330 resultados para Shores.
The effect of crab behaviour on shell-use dynamics was analysed, comparing both interference and exploitation behaviours between the hermit crabs Pagurus criniticornis and Pagurus brevidactylus. Although these species exhibited microhabitat separation, with P. criniticornis dominating (100%) in sandy substrates and P. brevidactylus (80%) on rocky shores, they overlapped in the rocky shore/sand interface (P. criniticornis, 53%; P. brevidactylus, 43%). Pagurus criniticornis occupied shells of Cerithium atratum in higher frequencies (84%) than P. brevidactylus (37%), which was hypothesized to be a consequence of competitive interactions combined with their ability to acquire and/or retain this resource. The species P. criniticornis was attracted in larger numbers to simulated gastropod predation events than was P. brevidactylus, which, on the few occasions that it moved before P. criniticornis, tended to be attracted more rapidly. Interspecific shell exchanges between these species were few, suggesting the absence of dominance relationships. The shell-use pattern in this species pair is thus defined by exploitation competition, which is presumed to be intensified in areas of microsympatry. These results differ from other studies, which found that interference competition through interspecific exchanges shapes shell use, indicating that shell partitioning in hermit crabs is dependent on the behaviour of the species involved in the contests.
[ES] Hemos realizado una serie de consideraciones con respecto a la Directiva 2006/7/CE para lograr su correcta aplicación en las playas de baño de Canarias. En nuestras aguas se producen algunos fenómenos que no se producen en el resto de la Unión Europea. Por esta razón hemos establecido una serie de conceptos que no están previstos de forma explicita en los artículos de la Directiva y que, con algunas matizaciones, podremos adaptarlos a la generalidad de la Directiva, o ?sensu contrario?, adecuar la Directiva a nuestra realidad ambiental. En este sentido, hemos adaptado conceptos como ?contaminación de corta duración?, ?tendencia a la proliferación de macroalgas?, ?tendencia a la proliferación de fitoplancton marino?, ?proliferación de cianobacterias? y otros a las especificidades que se producen en nuestras costas y que podrían alterar la calidad de las aguas de baño
La Tesi Materiale epigrafico per la ricostruzione dei contatti nel Mediterraneo tra il 1200 a.C. e il 500 a.C. si propone di illustrare i complessi rapporti instauratisi tra i vari popoli che si affacciarono sulle rive del Mediterraneo e nelle sue vicinanze, tra il 1200 e il 500 a.C. circa, quali emergono dalle iscrizioni disponibili, principalmente greche e semitiche (soprattutto fenicie, ebraiche, aramaiche e assire), prendendo tuttavia in esame anche iscrizioni ittite, egiziane, frigie, etrusche e celtiche. Le date suddette riguardano due eventi cruciali, che sconvolsero il Mediterraneo: gli attacchi dei Popoli del Mare, che distrussero l'Impero Ittita e indebolirono l'Egitto, e le guerre Persiane. Le iscrizioni riportate sono 1546, quasi sempre traslitterate, tradotte, e accompagnate da un'immagine, da riferimenti bibliografici essenziali e da una breve motivazione del collegamento proposto. Il quadro che si delinea ben testimonia la complessità dei rapporti che si intrecciarono in quel periodo: si pensi alle centinaia di graffiti greci trovati a Naucrati, in Egitto, o alle decine di iscrizioni greche trovate a Gravisca. Anche le iscrizioni aramaiche e assire attestano gli stretti rapporti che si formarono tra Siria e Mesopotamia; ugualmente Iran e Arabia sono, direttamente o indirettamente, collegati a Etruria e Grecia; così troviamo un'iscrizione greca nel cuore dell'Impero Persiano, e un cratere laconico nel centro della Gallia. In realtà lo scopo di questo lavoro è anche quello di mettere in contatto due mondi sostanzialmente separati, ossia quello dei Semitisti e quello dei Grecisti, che solo apparentemente si conoscono e collaborano. Inoltre vorrei soavemente insinuare l'idea che la tesi di Joseph Naveh, che ipotizzò che gli alfabeti greci abbiano tratto origine in prima istanza dalle iscrizioni protocananaiche, nel XII sec. a.C., è valida, e che solo in un secondo tempo i Fenici abbiano dato il loro apporto.
La detenzione amministrativa degli stranieri, pur condividendo il carattere tipicamente afflittivo e stigmatizzante delle pene, non si fonda sulla commissione di un reato e non gode delle medesime garanzie previste dal sistema della giustizia penale. Nel nostro ordinamento l’inadeguatezza della legislazione, l’ampio margine di discrezionalità rimesso all’autorità di pubblica sicurezza, nonché il debole potere di sindacato giurisdizionale rimesso all’autorità giudiziaria, raggiungono il loro apice problematico nell’ambito delle pratiche di privazione della libertà personale che hanno per destinatari gli stranieri maggiormente vulnerabili, ossia quelli appena giunti sul territorio e il cui status giuridico non è ancora stato accertato (c.d. situazione di pre-admittance). E’ proprio sulla loro condizione che il presente lavoro si focalizza maggiormente. Le detenzioni de facto degli stranieri in condizione di pre-admittance sono analizzate, nel primo capitolo, a partire dal “caso Lampedusa”, descritto alla luce dell’indagine sul campo condotta dall’Autrice. Nel secondo capitolo viene ricostruito lo statuto della libertà personale dello straniero sulla base dei principi costituzionali e, nel terzo capitolo, sono analizzati i principi che informano il diritto alla libertà personale nell’ambito delle fonti sovranazionali, con particolare riferimento al diritto dell’Unione Europea e al sistema della Convenzione Europea dei Diritti dell’Uomo. Sulla scorta dei principi indagati, nel quarto capitolo è tracciata l’evoluzione legislativa in materia di detenzione amministrativa dello straniero in Italia e, nel quinto capitolo, è approfondito il tema dei Centri dell’immigrazione e delle regole che li disciplinano. Nelle conclusioni, infine, sono tirate le fila del percorso tracciato, attraverso la valutazione degli strumenti di tutela in grado di prevenire le pratiche di privazione della libertà informali e di garantire uno standard minimo nella tutela della libertà individuale, anche nelle zone di frontiera del nostro ordinamento.
This study presents geo-scientific evidence for Holocene tsunami impact along the shores of the Eastern Ionian Sea. Cefalonia Island, the Gulf of Kyparissia and the Gialova Lagoon were subject of detailed geo-scientific investigations. It is well known that the coasts of the eastern Mediterranean were hit by the destructive influence of tsunamis in the past. The seismically highly active Hellenic Trench is considered as the most significant tsunami source in the Eastern Ionian Sea. This study focuses on the reconstruction and detection of sedimentary signatures of palaeotsunami events and their influence on the Holocene palaeogeographical evolution. The results of fine grained near coast geo-archives are discussed and interpreted in detail to differentiate between tsunami, storm and sea level highstands as sedimentation processes.rnA multi-method approach was applied using geomorphological, sedimentological, geochemical, geophysical and microfaunal analyses to detect Holocene tsunamigenic impact. Chronological data were based on radiocarbondatings and archaeological age estimations to reconstruct local geo-chronostratigraphies and to correlate them on supra-regional scales.rnDistinct sedimentary signatures of 5 generations of tsunami impact were found along the coasts of Cefalonia in the Livadi coastal plain. The results show that the overall coastal evolution was influenced by tsunamigenic impact that occured around 5700 cal BC (I), 4250 cal BC (II), at the beginning of the 2nd millennium cal BC (III), in the 1st millennium cal BC (IV) and posterior to 780 cal AD (V). Sea level reconstructions and the palaeogeographical evolution show that the local Holocene sea level has never been higher than at present.rnAt the former Mouria Lagoon along the Gulf of Kyparissia almost four allochtonous layers of tsunamigenic origin were identified. The stratigraphical record and palaeogeographical reconstructions show that major environmental coastal changes were linked to these extreme events. At the southern end of the Agoulenitsa Lagoon at modern Kato Samikon high-energy traces were found more than 2 km inland and upt ot 9 m above present sea level. The geo-chronological framework deciphered tsunami landfall for the 5th millennium cal BC (I), mid to late 2nd mill. BC (II), Roman times (1st cent. BC to early 4th cent. AD) (III) and most possible one of the historically well-known 365 AD or 521/551 AD tsunamis (IV).rnCoarse-grained allochthonous sediments of marine origin were found intersecting muddy deposits of the quisecent sediments of the Gialova Lagoon on the southwestern Peloponnese. Radiocarbondatings suggest 6 generations of major tsunami impact. Tsunami generations were dated to around 3300 cal BC (I), around the end of 4th and the beginning of 3rd millennium BC (II), after around 1100 cal BC (III), after the 4th to 2nd cent. BC (IV), between the 8th and early 15th cent. AD (V) and between the mid 14th to beginning of 15th cent. AD (VI). Palaeogeographical and morphological characteristics in the environs of the Gialova Lagoon were controlled by high-energy influence.rnSedimentary findings in all study areas are in good accordance to traces of tsunami events found all over the Ionian Sea. The correlation of geo-chronological data fits very well to coastal Akarnania, the western Peloponnese and finding along the coasts of southern Italy and the Aegean. Supra-regional influence of tsunamigenic impact significant for the investigated sites. The palaeogeographical evolution and palaeo-geomorphological setting of the each study area was strongly affected by tsunamigenic impact.rnThe selected geo-archives represent extraordinary sediment traps for the reconstruction of Holocene coastal evolution. Our result therefore give new insight to the exceptional high tsunami risk in the eastern Mediterranean and emphasize the underestimation of the overall tsunami hazard.
The growing need to assess the environmental status of the Mediterranean coastal marine habitats and the large availability of data collected by Reef Check Italia onlus (RCI) volunteers suggest the possibility to develop innovative and reliable indices that may support decision makers in applying conservation strategies. The aims of this study were to check the reliability of data collected by RCI volunteers, analyse the spatial and temporal distribution of RCI available data, resume the knowledge on the biology and ecology of the monitored species, and develop innovative indices to asses the ecological quality of Mediterranean subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous habitats. Subtidal rocky shores and coralligenous were chosen because these are the habitats more attractive for divers; therefore mlst data are referring to them, moreover subtidal rocky bottom are strongly affected by coastal urbanisation, land use, fishing and tourist activities, that increase pollution, turbidity and sedimentation. Non-indigenous species (NIS) have been recognized as a major threat to the integrity of Mediterranean native communities because of their proliferation, spread and impact on resident communities. Monitoring of NIS’ spreading dynamics at the basin spatial scale is difficult but urgent. According to a field test, the training provided by RCI appears adequate to obtain reliable data by volunteers. Based on data collected by RCI volunteers, three main categories of indices were developed: indices based on species diversity, indices on the occurrence non-indigenous species, and indices on species sensitive toward physical, chemical and biological disturbances. As case studies, indices were applied to stretches of coastline defined according to management criteria (province territories and marine protected areas). The assessments of ecological quality in the Tavolara Marine Protected Area using the species sensitivities index were consisten with those previously obtained with traditional methods.
The family Hyalidae comprises more than one hundred species, distributed worldwide. They are common and abundant in the littoral and shallow sublittoral habitats and they play an important role in the coastal food chain. Most studies about this family were dealing with taxonomy and ecology, while very little is known about phylogenetic relationship among genera and species. In the present study we aim to achieve the first approach of the phylogenetic patterns of this family in NE Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, and to perform the first insight into the phylogeography Apohyale prevostii along both the North Atlantic coasts. In order to do that, eight species belonging to the genera Apohyale, Hyale, Serejohyale and Protohyale were investigated using the mitochondrial COI-5P barcode region. Specimens were collected along European and Moroccan Atlantic rocky shores, including Iceland, the British Isles, Macaronesia and in the Mediterranean Sea. Sequences of A. prevostii, from the NW Atlantic Ocean, available in BOLD and GenBank, were retrieved. As expected, phylogenetic analyses showed highly-divergent clades, clearly discriminating among different species clusters, confirming their morphology-based identifications. Although, within A. perieri, A. media, A. stebbingi, P. (Protohyale) schmidtii and S. spinidactylus, high genetic diversity was found, revealing putative cryptic species. The clade of A. prevostii and A. stebbingi appears well supported and divided from the other two congeneric species, and P. (Protohyale) schmidtii shows a basal divergence. The north-western Atlantic coasts were recently colonized by A. prevostii after the last glacial maximum from the European populations showing also a common haplotype in every population analysed. The use of the COI-5P as DNA barcode provided a good tool to underline the necessity of a revision of this emblematic family, as well as to discern taxonomically the possible new species flagged with this molecular device.
Ancient Kinneret (Tēl Kinrōt [Hebrew]; Tell el-ʿOrēme [Arabic]) is located on a steep limestone hill on the northwestern shores of the Sea of Galilee (2508.7529 [NIG]). The site, whose settlement history began sometime during the Pottery-Neolithic or the early Chalcolithic period, is emerging as one of the major sites for the study of urban life in the Southern Levant during the Early Iron Age (c. 1130–950 BCE). Its size, accessibility by major trade routes, and strategic location between different spheres of cultural and political influence make Tēl Kinrōt an ideal place for studying the interaction of various cultures on urban sites, as well as to approach questions of ethnicity and regionalism during one of the most debated periods in the history of the ancient Levant. The paper will briefly discuss the settlement history of the site during the Early Iron Age. However, the main focus will lie on the material culture of the late Iron Age IB city that rapidly evolved to a regional center during the transition from the 11th to the 10th century BCE. During this period, ancient Kinneret features a multitude of cultural influences that reach from Egypt via the Central Hill Country until the Northern parts of Syria and the Amuq region. While there are indisputably close ties with the ‘Aramaean’ realm, there are also strong indications that there were – at the same time – vivid socio-economic links with the West, i.e. the Southern and Northern Mediterranean coasts and their hinterland. It will be argued that the resulting ‘cultural blend’ is a typical characteristic of the material culture of the Northern Jordan Rift Valley in the advent of the emerging regional powers of the Iron Age II.
Ancient Kinneret (Tel Kinrot [Hebrew]; Tell el-‘Orēme [Arabic]) is located on a steep limestone hill on the northwestern shores of the Sea of Galilee (map ref. 2508.7529 [NIG]; 35.56/32.87 [WGS84]). The site, whose settlement history began sometime during the Pottery-Neolithic or the early Chalcolithic period, is emerging as one of the major sites for the study of urban life in the Southern Levant during the Early Iron Age (c. 1130–950 BCE). Its size, accessibility by major trade routes, and strategic location between different spheres of cultural and political influence make Tel Kinrot an ideal place for studying the interaction of various cultures on urban sites, as well as to approach questions of ethnicity and regionalism during one of the most debated periods in the history of the ancient Southern Levant.
Chapter 4, “Cyanide Compounds,” illustrates an explosively developing research theme in which the cyanide ligand is used as a linking agent for the designed assembly of polynuclear metal complexes. Syntheses of several basic building blocks, such as K3[Cr(CN)6],Cr(Me3tacn)(CN)3,K4[Mo(CN)8],Na[W(CO)5CN],K[CpFe(CO)(CN)2],[NEt4][Cp*Rh(CN)3],[Fe4(bpy)8(μ-CN)4][PF6]4,. are given here. These units may be used in several ways to construct polynuclear compounds. One approach involves a hexacyanometalate core decorated with peripheral metal centers, e.g., [{Cu(tpa)(CN)}6Fe][ClO4]8. or [Cr{CNNi(tetren)}6][ClO4]9. An octacyanometalate unit can lead to higher nuclearity condensed compounds, as in [Co{Co(MeOH)3}8(μ-CN)30{Mo(CN)3}6]. Alternatively, a cluster core may be substituted with cyano complexes as ligands, as in [PPh4]2[Fe4S4{NCW(CO)5}4]. If there are two cis cyano ligands on the building block, then quadrilateral or square structures often result, as in {CpFe(CO(μ-CN)2Cu(PCy3)}2 and [Fe2Cu2(bpy)6(μ-CN)4][PF6]4 However, if there are three adjacent cyano ligands, then cubic cages may be constructed as in [(CpCo)4(Cp*Rh)4(μ-CN)12][PF6]4.
East Africa’s Lake Victoria provides resources and services to millions of people on the lake’s shores and abroad. In particular, the lake’s fisheries are an important source of protein, employment, and international economic connections for the whole region. Nonetheless, stock dynamics are poorly understood and currently unpredictable. Furthermore, fishery dynamics are intricately connected to other supporting services of the lake as well as to lakeshore societies and economies. Much research has been carried out piecemeal on different aspects of Lake Victoria’s system; e.g., societies, biodiversity, fisheries, and eutrophication. However, to disentangle drivers and dynamics of change in this complex system, we need to put these pieces together and analyze the system as a whole. We did so by first building a qualitative model of the lake’s social-ecological system. We then investigated the model system through a qualitative loop analysis, and finally examined effects of changes on the system state and structure. The model and its contextual analysis allowed us to investigate system-wide chain reactions resulting from disturbances. Importantly, we built a tool that can be used to analyze the cascading effects of management options and establish the requirements for their success. We found that high connectedness of the system at the exploitation level, through fisheries having multiple target stocks, can increase the stocks’ vulnerability to exploitation but reduce society’s vulnerability to variability in individual stocks. We describe how there are multiple pathways to any change in the system, which makes it difficult to identify the root cause of changes but also broadens the management toolkit. Also, we illustrate how nutrient enrichment is not a self-regulating process, and that explicit management is necessary to halt or reverse eutrophication. This model is simple and usable to assess system-wide effects of management policies, and can serve as a paving stone for future quantitative analyses of system dynamics at local scales.
Since the mid-1980s, migrants from North African and sub-Saharan countries have irregularly crossed the Strait of Gibraltar, in the hope of a better future for themselves and their families. Travelling in small, poorly equipped boats without experienced captains has cost the lives of myriad border crossers. Many of these bodies will never be recovered and the bereaved will never know whether their relatives and friends are alive or not. The bereaved are thus condemned to a state of not knowing and uncertainty. Exploring the junction of death and belonging, I firstly open a discussion about the enigmatic relation between a dead body and a dead person and argue for the importance of the physical presence of the body for mourning. Secondly, I show how the anonymity of dead border crossers and their uncertain belongings are generated, concealed, or rewritten. Following the story of an undertaker, I thirdly examine post-mortem border crossings. Depicting the power relations within identification processes, I outline the ambiguity of the term belonging by emphasising the constitutive significance of personal belongings such as clothes to restore a person’s identity. Reflecting on the ethical relationships which different actors (including the researcher) undertake with the deceased, I aim at gaining a better understanding of the multiple belonging of dead border crossers found on Spanish shores.
The brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum is a dominant rocky intertidal organism throughout much of the North Atlantic Ocean, yet its inability to colonize exposed or denuded shores is well recognized. Our experimental data show that wave action is a major source of mortality to recently settled zygotes. Artificially recruited zygotes consistently exhibited a Type IV survivorship curve in the presence of moving water. As few as 10, but often only 1 relatively low energy wave removed 85 to 99% of recently settled zygotes. Increasing the setting time for attachment of zygotes (prior to disturbance from water movement) had a positive effect on survival. However, survival was significantly lower at high densities, and decreased at long (24 h) setting times, probably as a result of bacteria on the surface of zygotes. Spatial refuges provided significant protection from gentle water movement but relatively little protection from waves.
Because of its simplicity and low cost, arm circumference (AC) is being used increasingly in screening for protein energy malnutrition among pre-school children in many parts of the developing world, especially where minimally trained health workers are employed. The objectives of this study were as follows: (1) To determine the relationship of the AC measure with weight for age and weight for height in the detection of malnutrition among pre-school children in a Guatemalan Indian village. (2) To determine the performance of minimally trained promoters under field conditions in measuring AC, weight and height. (3) To describe the practical aspects of taking AC measures versus weight, age and height.^ The study was conducted in San Pablo La Laguna, one of four villages situated on the shores of Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, in which a program of simplified medical care was implemented by the Institute for Nutrition for Central America and Panama (INCAP). Weight, height, AC and age data were collected for 144 chronically malnourished children. The measurements obtained by the trained investigator under the controlled conditions of the health post were correlated against one another and AC was found to have a correlation with weight for age of 0.7127 and with weight for height of 0.7911, both well within the 0.65 to 0.80 range reported in the literature. False positive and false negative analysis showed that AC was more sensitive when compared with weight for height than with weight for age. This was fortunate since, especially in areas with widespread chronic malnutrition, weight for height detects those acute cases in immediate danger of complicating illness or death. Moreover, most of the cases identified as malnourished by AC, but not by weight for height (false positives), were either young or very stunted which made their selection by AC better than weight for height. The large number of cases detected by weight for age, but not by AC (false negative rate--40%) were, however, mostly beyond the critical age period and had normal weight for heights.^ The performance of AC, weight for height and weight for age under field conditions in the hands of minimally trained health workers was also analyzed by correlating these measurements against the same criterion measurements taken under ideally controlled conditions of the health post. AC had the highest correlation with itself indicating that it deteriorated the least in the move to the field. Moreover, there was a high correlation between AC in the field and criterion weight for height (0.7509); this correlation was almost as high as that for field weight for height versus the same measure in the health post (0.7588). The implication is that field errors are so great for the compounded weight for height variable that, in the field, AC is about as good a predictor of the ideal weight for height measure.^ Minimally trained health workers made more errors than the investigator as exemplified by their lower intra-observer correlation coefficients. They consistently measured larger than the investigator for all measures. Also there was a great deal of variability between these minimally trained workers indicating that careful training and followup is necessary for the success of the AC measure.^ AC has many practical advantages compared to the other anthropometric tools. It does not require age data, which are often unreliable in these settings, and does not require sophisticated subtraction and two dimensional table-handling skills that weight for age and weight for height require. The measure is also more easily applied with less disturbance to the child and the community. The AC tape is cheap and not easily damaged or jarred out of calibration while being transported in rugged settings, as is often the case with weight scales. Moreover, it can be kept in a health worker's pocket at all times for continual use in a widespread range of settings. ^
This paper is based upon data collected during the summers of 1912 and 1913. Mr. A. O. Hayes and Prof. van Ingen of Princeton University, while making a study of the general geology, stratigraphy, and palaeontology of the shores of Conception Bay, Newfoundland, came upon the manganiferous rocks of the Lower Cambrian exposed at Manuels, Topsail, Brigus, and other places. The following summer, of 1913, the writer as a member of the Princeton Newfoundland Expedition undertook a more detailed study of these deposits. In this paper therefore there has been an attempt to present as comprehensive a study of the manganese of southeastern Newfoundland. It is primarily chemical in its nature and the analyses herewith presented are from samples taken from the principal manganese-bearing beds.