959 resultados para Suárez, Ernesto
This is an initial report of the PolyU SD part of the team to study Pre-fabricated Building Design and Construction Methodology and marks the completion of Phase 1. It follows our first notes prepared for the meeting on 2 February that identified some critical issues including future lifestyles, life expectancy of buildings, sustainability, size, flexibility and planning considerations. It is also an expansion of our presentation in Dongguan on 23 February. It is not a comprehensive survey of existing approaches or possible ways forward, but it has homed in on certain specific issues and does give specific examples to make the suggestions concrete. It is recommended that more comprehensive research be done to establish previous work and experience internationally. It is also recommended that more research be done on lifestyles as a preliminary to developing at least three concepts for evaluation before proceeding to the detailed design of one concept for full prototyping and market testing. The goal at this point is not to define a single direction but to suggest several future trajectories for further consideration. By the same token, this report is not intended as an exhaustive description of the considerable base of knowledge and ideas brought by the PolyU team to this exciting task. Before taking on an issue of this magnitude and importance in the definition of Hong Kong's future, one must carry out a thoughtful analysis of the issues at hand and an informed definition of paradigms, directions, goals and methods whereby our energies can be best used in the next steps. This report is the result of this analysis
This thesis argues that the end of Soviet Marxism and a bipolar global political imaginary at the dissolution of the short Twentieth Century poses an obstacle for anti-systemic political action. Such a blockage of alternate political imaginaries can be discerned by reading the work of Francis Fukuyama and "Endism" as performative invocations of the closure of political alternatives, and thus as an ideological proclamation which enables and constrains forms of social action. It is contended that the search through dialectical thought for a competing universal to posit against "liberal democracy" is a fruitless one, because it reinscribes the terms of teleological theories of history which work to effect closure. Rather, constructing a phenomenological analytic of the political conjuncture, the thesis suggests that the figure of messianism without a Messiah is central to a deconstructive reframing of the possibilities of political action - a reframing attentive to the rhetorical tone of texts. The project of recovering the political is viewed through a phenomenological lens. An agonistic political distinction must be made so as to memorialise the remainders and ghosts of progress, and thus to gesture towards an indeconstructible justice which would serve as a horizon for the articulation of an empty universal. This project is furthered by a return to a certain phenomenology inspired by Cornelius Castoriadis, Claude Lefort, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Ernesto Laclau. The thesis provides a reading of Jacques Derrida and Walter Benjamin as thinkers of a minor universalism, a non-prescriptive utopia, and places their work in the context of new understandings of religion and the political as quasi-transcendentals which can be utilised to think through the aporias of political time in order to grasp shards of meaning. Derrida and Chantal Mouffe's deconstructive critique and supplement to Carl Schmitt's concept of the political is read as suggestive of a reframing of political thought which would leave the political question open and thus enable the articulation of social imaginary significations able to inscribe meaning in the field of political action. Thus, the thesis gestures towards a form of thought which enables rather than constrains action under the sign of justice.
The [Cp′3U] metallocenes contain substituted cyclopentadienyl ligands and UIII with f3 electron configuration. They are good π donors and bind π-accepting ligands (L) such as carbon monoxide and isocyanides to form the corresponding adducts [Cp′3U(L)] (see scheme). The π-donating capability of the [Cp′3U] fragments appears to be readily modulated by the substituents on the cyclopentadienyl ligand.
Process mining techniques are able to extract knowledge from event logs commonly available in today’s information systems. These techniques provide new means to discover, monitor, and improve processes in a variety of application domains. There are two main drivers for the growing interest in process mining. On the one hand, more and more events are being recorded, thus, providing detailed information about the history of processes. On the other hand, there is a need to improve and support business processes in competitive and rapidly changing environments. This manifesto is created by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining and aims to promote the topic of process mining. Moreover, by defining a set of guiding principles and listing important challenges, this manifesto hopes to serve as a guide for software developers, scientists, consultants, business managers, and end-users. The goal is to increase the maturity of process mining as a new tool to improve the (re)design, control, and support of operational business processes.
Emotions play a significant role in people’s lives, including interactions with portable devices. The research aimed to understand the evolving emotional experience between people and portable interactive devices (PIDs). Activity Theory was the theoretical framework used to contextualise the research approach and findings. Two longitudinal experiments were conducted investigating emotional experiences with PIDs over six months. Experiment 1 focused on media / entertainment PIDs while Experiment 2 focused on medical / health PIDs. Mixed research methods consisting of diaries, interviews and codiscovery sessions were used to collect data. Results identified that more social interactions were experienced with media PIDs than medical PIDs. Different Task Categories, and their emotional responses, were also revealed including Features, Functional, Mediation and Auxiliary Categories. Functional and Mediation categories were characterised as overall positive while Features and Auxiliary Categories were characterised as overall negative. Further, the consequences of Negative Personal and Social interactions on the overall emotional experience were determined. For media PIDs, Negative Social experiences adversely impacted the evolving emotional experience. For medical PIDs, both Negative Social and Negative Personal experiences adversely impacted the evolving emotional experience. As a result of the findings the Designing for Evolving Emotional Experience framework was developed, outlining principles to promote positive, and avoid negative, emotional experiences with PIDs. Contributions to knowledge from the research include methodological contributions, advancing understanding of emotional experiences with PIDs, expanding the taxonomy of emotional interactions with PIDs and broadening emotion design theory and principles. The thesis concludes with an outline of implications to design research, design and related fields, future research potentials, as well as the positive contributions to designing for meaningful and enjoyable experiences in everyday life.
Two longitudinal experiments were conducted exploring emotional experiences with PIDs over six months including media and medial Portable Interactive Devices (PIDs). Results identifying the impact of negative social and personal interactions on the overall emotional experience as well as different task categories (Features, Functional, Mediation and Auxiliary) and their corresponding emotional responses have previously been reported [2,3,4,5]. This paper builds on these findings and presents the Designing for Evolving Emotional Experience (DE3) framework promoting positive (and deals with negative) emotional experiences with PIDs including a set of principles to better understand emotional experiences. To validate the DE3 framework a preliminary trial was conducted with five practicing industrial designers. The trial required them to consider initial design concepts using the DE3 framework followed by a questionnaire asking about their use of the framework for concept development. The trial aimed to analyse the effectiveness, efficiency and usefulness of the framework in assisting in the development of initial concepts for PIDs taking into account emotional experiences. Common themes regarding the framework are outlined including the ease of use, the effectiveness in focusing on the personal and social contexts and positive ratings regarding its use. Overall the feedback from the preliminary trial was encouraging with responses suggesting that the framework was accessible, rated highly and most importantly permitted designers to consider emotional experiences during concept development. The paper concludes with a discussion regarding the future development of the DE3 framework and the potential implications to design theory and the design discipline.
Diseases that affect the regulation of bone turnover can lead to skeletal fragility and increased fracture risk. Members of the TGF-superfamily have been shown to be involved in the regulation of bone mass. Activin A, a TGF-� signaling ligand, is present at high levels in bone and may play a role in the regulation of bone metabolism. Here we demonstrate that pharmacological blockade of ligand signaling through the high affinity receptor for activin, type II activin receptor (ActRIIA), by administration of the soluble extracellular domain of ActRIIA fused to a murine IgG2a-Fc, increases bone formation, bone mass, and bone strength in normal mice and in ovariectomized mice with established bone loss. These observations support the development of this pharmacological strategy for the treatment of diseases with skeletal fragility.
2 x 2.5 metre text based wall painting with a hidden automatic air freshener timed to spray every 60 seconds. The work formed part of a group exhibition that dealt with Humour,Politics and Art. It was part of a series of ongoing works made under the pseudonym Eve Roleston. Roleston is part of a trio of pseudonyms I use, the others being Ernesto Love, and Ernest Olove, to explore the research potential of the fictocritical in a visual arts practice.This forms part of an ongoing body of practice-led research undertaken in my PhD dealing with reconfiguring the relationship between art and politics.
This thesis identifies, examines and problematizes some of the discourses that have so far come to light on the issue of protection for environmental refugees. By analyzing the discourses produced by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and two non-governmental organizations - the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), I examine the struggling discourses that have emerged about how protection for environmental refugees has been interpreted. To do this, I rely on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's theory and method of discourse analysis. The results show that responsibilization is the main point of struggle in the discussions on the protection of environmental refugees. As a floating signifier, it was utilized by the discourses produced by the UNCHR and the selected NGOs in contingent ways and with different political objectives. The UNHCR discourse responsibilized both the environmental refugees for their own protection and the individual states. The EJF and EquityBD, by contrast, allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees to the international community. These contingent understandings of responsibilization necessitated different justifications. While the EJF discourse relied on humanitarianism for the assistance of environmental refugees, the EquityBD discourse constructed a rights based, more permanent solution. The humanitarian based discourse of the EJF was found to be inextricably linked with the neoliberal discourse produced by the UNHCR. Both these discourses encouraged environmental refugees to stay in their homelands, undermining the politics of protection. Another way in which protection was undermined was by UNHCR's discourse on securitization. In this context, climate change induced displacement became threat to developed countries, the global economy and transnational classes. The struggling discourses about who/what has been allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees also meant that identities of the displaced be constructed in specific ways. While the UNHCR discourse constructed as voluntary migrants and predators, the EJF and EquityBD discourses portrayed them as victims. However, even though the EJF discourse constructed them as victims, their reliance on humanitarianism could also be interpreted as a way of giving the environmental refugee a predator like identity. These discourses on responsibilization and identity formation clashed with each other in the aim of achieving a hegemonic position in discussions and debates about the protection of environmental refugees.
This thesis identifies, examines and problematizes some of the discourses that have so far come to light on the issue of protection for environmental refugees. By analyzing the discourses produced by the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and two non-governmental organizations - the Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF) and Equity and Justice Working Group Bangladesh (EquityBD), I examine the struggling discourses that have emerged about how protection for environmental refugees has been interpreted. To do this, I rely on Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe's theory and method of discourse analysis. The results show that responsibilization is the main point of struggle in the discussions on the protection of environmental refugees. As a floating signifier, it was utilized by the discourses produced by the UNCHR and the selected NGOs in contingent ways and with different political objectives. The UNHCR discourse responsibilized both the environmental refugees for their own protection and the individual states. The EJF and EquityBD, by contrast, allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees to the international community. These contingent understandings of responsibilization necessitated different justifications. While the EJF discourse relied on humanitarianism for the assistance of environmental refugees, the EquityBD discourse constructed a rights based, more permanent solution. The humanitarian based discourse of the EJF was found to be inextricably linked with the neoliberal discourse produced by the UNHCR. Both these discourses encouraged environmental refugees to stay in their homelands, undermining the politics of protection. Another way in which protection was undermined was by UNHCR's discourse on securitization. In this context, climate change induced displacement became threat to developed countries, the global economy and transnational classes. The struggling discourses about who/what has been allocated responsibility for the protection of environmental refugees also meant that identities of the displaced be constructed in specific ways. While the UNHCR discourse constructed as voluntary migrants and predators, the EJF and EquityBD discourses portrayed them as victims. However, even though the EJF discourse constructed them as victims, their reliance on humanitarianism could also be interpreted as a way of giving the environmental refugee a predator like identity. These discourses on responsibilization and identity formation clashed with each other in the aim of achieving a hegemonic position in discussions and debates about the protection of environmental refugees.
Graffitit ja katutaide vaikuttavat visuaaliseen ympäristöömme ja ovat viime vuosina herättäneet vilkasta keskustelua kaupunkitilan sallitun käytön rajoista. Helsingissä oli vuosina 1998–2008 käynnissä siistiin kaupunkikuvaan tähtäävä Stop töhryille -projekti. Projekti herätti vastustusta ja politisoitui: keskusteluun nousivat graffitien ja töhryjen lisäksi esimerkiksi julkisen tilan arvot, kaupunkitilan estetiikka, nuorten oikeus kaupunkiin ja taiteen rajat. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan vallankäyttöä kaupunkitilassa graffitien ja katutaiteen ympärillä käydyn keskustelun kautta. Tutkimus keskittyy yhden kaupungin, Helsingin, tarjoamaan esimerkkiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää millaisia diskursseja graffiteista esitetään, kuinka puhe graffitien ympärillä politisoituu ja miten graffitin diskurssit liittyvät julkiseen tilaan. Kaupunki ja julkinen tila ymmärretään tässä tutkimuksessa Henri Lefebvren ja Doreen Masseyn teorioiden pohjalta sosiaalisena tuotteena ja siten poliittisena käsitteenä. Tutkimuksen pääasiallisen aineiston muodostavat Helsingin Sanomien aihepiiriä käsittelevät lehtitekstit vuosilta 1995–2010, analyysin apuna käytetään lisäksi kaupungin omia asiakirjoja, Internet-sivuja ja valokuvia. Tutkimustehtävää lähestytään Ernesto Laclaun ja Chantal Mouffen diskurssiteorian kautta. Laclau ja Mouffe ymmärtävät sosiaaliset merkitykset aina diskursiivisesti rakentuneiksi ja selittävät diskurssien muutosta poliittisen ontologian avulla. Tässä tutkimuksessa diskurssiteorian tarjoamista analyyttisista käsitteistä tärkeiksi nousevat diskurssi, tyhjät ja kelluvat merkitsijät, hegemonia ja sosiaalinen antagonismi. Aineiston perusteella näyttää siltä, että graffitien ympärillä Helsingissä vuosina 1995–2010 käyty keskustelu kiertyy karkeasti arvioiden kahden diskurssin ympärille ja jakaantuu kolmeen vaiheeseen. Kaksi läpi koko aineiston kulkevaa diskurssia, joiden osana graffitit artikuloidaan, nimetään tässä tutkimuksessa ”töhryn” ja ”taiteen” diskursseiksi. Keskustelun ensimmäisessä vaiheessa (1995–2000) Helsingin kaupunkikuvan töhriminen näyttäytyy vakavana ongelmana, joka vaatii hallinnolta ja poliitikoilta toimenpiteitä: graffitien torjumiseen tähtäävä Stop töhryille -projekti aloitetaan vuonna 1998. Keskustelun toisessa vaiheessa (2000–2007) Stop töhryille -projekti ja graffitit politisoituvat: projektista ja graffitien luvallisista tekopaikoista keskustellaan valtuustossa lähes vuosittain. Näkyville nousee antagonistinen jakolinja töhryn ja kaupunkitaiteen välillä: julkisuudessa esitetty kritiikki siirtyy töhritystä kaupunkikuvasta kohti Stop töhryille -projektia. Vuosi 2008, jolloin Stop töhryille -projekti loppuu, näyttäytyy dislokaation hetkenä. Kaupunginvaltuustossa graffitit artikuloidaan taiteena ja kaupunkikulttuurina; graffiteille löytyy nyt myös luvallista tilaa kaupungista. Diskurssiteorian käsittein voidaan ajatella töhryjen ja taiteen diskurssin taistelevan graffitikeskustelun hegemonisesta asemasta. Julkinen tila on molemmille diskursseille tärkeä, sillä kamppaillessaan graffitien määritelmästä ne kamppailevat jatkuvasti myös julkisesta tilasta ja sen määrittelemisen vallasta kaupungissa. Julkinen tila on paitsi materiaalista myös jatkuvasti debatissa syntyvää: sosiaalinen tuote. Graffitikeskustelussa syntyvä sosiaalinen antagonismi on tärkeä myös siinä mielessä, että sen kautta esiin nousevat esiin erilaiset näkemykset paitsi julkisesta tilasta myös taiteesta ja kulttuurista kaupungissa.
Las etapas de este trabajo de investigación se llevaron a cabo en las instalaciones del invernadero y vivero de la Universidad Nacional Agraria, ubicada a la altura del kilómetro 12 carretera norte en la ciudad de Managua. Se realizó un ensayo de germinación con semillas falso roble Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC., genízaro Phitecellobium saman (Jacq.) Benth. y guanacaste negro Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb., para cuantificar el porcentaje, energía y valor de la germinación aplicando tratamientos pre germinativos. Posteriormente, en vivero, se establecieron dichas especies en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con tres bloques por especie, tres tratamientos por bloque y noventa repeticiones por tratamiento, realizando un ANDEVA y aplicando una prueba de separación de medias. Las variables evaluadas en el ANDEVA fueron altura total y diámetro basal. Separadamente se evaluó la mortalidad y sobrevivencia de las plantas en el vivero. El tratamiento pre germinativo que dio mejores resultados fue el rompimiento de la testa en el extremo donde se encuentra el micrópilo, con porcentajes de germinación superiores al 90%. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos, por lo cual no hubo efecto de los sustratos sobre los incrementos de las plantas de genízaro Phitecellobium saman (Jacq.) Benth. y se encontraron diferencias significativas entre tratamientos y variables para guanancaste negro Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb. con los mayores incrementos en compostaje con 29,32 cm y los menores en tierra común 18,82 cm. El compostaje fue el sustrato donde ocurrió la mayor sobrevivencia de guanacaste negro Phitecellobium saman (Jacq.) Benth. con 85% y genízaro Phitecellobium saman (Jacq.) Benth. con 66%. Los valores de mortalidad fueron menores al 26% en todos los sustratos.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el comportamiento productivo y reproductivo de un hato criollo lechero Reyna, bajo condiciones de explotación en confinamiento, en la finca San José ubicada en Masatepe, Masaya, Nicaragua. Se analizaron 148 registros productivos y reproductivos correspondientes al período 1982 a 1989. Las características estudiadas fueron producción de leche total por lactancia (PLTOT), producción de leche ajustada a 305 días (PL305), duración de la lactancia (DL), intervalo entre partos (IEP) y edad al primer parto (EPP), además se evaluó el comportamiento de la curva de lactancia y se estimaron los parámetros que la caracterizan (a) parámetro que regula la producción inicial, (b) parámetro que regula el ascenso al pico y (c) parámetro que regula la declinación post pico, a partir de pico (RP), análisis se éstos se calcularon las variables rendimiento al tiempo al pico (TP) y la persistencia (S). En los utilizaron los métodos 1) Mínimos cuadrados (Harvey, 1987), 2) Iterativo de estimación no lineal (Mardquardt, 1968), 3) Modelo y ecuaciones propuestas por Wood, (1967) a través de procedimientos computarizados (Harvey, 1987 y SAS, 1987). Mediante análisis de varianza se estudió el efecto de los factores ambientales año de parto, época, número de partos y las interacciones año de parto por época y época por número de partos sobre PLT, PL305, DL, e IEP. Las medias de mínimos cuadrados obtenidas en este estudio fueron 1,577.65 ± 92.06 Kg, 1,560.64 ± 89.65 Kg, 264.23 ± 9.5 días, 425.96 ± 11.4 días y 1,401.08 ± 120 días para PLTOT, PL305, DL, IEP y EPP respectivamente. Los valores de a, b, c, RP, TP, y S fueron 4.19006 ± 0.5381, 0.221751 ± 0.0402, 0.005152 ± 0.00051, 7,73 Kg, 43.3 días y 6.43 % respectivamente. En el ANDEVA se encontró un efecto altamente significativo (P<0.01) del año de parto sobre las características estudiadas, resultando NS las otras fuentes de variación. Los valores y efectos antes señalados hacen notar que el criollo lechero no responde muy satisfactoriamente a condiciones de confinamiento, aunque es observable su ventaja productiva, respecto al promedio del hato nacional. Al caracterizar la curva de lactancia estimada para el hato y por número de partos ésta presentó valores sobre estimados de producción, respecto a la producción real, sin embargo no presentó atipicidad en su forma.
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de estudiar el efecto de cuatro intervalos de medición de leche (diario, cada 7, 14 y 28 días) sobre la producción de leche total, la repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia. Para lo cual se utilizaron los registros productivos y reproductivos del hato criollo Reyna de la Finca San José ubicada en Masatepe, Nicaragua.
Se estudiaron 105 lactancia provenientes de 28 vacas durante el periodo de 1982 - 1990. Las características estudiadas fueron PLTOT, repetibilidad y la forma de la curva de lactancia.
Todos los análisis estadísticos fueron realizados con el procedimiento de mínimos cuadrados y máxima verosimilitud establecido en el paquete estadístico LSMLMW
El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de contribuir al desarrollo ganadero del micro región por medio de la caracterización de las actividades ganaderas de las Comarcas de Copalar y San Pedro del norte. El estudio se llevó a cabo en dos fases: Una fase preliminar de “diagnóstico, en la que se determinó, la disponibilidad y uso actual de los recursos en las fincas, tecnologías y características generales de los canales de comercialización y precios de los productos pecuarios generados por la actividad ganadera de las Comarcas. La segunda fase comprendió el procesamiento y computación de la información. La información relativa a los recursos pecuarios se procesó para cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena y en base a ello se estimaron los diferentes parámetros técnicos, productivos, reproductivos y elementos fuentes de ingresos y egresos determinándose así la rentabilidad de cada uno de los eslabones de la cadena. En los aspectos técnicos se determinó que la actividad de las fincas es la ganadería; ya que en promedio, el 92% de las áreas totales se destinan a esta actividad; existiendo solamente pastos naturales. Las cargas animales encontradas fluctuaron en un rango de 0.24 u.a/mz a 0.49 u.a/mz, siendo inferiores a las disponibilidades de pastos ; resultando las disponibilidades positivas. Las especies de pastos encontrados en mayor proporción en estas fincas son Asia (Panicum maximum) y Retana (Ischaemun indicum). En cuanto al manejo de potreros; encontramos que presentan un área promedio por potrero entre 27-29 mz. y realizan rotación de potreros cada 15-30 días. En relación al control de maleza se realizan chapeas más rondas dos veces al año y quemas cada dos, tres años.