844 resultados para Product quality
This paper purpose is to analyze one of the main problems faced by cold rolling industry of the current time, the mechanical vibration. Factors such as strips with high velocity in order to increase the productivity and thickness becoming thinner and thinner cause the vibrations to be present at all times during rolling. These market requirements also drive the industry for technology development and thus bring the challenges that the operation of a new modern equipment and more powerful. The initial purpose is to analyze the forces that cause vibration in a rolling mill type four high with two stands, where is desirable to identify the origins of these vibrational forces to make possible dismiss them or at least control its intensity, in order to prevent damage in the rolling mill and ensure product quality to the customer. For it, will be used instruments to record and store the vibrations that occur during the lamination process. With this data will be able to analyze the characteristics of the vibrations and act at your elimination. At the end of the work is expected to demonstrate how important the critical view of the engineer in the analysis of graphics combined with the calculations of the natural vibration frequency and engagement of key parts of the laminator. With these two tools at hand, will be possible to increase the productivity of the rolling mill and act preventively in maintenance, thereby reducing your downtime and increasing its performance and efficiency
In the current economic scenario, it is important to the incessant search for improvements in production quality and also in reducing costs. The great competition and technological innovation makes customers stay more and more demanding and seek multiple sources of improvement in production. The work aimed to use the general desirability to optimize a process involving multiple answers in machining experiment. The process of cylindrical turning is one of the most common processes of metal cutting machining and involves several factors, in which will be analysed the best combination of the input factors in machining process, with variable response to surface roughness (Ra) and cutting length (Lc) that vary important answers to measure process efficiency and product quality. The method is a case study, since it involves a study of a tool well addressed in the literature. Data analysis was used in the process of doctoral thesis of Ricardo Penteado on the theme using metaheuristicas combined with different methods of bonding for the optimization of a turning process of multiple responses, then used the desirability and analysis tool. Joint optimization by desirability, the method proposed the following combination of input variables, variable cutting speed at 90 m/min ( -1 level), the breakthrough in 0, 12 mm/revol. ( -1 level), the machining depth should be in 1.6 mm (level 1), gum used must be the TP2500 ( -1 level), in abundant fluid (level 1) and laminated material (level 1) to the maximization of the cutting length (Lc) and minimization of roughness (Ra)
This paper purpose is to analyze one of the main problems faced by cold rolling industry of the current time, the mechanical vibration. Factors such as strips with high velocity in order to increase the productivity and thickness becoming thinner and thinner cause the vibrations to be present at all times during rolling. These market requirements also drive the industry for technology development and thus bring the challenges that the operation of a new modern equipment and more powerful. The initial purpose is to analyze the forces that cause vibration in a rolling mill type four high with two stands, where is desirable to identify the origins of these vibrational forces to make possible dismiss them or at least control its intensity, in order to prevent damage in the rolling mill and ensure product quality to the customer. For it, will be used instruments to record and store the vibrations that occur during the lamination process. With this data will be able to analyze the characteristics of the vibrations and act at your elimination. At the end of the work is expected to demonstrate how important the critical view of the engineer in the analysis of graphics combined with the calculations of the natural vibration frequency and engagement of key parts of the laminator. With these two tools at hand, will be possible to increase the productivity of the rolling mill and act preventively in maintenance, thereby reducing your downtime and increasing its performance and efficiency
Transplantation brings hope for many patients. A multidisciplinary approach on this field aims at creating biologically functional tissues to be used as implants and prostheses. The freeze-drying process allows the fundamental properties of these materials to be preserved, making future manipulation and storage easier. Optimizing a freeze-drying cycle is of great importance since it aims at reducing process costs while increasing product quality of this time-and-energy-consuming process. Mathematical modeling comes as a tool to help a better understanding of the process variables behavior and consequently it helps optimization studies. Freeze-drying microscopy is a technique usually applied to determine critical temperatures of liquid formulations. It has been used in this work to determine the sublimation rates of a biological tissue freeze-drying. The sublimation rates were measured from the speed of the moving interface between the dried and the frozen layer under 21.33, 42.66 and 63.99 Pa. The studied variables were used in a theoretical model to simulate various temperature profiles of the freeze-drying process. Good agreement between the experimental and the simulated results was found.
This article presents an overview of relevant issues to be considered in the development of standardized phytochemical preparations, focusing on the use of the spouted bed as a drying method. Aspects related to the effects of feed composition properties and processing parameters on system performance and product quality are addressed. From the information presented, it can be concluded that the spouted bed technology can be successfully applied for production of high-quality phytochemical preparations suitable for food and pharmaceutical purposes, considering the requirements for product safety, quality, and efficacy. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, at this time, the proposed technology is appropriate for small-scale production, mainly due to difficulties concerning scale-up, modeling, and the simulation of spouted bed systems, and also for predicting product properties and system behavior during operation.
The success of agribusiness in Brazil in recent decades is unquestionable. Although the country has always had favorable conditions for agriculture (land, water and climate), this success has only come about recently, due to scientific research, which has resulted in considerable increases in yield and in improvement of product quality, as well as making the occupation of new agricultural frontiers possible. A decisive factor for development of agriculture in the country was the creation of EMBRAPA in 1973, which, in a few years, led to considerable demand for researchers with training in graduate programs. Among them are plant breeders, who came to exercise their activity throughout the country and in all ecosystems. The training of plant breeders was only possible because, as from the middle of the 1960s, the country began a wide-ranging education program, with the creation of several graduate programs in genetics and plant breeding.
On account of the commercial importance of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Italy the aim of the present study is the evaluation of the quality of nutritional, technological, sensory and freshness aspects. Sea bream production is growing in the Mediterranean and the evaluation of its quality concerns both producers and consumers alike. The culture system greatly influences final product quality. In Italy most of sea bream culture is carried out in cages but there is also a production in land based facilities and in lagoons. In this study external appeareance differentiations are pronounced. Different results were found for nutritional aspects, for fatty acids and for mineral content. Some differences in the freshness indices are also found. Furthermore, organoleptic differences have been described between culture system.
Lo vendemmia meccanica incontra ancora resistenze legate al timore di peggiorare la qualità del prodotto e di avere elevate perdite di raccolta. In questo contesto sono state effettuate quattro prove sperimentali, finalizzate a definire le interazioni macchina, pianta e prodotto raccolto e a valutare nuove possibilità di regolazione delle vendemmiatrici e di gestione del prodotto raccolto. Le prime due sono state realizzate con vendemmiatrici a scuotimento orizzontale e verticale. L’obiettivo è stato quello di individuare l’influenza della frequenza del battitore sull’efficienza di raccolta e sulla qualità del prodotto e di verificare il maltrattamento provocato dagli organi di intercettazione e trasporto della vendemmiatrice. I risultati hanno dimostrato l’importanza della corretta regolazione del battitore delle vendemmiatrici a scuotimento orizzontale che operano direttamente sulla fascia produttiva del vigneto. Questa regolazione risulta più semplice sulle macchine a scuotimento verticale che agiscono indirettamente sui fili di sostegno delle doppie cortine. La misura delle sollecitazioni all’interno della macchina ha evidenziato valori anche elevati, pericolosi per l’integrità del prodotto raccolto, legati alla differente costruzione degli organi d’intercettazione e trasporto. La terza prova ha valutato l’efficacia di due nuovi accessori per le vendemmiatrici: la regolazione dell’ampiezza del battitore e un sensore per misurare in continuo il grado di ammostamento provocato. I risultati hanno dimostrato la loro validità per migliorare le prestazioni operative delle vendemmiatrici e per fornire agli operatori uno strumento di controllo in tempo reale sulla qualità della raccolta. Infine, considerando che le vendemmiatrici producono sempre un ammostamento dell’uva, abbiamo verificato un sistema innovativo che permette di anticipare la protezione del mosto libero già durante il trasporto dal campo. Il sistema si è dimostrato semplice, efficace ed economico. Queste esperienze hanno dimostrano che la vendemmia meccanica, se correttamente gestita, permette di ottenere ottimi risultati sotto il profilo qualitativo, tecnologico ed economico.
Le Indicazioni Geografiche (IG) giocano un ruolo importante nella crescita economica e nello sviluppo territoriale rurale quando una determinata qualità di prodotto, reputazione o altra caratteristica del prodotto siano attribuibili essenzialmente alla sua origine geografica. In questa ricerca si è verificato la possibilità di valorizzare la regione del Brasile denominata Vale do Paraiba Fluminense, soprannominata “Vale do Café” e di mettere in luce le potenzialità del caffè come prodotto di qualità, sostenibile sotto il profilo ambientale e sociale: un vero e proprio patrimonio culturale che può rivelarsi una valida risorsa economica per il territorio. Nella prima fase dell'indagine è stata realizzata la ricerca a tavolino e sul campo fondata sulle fonti bibliografiche; nella seconda fase è stata applicata la Metodologia Partecipativa della FAO per identificare il collegamento dell’area di origine e del prodotto locale ed il suo potenziale di sviluppo con le risorse locali attraverso questionari on line. Nell’analisi qualitativa sono stati intervistati rappresentanti delle differenti categorie di stakeholder per arricchire il quadro sul contesto storico della regione. Infine, nella parte quantitativa sono stati applicati dei questionari ai consumatori di caffè del territorio. A conclusione della ricerca il territorio potrebbe reintrodurre un caffè storico, simbolo della ricchezza e decadenza di quella regione come elemento di potenziale economico locale, sfruttando la parte immateriale delle aziende agricole storiche, rilocalizzando il prodotto nella memoria locale, riavvicinando la popolazione alla sua storia e principalmente sensibilizzandola del valore del nome geografico “Vale do Paraiba Fluminense” o “Vale do Café” relazionata alla storia della regione, e del prodotto caffè che si propone rilanciare a favore del territorio, rilocalizzando il nome geografico.
Il presente studio si colloca nell’ambito di una ricerca il cui obiettivo è la formulazione di criteri progettuali finalizzati alla ottimizzazione delle prestazioni energetiche delle cantine di aziende vitivinicole con dimensioni produttive medio-piccole. Nello specifico la ricerca si pone l’obiettivo di individuare degli indicatori che possano valutare l’influenza che le principali variabili progettuali hanno sul fabbisogno energetico dell’edificio e sull’andamento delle temperature all’interno dei locali di conservazione ed invecchiamento del vino. Tali indicatori forniscono informazioni sulla prestazione energetica dell’edificio e sull’idoneità dei locali non climatizzati finalizzata alla conservazione del vino Essendo la progettazione una complessa attività multidisciplinare, la ricerca ha previsto l’ideazione di un programma di calcolo in grado di gestire ed elaborare dati provenienti da diversi ambiti (ingegneristici, architettonici, delle produzioni agroindustriali, ecc.), e di restituire risultati sintetici attraverso indicatori allo scopo individuati. Il programma è stato applicato su un caso-studio aziendale rappresentativo del settore produttivo. Sono stati vagliati gli effetti di due modalità di vendemmia e di quattro soluzioni architettoniche differenti. Le soluzioni edilizie derivano dalla combinazione di diversi isolamenti termici e dalla presenza o meno di locali interrati. Per le analisi sul caso-studio ci si è avvalsi di simulazioni energetiche in regime dinamico, supportate e validate da campagne di monitoraggio termico e meteorologico all’interno dell’azienda oggetto di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno evidenziato come il programma di calcolo concepito nell’ambito di questo studio individui le criticità dell’edificio in termini energetici e di “benessere termico” del vino e consenta una iterativa revisione delle variabili progettuale indagate. Esso quindi risulta essere uno strumento informatizzato di valutazione a supporto della progettazione, finalizzato ad una ottimizzazione del processo progettuale in grado di coniugare, in maniera integrata, gli obiettivi della qualità del prodotto, della efficienza produttiva e della sostenibilità economica ed ambientale.
This study was the final stage of a four-year study of managerial behaviour and company performance in Bulgaria and examined the influence of changing ownership and control structures of companies on managerial behaviour and initiative. It provides a theoretical summary of the specific types of ownership, control, governance structures and managerial strategies in the Bulgarian transitional economy during 1992-1996. It combines two theoretical approaches, the property-rights approach to show concentrated property-rights structure and private and majority types of control as determinants of efficient enterprise risk bearing and constrained managerial discretion, and the agency theory approach to reveal the efficient role of direct non-market governance mechanisms over managers. Mr. Peev also used empirical information collected from the Central Statistical office in Bulgaria, three different enterprise investigations of corporatised state-owned enterprises between 1992 and 1994, and his own data base of privatised and private de novo industrial companies in 1996-1996. The project gives a detailed description of the main property-rights structures in Bulgaria at the present time and of the various control structures related to these. It found that there is a strong owner type of control in private and privatised firms, although, contrary to expectations, 100% state -owned enterprises tended to be characterised by a separation of ownership from control, leaving scope for managerial discretion. Mr. Peev predicts that after the forthcoming mass privatisation, many companies will acquire a dispersed ownership structure and there will be a greater separation of ownership from control and potential or inefficient managerial behaviour. The next aspect considered in detail was governance structures and the influence of the generally unstable macroeconomic environment in the country during the period in question. In examining managerial strategies, Mr. Peev divided the years since 1990 into 3 periods. Even in the first period (1990-1992) there were some signs of a more efficient role for managers and between 1992 and 1994 the picture of control structures and different managerial behaviour in state-owned companies became more diversified. Managerial strategies identified included managerial initiatives for privatisation, where managers took initiative in resolving problems of property rights and introducing restructuring measures and privatisation proposals, managerial initiatives for restructuring without privatisation, and passive adjustment and passive management, where managers seek outside services for marketing, finance management, etc. in order to adjust to the new environment. During 1995-1996 some similarities and differences between the managerial behaviour of privatised and state-owned firms emerged. Firstly, the former have undergone many changes in investment and technology, while managers of state-owned companies have changed little in this field, indicating that the private property-rights structure is more efficient for the long-term adaptation of enterprises. In the area of strategies relating to product quality, marketing, and pricing policy there was little difference between managers of private, privatised and state-owned firms. The most passive managerial behaviour was found in non-incorporated state-owned firms, although these have only an insignificant stake in the economy.
Iron ore is one of the most important ores in the world. Over the past century, most mining of iron ore has been focused on magnetite (Fe3O4). As the name suggests, magnetite is magnetic in nature and is easily separated from gangue (unwanted) minerals through magnetic separation processes. Unfortunately, the magnetite ore bodies are diminishing. Because of this, there has been a recent drive to pursue technology that can economically separate hematite (Fe2O3) from its gangue minerals as hematite is a much more abundant source of iron. Most hematite ore has a very small liberation size that is frequently less than 25μm. Beneficiation of any ore with this fine of a liberation size requires advanced processing methods and is seldom pursued. A single process, known as selective flocculation and dispersion, has been successfully implemented at a plant scale for the beneficiation of fine liberation size hematite ore. Very little is known about this process as it was discovered by the U.S. Bureau of Mines by accident. The process is driven by water chemistry and surface chemistry modifications that enhance the separation of the hematite from its gangue minerals. This dissertation focuses on the role of water chemistry and process reagents in this hematite beneficiation process. It has been shown that certain ions, including calcium and magnesium, play a significant role in the process. These ions have a significant effect on the surface chemistry as reported by zeta potential studies. It was shown that magnesium ions within the process water have a more significant impact on surface chemistry than calcium ions due to steric hindrance effects at the hematite surface. It has also been shown that polyacrylic acid dispersants, if used in the process, can increase product quality (increase iron content, decrease phosphorus content, decrease silica content) substantially. Water, surface and reagent chemistry experiments were performed at a laboratory, pilot, and full plant scale during the course of this work. Many of the conclusions developed in the laboratory and pilot scale were found to be true at the full plant scale as well. These studies are the first published in history to develop theories of water chemistry and surface chemistry interactions at a full plant scale.
„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.
„Geiz ist geil!“ ist das Motto eines Handelshauses. Aber diese Philosophie erweist sich immer häufiger als ungeeignet, längerfristigen Erfolg zu sichern. Oftmals wird gerade aus diesem Grund wieder verstärkt auf Qualität geachtet, auf die Qualität von Produkten, auf die Qualität von Herstellungsprozessen, auf die Qualität von Logistikprozessen etc. Dieser Sinneswandel beeinflusst auch alle Verpackungsprozesse, da diese untrennbar mit der Sicherung der Produktqualität und der sicheren Abwicklung aller logistischen Prozesse verbunden ist. Neben der Forderung nach einem wirtschaftlichen Produktschutz als Kernaufgabe der Verpackung müssen jedoch auch zwingende Vorgaben – beispielsweise seitens des Gesetzgebers (z. B. im Lebensmittelbereich, in der Gefahrgutlogistik, im Straßenverkehrsrecht) – beachtet werden. Das führt u. a. dazu, dass alle verpackten Güter so geschützt sein sollten, dass sie den Belastungen im Transportprozess, aber auch den Belastungen aufgrund von Ladungs- und Ladeeinheitensicherungsmaßnahmen standhalten können. Da sich jedoch nicht alle Ladegüter oder Packstücke beliebig für form- oder kraftschlüssige Sicherungsmaßnahmen eignen, sollte bei der Auslegung von Verpackungsmaßnahmen insbesondere der hilfreichen Wirkung von Reibungskräften zur Reduzierung zusätzlicher Sicherungsmaßnahmen Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet werden.
Regional integration proposals often require agreements between countries that differ in geographic size, resource endowments, transportation assets, technologies, and product quality. In this asymmetric setting, questions arise about the potential for mutual gains and the distribution of benefits among industries and workers in each country. This paper examines how regional integration between a small landlocked country and a large neighboring country--with a unique port facility that both nations must use to export goods--affects the wage and location decisions of firms, the allocation of labor, the welfare of each country's workers and firms, and aggregate measures of economic welfare in each country and the region. A simulated spatial labor market model is used to explore the economic effects of various stages of regional integration. Beginning with autarky as a benchmark case, we consider two forms of regional integration: partial mobility (mobile labor with geographically restricted firms); and full mobility (mobile labor and firms) with convergence of production technologies and product quality.