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We identified syntaxin 5 (Stx5), a protein involved in intracellular vesicle trafficking, as a novel interaction partner of the very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)-receptor (VLDL-R), a member of the LDL-receptor family. In addition, we investigated the effect of Stx5 on VLDL-R maturation, trafficking and processing. Here, we demonstrated mutual association of both proteins using several in vitro approaches. Furthermore, we detected a special maturation phenotype of VLDL-R resulting from Stx5 overexpression. We found that Stx5 prevented Golgi-maturation of VLDL-R, but did not cause accumulation of the immature protein in ER to Golgi compartments, the main expression sites of Stx5. Rather more, abundantly present Stx5 was capable of translocating ER-/N-glycosylated VLDL-R to the plasma membrane, and thus was insensitive to BFA treatment and incubation at low temperature. Based on our findings, we postulate that Stx5 can directly bind to the C-terminal domain of VLDL-R, thereby influencing the receptor’s glycosylation, trafficking and processing characteristics. Resulting from that, we further suggest that Stx5, which is highly expressed in neurons along with VLDL-R, might play a role in modulating the receptor’s physiology by participating in a novel/undetermined alternative pathway bypassing the Golgi apparatus.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte in dem marinen Schwamm Suberites domuncula ein Gen identifiziert werden, dessen C-terminale konservierte Domäne eine hohe Sequenzähnlichkeit zu den Zinkfingerdomänen der Nanos-Proteine aufweist. Weiter konnte ein N-terminales Sequenzmotiv identifiziert werden, das eine hohe Sequenzidentität zu den konservierten NIM Motiven (CNOT1-interagierendes-Motiv) von Nanos zeigt. Nach der Klonierung der cDNA erfolgte die Expression des als Sd_nrp bezeichneten Proteins in E. coli Bakterien, für dessen 231 Aminosäuren umfassende Polypeptidkette eine theoretische Molekülmasse von 25.8 kDa berechnet wurde. Anschließend gelang ein Nachweis des Proteins mithilfe eines polyklonalen, gegen Sd_nrp gerichteten Antikörpers in drei Gewebetypen, dem Pinacoderm, den Primmorphen (3D-Zellaggregate) und den Gemmulae (Dauerstadien der Schwämme). Dabei konnte die höchste Expression von Sd_nrp in den als totipotent geltenden Stammzellen der Schwämme, den Archaeocyten innerhalb der Gemmulae beobachtet werden. Die Identifizierung der Zellstrukturen, erfolgte dabei aufgrund morphologischer Vergleiche. Speziell die Merkmale der Zellen in den Gemmulae, der große Nukleus, die amöboide Form sowie die granulären Reservesubstanzen, entsprechen den typischen morphologischen Eigenschaften der Archaeocyten, und bestätigen die Interpretation der Ergebnisse. Weiter konnte mit Hilfe des Anti-Sd_nrp Antikörpers das native Protein in Proteinextrakten aus Gewebe adulter Tiere nachgewiesen werden. Die vergleichende Sequenzanalyse von Sd_nrp mit dem Nanos-verwandten Protein der Schwammspezies Ephydatia fluviatilis und die phylogenetische Stammbaum-Analyse mit Nanos-Homologen unterschiedlicher Invertebraten und Vertebraten lässt die Schlussfolgerung zu, dass es sich bei dem hier identifizierten Protein Sd_nrp um ein Nanos-verwandtes Protein handelt. Darüber hinaus konnte anhand eines Homologiemodells bestätigt werden, dass es sich bei der konservierten C-terminalen Domäne des Proteins Sd_nrp um die für Nanos-Proteine spezifische Zinkfingerstruktur mit dem konservierten Sequenzmotiv CCHC handelt. Dieses Ergebnis konnte auch bei einem Vergleich der Zinkfingerdomäne von Sd_nrp mit den Zinkfingerdomänen der Nanos-Homologen unterschiedlicher Invertebraten- und Vertebratenspezies bestätigt werden.
In Hinsicht darauf, dass sich S. cerevisiae-Stämme im Laufe der Domestizierung und Anpassung an verschiedene Habitate genetisch verändert haben, wurde in dieser Arbeit eine repräsentative Auswahl von Labor-, kommerziellen und in der Natur vorkommenden Saccharomyces-Stämmen und ihren Interspezies-Hybriden auf die Verbreitung alleler Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 getestet. Von den Hexose-Transportern stand Hxt3p im Mittelpunkt, da seine essentielle Rolle bei der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose bereits belegt wurde.rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde gezeigt, dass es bedeutende Unterschiede in der Vergärung von Glucose und Fructose zwischen Weinhefen der Gattung Saccharomyces gibt, die z.T. mit Struktur-Varianten des Hexose-Transporter Hxt3p korrelieren. rnInsgesamt 51 Hefestämme wurden auf ihre allele Variante des HXT3-Gens untersucht. Dabei haben sich drei Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) mit unterschiedlichem HXT3-Allel ergeben. Im Zusammenhang mit der Weinherstellung wurden signifikante Nukleotid-Substitutionen innerhalb des HXT3-Gens der robusten S. cerevisiae-Stämme (wie z.B. Sekthefen, kommerzielle Starterkulturen) und Hybrid-Stämmen festgestellt. Diese Hefen zeichneten sich durch die Fähigkeit aus, den Most trotz stressigen Umwelt-Bedingungen (wie hohe Ethanol-Konzentration, reduzierter Ammonium-Gehalt, ungünstiges Glucose:Fructose-Verhältnis) zu vergären. rnDie Experimente deuten darauf hin, dass die HXT3-Allel-Variante des als Starterkultur verwendbaren Stammes Fermichamp®, für den verstärkten Fructose-Abbau verantwortlich ist. Ein gleiches Verhalten der Stämme mit dieser Allel-Variante wurde ebenfalls beobachtet. Getestet wurden die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41, die bezüglich Hxt3p-Aminosäuresequenz gleich sind, gegenüber zwei S. cerevisiae-Stämmen mit dem HXT3-Standard-Alleltyp Fermivin® und 33. Der Unterschied in der Hexose-Verwertung zwischen Stämmen mit Fermichamp®- und Standard-Alleltyp war in der Mitte des Gärverlaufs am deutlichsten zu beobachten. Beide Gruppen, sowohl mit HXT3 Fermichamp®- als auch Fermivin®-Alleltyp vergoren die Glucose schneller als die Fructose. Der Unterschied aber zwischen diesen HXT3-Alleltypen bei der Zucker-Verwertung lag darin, dass der Fermichamp®-Typ eine kleinere Differenz in der Abbau-Geschwindigkeit der beiden Hexosen zeigte als der Fermivin®-Typ. Die Zuckeraufnahme-Messungen haben die relativ gute Fructose-Aufnahme dieser Stämme bestätigt.rnEbenfalls korrelierte der fructophile Charakter des Triple-Hybrides S. cerevisiae x S. kudriavzevii x S. bayanus-Stamm HL78 in Transportexperimenten mit verstärkter Aufnahme von Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose. Insgesamt zeigte dieser Stamm ähnliches Verhalten wie die S. cerevisiae-Stämme Fermichamp® und 54.41. rnIn dieser Arbeit wurde ein Struktur-Modell des Hexose-Transporters Hxt3p erstellt. Als Basis diente die zu 30 % homologe Struktur des Proton/Xylose-Symporters XylE aus Escherichia coli. Anhand des Hxt3p-Modells konnten Sequenzbereiche mit hoher Variabilität (Hotspots) in drei Hxt3p-Isoformen der Hauptgruppen (die Fermichamp®-Typ Gruppe, Bierhefen und Hybrid-Stämme) detektiert werden. Diese signifikanten Aminosäure-Substitutionen, die eine mögliche Veränderung der physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften des Carriers mit sich bringen, konzentrieren sich auf drei Bereiche. Dazu gehören die Region zwischen den N- und C-terminalen Domänen, die cytosolische Domäne und der Outside-Loop zwischen Transmembranregion 9 und Transmembranregion 10. rnObwohl die Transportmessungen keinen Zusammenhang zwischen Stämmen mit unterschiedlichen HXT3-Allelen und ihrer Toleranz gegenüber Ethanol ergaben, wurde ein signifikanter Anstieg in der Zuckeraufnahme nach vorheriger 24-stündiger Inkubation mit 4 Vol% Ethanol bei den Teststämmen beobachtet. rnInsgesamt könnten allele Varianten von HXT3-Gen ein nützliches Kriterium bei der Suche nach robusten Hefen für die Weinherstellung oder für andere industrielle Anwendungen sein. Die Auswirkung dieser Modifikationen auf die Struktur und Effizienz des Hexose-Transporters, sowie der mögliche Zusammenhang mit Ethanol-Resistenz müssen weiter ausführlich untersucht werden. rnEin Zusammenhang zwischen den niedrig variablen Allel-Varianten der Hexokinase-Gene HXK1 und HXK2 und dem Zucker-Metabolismus wurde nicht gefunden. Die Hexokinasen der untersuchten Stämme wiesen allerdings generell eine signifikante geringere Affinität zu Fructose im Vergleich zu Glucose auf. Hier liegt sicherlich eine Hauptursache für den Anstieg des Fructose:Glucose-Verhältnisses im Laufe der Vergärung von Traubenmosten.rn
The metalloprotease meprin has been implicated in tissue remodelling due to its capability to degrade extracellular matrix components. Here, we investigated the susceptibility of tenascin-C to cleavage by meprinbeta and the functional properties of its proteolytic fragments. A set of monoclonal antibodies against chicken and human tenascin-C allowed the mapping of proteolytic fragments generated by meprinbeta. In chicken tenascin-C, meprinbeta processed all three major splicing variants by removal of 10kDa N-terminal and 38kDa C-terminal peptides, leaving a large central part of subunits intact. A similar cleavage pattern was found for large human tenascin-C variant where two N-terminal peptides (10 or 15kDa) and two C-terminal fragments (40 and 55kDa) were removed from the intact subunit. N-terminal sequencing revealed the exact amino acid positions of cleavage sites. In both chicken and human tenascin-C N-terminal cleavages occurred just before and/or after the heptad repeats involved in subunit oligomerization. In the human protein, an additional cleavage site was identified in the alternative fibronectin type III repeat D. Whereas all these sites are known to be attacked by several other proteases, a unique cleavage by meprinbeta was located to the 7th constant fibronectin type III repeat in both chicken and human tenascin-C, thereby removing the C-terminal domain involved in its anti-adhesive activity. In cell adhesion assays meprinbeta-digested human tenascin-C was not able to interfere with fibronectin-mediated cell spreading, confirming cleavage in the anti-adhesive domain. Whereas the expression of meprinbeta and tenascin-C does not overlap in normal colon tissue, inflamed lesions of the mucosa from patients with Crohn's disease exhibited many meprinbeta-positive leukocytes in regions where tenascin-C was strongly induced. Our data indicate that, at least under pathological conditions, meprinbeta might attack specific functional sites in tenascin-C that are important for its oligomerization and anti-adhesive activity.
The phosphorylation state and corresponding activity of the retinoblastoma tumor suppressor protein (Rb) are modulated by a balance of kinase and phosphatase activities. Here we characterize the association of Rb with the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1c). A crystal structure identifies an enzyme docking site in the Rb C-terminal domain that is required for efficient PP1c activity toward Rb. The phosphatase docking site overlaps with the known docking site for cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk), and PP1 competition with Cdk-cyclins for Rb binding is sufficient to retain Rb activity and block cell-cycle advancement. These results provide the first detailed molecular insights into Rb activation and establish a novel mechanism for Rb regulation in which kinase and phosphatase compete for substrate docking.
Pentraxin 3 (PTX3) is a soluble pattern recognition molecule playing a nonredundant role in resistance against Aspergillus fumigatus. The present study was designed to investigate the molecular pathways involved in the opsonic activity of PTX3. The PTX3 N-terminal domain was responsible for conidia recognition, but the full-length molecule was necessary for opsonic activity. The PTX3-dependent pathway of enhanced neutrophil phagocytic activity involved complement activation via the alternative pathway; Fc receptor (Fc R) IIA/CD32 recognition of PTX3-sensitized conidia and complement receptor 3 (CR3) activation; and CR3 and CD32 localization to the phagocytic cup. Gene targeted mice (ptx3, FcR common chain, C3, C1q) validated the in vivo relevance of the pathway. In particular, the protective activity of exogenous PTX3 against A fumigatus was abolished in FcR common chain-deficient mice. Thus, the opsonic and antifungal activity of PTX3 is at the crossroad between complement, complement receptor 3-, and Fc R-mediated recognition. Because short pentraxins (eg, C-reactive protein) interact with complement and Fc R, the present results may have general significance for the mode of action of these components of the humoral arm of innate immunity.
Centrioles are cylindrical, ninefold symmetrical structures with peripheral triplet microtubules strictly required to template cilia and flagella. The highly conserved protein SAS-6 constitutes the center of the cartwheel assembly that scaffolds centrioles early in their biogenesis. We determined the x-ray structure of the amino-terminal domain of SAS-6 from zebrafish, and we show that recombinant SAS-6 self-associates in vitro into assemblies that resemble cartwheel centers. Point mutations are consistent with the notion that centriole formation in vivo depends on the interactions that define the self-assemblies observed here. Thus, these interactions are probably essential to the structural organization of cartwheel centers.
The glucose transporter IICB of the Escherichia coli phosphotransferase system (PTS) consists of a polytopic membrane domain (IIC) responsible for substrate transport and a hydrophilic C-terminal domain (IIB) responsible for substrate phosphorylation. We have overexpressed and purified a triple mutant of IIC (mut-IIC), which had recently been shown to be suitable for crystallization purposes. Mut-IIC was homodimeric as determined by blue native-PAGE and gel-filtration, and had an eyeglasses-like structure as shown by negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and single particle analysis. Glucose binding and transport by mut-IIC, mut-IICB and wildtype-IICB were compared with scintillation proximity and in vivo transport assays. Binding was reduced and transport was impaired by the triple mutation. The scintillation proximity assay allowed determination of substrate binding, affinity and specificity of wildtype-IICB by a direct method. 2D crystallization of mut-IIC yielded highly-ordered tubular crystals and made possible the calculation of a projection structure at 12Å resolution by negative-stain TEM. Immunogold labeling TEM revealed the sidedness of the tubular crystals, and high-resolution atomic force microscopy the surface structure of mut-IIC. This work presents the structure of a glucose PTS transporter at the highest resolution achieved so far and sets the basis for future structural studies.
The malaria parasite Plasmodium depends on the tight control of cysteine-protease activity throughout its life cycle. Recently, the characterization of a new class of potent inhibitors of cysteine proteases (ICPs) secreted by Plasmodium has been reported. Here, the recombinant production, purification and crystallization of the inhibitory C-terminal domain of ICP from P. berghei in complex with the P. falciparum haemoglobinase falcipain-2 is described. The 1:1 complex was crystallized in space group P4(3), with unit-cell parameters a = b = 71.15, c = 120.09 A. A complete diffraction data set was collected to a resolution of 2.6 A.
Canine distemper virus (CDV) causes in dogs a severe systemic infection, with a high frequency of demyelinating encephalitis. Among the six genes transcribed by CDV, the P gene encodes the polymerase cofactor protein (P) as well as two additional nonstructural proteins, C and V; of these V was shown to act as a virulence factor. We investigated the molecular mechanisms by which the P gene products of the neurovirulent CDV A75/17 strain disrupt type I interferon (IFN-alpha/beta)-induced signaling that results in the establishment of the antiviral state. Using recombinant knockout A75/17 viruses, the V protein was identified as the main antagonist of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Importantly, immunofluorescence analysis illustrated that the inhibition of IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling correlated with impaired STAT1/STAT2 nuclear import, whereas the phosphorylation state of these proteins was not affected. Coimmunoprecipitation assays identified the N-terminal region of V (VNT) responsible for STAT1 targeting, which correlated with its ability to inhibit the activity of the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated antiviral state. Conversely, while the C-terminal domain of V (VCT) could not function autonomously, when fused to VNT it optimally interacted with STAT2 and subsequently efficiently suppressed the IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling pathway. The latter result was further supported by a single mutation at position 110 within the VNT domain of CDV V protein, resulting in a mutant that lost STAT1 binding while retaining a partial STAT2 association. Taken together, our results identified the CDV VNT and VCT as two essential modules that complement each other to interfere with the antiviral state induced by IFN-alpha/beta-mediated signaling. Hence, our experiments reveal a novel mechanism of IFN-alpha/beta evasion among the morbilliviruses.
Little sequence information exists on the matrix-protein (MA) encoding region of small ruminant lentiviruses (SRLV). Fifty-two novel sequences were established and permitted a first phylogenetic analysis of this region of the SRLV genome. The variability of the MA encoding region is higher compared to the gag region encoding the capsid protein and surprisingly close to that reported for the env gene. In contrast to primate lentiviruses, the deduced amino acid sequences of the N- and C-terminal domains of MA are variable. This permitted to pinpoint a basic domain in the N-terminal domain that is conserved in all lentiviruses and likely to play an important functional role. Additionally, a seven amino acid insertion was detected in all MVV strains, which may be used to differentiate CAEV and MVV isolates. A molecular epidemiology analysis based on these sequences indicates that the Italian lentivirus strains are closely related to each other and to the CAEV-CO strain, a prototypic strain isolated three decades ago in the US. This suggests a common origin of the SRLV circulating in the monitored flocks, possibly related to the introduction of infected goats in a negative population. Finally, this study shows that the MA region is suitable for phylogenetic studies and may be applied to monitor SRLV eradication programs.
CopY of Enterococcus hirae is a well characterized copper-responsive repressor involved in copper homeostasis. In the absence of copper, it binds to the promoter. In high copper, the CopZ copper chaperone donates copper to CopY, thereby releasing it from the promoter and allowing transcription of the downstream copper homeostatic genes of the cop operon. We here show that the CopY-like repressors from E. hirae, Lactococcus lactis, and Streptococcus mutans have similar affinities not only for their native promoters, but also for heterologous cop promoters. CopZ of L. lactis accelerated the release of CopY from the promoter, suggesting that CopZ of L. lactis acts as copper chaperone, similar to CopZ in E. hirae. The consensus binding motif of the CopY-like repressors was shown to be TACAxxTGTA. The same binding motif is present in promoters controlled by BlaI of Bacillus licheniformis, MecI of Staphylococcus aureus and related repressors. BlaI and MecI have known structures and belong to the family of 'winged helix' proteins. In the N- terminal domain, they share significant sequence similarity with CopY of E. hirae. Moreover, they bind to the same TACAxxTGTA motif. NMR analysis of the N-terminal DNA binding domain of CopY of L. lactis showed that it contained the same alpha-helical content like the same regions of BlaI and MecI. These findings suggest that the DNA binding domains of CopY-like repressors are also of the 'winged helix' type.
Ezrin, radixin and moesin (ERM) proteins are widely distributed proteins located in the cellular cortex, in microvilli and adherens junctions. They feature an N-terminal membrane binding domain linked by an alpha-helical domain to the C-terminal actin-binding domain. In the dormant state, binding sites in the N-terminal domain are masked by interactions with the C-terminal region. The alpha-helical domain also contributes to masking of binding sites. A specific sequence of signaling events results in dissociation of these intramolecular interactions resulting in ERM activation. ERM molecules have been implicated in mediating actin-membrane linkage and in regulating signaling molecules. They are involved in cell membrane organization, cell migration, phagocytosis and apoptosis, and may also play cell-specific roles in tumor progression. Their precise involvement in these processes has yet to be elucidated.
Upon its genesis during apoptosis, ceramide promotes gross reorganization of the plasma membrane structure involving clustering of signalling molecules and an amplification of vesicle formation, fusion and trafficking. The annexins are a family of proteins, which in the presence of Ca(2+), bind to membranes containing negatively charged phospholipids. Here, we show that ceramide increases affinity of annexin A1-membrane interaction. In the physiologically relevant range of Ca(2+) concentrations, this leads to an increase in the Ca(2+)sensitivity of annexin A1-membrane interaction. In fixed cells, using a ceramide-specific antibody, we establish a direct interaction of annexin A1 with areas of the plasma membrane enriched in ceramide (ceramide platforms). In living cells, the intracellular dynamics of annexin A1 match those of plasmalemmal ceramide. Among proteins of the annexin family, the interaction with ceramide platforms is restricted to annexin A1 and is conveyed by its unique N-terminal domain. We demonstrate that intracellular Ca(2+)overload occurring at the conditions of cellular stress induces ceramide production. Using fluorescently tagged annexin A1 as a reporter for ceramide platforms and annexin A6 as a non-selective membrane marker, we visualize ceramide platforms for the first time in living cells and provide evidence for a ceramide-driven segregation and internalization of membrane-associated proteins.
Aggretin is a C-type lectin purified from Calloselasma rhodostoma snake venom. It is a potent activator of platelets, resulting in a collagen-like response by binding and clustering platelet receptor CLEC-2. We present here the crystal structure of aggretin at 1.7 A which reveals a unique tetrameric quaternary structure. The two alphabeta heterodimers are arranged through 2-fold rotational symmetry, resulting in an antiparallel side-by-side arrangement. Aggretin thus presents two ligand binding sites on one surface and can therefore cluster ligands in a manner reminiscent of convulxin and flavocetin. To examine the molecular basis of the interaction with CLEC-2, we used a molecular modeling approach of docking the aggretin alphabeta structure with the CLEC-2 N-terminal domain (CLEC-2N). This model positions the CLEC-2N structure face down in the "saddle"-shaped binding site which lies between the aggretin alpha and beta lectin-like domains. A 2-fold rotation of this complex to generate the aggretin tetramer reveals dimer contacts for CLEC-2N which bring the N- and C-termini into the proximity of each other, and a series of contacts involving two interlocking beta-strands close to the N-terminus are described. A comparison with homologous lectin-like domains from the immunoreceptor family reveals a similar but not identical dimerization mode, suggesting this structure may represent the clustered form of CLEC-2 capable of signaling across the platelet membrane.