La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
Le récepteur nucléaire Nr5a2, également connu sous le nom de liver receptor homolog-1 (Lrh-1), est exprimé au niveau de l’ovaire chez la souris, exclusivement dans les cellules lutéales et de la granulosa. La perturbation de Nr5a2, spécifique aux cellules de la granulosa chez la souris à partir des follicules primaires dans la trajectoire du développement folliculaire a démontré que Nr5a2 est un régulateur clé de l’ovulation et de la fertilité chez la femelle. Notre hypothèse veut que Nr5a2 régule les évènements péri- et post-ovulatoires dans une séquence temporelle lors de la folliculogénèse. Afin d'étudier l’implication de Nr5a2 lors de l’ovulation et de la lutéinisation à différents stades du développement folliculaire, nous avons généré deux modèles de souris knockout spécifiques aux cellules de la granulosa pour Nr5a2: 1) Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules primaires et subséquents; 2) Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, avec une réduction de Nr5a2 débutant au stade antral de développement en progressant. L’absence de Nr5a2 à partir des follicules antraux a résulté en une infertilité chez les femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/-, de même qu’en des structures non-fonctionnelles similaires aux structures lutéales au niveau des ovaires, en une réduction des niveaux de progestérone synthétisée ainsi qu’en un échec dans le support d’une pseudo-gestation. La synthèse de progestérone a été entravée suite à l’absence de Nr5a2 par l’entremise d’une régulation à la baisse des gènes reliés au transport du cholestérol, Scarb1, StAR et Ldlr, démontré par qPCR. Les complexes cumulus-oocytes des femelles Nr5a2Cyp19-/- immatures super-stimulées ont subi une expansion in vivo, mais l’ovulation a été perturbée, possiblement par une régulation à la baisse du gène du récepteur de la progestérone (Pgr). Un essai d’expansion du cumulus in vitro a démontré une expansion défectueuse du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Amhr2-/-, associée à un dérèglement de la protéine des jonctions communicantes (Gja1; Cx43). Cependant, l’expansion du cumulus chez les Nr5a2Cyp19-/- n’a pas été autant affectée. Des résultats obtenus par qPCR ont démontré une régulation à la baisse dans l’expression des gènes Areg, Ereg, Btc et Tnfaip6 chez les deux modèles de cellules ovariennes knockout à 2h et 4h post hCG. Nous avons observé que 85% des oocytes, chez les deux génotypes mutants, peuvent subir une rupture de la vésicule germinative, confirmant leur capacité de maturation in vivo. La technique d’injection intra-cytoplasmique de spermatozoïdes a prouvé que les oocytes des deux génotypes mutants sont fertilisables et que 70% des embryons résultants ont poursuivi leur développement vers le stade de blastocyste, et ce, indépendamment du génotype. En conclusion, Nr5a2 régule la fertilité chez les femelles tout au long du processus du développement folliculaire. Il a été démontré que Nr5a2 est essentiel à la lutéinisation et que sa perturbation dans les cellules somatiques ovariennes ne compromet pas la capacité des oocytes à être fertilisés. En vue d’ensemble, nous avons fourni une investigation inédite et complète, utilisant de multiples modèles et techniques afin de déterminer les mécanismes par lesquels Nr5a2 régule les importants processus que sont l’expansion du cumulus, l’ovulation ainsi que la formation du corps jaune.
Expression et effets des WNTs sur l’expansion du cumulus et la maturation de l’ovocyte chez la vache
Les WNTs sont une famille de glycoprotéines qui, secrétées dans le milieu extracellulaire, jouent un rôle important dans l’embryogenèse. Chez l’adulte, leur dérégulation va entrainer diverses affections incluant des troubles du développement accompagnés ou non de malformations mais aussi des cancers. Au niveau de l’ovaire, le rôle des WNTs demeure peu défini même si des études chez l’humain et la souris prouvent l’implication de certains membres de cette famille dans le développement ovarien ainsi que dans les processus de maturation folliculaire et d’ovulation. Dans ce contexte, nous avons voulu évaluer l’expression de quelques membres de la famille des WNTs (-2, -2b, -4, -5a et -5b) durant l’expansion des cellules du cumulus et évaluer l’effet de certains d’entre eux sur le COC ainsi que la maturation de l’ovocyte chez la vache. Les COCs bovins étaient placés dans une solution de maturation in vitro pendant 0, 6, 12 et 22h et les niveaux d’ARNm mesurés par PCR en temps réel. L’abondance de l’ARNm pour WNT-2b était significativement plus élevée après 6h de maturation comparée aux COCs immatures (à 0h), alors que l’ARNm codant pour WNT-2, -4, -5a et -5b n’augmentait qu’en fin de culture. L’addition d’EGF provoquait l’expansion du COC et la progression de l’ovocyte vers la métaphase II (MII) comme nous l’espérions mais, à notre grande surprise, l’ajout de WNT-2b au milieu de maturation provoquait également l’expansion du COC (82% et 69% pour EGF et WNT-2b respectivement) et la progression de l’ovocyte vers le stade MII (62% et 56% EGF et WNT-2b respectivement). La combinaison d’EGF et WNT-2b n’a pas produit de meilleurs résultats. Notre étude met en lumière l’implication des WNTs dans la maturation du COC chez la vache. Leurs voies d’activation restent toutefois à déterminer.
The thesis report results obtained from a detailed analysis of the fluctuations of the rheological parameters viz. shear and normal stresses, simulated by means of the Stokesian Dynamics method, of a macroscopically homogeneous sheared suspension of neutrally buoyant non-Brownian suspension of identical spheres in the Couette gap between two parallel walls in the limit of vanishingly small Reynolds numbers using the tools of non-linear dynamics and chaos theory for a range of particle concentration and Couette gaps. The thesis used the tools of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory viz. average mutual information, space-time separation plots, visual recurrence analysis, principal component analysis, false nearest-neighbor technique, correlation integrals, computation of Lyapunov exponents for a range of area fraction of particles and for different Couette gaps. The thesis observed that one stress component can be predicted using another stress component at the same area fraction. This implies a type of synchronization of one stress component with another stress component. This finding suggests us to further analysis of the synchronization of stress components with another stress component at the same or different area fraction of particles. The different model equations of stress components for different area fraction of particles hints at the possible existence a general formula for stress fluctuations with area fraction of particle as a parameter
Chaotic synchronization of two directly modulated semiconductor lasers with negative delayed optoelectronic feedback is investigated and this scheme is found to be useful for e±cient bidirectional communication between the lasers. A symmetric bidirec- tional coupling is identified as a suitable method for isochronal synchronization of such lasers. The optimum values of coupling and feedback strength that can provide maxi- mum quality of synchronization are identified. This method is successfully employed for encoding/decoding both analog and digital messages. The importance of a symmetric coupling is demonstrated by studying the variation of decoding efficiency with respect to asymmetric coupling.
La anticoncepción de emergencia a nivel mundial no ha mostrado el impacto esperado en disminuir la tasa de embarazo no deseados. El uso de nuevos medicamentos como los antiinflamatorios no esteroideos (AINES), al alterar el proceso ovulatorio, como una opción para la anticoncepción de emergencia, podría mejorar este resultado. Objetivo: Realizar una revisión sistemática de la literatura para determinar la efectividad de los AINES en alterar el proceso de la ovulación y posible uso en la anticoncepción de emergencia. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una búsqueda sistemática y ampliada ensayos clínicos acerca de la efectividad de los AINES en la inhibición o retardo de la ovulación. Resultados: En total se encontraron 59 artículos, de los cuales siete cumplieron con los criterios de elegibilidad. Se evaluaron diferentes tipos de inhibidores de la Cicloxigenasa-COX (selectivos y no selectivos), encontrando tasas entre 75% hasta del 100% en la disrupción de la ovulación en las mujeres que recibieron COX-2 selectivos y un gradiente dosis-respuesta. Conclusiones: Los resultados de esta revisión sistemática de la literatura sugieren la efectividad de los AINES (específicamente los COX-2 selectivos) en la alteración de la ovulación y su potencial uso como medicamento para la anticoncepción de emergencia. Se requieren más ensayos clínicos con mayores tamaños de muestra que evalúen esta opción terapéutica.
O maior rendimento num efectivo de bovinos de carne são os vitelos. O cruzamento de Bos indicus com Bos taurus tem vindo a ser praticado em vários Países como os EUA e o Brasil. A descendência daqui resultante mostra vantagens em relação às raças puras, desde a sua criação, que exige poucos custos, até ao maior lucro proveniente da sua venda. Assim, torna-se interessante explorar esta prática em Portugal onde o custo de produção é significativamente mais alto. A fim de evitar perdas de tempo na detecção de cio e permitir a aplicação de Inseminação Artificial a Tempo Fixo, hoje em dia são frequentemente utilizados protocolos de sincronização de cio e ovulação. Este trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar a influência da gonadotrofina coriónica equina, associada a uma progesterona e prostaglandina na sincronização do estro e da ovulação, sobre a taxa de sincronização e fertilização em vacas de carne Mertolengas (Bos taurus) IATF com sémen de touro de Brahman (Bos indicus). Foram seleccionadas 20 vacas Mertolengas cíclicas e com uma condição corporal entre 2 e 3,5 (escala de 1 a 5, Houghton et al., 1990). No dia 0 foi implantado a todos os animais um implante intravaginal de progesterona (CIDR®; 1,9g; Pfizer). No dia 8 administrou-se prostanglandina F2α (Dinolytic®; 5ml; IM; Pfizer). No dia 9 foi aplicada Gonadotrofina Coriónica (Intergonan® 6000UI; IM; Intervet) e o CIDR® (Pfizer) foi retirado. No dia 11 de tratamento, em horário pré-estabelecido, 48horas após a injecção de eCG foi realizada inseminaçao artificial de todos os animais com sémen de touro Brahman. A sincronização de cio neste estudo teve uma taxa de sucesso de 90% (18/20) e uma taxa de concepção de 40% (8/20). Com o cruzamento destas duas raças é esperado criar uma descendência capaz de produzir vitelos de boa qualidade e com o menor custo possível.
Peak residential electricity demand takes place when people conduct simultaneous activities at specific times of the day. Social practices generate patterns of demand and can help understand why, where, with whom and when energy services are used at peak time. The aim of this work is to make use of recent UK time use and locational data to better understand: (i) how a set of component indices on synchronisation, variation, sharing and mobility indicate flexibility to shift demand; and (ii) the links between people’s activities and peaks in greenhouse gases’ intensities. The analysis is based on a recent UK time use dataset, providing 1 minute interval data from GPS devices and 10 minute data from diaries and questionnaires for 175 data days comprising 153 respondents. Findings show how greenhouse gases’ intensities and flexibility to shift activities vary throughout the day. Morning peaks are characterised by high levels of synchronisation, shared activities and occupancy, with low variation of activities. Evening peaks feature low synchronisation, and high spatial mobility variation of activities. From a network operator perspective, the results indicate that periods with lower flexibility may be prone to more significant local network loads due to the synchronization of electricity-demanding activities.
IP(3)-dependent Ca(2+) signaling controls a myriad of cellular processes in higher eukaryotes and similar signaling pathways are evolutionarily conserved in Plasmodium, the intracellular parasite that causes malaria. We have reported that isolated, permeabilized Plasmodium chabaudi, releases Ca(2+) upon addition of exogenous IP(3). In the present study, we investigated whether the IP(3) signaling pathway operates in intact Plasmodium falciparum, the major disease-causing human malaria parasite. P. falciparum-infected red blood cells (RBCs) in the trophozoite stage were simultaneously loaded with the Ca(2+) indicator Fluo-4/AM and caged-IP(3). Photolytic release of IP(3) elicited a transient Ca(2+) increase in the cytosol of the intact parasite within the RBC. The intracellular Ca(2+) pools of the parasite were selectively discharged, using thapsigargin to deplete endoplasmic reticulum (ER) Ca(2+) and the antimalarial chloroquine to deplete Ca(2+) from acidocalcisomes. These data show that the ER is the major IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) store. Previous work has shown that the human host hormone melatonin regulates P. falciparum cell cycle via a Ca(2+)-dependent pathway. In the present study, we demonstrate that melatonin increases inositol-polyphosphate production in intact intraerythrocytic parasite. Moreover, the Ca(2+) responses to melatonin and uncaging of IP(3) were mutually exclusive in infected RBCs. Taken together these data provide evidence that melatonin activates PLC to generate IP(3) and open ER-localized IP(3)-sensitive Ca(2+) channels in P. falciparum. This receptor signaling pathway is likely to be involved in the regulation and synchronization of parasite cell cycle progression.
ARAÚJO, B. G. ; VALENTIM, R. A. M. . Publicidade em celulares utilizando o sistema de busca de perfil. Holos, Natal,v. 1, p. 109-118, 2010. Disponível em:
Background: In bovines, more efficient management practices are important for maximizing profitability. In order to increase the pregnancy rates in artificial insemination (AI) programs, several hormonal protocols were developed to synchronize the follicular wave and the moment of ovulation in beef and dairy cattle. In dairy cattle, detection of estrus can be difficult due to a number of factors including the incidence of silent estrus. Hormonal treatments designed to control both luteal and follicular function has permitting efficient synchronizations of time of ovulation. Thus, the AI can be performed in a large number of animals on a fixed schedule without the need for detection of estrus. Using these management techniques, the fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) can overcome the problem of accurate estrus detection and help in reducing the incidence of repeat breeding. In addition, with TAI in cattle operations, it is possible to facilitate management practices and commercialization, and to reduce the time and semen wasting with animals inseminated at incorrect times. The investigation of practical and efficient TAI protocols is important for reducing the labor and animal handling of TAI in dairy cattle, as well as for increasing the profitability of the cattle management system. This study was carried out in order to investigate the effectiveness of TAI in dairy heifers treated with a practical progesterone-based protocol.Materials, Methods & Results: This experiment was conducted at the university farm located in southwestern Brazil, during May 2009. Thirty-nine cycling crossbred dairy heifers were employed in this study. All animals received a single intramuscular injection of estradiol benzoate and intravaginal progesterone releasing device in a random stage of the estrous cycle (Day 0). on day 7 the animals were treated with PGF2a analogue and on day 9 the device was removed. Forty-eight hours after the device removal (day 11) a synthetic analogue of GnRH was administered and the animals were fixed-time artificially inseminated at the time of GnRH injection. The inseminations were performed using four different batches from the same Holstein bull. Among the heifers that were synchronized (87.2%), 30.8% ovulated until 24 h after TAI and 56.4% ovulated between 24 and 32 h after TAI. The conception rate was 61.5%. No effects of ovulation time in conception rates were detected. The conception rate from heifers that ovulated until 24 h after TAI was 58.3% and from heifers that ovulated between 24 and 32 h after TAI was 77.3%. The mean of ovulatory follicle in heifers that ovulated until 24 h was 14.3 mm and in heifers that ovulated between 24 and 32 h was 11.9 mm.Discussion: Taking together, the findings of the present study, along with those of others, emphasize the concept that development of practical methods for TAI offers significant advantages to dairy producers if conception rates are close or greater to those obtained after breeding at detected estrus. Thus, the results of the present study reinforce the possibility of making dairy cattle production more cost-effective using TAI. In conclusion, with the progesterone-based TAI protocol of the present experiment all synchronized animals ovulated up to 32 h after GnRH+TAI and no effects of ovulation time related to conception rate was detected. The exogenous control of luteal and follicular development facilitated the reproductive management and animal handling. Also, inseminating the heifers at the moment of GnRH injection in a progesterone-based TAI protocol is a practical strategy and provided satisfactory results regarding ovulation and conception rates in dairy heifers.
Circadian rhythms are variations in physiological processes that help living beings to adapt to environmental cycles. These rhythms are generated and are synchronized to the dark light cycle through the suprachiasmatic nucleus. The integrity of circadian rhythmicity has great implication on human health. Currently it is known that disturbances in circadian rhythms are related to some problems of today such as obesity, propensity for certain types of cancer and mental disorders for example. The circadian rhythmicity can be studied through experiments with animal models and in humans directly. In this work we use computational models to gather experimental results from the literature and explain the results of our laboratory. Another focus of this study was to analyze data rhythms of activity and rest obtained experimentally. Here we made a review on the use of variables used to analyze these data and finally propose an update on how to calculate these variables. Our models were able to reproduce the main experimental results in the literature and provided explanations for the results of experiments performed in our laboratory. The new variables used to analyze the rhythm of activity and rest in humans were more efficient to describe the fragmentation and synchronization of this rhythm. Therefore, the work contributed improving existing tools for the study of circadian rhythms in mammals
The light, besides the vision stimuli, controls other process completely independent of image formation, such as the synchronization of the organismic circadian rhythms to the enviromental light/dark cycle. In mammals, this adjust occurs through the retinohypothalamic tract, a direct retinal projection to the suprachiasmatic nucleus, considered to be the major circadian pacemaker. Early studies have identified only the suprachiasmatic nucleus as a retinal target in the hypothalamus. However, using more sensitive neuroanatomic tracers, other retinorecipient hypothalamic regions outside to suprachiasmatic nucleus were pointed in a great number of mammalian species. In this study, the retinohypothalamic tract was shown in the rock cavy (Kerodon rupestris), an endemic rodent of the semiarid region of the Brazilian Northeast, using unilateral intravitreal injections of cholera toxin subunit b as a neuronal tracer. The results reveal that in the rock cavy, besides the suprachiasmatic nucleus, several hypothalamic regions receive direct retinal projection, such as the ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, medial and lateral preoptic areas, the supraoptic nucleus and bordering areas, anterior, lateral and rectrochiasmatic hypothalamic areas, and the subparaventricular zone. The results are discussed by comparing with those of the literature, into a functional context
The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the anterior hypothalamus, together with the intergeniculate leaflet (IGL) of the thalamus are considered the central components of the circadian timing system (CTS) of mammals. This system is responsible for the generation and regulation of circadian rhythms by establishing a temporal organization of physiological processes and behaviors. The neuronal specific nuclear protein (NeuN) has been widely used as a neuronal marker in several studies. Since glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) is a component of intermediate filaments found in the cytoplasm of astrocytes and is commonly used as a specific marker for these cells. This study aims to identify, in the marmoset, the NeuN immunoreactive neurons and glial cells immunoreactive to GFAP, as well as map the major route of photic synchronization of the STC, retinohypothalamic tract (RHT), and identify the indirect pathway to the SCN and pregeniculate nucleus (PGN) - structure homologous to IGL rodents, using immunohistochemical and cytoarchitectonic techniques. Observed in SCN the presence of neurons immunoreactive to NeuN and terminals immunoreactive subunit b of cholera toxin (CTb), neuropeptide Y (NPY) and serotonin (5- HT). In the PGN noted the presence of the NeuN and NPY immunoreactive neurons and the immunoreactive terminals CTb and 5-HT. Astrocytes are present throughout the extent of the SCN and the PGN this New World primate
Two experiments were designed to evaluate strategies to increase fertility of Bos indicus postpubertal heifers and nonlactating cows submitted to a fixed-time artificial insemination (TAI) protocol consisting of an intravaginal device containing 1.9 g of progesterone (CIDR) insertion + estradiol benzoate on Day 0, CIDR withdrawal + estradiol cypionate on Day 9, and TAI on Day 11. In Experiment 1, heifers (n = 1153) received a new or an 18-d previously used CIDR and, on Day 9, prostaglandin F(2 alpha) (PGF(2 alpha)) + 0, 200, or 300 IU equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG). Heifers treated with a new CIDR had greater (least squares means +/- SEM) serum concentration of progesterone on Day 9 (3.06 +/- 0.09 ng/mL vs. 2.53 +/- 0.09 ng/mL; P < 0.05) and a smaller follicle at TAI (11.61 +/- 0.11 nim vs. 12.05 +/- 0.12 mm; P < 0.05). Heifers with smaller follicles at TAI had lesser serum progesterone, concentrations on Day 18 and reduced rates of ovulation, conception, and pregnancy (P < 0.05). Treatment with eCG improved (P < 0.05) follicle diameter at TAI (11.50 +/- 0.10 mm, 11.90 +/- 0.11 mm, and 12.00 +/- 0.10 mm, for 0, 100, and 200 IU, respectively), serum progesterone concentration on Day 18 (2.77 +/- 0.11 ng/mL, 3.81 +/- 0.11 ng/mL, and 4.87 +/- 0.11 ng/mL), and rates of ovulation (83.8%, 88.5%, and 94.3%) and pregnancy (41.3%, 47.0%, and 46.7%). In Experiment 2, nonlactating Nelore cows (n = 702) received PGF(2 alpha) treatment on Days 7 or 9 and, on Day 9, 0 or 300 IU cCG. Cows receiving PGF(2 alpha) on Day 7 had lesser serum progesterone concentrations on Day 9 (3.05 +/- 0.21 ng/mL vs. 4.58 +/- 0.21 ng/mL; P < 0.05), a larger follicle at TAI (11.54 +/- 0.21 mm vs. 10.84 +/- 0.21 mm; P < 0.05), and improved (P < 0.05) rates of ovulation (85.4% vs. 77.0%), conception (60.9% vs. 47.2%), and pregnancy (52.0% vs. 36.4%). Treatment with eCG improved (P < 0.05) serum progesterone concentration on Day 18 (3.24 +/- 0.14 ng/mL vs. 4.55 +/- 0.14 ng/mL) and the rates of ovulation (72.4% vs. 90.0%) and pregnancy (37.5% vs. 50.8%). In conclusion, giving PGF(2 alpha) earlier in the protocol in nonlactating cows and eCG treatment in postpubertal heifers and nonlactating cows improved fertility in response to a TAI (progesterone + estradiol) protocol. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.