998 resultados para Política Urbana Brasil


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This study approaches the question of the administrative procedure of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, taking as basis a study case of the reality of the City of Natal/RN (Brazil). For in such a way, it was done a retrospect on the evolution of the system of road transport in Brazil, having started to briefly analyze the urbanization process that if after accented in the capitals of the Brazilian States the decade of 1950, relating these subjects with the growth of the sector of fuel resale. After that, it was transferred boarding of the defense of the national environment to the light of ambient principles constitutional. In the sequence, a boarding on the ambient guardianship in the Federal Constitution of 1988 was made, treating basically specifies and on the national urban politics and the national politics of the environment, with its instruments. In the sequence, it was transferred the analysis of the abilities and attributions of the National Advice of the Environment (CONAMA) and its Resolutions, for then only enter in the most important part of this work: an analysis of the environmental licensing of ranks of fuel resale, in the reality of the City of Natal/RN. Before this specific boarding, it was proceeded specifically a survey and communication from the applicable norms to such establishments (Resolutions of the CONAMA and norms of the ABNT), for after that carrying through an geo-ambient characterization of the City of Natal/RN. Finally, a reflection was made on the possibility of magnifying of the state activity, in terms of guarantees for the responsible members for the environmental policy and of administrative efficiency, through the idea of the ambient regulation. For the accomplishment of this study, it was proceeded research in diverse sources such as books, magazines, sites of the Internet, periodicals, thesis and dissertations, among others material, beyond visits the agencies that direct or indirectly act with the ambient defense and as fuel resale, such as Secretariat of Environment and Urbanism of the City of Natal (SEMURB), Institute of Economic Development and Environment of RN (IDEMA), Brazilian Institute of the Environment and the Natural resources You renewed, Executive Management of RN (IBAMA/RN), Public prosecutor's office of the Environment of Natal (Public prosecution service of the RN), National Agency of Oil (ANP) and Union of the Retailing of Derivatives of Oil of the RN, among others. To the end, satiated regulation is observed that although on the substance of the ambient licensing in ranks of fuel resale, also with federal, state and municipal norms, the municipal Public Power is very far from the fulfilment of its institutional functions, in the question environmental policy of these establishments, a time that few are the permitted ranks of resale in the city of Natal/RN


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The reality of Latin America points out that the industrialization and urbanization are complementary processes associated each other. Thus, by consequence of the demographic growth, observes the aggravation of an urbanization completely disordered and without infrastructure capable of guaranteeing rights and basic services to the population. In parallel, the dissemination of information, the valorization of human dignity, promoted by social welfare, and expectations of consumption aggravates the tensions among social actors, leading to the Theory of the Right to Development to worry about the (re)construction of cities. Before this reality, the Federal Constitution of 1988 proposed a participatory urban policy, grounded in the ideal of confrontation of social exclusion of a more comprehensive, represented by the principle of the social function of cities, which must be stratified into four inclusion´s central axes, namely: the social in the strict sense, the economic, the cultural and the policy. The Analysis of each of these dimensions, keeping the focus on reality and the Brazilian legal system, composes specific objectives of this work. Thus, through deductive research, with use of technique bibliographical and interdisciplinary, this dissertation aims to make connections between social function and development, proposing an analytical concept for the proposing an analytical concept for the principle of social function of cities, through the study of its basic elements. With this, purports to demonstrate how results, firstly, that the juridical study, to fully understand the process of marginalization, must maintain multidisciplinary perspective, own social sciences. Also aims to demonstrate that the dimensions of inclusion are formed by fundamental rights, individual and collective, of liberties and of social guarantees and that without respect to all of them there is no way to talk about implementation of urban development and nor, consequently, about inclusive cities. At the end, after checking the main legal instruments of urban policy that emphasize the community participation, provided for in the Statute of the Cities, and that potentiate the breakup of the circles of exclusion, the work want contribute to the clarification and the awaken to the importance of a new perspective democratic of development in the country, grounded in the appreciation of the individual for realization of modern management, decentralized and that, therefore, inserts the effective participation of urban communities in the acting of the State


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In view of the diversity and the heterogeneity of the existing cities in Brazil, our approach refers to the urban and non-metropolitan areas. Aiming to foment the studies on small cities e to apprehend the sociospatial configuration of the urban environment in such cities, this piece of work elaborates and analyzes the urban profile of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, using as a theoretical reference landmark the production of the urban and regional space, from the decade of 1970 to 2000. Starting from this reference, this piece of work presents an urban sociospatial characterization of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region, with emphasis on the economic framework, on the population dynamics, on the main social data, culminating in the main characteristics of the local daily life. The study of the small cities of the Agreste Potiguar region makes it possible the comprehension of the problems that involve the cities of this size, above all, those inserted in economically fragile regions. In the analyzed period, the changes occurred in the productive structure of the State of Rio Grande do Norte triggered a great crisis in the economy of the Agreste Potiguar region. This aspect, allied to the insufficient performance of the public power, contributed to the sprouting of some sociospatial problems, amongst which may be distinguished: the economic fragility, the generalized unemployment, the lack of security and the urban infrastructure absence sufficient to take care of the social demand. Even facing the existing problems, the small cities must be seen as potential spaces, capable to promote the regional development. To do so, it is necessary a process of democratization of the public administration, an ample popular participation and the establishment of a new urban policy, that aims at the social promotion of the individuals, the guarantee of basic necessities and the access to the necessary services to a dignified life


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a compreensão da dimensão ambiental no espaço urbano da Amazônia pelos assistentes sociais, inseridos nas principais intervenções urbanísticas do município de Belém, nas quais dentre elas há o Projeto Portal da Amazônia, Macrodrenagem da Estrada Nova e o Projeto de Urbanização da Vila da Barca. Para tanto, focamos nossas análises sobre o trabalho social dos projetos habitacionais e de urbanização, citados, que tem a educação ambiental como uma de suas ações de caráter socioeducativo, indicando qual seria a centralidade da discussão ambiental em tais iniciativas fomentadas pelo poder público, assim como a importância e compreensão do assistente social sobre esta demanda na região amazônica. Ao nos debruçarmos sobre este debate, realizamos uma pesquisa de caráter exploratório a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, observação de campo e entrevista semiestruturada com os assistentes sociais de instituições responsáveis pela promoção da política urbana no município de Belém-PA, no momento: Secretaria Municipal de Habitação (SEHAB), instituição responsável pela política urbana do município; Construtora UNI Engenharia, atualmente empresa responsável pela execução do trabalho técnico físico dos projetos de urbanização do município e a Construtora EFECCE, atual responsável pelos projetos técnicos sociais. Durante a pesquisa, constatamos que a educação ambiental é relegada ao segundo plano dentro de outras ações do trabalho social, em que a sua dimensão educativa se subsume e se espraia nos eixos de geração de renda e de educação patrimonial e sanitária, sendo a sua realização pontual, devido não só à lógica institucional de trabalho, mas também à insegurança de alguns profissionais do Serviço Social em lidar com a demanda ambiental, principalmente sobre Amazônia, em que os conteúdos da educação ambiental estão restritos às problemáticas do lixo, água e desmatamento, não ampliando a discussão aos direitos urbano-ambientais, estando a discussão ambiental esvaziada de seus conteúdos sociais, políticos e econômicos, sendo mais um espaço de controle, domesticação e inculcação dos valores hegemônicos.


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Na atualidade do processo de urbanização no Brasil, a questão metropolitana emerge como fundamental para o entendimento da urbanização da sociedade e do território nacional. A importância das metrópoles revela uma face importante da dinâmica sócio-espacial brasileira: a concentração da malha urbana em pouco mais de uma dezena de epicentros nacionais e regionais. Diante desta realidade, um dos temas mais complexos no âmbito das metrópoles é a gestão metropolitana, e tal debate permeia boa parte das discussões sobre o tema, sejam elas de ordem econômica, social, urbanística ou jurídica. Considerando-se a estrutura institucional da Constituição de 1988, os mecanismos e instrumentos de regulação urbana em nível nacional afirmam o município como base territorial das políticas urbanas, refletindo-se no estabelecimento do Plano Diretor como instrumento de política urbana obrigatório em âmbito municipal. Tal opção das políticas de planejamento e gestão acaba se traduzindo em conflito direto com a realidade urbana brasileira, visto que as metrópoles constituem vetor essencial da expansão da malha urbana. Com base nessas premissas, aprofunda-se o tema do planejamento metropolitano a partir da análise dos planos diretores de municípios que compõem uma das metrópoles brasileiras, a Região Metropolitana de Belém. A análise do planejamento metropolitano a partir dos planos diretores urbanos municipais revela de que forma o processo de metropolização se faz presente quando da elaboração e gestão de planos de desenvolvimento urbano, através dos planos diretores municipais. Além disso, identifica-se as perspectivas de desenvolvimento urbano, que se encontram explícita ou implicitamente nos planos diretores, e os princípios que norteiam essas perspectivas, bem como os elementos participativos no âmbito do planejamento metropolitano.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)