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This qualitative inquiry used case study methodology to explore the change processes of 3 primary-grade teachers throughout their participation in 7 -month professional learning initiative focused on reading assessment and instruction. Participants took part in semimonthly inquiry-based professional learning community sessions, as well as concurrent individualized classroom-based literacy coaching. Each participant's experiences were first analyzed as a single case study, followed by cross-case analyses. While their patterns of professional growth differed, findings documented how all participants altered their understandings of the roles and relevancy of individual components of reading instruction (e.g., comprehension, decoding) and instructional approaches to scaffold students' growth (e.g., levelled text, strategy instruction), and experienced some form of conceptual change. Factors identified as affecting their change processes included; motivation, professional knowledge, professional beliefs (self-efficacy and theoretical orientation), resources (e.g., time, support), differentiated professional learning with associated goal-setting, and uncontrollable influences, with the affect of each factor compounded by interaction with the others. Comparison of participants' experiences to the Cognitive-Affective Model of Conceptual Change (CAMCC) and the Interconnected Model of Teacher Professional Growth (IMTPG) demonstrated the applicability of using both conceptual models, with the IMTPG providing macrolevel insights over time and the CAMCC microlevel insights at each change intervaL Recommendations include the provision of differentiated teacher professional learning opportunities, as well as research documenting the effects of teacher mentorship programs and the professional growth of teacher educators. ii
Scientists have overwhelmingly concluded that global warming occurs as a consequence of human activities and that climate change, combined with the depletion of resources, could have catastrophic consequences for the human civilization later this century. However, in political circles and in the public sphere these conclusions are not taken seriously, or they are laid aside for future generations to deal with; at the same time, significant efforts are being deployed to discredit the scientific evidence. In this thesis I have studied the positions of climate scientists as well as those of climate change deniers, and I also examined how their points of view are likely to impact the interests and habits of corporations and citizens. The work of Thomas Homer-Dixon was used as an important source for analyzing the complex interaction between our natural, economic, and social systems, and John Dewey's pattern of inquiry provided the theoretical foundation for an analysis of the current crisis and its possible solutions. No concerted action to deal with climate change has yet been taken by the leaders of the Western world; I corroborated data from four reliable sources (Hansen, 2009; IPCC, 2007; Lynas, 2007; Steffen, 2011) regarding several development scenarios and their likely consequences on greenhouse gas emissions, and I concluded that a future temperature increase of more than 2°C appears now as unavoidable. In the light of this conclusion I argue that education for increasing the resilience of smaller communities is a realistic alternative that can offer some hope in dealing with the challenges ahead.
This project focuses on the bullying found in the 21st century elementary classrooms, more specifically in grades 4-8. These grades were found to have high levels of bullying because of major shifts in a student’s life that may place a student of this age at risk for problems with their peer relationships (Totura et al., 2009). Supporting the findings in the literature review, this handbook was created for Ontario grade 4-8 classroom teachers. The resource educates teachers on current knowledge of classroom bullying, and provides them with information and resources to share with their students so that they can create a culture of upstanders. Upstanders are students who stand up for the victims of bullying, and have the self-esteem and strategies to stand up to classroom bullies. These upstanders, with the support of their classroom teachers and their peers, will be a force strong enough to build the government-mandated Safe School environment.
This project focuses on the bullying found in the 21st century elementary classrooms, more specifically in grades 4-8. These grades were found to have high levels of bullying because of major shifts in a student’s life that may place a student of this age at risk for problems with their peer relationships (Totura et al., 2009). Supporting the findings in the literature review, this handbook was created for an Ontario grade 4-8 classroom teachers. The resource educates teachers on current knowledge of classroom bullying, and provides them with information and resources to share with their students so that they can create a culture of upstanders. Upstanders are students who stand up for the victims of bullying, and have the self-esteem and strategies to stand up to classroom bullies. These upstanders, with the support of their classroom teachers and their peers, will be a force strong enough to build the government-mandated Safe School environment.
This is a study of education students’ conceptions of and experiences with academic stress and help-seeking. The study explored teacher education and Master of Education students’ academic stress by examining causes of academic stress and how these stressors affect students’ academic and university experiences. Stress-related help-seeking was also a focus of this study, and was explored using inquiries regarding where participants sought stress-related support. Additionally, exploring students’ use of the Internet for stress-related information or support was a goal of this study. These research goals were pursued using a qualitative methodology that applied grounded theory design. Consequently, data were used to develop a theory that would contribute to existing literature. Specifically, participant descriptions related to causes of and responses to academic stress aligned with Maslow’s (1954) theory of human motivation and Alderfer’s (1969) E. R. G. theory, and led to theoretical contributions that took a hierarchy of student needs and motivation into consideration.
Since 1995 Free The Children (FTC) has grown to be one of the largest and most recognized youth-focused and youth-led non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Canada. FTC has distinguished itself by developing slick marketing campaigns, promising youth that they will become agents of change who can make a significant contribution towards eradicating poverty and promoting global social justice. The organization has utilized the Internet, creating an engaging and dynamic web page used to promote its development initiatives and celebrate the altruistic actions of its young participants. FTC uses a variety of strategies including text, video and images to persuade the viewer to engage with and elicit support for the organization. FTC attracts viewers by highlighting the successes of its overseas initiatives and the contributions made by young Northern volunteers in the global South. The organization also uses celebrity ambassadors, and cultural events such as We Day to raise its profile. Using a critical rhetorical analysis, this thesis interrogates FTC’s online promotional materials, exploring how the organization uses rhetorical strategies to persuade young people to take an interest in social justice activities. More specifically, an examination of FTC web-based promotional materials identifies and problematizes the organization’s rhetorical emphasis on youth empowerment, global citizenship and direct forms of helping the global South. This thesis argues that FTC does not direct adequate attention to fostering critical awareness among it participants. Further, the organization fails to provide its online participants with the appropriate tools or opportunities to critically engage with the structural issues related to global inequities. This thesis also examines how the organization uses rhetoric that promotes simplistic, feel-good projects that avoid exposing young people to an analysis of global social injustices.
Letter of request to Charles Stuart from S.D. Woodruff for payment for expenses for surveying the macadamized road from Port Robinson to Hurst’s Bridge, July 4, 1855.
Estimate which has been taken at Mr. Cook’s request and signed by Fred Holmes, Nov. 5, 1855.
Letter from Brush Brothers of Buffalo, New York for delivery of bricks and request for remittance. This was signed in receipt of materials by S.D. Woodruff on Sept. 10, 1874, Sept. 8, 1875.
[Tesis] (Maestría en Informática Administrativa con Especialidad en Administración de la Información ) U.A.N.L.
Le présent mémoire de maîtrise porte sur la médiation préventive en relations du travail. La question de recherche est la suivante : « Pourquoi et comment la médiation préventive du ministère du Travail améliore-t-elle les relations du travail dans les entreprises québécoises? ». La médiation préventive est un mode d’intervention administratif et un mécanisme de soutien additionnel à la législation québécoise offert volontairement depuis plusieurs années par le ministère du Travail aux parties patronale et syndicale qui en font la demande. La médiation préventive se réalise avec le soutien d’un médiateur ou d’une médiatrice du ministère hors de la période de la négociation collective. Son contenu appartient aux parties et les ententes s’effectuent par consensus. La médiation préventive se présente de quatre manières : diagnostic des relations du travail par consensus, diagnostic des relations du travail par entrevue, séminaire en relations du travail et comité de relations du travail. Le modèle conceptuel comporte une variable dépendante qui est les relations du travail, une variable indépendante correspondant à la médiation préventive, le changement organisationnel en tant que variable intermédiaire et une variable de contrôle se rapportant à l’environnement organisationnel. La première des trois hypothèses générales de cette recherche affirme que, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, la médiation préventive amène un changement organisationnel. La seconde hypothèse générale relate que, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, le changement organisationnel contribue à améliorer les relations du travail. La dernière hypothèse générale correspond à l’idée que, toutes choses égales par ailleurs, l’environnement organisationnel a un impact sur les relations du travail. Parmi les douze hypothèses suivantes, quatre hypothèses ont été développées à partir de la première hypothèse générale : 1) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, l’établissement d’un diagnostic des relations du travail par le médiateur va aider à la mise en place d’un plan d’action; 2) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, l'établissement d'un plan d'action par le médiateur contribue au changement organisationnel; 3) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, un suivi par le médiateur contribue au changement organisationnel; 4) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, la perception des deux parties (patronale et syndicale) que le médiateur a bien joué son rôle contribue au changement organisationnel. Les quatre hypothèses suivantes découlent de la seconde hypothèse générale : 1) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, un changement culturel dans l’organisation avec un réaménagement des points de vue de la direction contribue à améliorer les relations du travail; 2) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, un changement relationnel dans l’organisation vers des relations de coopération contribue à améliorer les relations du travail; 3) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, un changement du style de direction dans l’organisation avec l’introduction de valeurs humaines ainsi qu’un « espace de discussion » contribue à améliorer les relations du travail; 4) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, la perception des deux parties (patronale et syndicale) d’avoir bien joué leur rôle contribue à améliorer les relations du travail. Enfin, les quatre dernières hypothèses ont été réalisées à partir de la troisième hypothèse générale : 1) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, l’organisation a un impact sur les relations du travail; 2) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, l’histoire syndicale a un impact sur les relations du travail; 3) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, la perception des contraintes extérieures et des risques pour l’emploi contribue à améliorer les relations du travail; 4) toutes choses égales par ailleurs, la perception d’un équilibre dans les rapports de force entre les parties (patronale et syndicale) contribue à améliorer les relations du travail. La vérification des hypothèses s’est effectuée à l’aide d’entretiens semi-structurés auprès de neuf participants des parties patronale et syndicale d’une entreprise ayant employé une médiation préventive. Une cueillette de données secondaires a aussi eu lieu pour notamment mesurer le niveau de conflit au travail sur dix ans. L’analyse des résultats de cette étude qualitative et longitudinale a permis de confirmer l’ensemble des hypothèses puisque la médiation préventive a amené à un changement organisationnel qui a aidé à améliorer les relations du travail et où l’environnement a eu un impact sur celles-ci. Un modèle d’analyse a été développé et validé pour cette recherche afin de savoir pourquoi et comment la médiation préventive du ministère du Travail améliore les relations du travail dans les entreprises québécoises. La présente recherche démontre de manière empirique que la médiation préventive améliore les relations du travail dans les entreprises québécoises tout en expliquant comment celle-ci procède. De plus, cette recherche suggère à toutes les organisations québécoises syndiquées d’entreprendre une médiation préventive si elles sont aux prises avec de mauvaises relations du travail.
Compte-rendu / Review