840 resultados para Swarm optimization


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The concept of parameter-space size adjustment is pn,posed in order to enable successful application of genetic algorithms to continuous optimization problems. Performance of genetic algorithms with six different combinations of selection and reproduction mechanisms, with and without parameter-space size adjustment, were severely tested on eleven multiminima test functions. An algorithm with the best performance was employed for the determination of the model parameters of the optical constants of Pt, Ni and Cr.


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There is a positive correlation between the intensity of use of a given antibiotic and the prevalence of resistant strains. The more you treat, more patients infected with resistant strains appears and, as a consequence, the higher the mortality due to the infection and the longer the hospitalization time. In contrast, the less you treat, the higher the mortality rates and the longer the hospitalization time of patients infected with sensitive strains that could be successfully treated. The hypothesis proposed in this paper is an attempt to solve such a conflict: there must be an optimum treatment intensity that minimizes both the additional mortality and hospitalization time due to the infection by both sensitive and resistant bacteria strains. In order to test this hypothesis we applied a simple mathematical model that allowed us to estimate the optimum proportion of patients to be treated in order to minimize the total number of deaths and hospitalization time due to the infection in a hospital setting. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to develop a plate to treat fractures of the mandibular body in dogs and to validate the project using finite elements and biomechanical essays. Mandible prototypes were produced with 10 oblique ventrorostral fractures (favorable) and 10 oblique ventrocaudal fractures (unfavorable). Three groups were established for each fracture type. Osteosynthesis with a pure titanium plate of double-arch geometry and blocked monocortical screws offree angulanon were used. The mechanical resistance of the prototype with unfavorable fracture was lower than that of the fcworable fracture. In both fractures, the deflection increased and the relative stiffness decreased proportionally to the diminishing screw number The finite element analysis validated this plate study, since the maximum tension concentration observed on the plate was lower than the resistance limit tension admitted by the titanium. In conclusion, the double-arch geometry plate fixed with blocked monocortical screws has sufficient resistance to stabilize oblique,fractures, without compromising mandibular dental or neurovascular structures. J Vet Dent 24 (7); 212 - 221, 2010


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of three different high-intensity interval training (HIT) regimens on endurance performance in highly trained endurance athletes. Methods: Before, and after 2 and 4 wk of training, 38 cyclists and triathletes (mean +/- SD; age = 25 +/- 6 yr; mass = 75 +/- 7 kg; (V)over dot O-2peak = 64.5 +/- 5.2 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed: 1) a progressive cycle test to measure peak oxygen consumption ((V)over dotO(2peak)) and peak aerobic power output (PPO), 2) a time to exhaustion test (T-max) at their (V)over dotO(2peak) power output (P-max), as well as 3) a 40-kin time-trial (TT40). Subjects were matched and assigned to one of four training groups (G(1), N = 8, 8 X 60% T-max P-max, 1:2 work:recovery ratio; G(2), N = 9, 8 X 60% T-max at P-max, recovery at 65% HRmax; G(3), N = 10, 12 X 30 s at 175% PPO, 4.5-min recovery; G(CON), N = 11). In addition to G(1) G(2), and G(3) performing HIT twice per week, all athletes maintained their regular low-intensity training throughout the experimental period. Results: All HIT groups improved TT40 performance (+4.4 to +5.8%) and PPO (+3.0 to +6.2%) significantly more than G(CON) (-0.9 to + 1.1 %; P < 0.05). Furthermore, G(1) (+5.4%) and G(2) (+8.1%) improved their (V)over dot O-2peak significantly more than G(CON) (+ 1.0%; P < 0.05). Conclusion: The present study has shown that when HIT incorporates P-max as the interval intensity and 60% of T-max as the interval duration, already highly trained cyclists can significantly improve their 40-km time trial performance. Moreover, the present data confirm prior research, in that repeated supramaximal HIT can significantly improve 40-km time trial performance.


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A Combined Genetic Algorithm and Method of Moments design methods is presented for the design of unusual near-field antennas for use in Magnetic Resonance Imaging systems. The method is successfully applied to the design of an asymmetric coil structure for use at 190MHz and demonstrates excellent radiofrequency field homogeneity.


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Carpooling initiated in America in the 1970s due to the oil crisis. However, over the past years, carpooling has increased significantly across the world. Some countries have created a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) lane to encourage commuters not to travel alone. In additional, carpool websites has been developed to facilitate the connection between the commuters, making it possible to create a compatible match in a faster and efficient manner. This project focuses on carpooling, especially in an academic environment since younger people are more likely to choose carpool. Initially, an intense research was made to examine carpool studies that occurred all over the world, following with a research of higher education institutes that use carpooling as a transportation mode. Most websites created carpools by targeting people from a specific country. These commuters have different origins and destinations making it more complicated to create compatible matches. The objective of this project is to develop a system helping teachers and students from an academic environment to create carpool matches. This objective makes it easier to create carpools because these students and teachers have the same destination. During the research, it was essential to explore, as many as possible, existing carpool websites that are available across the world. After this analysis, several sketches were made to develop the layout and structure of the web application that’s being implemented throughout the project. Once the layout was established, the development of the web application was initiated. This project had its ups and downs but it accomplished all the necessary requirements. This project can be accessed on the link: http://ipcacarpool.somee.com. Once the website was up and running, a web-based survey was developed to study the reasons that motivate people to consider carpooling as an alternative to driving alone. To develop this survey was used a tool called Survey Planet. This survey contained 408 respondents, which 391 are students and 17 are teachers. This study concludes that a majority of the respondents don’t carpool, however they will consider carpooling if there was a dedicated parking space. A majority of the respondents that carpool initiated less than a year ago, indicating that this mean of transportation is recent.


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A previously developed model is used to numerically simulate real clinical cases of the surgical correction of scoliosis. This model consists of one-dimensional finite elements with spatial deformation in which (i) the column is represented by its axis; (ii) the vertebrae are assumed to be rigid; and (iii) the deformability of the column is concentrated in springs that connect the successive rigid elements. The metallic rods used for the surgical correction are modeled by beam elements with linear elastic behavior. To obtain the forces at the connections between the metallic rods and the vertebrae geometrically, non-linear finite element analyses are performed. The tightening sequence determines the magnitude of the forces applied to the patient column, and it is desirable to keep those forces as small as possible. In this study, a Genetic Algorithm optimization is applied to this model in order to determine the sequence that minimizes the corrective forces applied during the surgery. This amounts to find the optimal permutation of integers 1, ... , n, n being the number of vertebrae involved. As such, we are faced with a combinatorial optimization problem isomorph to the Traveling Salesman Problem. The fitness evaluation requires one computing intensive Finite Element Analysis per candidate solution and, thus, a parallel implementation of the Genetic Algorithm is developed.


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A realização do presente trabalho teve como principais objectivos o desenvolvimento de espumas de poliuretano de um componente com propriedades de resistência à chama superiores (B1 & B2), aplicadas por pistola ou por adaptador/tubo e a optimização de uma espuma de poliuretano de um componente de inverno aplicada por pistola. Todo o trabalho desenvolvido está dividido em dois projectos distintos: i. O primeiro projecto consistiu em desenvolver espumas de um componente com propriedades de resistência à chama (classificadas como B1 e B2 de acordo com a norma alemã DIN 4102), aplicadas por pistola (GWB1 e GWB2) ou por adaptador/tubo (AWB), utilizando polióis poliésteres aromáticos modificados e aditivos retardantes de chama halogenados. Estas espumas deveriam apresentar também propriedades aceitáveis a baixas temperaturas. Após realizar várias formulações foi possível desenvolver uma espuma AWB2 com apenas 3,3% de poliol poliéster no pré-polímero e com propriedades equivalentes às da melhor espuma comercial mesmo a 5/-10 (temperatura da lata/cura da espuma em °C) e também com uma altura de chama de apenas 11 cm. A partir de duas formulações (AWB2) que passaram o Teste B2, foram obtidas também, uma espuma GWB2 e outra GWB1 com propriedades equivalentes às da melhor espuma da concorrência a -10/-10 e a 23/5, respectivamente, embora não tenham sido submetidas ao teste B2 e B1 após as modificações efectuadas. ii. O segundo projecto consistiu em optimizar uma espuma de poliuretano de um componente de inverno aplicada por pistola (GWB3). A espuma inicial tinha problemas de glass bubbles quando esta era dispensada a partir de uma lata cheia, sendo necessário ultrapassar este problema. Este problema foi resolvido diminuindo a razão de GPL/DME através do aumento da percentagem em volume de DME no pré-polímero para 14% no entanto, a estabilidade dimensional piorou um pouco. O reagente FCA 400 foi removido da formulação anterior (6925) numa tentativa de diminuir o custo da espuma, obtendo-se uma espuma aceitável a 23/23 e a 5/5, com uma redução de 4% no custo da produção e com uma redução de 5,5% no custo por litro de espuma dispensada, quando comparada com a sua antecessora. Por último, foi avaliada a influência da concentração de diferentes surfactantes na formulação 6925, verificando-se o melhoramento da estrutura celular da espuma para concentrções mais elevadas de surfactante, sendo este efeito mais notório a temperaturas mais baixas (5/5). Dos surfactantes estudados, o B 8871 mostrou o melhor desempenho a 5/5 com a concentração mais baixa, sendo portanto o melhor surfactante, enquanto o Struksilon 8003 demonstrou ser o menos adequado para esta formulação específica, apresentando piores resultados globais. Pode-se ainda acrescentar que os surfactantes L-5351, L-5352 e B 8526 também não são adequados para esta formulação uma vez que as espumas resultantes apresentam cell collapse, especialmente a 5/5. No caso dos surfactantes L-5351 e L-5352, esta propriedade piora com concentrações mais elevadas. Em cada projecto foram também efectuados testes de benchmark em determinadas espumas comerciais com o principal objectivo de comparar todos os resultados das espumas desenvolvidas, em ambos os projectos, com espumas da concorrência.


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This paper is on the problem of short-term hydro scheduling, particularly concerning head-dependent reservoirs under competitive environment. We propose a new nonlinear optimization method to consider hydroelectric power generation as a function of water discharge and also of the head. Head-dependency is considered on short-term hydro scheduling in order to obtain more realistic and feasible results. The proposed method has been applied successfully to solve a case study based on one of the main Portuguese cascaded hydro systems, providing a higher profit at a negligible additional computation time in comparison with a linear optimization method that ignores head-dependency.


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Topology optimization consists in finding the spatial distribution of a given total volume of material for the resulting structure to have some optimal property, for instance, maximization of structural stiffness or maximization of the fundamental eigenfrequency. In this paper a Genetic Algorithm (GA) employing a representation method based on trees is developed to generate initial feasible individuals that remain feasible upon crossover and mutation and as such do not require any repairing operator to ensure feasibility. Several application examples are studied involving the topology optimization of structures where the objective functions is the maximization of the stiffness and the maximization of the first and the second eigenfrequencies of a plate, all cases having a prescribed material volume constraint.


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In this paper, a stochastic programming approach is proposed for trading wind energy in a market environment under uncertainty. Uncertainty in the energy market prices is the main cause of high volatility of profits achieved by power producers. The volatile and intermittent nature of wind energy represents another source of uncertainty. Hence, each uncertain parameter is modeled by scenarios, where each scenario represents a plausible realization of the uncertain parameters with an associated occurrence probability. Also, an appropriate risk measurement is considered. The proposed approach is applied on a realistic case study, based on a wind farm in Portugal. Finally, conclusions are duly drawn. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.