881 resultados para Skeptics (Greek philosophy)
The fundamental debt of E. O’Neill’s Mourning Becomes Electra to Aeschylus, and to a lesser degree to Sophocles and Euripides, has been always recognised but, according to the author’s hypothesis, O’Neill might have taken advantage of the Platonic image of the cave in order to magnify his both Greek and American drama. It is certainly a risky hypothesis that stricto sensu cannot be proved, but it is also reader’s right to evaluate the plausibility and the possible dramatic benefit derived from such a reading. Besides indicating to what degree some of the essential themes of Platonic philosophy concerning darkness, light or the flight from the prison of the material world are not extraneous to O’Neill’s work, the author proves he was aware of the Platonic image of the cave thanks to its capital importance in the work of some of his intellectual mentors such as F. Nietzsche or Oscar Wilde. Nevertheless, the most significant aim of the author’s article is to emphasize both the dramatic benefits and the logical reflections derived, as said before, from reading little by little O’Neill’s drama bearing in mind the above mentioned Platonic parameter.
[cat] ¿Podem convertir l’Èdip rei de Sòfocles en una història d’amor com ho fa Berkoff a Greek?. Tot i que alguns crítics llegeixen Greek només com un drama provocador que de cap manera intenta justificar l’incest, directors, actors i crítics resten finalment captivats per la impactant història d’amor entre Eddy i la seva esposa-mare. Això demostraria que l’adaptació de Berkoff, pensada per a il·lustrar la degradació social de la Gran Bretanya dels 80s, esdevé una proposta arriscada, car significa negar de fet la consciència tràgica dels homes i dones contemporanis. Tanmateix, si aquest és el cas, lectors i espectadors, a banda de l’indubtable plaer d’assistir a la representació de Greek, poden preguntar-se, fins i tot des d’una perspectiva no fonamentalista de la tradició clàssica, si té sentit inspirar-se en el text de Sòfocles, el qual mostra precisament la gran consciència tràgica dels grecs.
The study examines the internationalisation process of a contemporary SME firm and explores the impact of its business network on this development. The objective of the study is to understand SME internationalisation and its dynamics from a network perspective. The purpose of this research project is to describe and explore the development process of a firm and its business network by identifying the changes, critical events and influence factors that form this development. It is a qualitative case study, which focuses on a Finnish focal firm and its respective business network as it expands into the Greek market. It is a longitudinal research process, which covers a period of time from 1994 to 2004. The empirical study concentrates on the paper trading and converting business. The study builds on the network theory and the framework provided by Johanson and Mattsson's (1988) model on network internationalisation. The incremental internationalisation theories and network theories form the theoretical focus. The research project is organised according to a process view. The focal firm evolves from a domestically-oriented small subsidiary into an internationally experienced company, which has activities in several market areas and numerous business networks in various market segments and product categories. The findings illustrate the importance of both the domestic and foreign business network context in a firm's internationalisation process. The results of the study suggest theoretical modifications on a firm's internationalisation process by broadening the perspective and incorporating the strategic context of a firm. The findings suggest that internationalisation process is a non-linear process, which does not have a deterministic order in its development. The findings emphasise the significance of relational networks, both managerial and entrepreneurial, for establishing position in foreign markets. It implies that a firm's evolution is significantly influenced by its business network and by critical events. Business networks gain coherence due to common goals and they use accumulated capabilities to exploit market opportunities. The business network sets constraints and provides opportunities, which makes the related decision making strategically important. The firm co-evolves with its business network. The research project provides an instrumental case study with a description of an SME internationalisation process. It contributes to existing knowledge by illustrating dynamics in an international business network and by pinpointing the importance of suppliers, customers, partners, ownerships and competition to the internationalisation process.
In this paper, I aim at relating passions to evil in Kant's philosophy. I begin by explaining the difference between affects and passions in the textAnthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View. Kant claims that both affects and passions are illnesses of the mind, because both affect and passion hinder the sovereignty of reason. I show that passions are worse than affects for the purpose of pure reason. Second, I relate affects and passions to the degrees of the propensity to evil in theReligion. I analyze the idea of an ethical community as a way to overcome the evil, which goes beyond political and anthropological solutions suggested by Kant.
Tutkielma siitä, miten Euroopan entisten sosialistivaltioiden markkinoiden integroituminen on edistynyt Kreikan ja EMU-alueen kanssa euron käyttöönoton ajalta. Tutkimus vertaa maiden markkinoiden reaktioita Kreikasta ja EMU-alueelta kantautuviin sokkeihin ennen ja jälkeen vuonna 2007 alkanutta kriisiä.
The combined influence of tempo and mode on emotional responses to music was studied by crossing 7 changes in mode with 3 changes in tempo. Twenty-four musicians aged 19 to 25 years (12 males and 12 females) and 24 nonmusicians aged 17 to 25 years (12 males and 12 females) were required to perform two tasks: 1) listening to different musical excerpts, and 2) associating an emotion to them such as happiness, serenity, fear, anger, or sadness. ANOVA showed that increasing the tempo strongly affected the arousal (F(2,116) = 268.62, mean square error (MSE) = 0.6676, P < 0.001) and, to a lesser extent, the valence of emotional responses (F(6,348) = 8.71, MSE = 0.6196, P < 0.001). Changes in modes modulated the affective valence of the perceived emotions (F(6,348) = 4.24, MSE = 0.6764, P < 0.001). Some interactive effects were found between tempo and mode (F (1,58) = 115.6, MSE = 0.6428, P < 0.001), but, in most cases, the two parameters had additive effects. This finding demonstrates that small changes in the pitch structures of modes modulate the emotions associated with the pieces, confirming the cognitive foundation of emotional responses to music.
Goethe's philosophy of creativity revolves around what he called das Dämonische. This essay is not meant as a definition or an explanation of demonic creation, but instead presents a demonic work par excellence, as the term "demonic" is defined by Goethe in the Elegy from Marienbad. The process of the creation of this work, as it is described by Goethe, also represents a strange exorcism, as the entire daemonic creative force of the author is transposed in this lyrical masterpiece of German and universal literature. After writing the Elegy Goethe, it is no longer demonic.
The role of animals in the philosophy of mind is primarily to help understand the human mind by serving as practical examples of cognition that differs from ours either in kind or in degree. Kant regarded animals as beings that only have the faculty of sensibility. By examining what Kant writes about animal experience we gain knowledge concerning the role of sensibility in experience, free from the influence of understanding and reason. I look at Kant’s view of animals in the historical context of alternative views presented by Descartes’ and Hume’s views. Kant’s view can be seen as a counterargument against Descartes’ doctrine of animal machines according to which animals do not have minds and they do not think. I suggest that while it can be argued that some kind of elementary experience could be possible in the physiological level, this only makes sense when it is possible to become conscious of the unconscious sensation, and this requires a mind. A further option is to claim that there is only a difference in degree between human and animal cognitive capacities. This is Hume’s view. I argue that even though Kant’s and Hume’s view on the cognitive capacities of animals seems to depart from each other to a considerable extent, the differences between them diminish when the focus is on the experience these capacities enable. I also briefly discuss the relation of the metaphysics of animal minds to animal ethics.
Collection : Publications of the University of Pennsylvania ; n° 6
Memory Mixed with Desire: A preliminary study of Philosophy and Literature in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Milan Kundera Robert Spinelli Brock University, Department of Philosophy This thesis studies intertextuality in the works of Friedrich Nietzsche and Milan Kundera through the primary themes of memory and forgetting. The thesis starts with two introductory chapters that delineate memory according to Nietzsche and Kundera respectively. From here, I move into a discussion of Nietzsche's Ubermensch as an example of the type of forgetting that Nietzsche sees as a cure for the overabundance of memory that has led to Christian morality. Next, I explore the Kunderan concept of kitsch as the polar opposite of what Nietzsche has sought in his philosophy, finishing the chapter by tying the two thinkers together in a Kunderan critique of Nietzsche. The thesis ends with a chapter devoted to the Eternal Return beginning with an exegesis of Nietzsche's idea and ending with a similar exegesis of Kundera's treatment of this thought. What I suggest in this chapter is that the Eternal Return might itself be a form of kitsch even in its attempt to revalue existence.