1000 resultados para Sheremetev, Boris Petrovich, graf, 1652-1719.


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Ausgangslage und Fragestellung In der Forschung zum Selbstgespräch im Sport dominiert die Frage nach dessen Auswir-kungen auf die sprechende Person selber. Gemäss Diaz (1992) besitzt das offene Selbstgespräch aber neben der individuell-regulatorischen auch eine sozial-kommunikative Funktion. Diese sozial-kommunikative Funktion und der damit verbunde-ne Einfluss des Selbstgesprächs auf Beobachter wurden in der Sportwissenschaft bisher nur marginal untersucht (z.B. Gould & Weiss, 1981; Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius & Pe-titpas, 2006). Im angestrebten Forschungsvorhaben sollen zwei Fragen geklärt werden: Steht das of-fene, während dem Wettkampf geäusserte Selbstgespräch eines Athleten in Zusammen-hang mit dessen Selbstdarstellung? Beeinflusst das offene Selbstgespräch eines Athle-ten den Dyadenpartner und wie sie sich gegenseitig wahrnehmen? Methode Es werden Doppelpartien im Badminton per Videokamera aufgezeichnet. Mittels einer Korrelationsanalyse soll überprüft werden, ob die so erhobenen Selbstgesprächsaussa-gen mit dem Persönlichkeitsmerkmal „Selbstdarstellung“ der Probanden zusammenhän-gen. Nach Spielschluss werden die Probanden entsprechend eines video-stimulierten Fremdkonfrontationsinterviews mit Spielausschnitten konfrontiert, die offenes Selbstge-spräch ihres Dyadenpartners enthalten. Sie werden dabei nach ihren Kognitionen sowie Emotionen gefragt, die sie während der entsprechenden Spielsituation erlebten. Aktuelle Fragen Welcher Fragebogen zur Erhebung des Persönlichkeitsmerkmals „Selbstdarstellung“ soll Verwendung finden? Zur Auswahl steht ein noch zu übersetzender, validierter, engli-scher und sportspezifischer Fragebogen und die Verwendung eines deutschen Frage-bogens, der habituelle Selbstdarstellungstechniken im Allgemeinen erhebt. Wie soll beim video-stimulierten Fremdkonfrontationsinterview vorgegangen werden? Werden den Probanden z.B. das ganze Spiel oder nur ausgewählte Ausschnitte gezeigt, in denen offenes Selbstgespräch vorkommt? Wie zeitnah muss das Interview durchge-führt werden? Literatur Diaz, R. M. (1992). Methodological Concerns in the Study of Private Speech. In R. M. Diaz & L. E. Berk (Eds.), Private speech. From social interaction to self-regulation (pp. 55-81). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Gould, D. & Weiss, M. (1981). The effects of model similarity and model talk on self-efficacy and muscular endurance. Journal of Sport Psychology, 3, 17-29. Van Raalte, J. L., Brewer, B. W., Cornelius, A. E. & Petitpas, A. J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.


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Vorw. von O. Pergament. Deutsch von S. Brauner


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Introduction According to Lent and Lopez’ (2002) tripartite view of efficacy beliefs, members of a team form beliefs about the efficacy of their team partners. This other-efficacy belief can influence individual performance as shown by Dunlop, Beatty, and Beauchamp (2011) in their experimental study using manipulated performance feedback to alter other-efficacy beliefs. Participants holding favorable other-efficacy beliefs outperformed those with lower other--‐efficacy beliefs. Antecedents of such other-efficacy beliefs are amongst others perceptions regarding motivation and psychological factors of the partner (Jackson, Knapp, & Beauchamp, 2008). Overt self-talk could be interpreted as the manifestation of such motivational or psychological factors. In line with this assumption, in an experimental study using dubbed videos of the same segment of a tennis match, Van Raalte, Brewer, Cornelius, and Petitpas (2006) found that players were perceived more favorably (e.g., more concentrated, and of higher ability levels) when shown with dubbed positive self-talk as compared to dubbed negative or no dubbed self--‐talk. Objectives The aim of the study was to examine the possible effects of a confederate’s overt self-talk on participants’ other-efficacy beliefs and performance in a team setting. Method In a laboratory experiment (between-subjects, pre-post-test design, matched by pretest performance) 89 undergraduate students (female = 35, M = 20.81 years, SD = 2.34) participated in a golf putting task together with a confederate (same gender groups). Depending on the experimental condition (positive, negative, or no self-talk), the confederate commented his or her putts according to a self-talk script. Bogus performance feedback assured that the performance of the confederate was held constant. Performance was measured as the distance to the center of the target, other-efficacy by a questionnaire. Results The data collection has just finished and the results of repeated measures analyses of variance will be presented and discussed at the congress. We expect to find higher other-efficacy beliefs and better individual performance in the positive self-talk condition. References Dunlop, W.L., Beatty, D.J., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2011). Examining the influence of other-efficacy and self-efficacy on personal performance. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33, 586-593. Jackson, B., Knapp, P., & Beauchamp, M.R. (2008). Origins and consequences of tripartite efficacy beliefs within elite athlete dyads. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 30, 512-540. Lent, R.W., & Lopez, F.G. (2002). Cognitive ties that bind: A tripartite view of efficacy beliefs in growth--‐promoting relationships. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 21, 256-286. Van Raalte, J.L., Brewer, B.W, Cornelius, A.E., & Petitpas, A.J. (2006). Self-presentational effects of self-talk on perceptions of tennis players. Hellenic Journal of Psychology, 3, 134-149.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the generality and temporal endurance of the bivalency effect in task switching. This effect refers to the slowing on univalent stimuli that occurs when bivalent stimuli appear occasionally. We used a paradigm involving predictable switches between 3 simple tasks, with bivalent stimuli occasionally occurring on one of the tasks. The generality of the bivalency effect was investigated by using different tasks and different types of bivalent stimuli, and the endurance of this effect was investigated across different intertrial intervals (ITIs) and across the univalent trials that followed trials with bivalent stimuli. In 3 experiments, the results showed a general, robust, and enduring bivalency effect for all ITI conditions. Although the effect declined across trials, it remained significant for about 4 trials following one with a bivalent stimulus. Our findings emphasise the importance of top–down processes in task-switching performance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved)


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