993 resultados para Popular literature.
O setor el??trico brasileiro, historicamente, possui modelo autorit??rio de planejamento e implanta????o dos empreendimentos. Os grandes projetos desenvolvimentistas s??o oriundos do per??odo dos governos militares. Popula????es atingidas por impactos de barragens sempre reivindicaram pol??ticas articuladas de compensa????o por parte das empresas e do governo. A partir de 2003, a Eletronorte adotou o planejamento participativo para elabora????o de um plano de desenvolvimento regional ??? PPDJUS ??? como compensa????o pelos impactos da UHE Tucuru?? nos cinco munic??pios a Jusante, iniciativa sem precedentes no Brasil. O PPDJUS hoje articula as pol??ticas de planejamento e gest??o do territ??rio e de recursos h??dricos do Minist??rio do Desenvolvimento Agr??rio (MDA), do Minist??rio do Meio Ambiente (MMA), do Minist??rio da Integra????o Nacional (MIN), da Secretaria Especial de Abastecimento e Pre??os (Seap), da Ag??ncia de Desenvolvimento da Amaz??nia (ADA) e da Eletronorte, entre outros ??rg??os. Possui conselhos gestores regional e municipais e c??maras t??cnicas, avan??ado modelo de gest??o participativa
As pol??ticas de desenvolvimento consideram que um dos principais obst??culos para o crescimento dos microeempreendimentos ?? a falta de acesso ??s fontes de financiamento, principalmente ??queles emergidos como formas alternativas de ocupa????o e renda. Esses pequenos neg??cios, em sua maioria informais, vem apresentando n??veis de alto crescimento em todo o Pa??s, em especial na regi??o Nordeste, principalmente nos grandes centros urbanos, comprovada por pesquisas cient??ficas realizadas. Considerando que o acesso dessa camada da popula????o ao sistema banc??rio ?? dif??cil, devido ao baixo n??vel operacional, ao tamanho dos neg??cios e ?? qualidade ou inexist??ncia de garantias, o Banco do Nordeste lan??a o Programa CrediAmigo com o objetivo de contribuir para o crescimento de microempresas, mediante a oferta de cr??dito para atividades produtivas e servi??os de capacita????o, de forma a garantir ao agente produtivo condi????es para ele gerir bem seus neg??cios, atrav??s da melhoria da competitividade e integra????o ao mercado globalizado. Dessa forma, o CrediAmigo permite f??cil acesso a esse segmento da popula????o marginalizada do sistema financeiro formal e que recorrem e dependem de agiotas e fornecedores que lhes cobram taxas de juros bem acima do mercado. Para atender esses agentes produtivos o CrediAmigo utiliza uma metodologia inovadora de concess??o de cr??dito que permite a libera????o dos recursos de forma ??gil, desburocratizada e sem as garantias tradicionais exigidas, funcionando com grupos solid??rios, proporcionando uma maior democratiza????o do cr??dito. At?? jul/99 o CrediAmigo j?? atendeu a 121.444 cidad??os com financiamento na ordem de R$ 74,2 milh??es
Este trabalho investiga as relações entre a literatura e a história em quadrinhos Sandman, escrita por Neil Gaiman. Para estabelecer o liame entre essas artes, descrevemos os primórdios da indústria dos quadrinhos de super-heróis, o seu desenvolvimento e as raízes dos gêneros literários populares de crime e horror, assim como as críticas que conduziram à censura e à subsequente superação desta – que lentamente tornou possível um novo tipo de discurso na área dos quadrinhos, permitindo um diálogo aberto com o mundo literário. Entendendo que as noções de intertextualidade, intermidialidade e semiose atuam como transmissores da memória da literatura e da cultura, adotamos a semiótica de Charles S. Peirce, para estabelecer o encadeamento semiósico do mito órfico, além de traçar a transformação da tragédia (conceito literário) em trágico (concepção filosófica) e as suas funções na narrativa de Sandman e no percurso de Morpheus, o herói condenado.
This article is published online with Open Access and distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.
In the last decade, population ageing has been registered as a global phenomenon. A relation exists between falling and ageing, since falling frequency increases significantly with age. In fact, one in three older adult falls annually. Although ageing is generically associated with decrease and degeneration of psychological and physical functions, it is still not common for the correct identification of risk factors to lead to a clinical prognosis of the elder being in risk of falling. Therefore, the goal of this review article is to identify, categorise and analyse typical ageing and fall factors mentioned in the literature as well as to quantify the number of times they were referenced. The research considered hundreds of publications, but analysis was then restricted to the 87 most pertinent articles written in English and published in journals or scientific magazines between 1995 and 2010. We concluded that falls among older adults can be characterised by the following: anatomic characteristics and physiological consequences of ageing; the pathologies that induce falls, which can be neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other diseases; causes and risk factors of falls that can be behavioural, biological, environmental or socio-economic; type of physical consequences of falls, including fractures, bruises, injuries or other physical consequences; and strategies to prevent, mitigate or rehabilitate, which can be of a physical, environmental or behavioural nature.
In the last decade, population ageing has been registered as a global phenomenon. A relation exists between falling and ageing, since falling frequency increases significantly with age. In fact, one in three older adult falls annually. Although ageing is generically associated with decrease and degeneration of psychological and physical functions, it is still not common for the correct identification of risk factors to lead to a clinical prognosis of the elder being in risk of falling. Therefore, the goal of this review article is to identify, categorise and analyse typical ageing and fall factors mentioned in the literature as well as to quantify the number of times they were referenced. The research considered hundreds of publications, but analysis was then restricted to the 87 most pertinent articles written in English and published in journals or scientific magazines between 1995 and 2010. We concluded that falls among older adults can be characterised by the following: anatomic characteristics and physiological consequences of ageing; the pathologies that induce falls, which can be neurological, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular and other diseases; causes and risk factors of falls that can be behavioural, biological, environmental or socio-economic; type of physical consequences of falls, including fractures, bruises, injuries or other physical consequences; and strategies to prevent, mitigate or rehabilitate, which can be of a physical, environmental or behavioural nature.
Nowadays, there exist various standards for individual management systems (MSs), at least, one for each stakeholder. New ones will be published. An integrated management system (IMS) aims to integrate some or all components of the business into one coherent and efficient MS. Maximizing integration is more and more a strategic priority in that it constitutes an opportunity to eliminate and/or reduce potential factors of destruction of value for the organizations and also to be more competitive and consequently promote its sustainable success. A preliminary investigation was conducted on a Portuguese industrial company which, over the years, has been adopting gradually, in whole or in part, individualized management system standards (MSSs). A research, through a questionnaire, was performed with the objective to develop, in a real business environment, an adequate and efficient IMS-QES (quality, environment, and safety) model and to potentiate for the future a generic IMS model to integrate other MSSs. The strategy and research methods have taken into consideration the case study. It was obtained a set of relevant conclusions resulting from the statistical analyses of the responses to the survey. Globally, the investigation results, by themselves, justified and prioritized the conception of a model of development of the IMS-QES and consequent definition and validation of a structure of an IMS-QES model, to be implemented at the small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) where the investigation was conducted.