1 male, 9.7% containing 2 males (dyads), and 0.3% containing 3 males. The probability of encountering dyads increased with the number of females present in the territories. Moreover, the proportion of sneakers in territories containing dyads was higher than would be expected by chance. One possible reason for the ubiquity of alternative morphs in S. proximum could be the high mating opportunities experienced by sneakers in spatially structured populations with a resource defense polygyny system. Additionally, the high frequency of successful invasions by sneakers and hence the high sperm competition risk for both morphs may explain the similarity in gonadal investment between male morphs.


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The study examined how children of different ages integrate fundamental movement skills, such as running and throwing, and whether their developmental status was related to the combination of these skills. Thirty children were divided into three groups (G1 = 6-year-olds, G2 = 9-year-olds, and G3 = 12-year-olds) and filmed performing three tasks: running, overarm throwing, and the combined task. Patterns were identified and described, and the efficiency of integration was calculated (distance differences of the ball thrown in two tasks, overarm throwing and combined task). Differences in integration were related to age: the 6-year-olds were less efficient in combining the two skills than the 9- and 12-year-olds. These differences may be indicative of a phase of integrating fundamental movement skills in the developmental sequence. This developmental status, particularly throwing, seems to be related to the competence to integrate skills, which suggests that fundamental movement skills may be developmental modules.


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Gunshot residues (GSR) can be used in forensic evaluations to obtain information about the type of gun and ammunition used in a crime. In this work, we present our efforts to develop a promising new method to discriminate the type of gun [four different guns were used: two handguns (0.38 revolver and 0.380 pistol) and two long-barrelled guns (12-calibre pump-action shotgun and 0.38 repeating rifle)] and ammunition (five different types: normal, semi-jacketed, full-jacketed, green, and 3T) used by a suspect. The proposed approach is based on information obtained from cyclic voltammograms recorded in solutions containing GSR collected from the hands of the shooters, using a gold microelectrode; the information was further analysed by non-supervised pattern-recognition methods [(Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA)]. In all cases (gun and ammunition discrimination), good separation among different samples in the score plots and dendrograms was achieved. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Der Forschungsgegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Identifikation und Interpretation von Traumata an menschlichen Skeletten. Neben einer umfassenden Darstellung des aktuellen Kenntnisstandes unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten wurden menschliche Überreste aus der Schlacht von Dornach 1499 n. Chr. untersucht. Ergänzend wurde eine Versuchsreihe mit Replika mittelalterlicher Waffen an Kunstköpfen durchgeführt. Für die Ansprache und Kategorisierung von Traumata an Skelettfunden existiert kein einheitliches und allgemein gebräuchliches System. Die verschiedenen Herangehensweisen und ihre Vor- und Nachteile wurden benannt und diskutiert. Nachfolgend wurden die Erscheinungsformen prä-, peri- und postmortaler Traumata bzw. Defekte sowie von Verletzungen durch stumpfe und scharfe Gewalt, Schussverletzungen und anderen Verletzungsarten dargestellt. Weitere besprochene Aspekte waren die Abgrenzung von Traumata gegen pathologische Veränderungen und anatomische Varianten sowie eine Diskussion der Methodik und Problematik der Erfassung von Verletzungsfrequenzen. Neben der Bestimmung von Geschlecht, Sterbealter und Körperhöhe wurden an den zur Untersuchung zur Verfügung stehenden Schädeln (N=106) und Femora (N=33) aus der Schlacht von Dornach 1499 n. Chr. pathologische und postmortale Veränderungen sowie als Schwerpunkt prä- und perimortale Traumata identifiziert und beschrieben. Die anthropologischen Befunde zeichneten das Bild einer in Hinsicht auf Sterbealter und Körperhöhe heterogenen Gruppe von Männern mit wenigen pathologischen Veränderungen. Die Ergebnisse wurden vor dem Hintergrund des spätmittelalterlichen Söldnerwesens diskutiert. An den Schädeln wurden insgesamt 417 perimortale Traumata identifiziert, wobei Hiebverletzungen stark überwogen. Die Entstehungsweise charakteristischer Merkmale von Hiebverletzungen konnte experimentell nachvollzogen werden. Weiter stellte sich heraus, dass Hiebverletzungen durch Schwerter und Hellebarden nur in Ausnahmefällen voneinander unterschieden werden können. Verletzungen durch punktuelle Einwirkungen und stumpfe Gewalt sowie Schussverletzungen wurden in weitaus geringerer Häufigkeit festgestellt. Experimentell konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Verletzungen durch punktuelle Einwirkungen mit einer Beibringung durch Langspiesse, Stossspitzen und Reisshaken von Hellebarden sowie Armbrustbolzen vereinbar sind, wobei beträchtliche Limitationen einer genaueren Waffenzuordnung offenkundig wurden. Die Verletzungen konnten als wohl typisch für die damalige Zeit bezeichnet werden, da sie das zeitgenössische Waffenspektrum deutlich widerspiegeln. Die Lokalisation der perimortalen Traumata am Schädel liess kein Muster erkennen, mit Ausnahme der Feststellung, dass grössere Schädelknochen mehr Verletzungen aufwiesen als kleinere. Diese regellose Verteilung wurde als Hinweis darauf verstanden, dass die Kampfweise keine „ritterliche“ gewesen sein dürfte, was in Einklang mit den damals geltenden Kriegsordnungen steht. Postmortale Veränderungen unterschiedlicher Art liessen vermuten, dass die untersuchten Individuen nicht bestattet wurden und dass die vom Schlachtfeld aufgesammelten Gebeine in Beinhäusern aufbewahrt wurden. Die Resultate bestätigten damit Angaben aus Schriftquellen und erlaubten die Zuordnung der Skelettreste zu Gefallenen des Reichsheeres. Beim Vergleich der Dornacher Stichprobe mit anderen mittelalterlichen Schlachtfeldserien traten sowohl hinsichtlich der anthropologischen Befunde als auch im Hinblick auf die Verletzungen und Verletzungsmuster deutliche Ähnlichkeiten zutage. Diese ergänzten nicht nur das lückenhafte Bild spätmittelalterlicher Heere und ihrer Kampfweise, sondern beleuchteten auch Unterschiede zwischen mittelalterlicher und neuzeitlicher Kriegsführung.


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L’osteomielite associata all’impianto è un processo infettivo a carico del tessuto osseo spesso accompagnato dalla distruzione dell’osso stesso. La patogenesi delle osteomieliti associate all’impianto si basa su due concetti fondamentali: l’internalizzazione del patogeno all’interno degli osteoblasti e la capacità dei batteri di formare il biofilm. Entrambi i meccanismi consentono infatti di prevenire l’eliminazione del batterio da parte delle difese immunitarie dell’ospite e di ostacolare l’azione della maggior parte degli antibiotici (che non penetrano e non agiscono pertanto su microrganismi intracellulari), così sostenendo ed alimentando l’infezione. Il saggio di invasione messo a punto su micropiastra ha consentito di investigare in modo approfondito e dettagliato il ruolo ed il peso dell’internalizzazione nella patogenesi delle infezioni ortopediche peri-protesiche causate da S. aureus, S. epidermidis, S. lugdunensis ed E. faecalis. Lo studio ha evidenziato che l’invasione delle cellule MG-63 non rappresenta un meccanismo patogenetico delle infezioni ortopediche associate all’impianto causate da S. epidermidis, S. lugdunensis ed E. faecalis; al contrario, in S. aureus la spiccata capacità invasiva rappresenta un’abile strategia patogenetica che consente al patogeno di sfuggire alla terapia sistemica e alla risposta immunitaria dell’ospite. È stato studiato inoltre il ruolo dell’immunità innata nella difesa contro il biofilm batterico. In seguito all’incubazione del biofilm opsonizzato di S. epidermidis con i PMN è stato possibile osservare la formazione delle NETs. Le NETs rappresentano ottime armi nella difesa contro il biofilm batterico, infatti le trappole sono in grado di limitare la diffusione batterica e quindi di confinare l’infezione. La comprensione del ruolo dell’internalizzazione nella patogenesi delle osteomieliti associate all’impianto e lo studio della risposta immunitaria innata a questo tipo di infezioni, spesso caratterizzate dalla presenza di biofilm, sono presupposti per identificare e affinare le migliori strategie terapeutiche necessarie ad eradicare l'infezione.


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Corruption is, in the last two decades, considered as one of the biggest problems within the international community, which harms not only a particular state or society but the whole world. The discussion on corruption in law and economics approach is mainly run under the veil of Public choice theory and principal-agent model. Based on this approach the strong international initiatives taken by the UN, the OECD and the Council of Europe, provided various measures and tools in order to support and guide countries in their combat against corruption. These anti-corruption policies created a repression -prevention-transparency model for corruption combat. Applying this model, countries around the world adopted anti-corruption strategies as part of their legal rules. Nevertheless, the recent researches on the effects of this move show non impressive results. Critics argue that “one size does not fit all” because the institutional setting of countries around the world varies. Among the countries which experience problems of corruption, even though they follow the dominant anti-corruption trends, are transitional, post-socialist countries. To this group belong the countries which are emerging from centrally planned to an open market economy. The socialist past left traces on institutional setting, mentality of the individuals and their interrelation, particularly in the domain of public administration. If the idiosyncrasy of these countries is taken into account the suggestion in this thesis is that in public administration in post-socialist countries, instead of dominant anti-corruption scheme repression-prevention-transparency, corruption combat should be improved through the implementation of a new one, structure-conduct-performance. The implementation of this model is based on three regulatory pyramids: anti-corruption, disciplinary anti-corruption and criminal anti-corruption pyramid. This approach asks public administration itself to engage in corruption combat, leaving criminal justice system as the ultimate weapon, used only for the very harmful misdeeds.


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We report a case involving a spring-gun device (muzzleloader) loaded solely with gunpowder, installed next to shoes to prevent the neighbors' puppy from removing them. The booby trap was triggered by the 15-year-old dog-owners son when he tried to put the shoes out of the reach of the puppy. The boy suffered second degree superficial burns located mainly at the dorsal side of the right hand and fingers. To estimate the danger of the used weapon, several tests were undertaken on soap blocks from different distances and with different loads of black powder. The particle density per mm and the depth of black powder tattooing in the soap was compared with the boy's injuries, and found conclusive with the gun-owners statement regarding the loading of the weapon. Furthermore, our experiments indicated that the gunpowder load involved was not able to inflict permanent damage, not even to the eyes, at the here estimated firing distance.


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We report the case of a 46-year-old man found dead in his apartment in a chair with a gunshot wound in his chest. All circumstances pointed to suicide as the manner of death. Finding the weapon, a SIG Sauer P228 pistol, about 2 m away from the decedent with an obstacle between weapon and corpse however generated speculation about third party involvement. Scene investigations and ballistic calculations showed that with a high probability the weapon must have been purposefully thrown away by the decedent after he fired the lethal gunshot.


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Gunshot injuries in the back may suggest the unjustified use of firearms. A wound in the back inflicted by a firearm should not automatically imply that the shooter aimed at the back. A previous study demonstrated that it is possible for men to turn their trunk faster than it takes for a shooter to fire or throw a hand-operated weapon. With a high speed motion camera the authors were able to demonstrate that it is also possible for women to turn their trunk fast enough, so that a shot in the back could have been aimed at the front of the body. This conclusion is also likely to apply to hand-operated or thrown weapons, since the velocity of their projectiles is considerably lower than that of firearms.