871 resultados para Therapeutic potential
Die medikamentöse Standardtherapie entzündlich-rheumatischer Erkrankungen wie der rheumatoider Arthritis (RA) und des systemischen Lupus erythematodes (SLE) sind oft unzureichend und erlauben keine nebenwirkungsarme beziehungsweise -freie Behandlung. Daher ist es von großem Interesse für diese Indikationsgebiete, wirkungsvolle Substanzen zu entwickeln, die für eine Langzeittherapie geeignet sind. Naturstoffe wie Oxacyclododecindion (Oxa) können dabei als mögliche Leitstruktur dienen. Oxa wurde bereits in in-vitro Untersuchungen als ein potenter Inhibitor der Expression von proinflammatorischen und profibrotischen Genen identifiziert. rnZiel dieser Arbeit war es in in-vivo Modellen der RA und des SLEs das therapeutische Potential des Naturstoffes Oxa aufzuklären. Da eine Etablierung der Kollagen-induzierten Arthritis im untersuchten murinen RA-Modell, dem HLA-DR4.AE° Stamm, nicht möglich war, wurden die Untersuchungen ausschließlich im MRL Faslpr Mausstamm, einem anerkannten SLE-Modell durchgeführt. MRL Faslpr Mäuse entwickeln wie SLE-Patienten unter anderem eine schwerwiegende Glomerulonephritis. rnIn den Nieren weiblicher MRL Faslpr Mäuse konnte die Oxa-Behandlung die Expression zahlreicher proinflammatorischer Mediatoren beeinflussen, die in Zusammenhang mit der Pathogenese des humanen SLE gebracht werden. So reduziert der Naturstoff die Expression von Zytokinen wie TNFα, IFNγ und IL6 als auch Chemokinen wie CCL2, CSF-1 und RANTES auf mRNA- und Proteinebene. Dabei war die Wirkung von Oxa in den in-vivo Analysen ähnlich gut wie die des potenten Glukokortikoids Dexamethason. Die Reduktion chemotaktischer Moleküle durch die Oxa-Behandlung führte nachweislich zu einer reduzierten Akkumulation von Immunzellen. Die anti-inflammatorischen und immunmodulatorischen Effekte von Oxa waren so ausgeprägt, dass klinisch-pathologische Marker der Glomerulonephritis, wie die Ablagerung von Immunkomplexen, die vermehrte Bildung von Kollagenfasern und die Ausscheidung von Proteinen im Urin gemildert wurden. Weiterführende Untersuchungen im SLE Modell konnten neue Zielmoleküle von Oxa identifizieren, wie KIM1 und zahlreiche SLE-assoziierte microRNAs (miR 19a, 29c und 369). Diese Befunde legen nahe, dass Oxa eine vielversprechende anti-entzündliche und -fibrotische Verbindung darstellt. rnDie Entschlüsselung des Wirkmechanismus von Oxa steht erst am Anfang. Die Analysen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit zeigten jedoch, dass Oxa einen Einfluss auf die Phosphorylierung und somit Aktivierung der p38 MAPK sowie auf die mRNA-Stabilität von proinflammatorischen Zytokinen wie TNFα zu haben scheint.rn
Ein charakteristisches, neuropathologisches Merkmal der Alzheimer-Demenz (AD), der am häufigsten vorkommenden Demenz-Form des Menschen, ist das Auftreten von senilen Plaques im Gehirn der Patienten. Hierbei stellt das neurotoxische A-beta Peptid den Hauptbestandteil dieser Ablagerungen dar. Einen Beitrag zu der pathologisch erhöhten A-beta Generierung liefert das verschobene Expressionsgleichgewicht der um APP-konkurrierenden Proteasen BACE-1 und ADAM10 zu Gunsten der beta-Sekretase BACE-1. In der vorliegenden Dissertation sollten molekulare Mechanismen identifiziert werden, die zu einem pathologisch veränderten Gleichgewicht der APP-Spaltung und somit zum Entstehen und Fortschritt der AD beitragen. Des Weiteren sollten Substanzen identifiziert werden, die durch Beeinflussung der Genexpression einer der beiden Proteasen das physiologische Gleichgewicht der APP-Prozessierung wiederherstellen können und somit therapeutisch einsetzbar sind.rnAnhand eines „Screenings“ von 704 Transkriptionsfaktoren wurden 23 Faktoren erhalten die das Verhältnis ADAM10- pro BACE-1-Promotor Aktivität beeinflussten. Exemplarisch wurden zwei der molekularen Faktoren auf ihren Wirkmechanismus untersucht: Der TF „X box binding protein-1“ (XBP-1), der die so genannte „unfolded protein response“ (UPR) reguliert, erhöhte die Expression von ADAM10 in Zellkultur-Experimenten. Die Menge dieses Faktors war in AD-Patienten im Vergleich zu gesunden, Alters-korrelierten Kontrollen signifikant erniedrigt. Im Gegensatz dazu verminderte der Seneszenz-assoziierte TF „T box 2“ (Tbx2) die Menge an ADAM10 in SH-SY5Y Zellen. Die Expression des Faktors selbst war in post-mortem Kortexgewebe von AD-Patienten erhöht. Zusätzlich zu den TFs konnten in einer Kooperation mit dem Helmholtz Zentrum München drei microRNAs (miRNA 103, 107, 1306) bioinformatisch prädiziert und experimentell validiert werden, die die Expression des humanen ADAM10 reduzierten.rnIm Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnten damit körpereigene Faktoren identifiziert werden, die die Menge an ADAM10 regulieren und folglich potenziell an der Entstehung der gestörten Homöostase der APP-Prozessierung beteiligt sind. Somit ist die AD auch im Hinblick auf eine A-beta-vermittelte Pathologie als multifaktorielle Krankheit zu verstehen, in der verschiedene Regulatoren zur gestörten APP-Prozessierung und somit zur pathologisch gesteigerten A-beta Generierung beitragen können. rnEine pharmakologische Erhöhung der ADAM10 Genexpression würde zu der Freisetzung von neuroprotektivem APPs-alpha und gleichzeitig zu einer reduzierten A-beta Generierung führen. Deshalb war ein weiteres Ziel dieser Arbeit die Evaluierung von Substanzen mit therapeutischem Potenzial im Hinblick auf eine erhöhte ADAM10 Expression. Von 640 FDA-zugelassenen Medikamenten einer Substanz-Bibliothek wurden 23 Substanzen identifiziert, die die Menge an ADAM10 signifikant steigerten während die Expression von BACE-1 und APP unbeeinflusst blieb. In Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut für Pathologie (Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz) wurde ein Zellkultur-basiertes Modell etabliert, um die Permeationsfähigkeit der potenziellen Kandidaten-Substanzen über die Blut-Hirn Schranke (BHS) zu untersuchen. Von den 23 Medikamenten konnten neun im Rahmen des etablierten Modells als BHS-gängig charakterisiert werden. Somit erfüllen diese verbleibenden Medikamente die grundlegenden Anforderungen an ein AD-Therapeutikum. rnADAM10 spaltet neben APP eine Vielzahl anderer Substrate mit unterschiedlichen Funktionen in der Zelle. Zum Beispiel reguliert das Zelladhäsionsmolekül Neuroligin-1 (NL-1), das von ADAM10 prozessiert wird, die synaptische Funktion exzitatorischer Neurone. Aus diesem Grund ist die Abschätzung potenzieller, Therapie-bedingter Nebenwirkungen sehr wichtig. Im Rahmen eines Forschungsaufenthalts an der Universität von Tokio konnte in primären, kortikalen Neuronen der Ratte bei einer Retinoid-induzierten Erhöhung von ADAM10 neben einer vermehrten alpha-sekretorischen APP-Prozessierung auch eine gesteigerte Spaltung von NL-1 beobachtet werden. Dies lässt vermuten, dass bei einer Behandlung mit dem Retinoid Acitretin neben einer vermehrten APP-Spaltung durch ADAM10 auch die Regulation glutamaterger Neurone durch die Spaltung von NL-1 betroffen ist. Anhand eines geeigneten Alzheimer-Tiermodells sollten diese Befunde weiter analysiert werden, um so auf einen sicheren therapeutischen Ansatz bezüglich einer vermehrten ADAM10 Genexpression schließen zu können.rn
Representing the common endpoint of various cardiovascular disorders, heart failure (HF) shows a dramatically growing prevalence. As currently available therapeutic strategies are not capable of terminating the progress of the disease, HF is still associated with a poor clinical prognosis. Among the underlying molecular mechanisms, the loss of cardiomyocyte Ca(2+) cycling integrity plays a key role in the pathophysiological development and progression of the disease. The cardiomyocyte EF-hand Ca(2+) sensor protein S100A1 emerged as a regulator both of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), sarcomere and mitochondrial function implicating a significant role in cardiac physiology and dysfunction. In this review, we aim to recapitulate the translation of S100A1-based investigation from first clinical observations over basic research experiments back to a near-clinical setting on the verge of clinical trials today. We also address needs for further developments towards "second-generation" gene therapy and discuss the therapeutic potential of S100A1 gene therapy for HF as a promising novel strategy for future cardiologists. This article is part of a Special Section entitled "Special Section: Cardiovascular Gene Therapy".
Cardiovascular disease is a complex disorder involving multiple pathophysiological processes, several of which involve activation of toll-like receptors (TLRs) of the innate immune system. As sentinels of innate immunity TLRs are nonclonally germline-encoded molecular pattern recognition receptors that recognize exogenous as well as tissue-derived molecular dangers signals promoting inflammation. In addition to their expression in immune cells, TLRs are found in other tissues and cell types including cardiomyocytes, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle cells. TLRs are differentially regulated in various cell types by several cardiovascular risk factors such as hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, and hyperglycemia and may represent a key mechanism linking chronic inflammation, cardiovascular disease progression, and activation of the immune system. Modulation of TLR signaling by specific TLR agonists or antagonists, alone or in combination, may be a useful therapeutic approach to treat various cardiovascular inflammatory conditions such as atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, secondary microvascular complications of diabetes, autoimmune disease, and ischemia reperfusion injury. In this paper we discuss recent developments and current evidence for the role of TLR in cardiovascular disease as well as the therapeutic potential of various compounds on inhibition of TLR-mediated inflammatory responses.
(E)-β-caryophyllene (BCP) is a natural sesquiterpene found in many essential oils of spice (best known for contributing to the spiciness of black pepper) and food plants with recognized anti-inflammatory properties. Recently it was shown that BCP is a natural agonist of endogenous cannabinoid 2 (CB(2)) receptors, which are expressed in immune cells and mediate anti-inflammatory effects. In this study we aimed to test the effects of BCP in a clinically relevant murine model of nephropathy (induced by the widely used antineoplastic drug cisplatin) in which the tubular injury is largely dependent on inflammation and oxidative/nitrative stress. β-caryophyllene dose-dependently ameliorated cisplatin-induced kidney dysfunction, morphological damage, and renal inflammatory response (chemokines MCP-1 and MIP-2, cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β, adhesion molecule ICAM-1, and neutrophil and macrophage infiltration). It also markedly mitigated oxidative/nitrative stress (NOX-2 and NOX-4 expression, 4-HNE and 3-NT content) and cell death. The protective effects of BCP against biochemical and histological markers of nephropathy were absent in CB(2) knockout mice. Thus, BCP may be an excellent therapeutic agent to prevent cisplatin-induced nephrotoxicity through a CB(2) receptor-dependent pathway. Given the excellent safety profile of BCP in humans it has tremendous therapeutic potential in a multitude of diseases associated with inflammation and oxidative stress.
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signalling is central in the activation of hepatic stellate cells (HSCs), the key source of extracellular matrix (ECM) in fibrotic liver. We tested the therapeutic potential of the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin in advanced cirrhosis. METHODS: Cirrhosis was induced by bile duct-ligation (BDL) or thioacetamide injections (TAA). Rats received oral rapamycin (0.5 mg/kg/day) for either 14 or 28 days. Untreated BDL and TAA-rats served as controls. Liver function was quantified by aminopyrine breath test. ECM and ECM-producing cells were quantified by morphometry. MMP-2 activity was measured by zymography. mRNA expression of procollagen-alpha1, transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1) and beta2 was quantified by RT-PCR. RESULTS: Fourteen days of rapamycin improved liver function. Accumulation of ECM was decreased together with numbers of activated HSCs and MMP-2 activity in both animal models. TGF-beta1 mRNA was downregulated in TAA, TGF-beta2 mRNA was downregulated in BDL. 28 days of rapamycin treatment entailed a survival advantage of long-term treated BDL-rats. CONCLUSIONS: Low-dose rapamycin treatment is effectively antifibrotic and attenuates disease progression in advanced fibrosis. Our results warrant the clinical evaluation of rapamycin as an antifibrotic drug.
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in Switzerland. The nihilism that dominated the treatment of these patients for decades has been replaced by a measure of enthusiasm, given recent therapeutic advances. New anticancer drugs such as irinotecan and oxaliplatin have changed the standard chemotherapy treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer. However, the real hype has come from molecular targeted therapy. Identification of cellular processes characteristic of colon cancer has permitted therapeutic targeting with favorable therapeutic index. Inhibition of the epidermal growth factor receptor in the clinic has provided proof of principle that interruption of signal transduction cascades in patients has therapeutic potential. Angiogenesis, especially the vascular endothelial growth factor pathway, has been proven to be another highly successful molecular target. In this article, we will review molecular targets, which are under active clinical investigation in colon cancer.
11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (11beta-HSD) enzymes catalyze the conversion of biologically inactive 11-ketosteroids into their active 11beta-hydroxy derivatives and vice versa. Inhibition of 11beta-HSD1 has considerable therapeutic potential for glucocorticoid-associated diseases including obesity, diabetes, wound healing, and muscle atrophy. Because inhibition of related enzymes such as 11beta-HSD2 and 17beta-HSDs causes sodium retention and hypertension or interferes with sex steroid hormone metabolism, respectively, highly selective 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors are required for successful therapy. Here, we employed the software package Catalyst to develop ligand-based multifeature pharmacophore models for 11beta-HSD1 inhibitors. Virtual screening experiments and subsequent in vitro evaluation of promising hits revealed several selective inhibitors. Efficient inhibition of recombinant human 11beta-HSD1 in intact transfected cells as well as endogenous enzyme in mouse 3T3-L1 adipocytes and C2C12 myotubes was demonstrated for compound 27, which was able to block subsequent cortisol-dependent activation of glucocorticoid receptors with only minor direct effects on the receptor itself. Our results suggest that inhibitor-based pharmacophore models for 11beta-HSD1 in combination with suitable cell-based activity assays, including such for related enzymes, can be used for the identification of selective and potent inhibitors.
PURPOSE: Although metabolic changes make diagnosis of insulinoma relatively easy, surgical removal is hampered by difficulties in locating it, and there is no efficient treatment for malignant insulinoma. We have previously shown that the high density of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GLP-1R) in human insulinoma cells provides an attractive target for molecular imaging and internal radiotherapy. In this study, we investigated the therapeutic potential of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4, an (111)In-labeled agonist of GLP-1, in a transgenic mouse model of human insulinoma. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 was assessed in the Rip1Tag2 mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis, which exhibits a GLP-1R expression comparable with human insulinoma. Mice were injected with 1.1, 5.6, or 28 MBq of the radiopeptide and sacrificed 7 days after injection. Tumor uptake and response, the mechanism of action of the radiopeptide, and therapy toxicity were investigated. RESULTS: Tumor uptake was >200% injected activity per gram, with a dose deposition of 3 Gy/MBq at 40 pmol [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4. Other GLP-1R-positive organs showed > or =30 times lower dose deposition. A single injection of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 resulted in a reduction of the tumor volume by up to 94% in a dose-dependent manner without significant acute organ toxicity. The therapeutic effect was due to increased tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis and decreased proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 is a promising radiopeptide capable of selectively targeting insulinoma. Furthermore, Auger-emitting radiopharmaceuticals such as (111)In are able to produce a marked therapeutic effect if a high tumor uptake is achieved.
Previous studies could demonstrate, that the naturally occuring polyphenol resveratrol inhibits cell growth of colon carcinoma cells at least in part by inhibition of protooncogene ornithine decarboxylase (ODC). The objective of this study was to provide several lines of evidence suggesting that the induction of ceramide synthesis is involved in this regulatory mechanisms. Cell growth was determined by BrdU incorporation and crystal violet staining. Ceramide concentrations were detected by HPLC-coupled mass-spectrometry. Protein levels were examined by Western blot analysis. ODC activity was assayed radiometrically measuring [(14)CO(2)]-liberation. A dominant-negative PPARgamma mutant was transfected in Caco-2 cells to suppress PPARgamma-mediated functions. Antiproliferative effects of resveratrol closely correlate with a dose-dependent increase of endogenous ceramides (p<0.001). Compared to controls the cell-permeable ceramide analogues C2- and C6-ceramide significantly inhibit ODC-activity (p<0.001) in colorectal cancer cells. C6-ceramide further diminished protein levels of protooncogenes c-myc (p<0.05) and ODC (p<0.01), which is strictly related to the ability of ceramides to inhibit cell growth in a time- and dose-dependent manner. These results were further confirmed using inhibitors of sphingolipid metabolism, where only co-incubation with a serine palmitoyltransferase (SPT) inhibitor could significantly counteract resveratrol-mediated actions. These data suggest that the induction of ceramide de novo biosynthesis but not hydrolysis of sphingomyelin is involved in resveratrol-mediated inhibition of ODC. In contrast to the regulation of catabolic spermidine/spermine acetyltransferase by resveratrol, inhibitory effects on ODC occur PPARgamma-independently, indicating independent pathways of resveratrol-action. Due to our findings resveratrol could show great chemopreventive and therapeutic potential in the treatment of colorectal cancers.
Although experimental prevention studies have suggested therapeutic potential of endothelin (ET) antagonists for the treatment of heart failure, the results of clinical trials using ET antagonists on top of standard heart failure medications have been largely disappointing. This experimental study investigated the effects of chronic ET(A) receptor blockade in long-term survivors of myocardial infarction who had developed stable chronic heart failure in the absence of other treatments. Systolic blood pressure, heart rate, organ weights of the right atrium and ventricle, and the lungs were determined, and tissue ET-1 peptide levels were measured in cardiac tissue, lung, and aorta. The results show that chronic blockade of ET(A) receptors stabilizes systolic blood pressure and reverses the heart failure-induced weight increases of right heart chambers and lung. The changes observed occurred independently of tissue ET-1 concentrations and heart rate, suggesting mechanisms independent of local cardiac or pulmonary ET-1 synthesis, which are yet to be identified.
Drug-eluting stents (DESs) effectively reduce angiographic restenosis and the clinical need for repeat revascularization procedures as compared with bare-metal stents. Widely publicized concerns arose recently about the incidence of late and very late stent thrombosis with the use of first-generation DESs. Recent systematic reviews and large-scale registry studies demonstrated similar rates of overall mortality and myocardial infarction for patients treated with either DESs or bare-metal stents during long-term follow-up. Careful selection of stent type according to patient and lesion characteristics as well as monitoring of adherence to dual antiplatelet therapy could maximize the therapeutic potential of these devices. The purpose of the present Review is to provide the reader with an overview of the benefits and risks of first-generation DESs that could help physicians select the most appropriate stent type for each patient.
The B-box motif is the defining feature of the TRIM family of proteins, characterized by a RING finger-B-box-coiled coil tripartite fold. We have elucidated the crystal structure of B-box 2 (B2) from MuRF1, a TRIM protein that supports a wide variety of protein interactions in the sarcomere and regulates the trophic state of striated muscle tissue. MuRF1 B2 coordinates two zinc ions through a cross-brace alpha/beta-topology typical of members of the RING finger superfamily. However, it self-associates into dimers with high affinity. The dimerization pattern is mediated by the helical component of this fold and is unique among RING-like folds. This B2 reveals a long shallow groove that encircles the C-terminal metal binding site ZnII and appears as the defining protein-protein interaction feature of this domain. A cluster of conserved hydrophobic residues in this groove and, in particular, a highly conserved aromatic residue (Y133 in MuRF1 B2) is likely to be central to this role. We expect these findings to aid the future exploration of the cellular function and therapeutic potential of MuRF1.
Since the discovery that endogenous lipid mediators show similar cannabimimetic effects as phytocannabinoids from CANNABIS SATIVA, our knowledge about the endocannabinoid system has rapidly expanded. Today, endocannabinoid action is known to be involved in various diseases, including inflammation and pain. As a consequence, the G-protein coupled cannabinoid receptors, endocannabinoid transport, as well as endocannabinoid metabolizing enzymes represent targets to block or enhance cannabinoid receptor-mediated signalling for therapeutic intervention. Based on the finding that certain endocannabinoid-like fatty acid N-alkylamides from purple coneflower ( ECHINACEA spp.) potently activate CB2 cannabinoid receptors we have focused our interest on plant fatty acid amides (FAAs) and their overall cannabinomodulatory effects. Certain FAAs are also able to partially inhibit the action of fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), which controls the breakdown of endocannabinoids. Intriguingly, plants lack CB receptors and do not synthesize endocannabinoids, but express FAAH homologues capable of metabolizing plant endogenous N-acylethanolamines (NAEs). While the site of action of these NAEs in plants is unknown, endogenous NAEs and arachidonic acid glycerols in animals interact with distinct physiological lipid receptors, including cannabinoid receptors. There is increasing evidence that also plant FAAs other than NAEs can pharmacologically modulate the action of these endogenous lipid signals. The interference of plant FAAs with the animal endocannabinoid system could thus be a fortunate evolutionary cross point with yet unexplored therapeutic potential.
Mast cell degranulation is pivotal to allergic diseases; investigating novel pathways triggering mast cell degranulation would undoubtedly have important therapeutic potential. FcepsilonRI-mediated degranulation has contradictorily been shown to require SphK1 or SphK2, depending on the reports. We investigated the in vitro and in vivo specific role(s) of SphK1 and SphK2 in FcepsilonRI-mediated responses, using specific small interfering RNA-gene silencing. The small interfering RNA-knockdown of SphK1 in mast cells inhibited several signaling mechanisms and effector functions, triggered by FcepsilonRI stimulation including: Ca(2+) signals, NFkappaB activation, degranulation, cytokine/chemokine, and eicosanoid production, whereas silencing SphK2 had no effect at all. Moreover, silencing SPHK1 in vivo, in different strains of mice, strongly inhibited mast cell-mediated anaphylaxis, including inhibition of vascular permeability, tissue mast cell degranulation, changes in temperature, and serum histamine and cytokine levels, whereas silencing SPHK2 had no effect and the mice developed anaphylaxis. Our data differ from a recent report using SPHK1(-/-) and SPHK2(-/-) mice, which showed that SphK2 was required for FcepsilonRI-mediated mast cell responses. We performed experiments in mast cells derived from SPHK1(-/-) and SPHK2(-/-) mice and show that the calcium response and degranulation, triggered by FcepsilonRI-cross-linking, is not different from that triggered in wild-type cells. Moreover, IgE-mediated anaphylaxis in the knockout mice showed similar levels in temperature changes and serum histamine to that from wild-type mice, indicating that there was no protection from anaphylaxis for either knockout mice. Thus, our data strongly suggest a previously unrecognized compensatory mechanism in the knockout mice, and establishes a role for SphK1 in IgE-mediated mast cell responses.