286 resultados para Pomares de macieiras


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A new classification of microtidal sand and gravel beaches with very different morphologies is presented below. In 557 studied transects, 14 variables were used. Among the variables to be emphasized is the depth of the Posidonia oceanica. The classification was performed for 9 types of beaches: Type 1: Sand and gravel beaches, Type 2: Sand and gravel separated beaches, Type 3: Gravel and sand beaches, Type 4: Gravel and sand separated beaches, Type 5: Pure gravel beaches, Type 6: Open sand beaches, Type 7: Supported sand beaches, Type 8: Bisupported sand beaches and Type 9: Enclosed beaches. For the classification, several tools were used: discriminant analysis, neural networks and Support Vector Machines (SVM), the results were then compared. As there is no theory for deciding which is the most convenient neural network architecture to deal with a particular data set, an experimental study was performed with different numbers of neuron in the hidden layer. Finally, an architecture with 30 neurons was chosen. Different kernels were employed for SVM (Linear, Polynomial, Radial basis function and Sigmoid). The results obtained for the discriminant analysis were not as good as those obtained for the other two methods (ANN and SVM) which showed similar success.


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The free hardware platforms have become very important in engineering education in recent years. Among these platforms, Arduino highlights, characterized by its versatility, popularity and low price. This paper describes the implementation of four laboratory experiments for Automatic Control and Robotics courses at the University of Alicante, which have been developed based on Arduino and other existing equipment. Results were evaluated taking into account the views of students, concluding that the proposed experiments have been attractive to them, and they have acquired the knowledge about hardware configuration and programming that was intended.


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Mathematical models used for the understanding of coastal seabed morphology play a key role in beach nourishment projects. These projects have become the fundamental strategy for coastal maintenance during the last few years. Accordingly, the accuracy of these models is vital to optimize the costs of coastal regeneration projects. Planning of such interventions requires methodologies that do not generate uncertainties in their interpretation. A study and comparison of mathematical simulation models of the coastline is carried out in this paper, as well as elements that are part of the model that are a source of uncertainty. The equilibrium profile (EP) and the offshore limit corresponding to the depth of closure (DoC) have been analyzed taking into account different timescale ranges. The results have thus been compared using data sets from three different periods which are identified as present, past and future. Accuracy in data collection for the beach profiles and the definition of the median grain size calculation using collected samples are the two main factors that have been taken into account in this paper. These data can generate high uncertainties and can produce a lack of accuracy in nourishment projects. Together they can generate excessive costs due to possible excess or shortage of sand used for the nourishment. The main goal of this paper is the development of a new methodology to increase the accuracy of the existing equilibrium beach profile models, providing an improvement to the inputs used in such models and in the fitting of the formulae used to obtain seabed shape. This new methodology has been applied and tested on Valencia's beaches.


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La palmera, por sus múltiples aprovechamientos (agrícola, constructivo, ritual e industrial), ha sido tradicionalmente un elemento identitario en el paisaje huertano del Bajo Segura. En las últimas décadas su presencia se ha restringido, al perder las funciones que antaño cumplía, a lo que se ha unido la plaga del picudo rojo y la comercialización masiva con fines ornamentales para las nuevas áreas residenciales. El artículo aborda la presencia de esta especie en el territorio desde diversas visiones y en diferentes épocas: la estética de la literatura de viajes, la productiva de los tratados científicos o la emocional de las obras de creación.


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La formación en valores es condición indispensable de una educación integral. En educación infantil los cuentos suponen para el docente una herramienta poderosa, para el alumnado significa el descubrimiento de mundos reales e imaginarios. No podemos ignorar que la educación en valores va a forjar qué tipo de actitudes, comportamientos y concepto de convivencia tendrán los/as niños/as de la sociedad del futuro. Todo ello dependede nuestros retos como docentes en el presente. Actuar con compromiso es mejorar el presente.


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En la mayoría de centros educativos predomina el modelo tradicional de enseñanza, en el que destaca la voz del maestro/a por encima de los alumnos. Por este motivo, la expresión oral es un ámbito educativo que no está muy presente en el aula, o no tan presente como se debería; y como consecuencia se presentan con frecuencia alumnos con dificultades en dicha área. En el presente trabajo, se pretende potenciar el lenguaje oral en las aulas, a la vez que concienciar a los maestros/as de su importancia. Asimismo, se busca dar a conocer un buen recurso como es el cómic, para fomentar y estimular la expresión oral en el aula. Además, se lleva a cabo una investigación acerca de dicho recurso, con la que se pretende recopilar información acerca de su utilización y las posibilidades que puede ofrecernos, tanto en educación infantil, como en educación primaria.


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Los sistemas anticaída se establecen en UNE-EN-363 para evitar o retener caídas de personas sin que las fuerzas de retención causen daños relevantes. Constituyen el último recurso para prevención de caídas tras considerar otras medidas. Este artículo analiza las variables que afectan al comportamiento del sistema: altura de caída, longitud de cuerda de retención, rigidez y amortiguamiento del material de retención, y peso del operario. A tal fin, el fenómeno ha sido simulado con modelos dinámicos de elementos finitos mediante una cuerda elástica y un lastre rígido. Ello permite obtener valores verosímiles de las máximas fuerzas sobre el accidentado y el sistema durante el impacto. Los resultados demuestran el papel fundamental de la proporción entre altura de caída y longitud de cuerda (factor de caída), más determinante que la propia altura de caída. Las elevadas fuerzas máximas obtenidas indican la necesidad de incluir en el modelo absorbedores de energía elastoplásticos, en futuras investigaciones, con el fin de disminuir el impacto a valores razonables.


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El objetivo de esta red de investigación se encuentra basado en el análisis de los resultados obtenidos en el Curso Académico 2013-14, correspondientes a las asignaturas de primer, segundo, tercer y cuarto curso del Grado de Ingeniería Civil, de forma que se pueda proceder a la mejora de los procedimientos de trabajo del profesorado implicado en el desarrollo de las asignaturas de los cursos indicados, dentro del marco creado por la implantación del EEES. Para ello se han analizado las metodologías empleadas en las distintas asignaturas analizadas, los calendarios y plazos asignados a cada una de ellas, los procedimientos de evaluación y los resultados de los mismos. Al mismo tiempo, se ha creado una comisión cuyo objetivo es el de analizar las necesidades de conocimiento de las distintas asignaturas, adecuando el contenido de las ofertadas en los primeros cursos a las exigencias de los posteriores, y ofreciendo de esta forma al alumno una formación homogénea a lo largo Grado de Ingeniería Civil.


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La puesta en funcionamiento del Primer Curso del Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos en la Universidad de Alicante ha supuesto un reto de adaptación y modificación de los criterios que se venían empleando desde la entrada en vigor del Plan de Estudios de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos en el año 2005. Para ello, se ha partido de la información que se remitió en su momento para su aprobación a la Agencia Nacional de Acreditación (ANECA), implementando y aplicando todos aquellos parámetros que se definieron ex profeso en su momento, de forma que el alumnado pudiera adquirir los conocimientos y competencias asociadas a cada una de las asignaturas en las que ha recibido docencia en este primer curso de implantación del Máster de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos (MICCP) en la Universidad de Alicante. En ningún caso debe olvidarse que la entrada en vigor de este máster mantiene reservas profesionales (según Orden CIN 309/2009) [1] para los egresados de la titulación, obligando a que la totalidad de departamentos y docentes implicados en su desarrollo, implementaran criterios específicos relacionados con los sistemas de evaluación, enseñanza y planificación de la materia a impartir, si bien debe indicarse que, a tenor de los resultados obtenidos en las distintas asignaturas de este primer curso, no han sido todo los eficaces que en un primer momento pudieran esperarse.


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En la presente memoria se describe la red docente creada con el objetivo de llevar a cabo el seguimiento y aplicación del sistema interno de garantía de calidad de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante al Máster Universitario en Automática y Robótica. En esta red han participado todos los profesores con docencia en el Máster y han trabajado coordinadamente con el objetivo de recoger los principales indicadores de calidad del Máster atendiendo a distintos criterios. Estos indicadores han servido, por un lado, para comprobar la existencia o no de deficiencias en la implantación e impartición del Título. Por otro lado, estos indicadores han servido como base para la elaboración de la documentación requerida para la reacreditación del Máster ante la ANECA. En la presente memoria se describe la coordinación llevada a cabo así como las principales conclusiones extraídas de la red así como del propio informe de reacreditación.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior Agrária do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Fruticultura Integrada.


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Organizations of the Social Economy in Spain accounted for 13% of employment and 12% of GDP in 2013, according to the Spanish Confederation fo Social Economy. Also, according to various institutions and studies, the role of Social Economy has become relevant due to they represent a model promoting the creation of collective business projects with greater sustainability and potential than models of individual self-employment. However, despite all this, there are few academic studies or sectoral reports analyzing employment in this sector, especially in the case of youth employment. This study aims to fill this gap in the literature analyzing the scared available data in order to show the numbers and characteristics of youth employment in this sector. Results show the weight of youth employment in the Social Economy is higher than the economy overall.


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The jabuticaba fruit tree from classified in the Myrtaceae family and Plinia genre. There are about nine species of this fruit tree, that include as most important, Plinia trunciflora (jabuticaba de cabinho), naturally occurring in southwestern Paraná State, Brazil, P. cauliflora (jabuticaba Paulista or Jabuticaba Açu) and P. jaboticaba (Vell) (jabuticaba sabará), with all the over species producing fruit for the industry or fresh consumption. Nevertheless, there aren‟t commercial orchards with this culture, with highest yield part from extractive. This fact can be combined with lack of technical knowledge for the plants produce in the field. As these species are found in the forest, the first point is whether they can adapt to other light intensity conditions. The aim of this work was to identify the adaptive behavior of jabuticaba fruit seedling and tree when they were put in different light intensities and what this can be considered ideal for the growth, as well as, its influence in the leaves secondary compounds production. Two experiments were conducted, with the first involved with the study of the seedlings and the second with plants in the field. The work was carried out at Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos, Paraná State - Brazil. The experimental design was a completely randomized and a block design with four treatments and four replications of 10 seedlings or two plants per plot, according to nursery or orchard conditions, respectively. The treatments were base according to the light intensity. The treatments used were, 1 - full sun, similar the orchard condition, with 0% shading; 2 - side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition; 3 - side and top cover with shade cloth, representing stage where the forest canopy is closing, focusing only indirect sunlight; 4 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a closed canopy condition, with PPD (photon flux density) of 10% (90% shading); 5 - side and top cover with shade cloth, simulating a more open canopy condition with PPD 65% (35% shading). The growth and development seedling and plant characteristics were evaluated once by month, as also, during time part in the plants the secondary metabolites leaves, soil activity microbiological and the fresh and dry matter root and shoot and, root length from seedlings. For the growth and development of jabuticaba Açú Paulista seedling recommend to use of side cover with shade cloth and top with transparent plastic, representing a gap forest condition. In orchard, for the growth and development of plants jabuticaba Híbrida tree it was recommended the use of side and top cover with shade cloth of some type. For production of secondary metabolites of leaves, the plant must to be full sunlight condition orchard.


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To design strategies for the conservation and use of genetic resources of tree species such as jaboticaba tree, it is essential to make the characterization. In southwestern Paraná region, there are several forest fragments containing native jaboticaba tree (Plinia cauliflora), whose materials have broad potential for commercial orchards or breeding programs. As is the potential genetic diversity of a population to produce different genotypes, it would be able to start in such a characterization one of these fragments. The aim was to characterize fruits of jaboticaba tree (P. caulifora) of forest fragment kept in Clevelândia - PR for the presence of phenotypic variability, seeking to identify those superiors named for future selection as farming or male parent, as well as estimate genetic divergence between them, as a complementary tool for this purpose. Also, verify the regeneration and spatial distribution of the species. For the study was defined portion of a hectare (10.000 m²), with all individuals identified, mapped, with local coordinate system, and measured height and diameter. Fruits were characterized by sensory and biochemical characteristics in two years, 70 genotypes at 2013 and 56 at 2014, and of these 33 genotypes in both years. As a pre-selection criteria was adopted the choice of 20% of the genotypes that showed the highest frequency of superiority in the evaluated characteristics of the fruit. Genetic divergence among 33 genotypes per year was analyzed. The distribution pattern and spatial association was evaluated by Ripley's K function. It was classified for the first time the following ontogenetic stages of jaboticaba tree, by plant height, seedling (from 0.01 to 0.99 m), juvenile (1.0 to 4.99 m), immature (> 5.0 m, non-reproductive), adult (reproductive). It was also have been describe for the first time the naturally occurring juxtaposed seedlings, indicating polyembryony. The number of regenerating identified in the population (seedlings: n = 2163; juveniles: n = 330; immature: n = 59) was much larger than the number of adults (n = 132). The species showed reverse J-shaped size structure standard, with high concentration of regenerating. The regeneration distribution occurs in aggregate pattern and there is seedling-adult dependence, due seed dispersal and seedling emergence closest to mothers. The jaboticaba tree regeneration is sufficient to maintain the species for long term in this population, which should serve as reference to regeneration success for other studies of this important fruiting species from Ombrofile Mixed Forests. Has been pre-selected the jaboticaba trees 7, 42, 43, 47, 54, 91, 97, 104, 105, 118, 134, 153, 154, 157, 163, 169, 177, 186, 212, J7-01 and J7- 02, and 16 and 194 the ones that can now be selected by the superior characteristics of both cycles. It was recommended to carry out hybridization between genotypes 79 and 119, and 96 to 148. The quality of fruit analyzed showed potential for use as a dual purpose serving both in natura market or processing.