997 resultados para TV Marti (U.S.)
Medialla on valta päättää, miten väkivallasta kerrotaan, ja miten kriisit esitetään. Median kerrontatavoilla on suuri vaikutus siihen, miten katastrofi näyttäytyy tavalliselle kansalaiselle. Keskityn tutkielmassani siihen, millaisia kerrontatapoja Jokelan ja Kauhajoen koulusurmien tv-uutisointiin on rakennettu. Selvitän, mitä eroja ja yhtäläisyyksiä uutiskerronnassa oli kahden koulusurmatapauksen välillä sekä eri tv-kanavien välillä. Tarkastelen myös, mitkä toimijat korostuvat uutisten eri kerrontatavoissa. Laadullisen tutkimusotteen piirissä metodologinen tutkimustapani on representaatioanalyysi. Tutkielman lähtökohtana on malli katastrofiuutisoinnin kerrontatavoista. Gert Z. Nordström (1996) on kehittänyt mallin alun perin kuva-analyysiä varten. Myöhemmin sitä on sovellettu mediatekstien analyysiin (Huhtala jaa Hakala 2007). Tässä tutkielmassa sovellan mallia audiovisuaalisen kerronnan analyysiin. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu television uutislähetyksistä seitsemän päivän ajalta sekä Jokelan että Kauhajoen tapahtumien jälkeen neljällä valtakunnallisella tv-kanavalla. Analyysimallin mukaisesti koulusurmat esitetään televisiossa käyttäen eeppistä, dramaattista, lyyristä ja didaktista kerrontatapaa. Lisäksi kyseessä olleesta tv-aineistosta nousi viides kerronnan luokka, kriittinen kerronta. Eeppisellä kerronnalla tarkoitetaan tyypillistä raportoivaa ja referoivaa uutiskerrontaa. Dramaattista kerrontaa käytetään raportoitaessa suoraan tapahtumapaikalta. Lyyrinen kerronta kuvaa tunteita. Didaktisessa kerronnassa pohditaan, mitä tapahtuneesta voi oppia. Kriittisen kerronnan keinoin vaaditaan vastuunottoa tapahtuneesta. Tv-uutisten kerrontatavoissa näyttäisi korostuvan eeppisen kerronnan määrä. Kauhajoen ja Jokelan uutiskerronnat kuitenkin erosivat toisistaan niin, että eeppinen kerronta lisääntyi entisestään Kauhajoen uutisoinnissa. Myös kriittinen kerronta korostui Kauhajoen uutisoinnissa. Jokelan uutisoinnissa esiintyi puolestaan enemmän dramaattista, lyyristä ja didaktista kerrontaa. MTV3-kanavalla käytettiin muita kanavia vähemmän eeppistä kerrontaa. Didaktista kerrontaa esiintyi MTV3:lla muita kanavia reilusti enemmän molempien koulusurmatapausten yhteydessä. Lisäksi MTV3-kanavalla esiintyi eniten kriittistä kerrontaa Kauhajoen uutisoinnissa. YLEn ja Nelosen kerrontatapojen esiintyminen oli lähes samankaltaista sekä Jokelan että Kauhajoen uutisoinnissa. Jokelan uutisoinnissa Nelonen käytti kuitenkin merkittävästi enemmän dramaattista kerrontaa YLEen verrattuna. Jokelan uutisoinnissa toimijoina korostuivat ampuja, ja uhrit, kun taas Kauhajoella päätoimijoita olivat poliisi ja poliitikot. Jokelan tv-uutisoinnissa sekä uhrit että ampuja olivat kolmen keskeisimmän toimijan joukossa useassa kerrontatavan luokassa. Kauhajoen uutisoinnissa puolestaan uhrit eivät olleet missään kerrontatavan luokassa kolmen keskeisimmän toimijan joukossa, ja ampujakin vain yhdessä luokassa. Eeppisen ja kriittisen kerrontatavan korostuminen sekä poliitikkojen keskeisyys toimijoina Kauhajoen tv-uutisoinnissa kertoo siitä, että Jokelaan nähden Kauhajoen koulusurmien uutisointi oli selvästi yhteiskuntakeskeisempää. Jokelan uutisointi painottui enemmän yksittäisen tapahtuman traagisuuteen sekä henkilökohtaloihin.
Suomessa asuvat somalitaustaiset maahanmuuttajaäidit luopuvat imetyksestä ja ruokkivat vauvojaan äidinmaidonkorvikkeella, vaikka somalikulttuurissa arvostetaan imetystä. Tuen ja tiedon puutetta on arveltu syyksi pulloruokinnan yleisyyteen. Tarkoituksenani on tutkia osallistavia menetelmiä käyttäen, minkälaisia imetykseen liittyviä tietojärjestelmiä somaliäidit pitävät auktoritatiivisina eli arvovaltaisina. Tarkastelen tiedon auktoritatiivisuutta etnografisten esimerkkien valossa hyödyntäen Brigitte Jordanin auktoritatiivisen tiedon käsitettä. Tutkin Jean Pierre Olivier de Sardanin teorian avulla, kuinka paikalliset populaarit tietojärjestelmät kohtaavat tieteellis-teknisen tiedon kehityksen kontekstissa. Tutkin myös, kuinka somaliäitien imetystietojärjestelmät kohtaavat suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän edustaman imetystiedon. Osallistavien menetelmien tarkoituksena on saada heikkojen ja sorrettujen yhteisöjen ääni kuuluviin. Tutkimukseni tiedonantajina on seitsemäntoista somalimaahanmuuttajaäitiä ja yksi suomalainen äitiys- ja lastenneuvolan terveydenhoitaja. Käytän tiedonkeruumenetelminä puolistrukturoituja teemahaastatteluja, jonka lisäksi teen osallistuvaa havainnointia ja osallistavia menetelmiä kolmessa ryhmähaastattelutilanteessa. Käytän Rapi Rurad Appraisal (RRA) –menetelmiä, kuten Venn-diagrammia ja pisteytystä. Tutkimukseni tulos on, että somaliäitien imetykseen liittyvä tieto koostuu kolmesta tietojärjestelmästä, joita ovat sukuverkostoista tuleva perinteinen tietotaito, islaminuskon terveystieto sekä suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän tieto. Näistä eri tietolähteistä tuleva imetystieto ei ole sisällöltään ristiriidassa. Imetykseen liittyvät vaikeudet ovat käytännön ongelmiin, kuten sukuverkoston hajoamiseen ja suomalaisen terveydenhoitojärjestelmän kanssa kommunikointiin liittyviä.
XVIII IUFRO World Congress, Ljubljana 1986.
Ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) granulites of the central Highland Complex, Sri Lanka, underwent some of the highest known peak temperatures of crustal metamorphism. Zircon and monazite U-Pb systems in granulites near Kandy, the highest grade region (similar to 1050 degrees C; 0.9 GPa), preserve both a record of the timing of prograde and retrograde phases of UHT metamorphism and evidence for the ages of older protolith components. Zircon grains from a quartz-saturated granulite containing relics of the peak UHT assemblage have remnant detrital cores with dates of ca. 2.5-0.83 Ga. Date clusters of ca. 1.7 and 1.04-0.83 Ga record episodes of zircon growth in the source region of the protolith sediment. Two generations of overgrowths with contrasting Th/U record metamorphic zircon growth at 569 +/- 5 and 551 +/- 7 Ma, probably in the absence and presence of monazite, respectively. The age of coexisting metamorphic monazite (547 +/- 7 Ma) is indistinguishable from that of the younger, low-Th/U zircon overgrowths. Zircon from a quartz-undersaturated monazite-absent UHT granulite with a mainly retrograde assemblage is mostly metamorphic (551 +/- 5 Ma). The ca. 570 Ma zircon overgrowths in the quartz-saturated granulite probably record partial melting just before or at the metamorphic peak. The ca. 550 Ma zircon in both rocks, and the ca. 550 Ma monazite in the quartz-saturated sample, record post-peak isothermal decompression. A possible model for this pressure-temperature-time evolution is ultrahot collisional orogeny during the assembly of Gondwana, locally superheated by basaltic underplating, followed by fast extensional exhumation.
The influence of the pedogenic and climatic contexts on the formation and preservation of pedogenic carbonates in a climosequence in the Western Ghats (Karnataka Plateau, South West India) has been studied. Along the climosequence, the current mean annual rainfall (MAR) varies within a 80 km transect from 6000 mm at the edge of the Plateau to 500 mm inland. Pedogenic carbonates occur in the MAR range of 500-1200 mm. In the semi-arid zone (MAR: 500-900 mm), carbonates occur (i) as rhick hardpan calcretes on pediment slopes and (ii) as nodular horizons in polygenic black soils (i.e. vertisols). In the sub-humid zone (MAR: 900-1500 mm), pedogenic carbonates are disseminated in the black soil matrices either as loose, irregular and friable nodules of millimetric size or as indurated botryoidal nodules of centimetric to pluricentimetric size. They also occur at the top layers of the saprolite either as disseminated pluricentimetric indurated nodules or carbonate-cemented lumps of centimetric to decimetric size. Chemical and isotopic (Sr-87/Sr-86) compositions of the carbonate fraction were determined after leaching with 0.25 N HCl. The corresponding residual fractions containing both primary minerals and authigenic clays were digested separately and analyzed. The trend defined by the Sr-87/Sr-86 signatures of both labile carbonate fractions and corresponding residual fractions indicates that a part of the labile carbonate fraction is genetically linked to the local soil composition. Considering the residual fraction of each sample as the most likely lithogenic source of Ca in carbonates, it is estimated that from 24% to 82% (55% on average) of Ca is derived from local bedrock weathering, leading to a consumption of an equivalent proportion of atmospheric CO2. These values indicate that climatic conditions were humid enough to allow silicate weathering: MAR at the time of carbonate formation likely ranged from 400 to 700 mm, which is 2- to 3-fold less than the current MAR at these locations. The Sr, U and Mg contents and the (U-234/U-238) activity ratio in the labile carbonate fraction help to understand the conditions of carbonate formation. The relatively high concentrations of Sr, U and Mg in black soil carbonates may indicate fast growth and accumulation compared to carbonates in saprolite, possibly due to a better confinement of the pore waters which is supported by their high (U-234/U-238) signatures, and/or to higher content of dissolved carbonates in the pore waters. The occurrence of Ce, Mn and Fe oxides in the cracks of carbonate reflects the existence of relatively humid periods after carbonate formation. The carbonate ages determined by the U-Th method range from 1.33 +/- 0.84 kyr to 7.5 +/- 2.7 kyr and to a cluster of five ages around 20 kyr, i.e. the Last Glacial Maximum period. The young occurrences are only located in the black soils, which therefore constitute sensitive environments for trapping and retaining atmospheric CO2 even on short time scales. The maximum age of carbonates depends on their location in the climatic gradient: from about 20 kyr for centimetric nodules at Mule Hole (MAR = 1100 mm/yr) to 200 kyr for the calcrete at Gundlupet (MAR = 700 mm/yr, Durand et al., 2007). The intensity of rainfall during wet periods would indeed control the lifetime of pedogenic carbonates and thus the duration of inorganic carbon storage in soils. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper may be considered as a sequel to one of our earlier works pertaining to the development of an upwind algorithm for meshless solvers. While the earlier work dealt with the development of an inviscid solution procedure, the present work focuses on its extension to viscous flows. A robust viscous discretization strategy is chosen based on positivity of a discrete Laplacian. This work projects meshless solver as a viable cartesian grid methodology. The point distribution required for the meshless solver is obtained from a hybrid cartesian gridding strategy. Particularly considering the importance of an hybrid cartesian mesh for RANS computations, the difficulties encountered in a conventional least squares based discretization strategy are highlighted. In this context, importance of discretization strategies which exploit the local structure in the grid is presented, along with a suitable point sorting strategy. Of particular interest is the proposed discretization strategies (both inviscid and viscous) within the structured grid block; a rotated update for the inviscid part and a Green-Gauss procedure based positive update for the viscous part. Both these procedures conveniently avoid the ill-conditioning associated with a conventional least squares procedure in the critical region of structured grid block. The robustness and accuracy of such a strategy is demonstrated on a number of standard test cases including a case of a multi-element airfoil. The computational efficiency of the proposed meshless solver is also demonstrated. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
We study the photon-number distribution in squeezed states of a single-mode radiation field. A U(l)-invariant squeezing criterion is compared and contrasted with a more restrictive criterion, with the help of suggestive geometric representations. The U(l) invariance of the photon-number distribution in a squeezed coherent state, with arbitrary complex squeeze and displacement parameters, is explicitly demonstrated. The behavior of the photon-number distribution for a representative value of the displacement and various values of the squeeze parameter is numerically investigated. A new kind of giant oscillation riding as an envelope over more rapid oscillations in this distribution is demonstrated.
The purpose of this study was to find out whether food-related lifestyle guides and explains product evaluations, specifically, consumer perceptions and choice evaluations of five different food product categories: lettuce, mincemeat, savoury sauce, goat cheese, and pudding. The opinions of consumers who shop in neighbourhood stores were considered most valuable. This study applies means-end chain (MEC) theory, according to which products are seen as means by which consumers attain meaningful goals. The food-related lifestyle (FRL) instrument was created to study lifestyles that reflect these goals. Further, this research has adopted the view that the FRL functions as a script which guides consumer behaviour. Two research methods were used in this study. The first was the laddering interview, the primary aim of which was to gather information for formulating the questionnaire of the main study. The survey consisted of two separate questionnaires. The first was the FRL questionnaire modified for this study. The aim of the other questionnaire was to determine the choice criteria for buying five different categories of food products. Before these analyses could be made, several data modifications were made following MEC analysis procedures. Beside forming FRL dimensions by counting sum-scores from the FRL statements, factor analysis was run in order to elicit latent factors underlying the dimensions. The lifestyle factors found were adventurous, conscientious, enthusiastic, snacking, moderate, and uninvolved lifestyles. The association analyses were done separately for each choice of product as well as for each attribute-consequence linkage with a non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test. The testing variables were FRL dimensions and the FRL lifestyle factors. In addition, the relation between the attribute-consequence linkages and the demographic variables were analysed. Results from this study showed that the choice of product is sequential, so that consumers first categorize products into groups based on specific criteria like health or convenience. It was attested that the food-related lifestyles function as a script in food choice and that the FRL instrument can be used to predict consumer buying behaviour. Certain lifestyles were associated with the choice of each product category. The actual product choice within a product category then appeared to be a different matter. In addition, this study proposes a modification to the FRL instrument. The positive towards advertising FRL dimension was modified to examine many kinds of information search including the internet, TV, magazines, and other people. This new dimension, which was designated as being open to additional information, proved to be very robust and reliable in finding differences in consumer choice behaviour. Active additional information search was linked to adventurous and snacking food-related lifestyles. The results of this study support the previous knowledge that consumers expect to get many benefits simultaneously when they buy food products. This study brought detailed information about the benefits sought, the combination of benefits differing between products and between respondents. Household economy, pleasure and quality were emphasized with the choice of lettuce. Quality was the most significant benefit in choosing mincemeat, but health related benefits were often evaluated as well. The dominant benefits linked to savoury sauce were household economic benefits, expected pleasurable experiences, and a lift in self-respect. The choice of goat cheese appeared not to be an economic decision, self-respect, pleasure, and quality being included in the choice criteria. In choosing pudding, the respondents considered the well-being of family members, and indulged their family members or themselves.
During experiments carried out to find out a suitable contact metal for electronic components based on high-T(c) superconductor films (Y-Ba-Cu-O), it is observed that there is an asymmetry in the U-I characteristics if the two contacts are made of different metals. The asymmetry is more pronounced if one of the contact metals is aluminium. The asymmetry is lowest if one of the contact metals is silver and the other gold.
We consider the equation u(t) + u(n)u(x) + H(x, t, u) = 0 and derive a transformation relating it to u(t) + u(n)u(x) = 0. Special cases of the equation appearing in applications are discussed. Initial value problems and asymptotic behaviour of the solution are studied.
The microstructural changes of Al-22 wt%U and Al-46 wt%U alloys containing 3 wt% Zr were investigated after heat treatment at 620 degrees C for 1 to 45 days, Though it is reported that addition of similar to 3 wt% Zr stabilizes the (U,Zr)Al-3 phase at room temperature, the present investigation shows that the (U,Zr)Al-3 phase is not stable but slowly transforms to the U0.9Al4 phase, The high temperature creep curves generated for these ternary alloys showed a wavy pattern which also suggests that the (U,Zr)Al-3 phase is not stable.
Microstrip patch antennas are strong candidates for use in many wireless communications applications. This paper proposes the use of a patch antenna with two U-shaped slots to achieve dual band operation. A thick substrate helps broaden the individual bandwidths. The antenna is designed based on extensive IE3D simulation studies. A prototype antenna is fabricated and experimentally verified for the required performance.