267 resultados para THAI
Coherent optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) has been actively considered as a potential candidate for long-haul transmission and 400 Gb/s to 1 Tb/s Ethernet transport because of its high spectral efficiency, efficient implementation, flexibility and robustness against linear impairments such as chromatic dispersion and polarization mode dispersion. However, due to the long symbol duration and narrow subcarrier spacing, CO-OFDM systems are sensitive to laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity induced penalties. As a result, the development of CO-OFDM transmission technology crucially relies on efficient techniques to compensate for the laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity impairments. In this thesis, high performance and low complexity digital signal processing techniques for laser phase noise and fibre nonlinearity compensation in CO-OFDM transmissions are demonstrated. For laser phase noise compensation, three novel techniques, namely quasipilot-aided, decision-directed-free blind and multiplier-free blind are introduced. For fibre nonlinear compensation, two novel techniques which are referred to as phase conjugated pilots and phase conjugated subcarrier coding, are proposed. All these abovementioned digital signal processing techniques offer high performances and flexibilities while requiring relatively low complexities in comparison with other existing phase noise and nonlinear compensation techniques. As a result of the developments of these digital signal processing techniques, CO-OFDM technology is expected to play a significant role in future ultra-high capacity optical network. In addition, this thesis also presents preliminary study on nonlinear Fourier transform based transmission schemes in which OFDM is a highly suitable modulation format. The obtained result paves the way towards a truly flexible nonlinear wave-division multiplexing system that allows the current nonlinear transmission limitations to be exceeded.
With an increasing number of mature fields, heavy oil recovery has performed one of the great challenges of the oil industry. The Brazilian Northeast, for example, has numerous heavy oil reservoirs are explored with the use of thermal methods. Among the types of methods used for heavy oil, there is the method of in-situ combustion, a technique in which heat is produced within the container, unlike the injection of heated fluid when the heat is generated at the surface and transported to the reservoir. In this type of process, it is common to use vertical wells as injectors and producers. However, methods which use horizontal wells like oil producers are increasingly studied because of greater contact area between the formation and combustion front. Thus, the main objective of this work was to study the different configurations of wells (CIS THAITM and CAGD) in the process of in-situ combustion in oil recovery using a semi-synthetic tank with Brazilian Northeast features. The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells such as oil producers, keeping vertical injection wells for injecting air. The oil drain process by differential gravitational assisted with combustion (CAGD) is an integrated, in this configuration the horizontal injector well is drilled at the top formation with a horizontal production well in the lower section. The simulations were performed in a commercial program of thermal processes, called "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), the company CMG (Computer Modelling Group). An analysis of the air flow injection was performed and it was found that each method had a maximum injection to the base model, a show that through this air injection limit was reduced cumulative production of oil. Analyses of operating parameters were used: injection flow, configuration and completion of wells. In the sensitivity analysis we found that the air injection flow showed greater influence on THAI method, since the CIS method the completion of the wells was the most influential parameter and CAGD configuration wells showed the greatest influence in the recovered fraction. The economic results have shown that the best case obtained in CAGD method because, despite having higher initial cost showed the best financial return compared to the best cases the CIS and THAI.
With an increasing number of mature fields, heavy oil recovery has performed one of the great challenges of the oil industry. The Brazilian Northeast, for example, has numerous heavy oil reservoirs are explored with the use of thermal methods. Among the types of methods used for heavy oil, there is the method of in-situ combustion, a technique in which heat is produced within the container, unlike the injection of heated fluid when the heat is generated at the surface and transported to the reservoir. In this type of process, it is common to use vertical wells as injectors and producers. However, methods which use horizontal wells like oil producers are increasingly studied because of greater contact area between the formation and combustion front. Thus, the main objective of this work was to study the different configurations of wells (CIS THAITM and CAGD) in the process of in-situ combustion in oil recovery using a semi-synthetic tank with Brazilian Northeast features. The method "toe-to-heel air injection" (THAITM) is a process of enhanced oil recovery, which is the integration of in-situ combustion with technological advances in drilling horizontal wells. This method uses horizontal wells such as oil producers, keeping vertical injection wells for injecting air. The oil drain process by differential gravitational assisted with combustion (CAGD) is an integrated, in this configuration the horizontal injector well is drilled at the top formation with a horizontal production well in the lower section. The simulations were performed in a commercial program of thermal processes, called "STARS" (Steam, Thermal, and Advanced Processes Reservoir Simulator), the company CMG (Computer Modelling Group). An analysis of the air flow injection was performed and it was found that each method had a maximum injection to the base model, a show that through this air injection limit was reduced cumulative production of oil. Analyses of operating parameters were used: injection flow, configuration and completion of wells. In the sensitivity analysis we found that the air injection flow showed greater influence on THAI method, since the CIS method the completion of the wells was the most influential parameter and CAGD configuration wells showed the greatest influence in the recovered fraction. The economic results have shown that the best case obtained in CAGD method because, despite having higher initial cost showed the best financial return compared to the best cases the CIS and THAI.
P.M. thanks the Royal Thai Government for funding and C.C.B. thanks the School of Natural and Computing Science and PS Analytical for funding.
We propose a novel low-complexity artificial neural network (ANN)-based nonlinear equalizer (NLE) for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (CO-OFDM) and compare it with the recent inverse Volterra-series transfer function (IVSTF)-based NLE over up to 1000 km of uncompensated links. Demonstration of ANN-NLE at 80-Gb/s CO-OFDM using 16-quadrature amplitude modulation reveals a Q-factor improvement after 1000-km transmission of 3 and 1 dB with respect to the linear equalization and IVSTF-NLE, respectively.
In this paper, we discuss in detail the performance of different blind phase noise estimation schemes for coherent optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing transmissions. We first derive a general model of such systems with phase noise. Based on this model, the phase cycle slip probability in blind phase noise estimation is calculated. For blind phase tracking, we present and discuss the implementation of feedback loop and digital phase tracking. We then analyze in detail the performance of a decision-direct-free blind scheme, in which only three test phases are required for phase noise compensation. We show that the decision-direct-free blind scheme is transparent to QAM formats, and can provide a similar performance to the conventional blind phase search employing 16 test phases. We also propose two novel cost functions to further reduce the complexity of this scheme.
In this work, we introduce the periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT) method as an alternative and efficacious tool for compensation of the nonlinear transmission effects in optical fiber links. In the Part I, we introduce the algorithmic platform of the technique, describing in details the direct and inverse PNFT operations, also known as the inverse scattering transform for periodic (in time variable) nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLSE). We pay a special attention to explaining the potential advantages of the PNFT-based processing over the previously studied nonlinear Fourier transform (NFT) based methods. Further, we elucidate the issue of the numerical PNFT computation: we compare the performance of four known numerical methods applicable for the calculation of nonlinear spectral data (the direct PNFT), in particular, taking the main spectrum (utilized further in Part II for the modulation and transmission) associated with some simple example waveforms as the quality indicator for each method. We show that the Ablowitz-Ladik discretization approach for the direct PNFT provides the best performance in terms of the accuracy and computational time consumption.
In this paper we propose the design of communication systems based on using periodic nonlinear Fourier transform (PNFT), following the introduction of the method in the Part I. We show that the famous "eigenvalue communication" idea [A. Hasegawa and T. Nyu, J. Lightwave Technol. 11, 395 (1993)] can also be generalized for the PNFT application: In this case, the main spectrum attributed to the PNFT signal decomposition remains constant with the propagation down the optical fiber link. Therefore, the main PNFT spectrum can be encoded with data in the same way as soliton eigenvalues in the original proposal. The results are presented in terms of the bit-error rate (BER) values for different modulation techniques and different constellation sizes vs. the propagation distance, showing a good potential of the technique.
Care has come to dominate much feminist research on globalized migrations and the transfer of labor from the South to the North, while the older concept of reproduction had been pushed into the background but is now becoming the subject of debates on the commodification of care in the household and changes in welfare state policies. This article argues that we could achieve a better understanding of the different modalities and trajectories of care in the reproduction of individuals, families, and communities, both of migrant and nonmigrant populations by articulating the diverse circuits of migration, in particular that of labor and the family. In doing this, I go back to the earlier North American writing on racialized minorities and migrants and stratified social reproduction. I also explore insights from current Asian studies of gendered circuits of migration connecting labor and marriage migrations as well as the notion of global householding that highlights the gender politics of social reproduction operating within and beyond households in institutional and welfare architectures. In contrast to Asia, there has relatively been little exploration in European studies of the articulation of labor and family migrations through the lens of social reproduction. However, connecting the different types of migration enables us to achieve a more complex understanding of care trajectories and their contribution to social reproduction.
How can applications be deployed on the cloud to achieve maximum performance? This question is challenging to address with the availability of a wide variety of cloud Virtual Machines (VMs) with different performance capabilities. The research reported in this paper addresses the above question by proposing a six step benchmarking methodology in which a user provides a set of weights that indicate how important memory, local communication, computation and storage related operations are to an application. The user can either provide a set of four abstract weights or eight fine grain weights based on the knowledge of the application. The weights along with benchmarking data collected from the cloud are used to generate a set of two rankings - one based only on the performance of the VMs and the other takes both performance and costs into account. The rankings are validated on three case study applications using two validation techniques. The case studies on a set of experimental VMs highlight that maximum performance can be achieved by the three top ranked VMs and maximum performance in a cost-effective manner is achieved by at least one of the top three ranked VMs produced by the methodology.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08
Das gegenwärtige Verständnis von multikultureller und viersprachiger Schweiz wird hier in seinen Paradoxien beleuchtet. Ein Perspektivenwechsel vom Assimilations- über das Ethnizitäts- zum Diversitätsparadigma in der Migrationsforschung wird am Beispiel dieser schweizerischen Problematik nachgezeichnet. Der Perspektivenwechsel ist auch in der theoretischen Diskussion über „interkulturelle Pädagogik" in vollem Gang, wie eine Reihe von Konzepterweiterungen in bezug auf Ziele, thematische Schwerpunkte, Klientel, in der Schweiz und den sie umgebenden Ländern zeigt. Doch die Umsetzung in bildungspolitische und pädagogische Strategien wird nach wie vor durch ideologische und materielle Hindernisse erschwert. Von dem Diversitätsparadigma und von einem erweiterten Begriff sprachlich-kultureller Minderheit ausgehend, und indem zwei von der „interkulturellen Pädagogik" suspendierte Grundsatzfragen (die Chancengerechtigkeit und die ethnische Entscheidung) in das Zentrum gerückt werden, skizziert die Verfasserin Optionen für eine Bildung in der sprachlich-kulturell pluralen, in Europa eingebetteten Schweiz. (DIPF/Orig.)
This chapter explores the results of a study in Thailand that capitalised on the popularity of the selfie, providing second-year English language students with an opportunity to practise their oral presentation and speaking skills. The selfie was used not in the usual sense of online picture-sharing, but as a visual aid in a face-to-face interaction, thus serving as a “currency for social interaction” (van Dijck 2008, p.62) and communication device (Saltz, 2014). Mining the rich insights gained from the Thai study, this chapter presents another selfie-inspired activity adapted for a different context and purpose at a UK university. Initially designed to facilitate recall of students’ names linked with faces, the initiative evolved into an effective conversation starter. It is suggested that both selfie-inspired initiatives have led to serendipitous results, such as encouraging self-reflexivity among the students and promoting the development of “rapid intimacy” in the classroom (Victoria 2011, p.72). Indeed, creating a space for students to share their personal stories and enact different identities can help enrich the learning and teaching experience. This chapter also demonstrates how aspects of visual methodologies can be employed as a resource for theorising visual data, such as the selfie, for classroom application.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the factors affecting the likelihood of consumption and the amount spent on alcoholic beverages and tobacco in Thailand using the 2009 Socio-Economic Survey of Thailand. Results suggest that household size, tenure and occupation have significant impacts on both the probability of alcohol and tobacco consumption and spending levels. Income also plays a key role in explaining the amount spent on alcoholic beverages and tobacco. Demand elasticities are calculated under the Extended Linear Expenditure System (ELES). Demand for alcoholic beverages and tobacco is found to be inelastic. The effects of increasing taxation on alcohol and tobacco consumption in Thailand are estimated. The findings are that excise taxes in Thailand are efficient taxes with only a modest rise in deadweight loss. Taxes result in a small decrease in consumption but generate higher expenditure and government tax revenue. Excise tax on alcoholic beverages results in a net benefit to the Thai economy. Tobacco taxes increase total expenditure and government revenue as well as increasing net benefit to the Thai economy. However, the low elasticities of demand also mean that excise taxes have only a small impact on reducing the costs associated with drinking and smoking.
The development of molecular markers for genomic studies in Mangifera indica (mango) will allow marker-assisted selection and identification of genetically diverse germplasm, greatly aiding mango breeding programs. We report here our identification of thousands of unambiguous molecular markers that can be easily assayed across genotypes of the species. With origin centered in Southeast Asia, mangos are grown throughout the tropics and subtropics as a nutritious fruit that exhibits remarkable intraspecific phenotypic diversity. With the goal of building a high density genetic map, we have undertaken discovery of sequence variation in expressed genes across a broad range of mango cultivars. A transcriptome sequence reference was built de novo from extensive sequencing and assembly of RNA from cultivar 'Tommy Atkins'. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in protein coding transcripts were determined from alignment of RNA reads from 24 mango cultivars of diverse origins: 'Amin Abrahimpur' (India), 'Aroemanis' (Indonesia), 'Burma' (Burma), 'CAC' (Hawaii), 'Duncan' (Florida), 'Edward' (Florida), 'Everbearing' (Florida), 'Gary' (Florida), 'Hodson' (Florida), 'Itamaraca' (Brazil), 'Jakarata' (Florida), 'Long' (Jamaica), 'M. Casturi Purple' (Borneo), 'Malindi' (Kenya), 'Mulgoba' (India), 'Neelum' (India), 'Peach' (unknown), 'Prieto' (Cuba), 'Sandersha' (India), 'Tete Nene' (Puerto Rico), 'Thai Everbearing' (Thailand), 'Toledo' (Cuba), 'Tommy Atkins' (Florida) and 'Turpentine' (West Indies). SNPs in a selected subset of protein coding transcripts are currently being converted into Fluidigm assays for genotyping of mapping populations and germplasm collections. Using an alternate approach, SNPs (144) discovered by sequencing of candidate genes in 'Kensington Pride' have already been converted and used for genotyping.