661 resultados para Self-management program
This paper presents an empirical investigation of policy-based self-management techniques for parallel applications executing in loosely-coupled environments. The dynamic and heterogeneous nature of these environments is discussed and the special considerations for parallel applications are identified. An adaptive strategy for the run-time deployment of tasks of parallel applications is presented. The strategy is based on embedding numerous policies which are informed by contextual and environmental inputs. The policies govern various aspects of behaviour, enhancing flexibility so that the goals of efficiency and performance are achieved despite high levels of environmental variability. A prototype self-managing parallel application is used as a vehicle to explore the feasibility and benefits of the strategy. In particular, several aspects of stability are investigated. The implementation and behaviour of three policies are discussed and sample results examined.
This paper describes work towards the deployment of flexible self-management into real-time embedded systems. A challenging project which focuses specifically on the development of a dynamic, adaptive automotive middleware is described, and the specific self-management requirements of this project are discussed. These requirements have been identified through the refinement of a wide-ranging set of use cases requiring context-sensitive behaviours. A sample of these use-cases is presented to illustrate the extent of the demands for self-management. The strategy that has been adopted to achieve self-management, based on the use of policies is presented. The embedded and real-time nature of the target system brings the constraints that dynamic adaptation capabilities must not require changes to the run-time code (except during hot update of complete binary modules), adaptation decisions must have low latency, and because the target platforms are resource-constrained the self-management mechanism have low resource requirements (especially in terms of processing and memory). Policy-based computing is thus and ideal candidate for achieving the self-management because the policy itself is loaded at run-time and can be replaced or changed in the future in the same way that a data file is loaded. Policies represent a relatively low complexity and low risk means of achieving self-management, with low run-time costs. Policies can be stored internally in ROM (such as default policies) as well as externally to the system. The architecture of a designed-for-purpose powerful yet lightweight policy library is described. A suitable evaluation platform, supporting the whole life-cycle of feasibility analysis, concept evaluation, development, rigorous testing and behavioural validation has been devised and is described.
This paper describes a methodology for deploying flexible dynamic configuration into embedded systems whilst preserving the reliability advantages of static systems. The methodology is based on the concept of decision points (DP) which are strategically placed to achieve fine-grained distribution of self-management logic to meet application-specific requirements. DP logic can be changed easily, and independently of the host component, enabling self-management behavior to be deferred beyond the point of system deployment. A transparent Dynamic Wrapper mechanism (DW) automatically detects and handles problems arising from the evaluation of self-management logic within each DP and ensures that the dynamic aspects of the system collapse down to statically defined default behavior to ensure safety and correctness despite failures. Dynamic context management contributes to flexibility, and removes the need for design-time binding of context providers and consumers, thus facilitating run-time composition and incremental component upgrade.
This paper describes a highly flexible component architecture, primarily designed for automotive control systems, that supports distributed dynamically- configurable context-aware behaviour. The architecture enforces a separation of design-time and run-time concerns, enabling almost all decisions concerning runtime composition and adaptation to be deferred beyond deployment. Dynamic context management contributes to flexibility. The architecture is extensible, and can embed potentially many different self-management decision technologies simultaneously. The mechanism that implements the run-time configuration has been designed to be very robust, automatically and silently handling problems arising from the evaluation of self- management logic and ensuring that in the worst case the dynamic aspects of the system collapse down to static behavior in totally predictable ways.
center dot The concept of self-management plans for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is derived from their success in asthma management.
Although trait hope is thought to motivate goal-directed actions in the face of impediments, few studies have directly examined hope's role in overcoming obstacles, and none have done so while accounting for related goal constructs. We describe a study of 127 pediatric primary care providers who over the course of a year were asked to identify new cases of asthma and confirm previously diagnosed active disease by completing for each of their patients a brief survey validated for this purpose. These clinicians also completed measures of hope, self-efficacy, conscientiousness, and perceived obstacles to implementing a pediatric asthma management program. As predicted by hope theory, the agency component of hope buffered clinicians from perceived obstacles by facilitating the identification of asthma cases among high-hope clinicians in the face of obstacles. This buffering effect remained after controlling for self-efficacy and conscientiousness. We discuss the study findings in terms of current theories of goal-directed behavior and implications for delivering hope-related interventions, and we offer a testable hypothesis regarding when agency and pathways thinking facilitate goal-related behavior.
Modern networks are large, highly complex and dynamic. Add to that the mobility of the agents comprising many of these networks. It is difficult or even impossible for such systems to be managed centrally in an efficient manner. It is imperative for such systems to attain a degree of self-management. Self-healing i.e. the capability of a system in a good state to recover to another good state in face of an attack, is desirable for such systems. In this paper, we discuss the self-healing model for dynamic reconfigurable systems. In this model, an omniscient adversary inserts or deletes nodes from a network and the algorithm responds by adding a limited number of edges in order to maintain invariants of the network. We look at some of the results in this model and argue for their applicability and further extensions of the results and the model. We also look at some of the techniques we have used in our earlier work, in particular, we look at the idea of maintaining virtual graphs mapped over the existing network and assert that this may be a useful technique to use in many problem domains.
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia da Educação, Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015
Objetivo: Este estudo avaliou os efeitos da implementação de um programa de autorregulação no aumento da autonomia de um aluno com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo, em contexto de sala de aula, no segmento letivo de Português. Método: A metodologia adotada foi quantitativa e experimental, num desenho de investigação de sujeito único, dividido em três fases de investigação: linha de base, início do programa de intervenção e um mês depois. Os registos dos vídeos, e a construção e implementação do programa de intervenção em conjunto com a professora, tiveram como base os princípios e procedimentos da Análise Comportamental Aplica. Resultados / Discussão: Após a implementação do programa de intervenção observou-se um acentuado aumento do envolvimento do aluno e das suas respostas às instruções académicas da professora, essencialmente ao nível das instruções de grupo que, na linha de base, apresentavam valores baixos. A eficácia da intervenção reforça a importância de se capacitar professores na aplicação de técnicas comportamentais dado que, neste estudo e à semelhança de outros, a professora aprendeu rapidamente a implementar práticas que facilmente se ajustam à sala de aula, levando à melhoria sistemática do comportamento do aluno com PEA numa sala de aula inclusiva.
Medication adherence is a well-known risk factor in internal medicine. However in oncology this dimension is emerging due to the increasing number of oral formulations. First results in the oral oncology literature suggest that patients' ability to cope with medical prescription decreases with time. This might preclude patients from reaching clinical outcomes. Factors impacting on medication adherence to oral oncology treatments have not been yet extensively described neither strategies to address them and support patient's needs. Oncologists and pharmacists in our University outpatient settings performed a pilot study which aimed at measuring and facilitating adherence to oral oncology treatments and at understanding determinants of patient's adherence. The ultimate purpose of such a patient-centered and interdisciplinary collaboration would be to promote patient self-management and complement the standard medical follow-up.
The new economy has spirited a transformation ofwork organizations from big business structures into smaller, more flexible enterprises, many of which are launched as self-employment initiatives. The growing trend towards increasing selfemployment in Canada demands aeritical review of how educational programs support and encourage entrepreneurship and self-employment opportunities for students ofpost-secondary and adult training programs. The focus ofthis study was threefold. First, the study examined whether a relationship exists between self-directedness and success in self-employment. Secondly, the purpose of this research was to determine whether a relationship exists between psychological type as defined by Jung and success in selfemployment. Finally, this research effort attempted to develop a model for identifying individual potential for self-employment based on combined factors of self-directedness and psychological type. Success was measured in three stages: 1) Did the subject start a selfemployment initiative? 2) Did the business survive six months? 3) Did the business survive one year? The research went beyond classroom training activities to determine whether individuals actually started a business enterprise while participating ina self-employment program designed for individuals who were unemployed. Given that many people initiate a self-employment venture.without actually operating the business beyond the initial start-up, this research effort measured success based on a commitment of at least one year to the selfemployment initiative. Results ofthe study revealed that individuals with a high level of selfdirected learning readiness tended to be more likely to succeed in business in terms ofbusiness starts, survival for six months, and survival for one year. In addition, it was discovered that individuals who were extraverted intuitive types succeeded more often in business at all three levels than any other type. These findings supported a model using the SDLRS and the PET Type Check as predictors for success in entrepreneurial ventures.
Interventions using applied behaviour analysis (ABA) are widely used with children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Individuals who work with this population are important to target for ABA education. This study evaluated the efficacy of a self-directed program in increasing parent and student ABA knowledge and skills, self-efficacy, and new skill development in children with ASD. Study 1 was a pilot study of the newly developed evaluation materials. Study 2 tested the self-instructional package with three parents of children with ASD, three university students, and eight children diagnosed with ASD. Parents and students were given the Simple Steps ABA training package to use independently and were measured using a multiple baseline across participants and/or skills design. After training, ABA knowledge scores and self-efficacy showed variable improvement as did children’s appropriate behaviours. These results suggest that more research is needed to determine the efficacy of a self-instructional ABA package.
Over half of prescribed medications are not taken as prescribed, resulting in health and economic consequences. Using constructivist grounded theory, 15 interviews were conducted to develop a theory on understanding the medication adherence choices of individuals, who were between the ages of 40 to 55, were diagnosed with a chronic condition, and taking three or more medications. The results indicate that participants are engaging in self-management strategies, with massive variance in adherence behaviours. Medications are sacrificed for personal and financial reasons, resonating with feelings of fear for the person’s current situation and future. Individuals are struggling with who they have become to who they once were, which becomes related to their medications. Finally, individuals are citing the impact of their physician; citing barriers to communication and Canada’s health care system. Participants’ experiences provided an understanding of the meanings individuals associate with their medications and how this impacts their decision-making.
Réalisé en collaboration avec l'équipe de l'Unité de jour de diabète de l'Hôtel-Dieu du CHUM: Hortensia Mircescu M.D., Françoise Desrochers, Michelle Messier et Stéphanie Chanel Lefort.
Le diabète de type 1 (DT1) est une maladie complexe qui requiert une implication importante des patients pour contrôler leur glycémie et ainsi prévenir les complications et comorbidités. L’activité physique (AP) régulière et une attention constante pour les glucides ingérés sont des adjuvants essentiels au traitement insulinique. Nous avons démontré que le questionnaire BAPAD-1, spécifiquement développé pour des adultes atteints de DT1, est un outil valide (validité prédictive, fiabilité interne et reproductibilité) pour définir des barrières associées à l’AP. Bien que le niveau de barrières envers l’AP soit faible, la crainte de l’hypoglycémie est la barrière la plus importante chez cette population. L’adoption d’un mode de vie actif est associée à un profil corporel favorable. Les adultes, avec un DT1 et non diabétique, qui maintiennent un bon niveau d’AP, soit un ratio entre la dépense énergétique totale et celle au repos ≥ 1.7, ont une masse grasse, un indice de masse corporelle et un tour de taille significativement inférieurs à ceux d’adultes moins actifs. Le niveau d’AP peut être estimé au moyen d’un moniteur d’AP comme le SenseWear Armband™. Afin de compléter les études de validation de cet outil, nous avons évalué et démontré la reproductibilité des mesures. Toutefois, la dépense énergétique est sous-estimée durant les 10 premières minutes d’une AP d’intensité modérée sur ergocycle. L’utilisation de cet appareil est donc justifiée pour une évaluation de la dépense énergétique sur de longues périodes. Le calcul des glucides est une méthode largement utilisée pour évaluer la quantité d’insuline à injecter lors des repas. Nous avons évalué dans un contexte de vie courante, sans révision de la technique, la précision des patients pour ce calcul. L’erreur moyenne est de 15,4 ± 7,8 g par repas, soit 20,9 ± 9,7 % du contenu glucidique. L’erreur moyenne est positivement associée à de plus grandes fluctuations glycémiques mesurées via un lecteur de glucose en continu. Une révision régulière du calcul des glucides est probablement nécessaire pour permettre un meilleur contrôle glycémique. Nous avons développé et testé lors d’un essai clinique randomisé contrôlé un programme de promotion de l’AP (PEP-1). Ce programme de 12 semaines inclut une séance hebdomadaire en groupe ayant pour but d’initier l’AP, d’établir des objectifs et d’outiller les adultes atteints de DT1 quant à la gestion de la glycémie à l’AP. Bien que n’ayant pas permis d’augmenter la dépense énergétique, le programme a permis un maintien du niveau d’AP et une amélioration de la condition cardio-respiratoire et de la pression artérielle. À la fin du programme, une plus grande proportion de patients connaissait la pharmacocinétique de l’insuline et une plus grande variété de méthodes pour contrer l’hypoglycémie associée à l’AP était utilisée. En conclusion, le diabète de type 1 engendre des défis quotidiens particuliers. D’une part, le calcul des glucides est une tâche complexe et son imprécision est associée aux fluctuations glycémiques quotidiennes. D’autre part, l’adoption d’un mode de vie actif, qui est associée à un meilleur profil de composition corporelle, est limitée par la crainte des hypoglycémies. Le programme PEP-1 offre un support pour intégrer l’AP dans les habitudes de vie des adultes avec un DT1 et ainsi améliorer certains facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire.