331 resultados para Performative languaje
In the Nineties year in the German Studies’ area appears a new reflection around the theatrical chorus thank to the activity of theatrical personalities as Heiner Müller, Einar Schleef, Elfriede Jelinek or Christoph Marthaler. So Hans Thies Lehmann, in his compendium about the Postdramatic Theater (Hans-Thies Lehmann, Postdramatisches Theater, Verlag der Autoren, Frankfurt am Main 1999) advances the new category of the Chortheater (Chor Theatre) to explain e new form of drama and performative event; again in 1999 appear the important essay of Detlev Baur (Detlev Baur, Der Chor im Theater des 20. Jahrhunderts. Typologie des theatralen Mittels Chor, Niemeyer, Tübingen 1999), that gives an important device about this instrument but without giving the reasons of the its modifications in such different historical times. Then in 2004, Erika Fischer-Lichte, (Theatre, Sacrifice, Ritual. Exploring Forms of Political Theatre, Routledge, London-New York 2005), reflects about the connection between ritual and theatre in the 20th Century. Thank to this studies the search aim was to give a new story of the chorus as theatrical and performative tool, in his liminal essence in creating immersive or alienating theatrical relation with the audience and to give specific features to distinguish it from general categories such as choral theatre o ensemble theatre.
Il fulcro tematico e concettuale della tesi consiste nel rapporto complesso, paradossale e spesso anche controverso esistente fra il teatro e la performance (art) – e cioè il rapporto fra i concetti di “teatralità” e di “performatività”. L’attenzione è posta su quelle correnti nelle arti performative contemporanee che tendono allo scioglimento delle nozioni di genere, disciplina, tecnica e autorialità e che mettono in questione lo status stesso dell’opera performativa (lo spettacolo) in quanto prodotto esclusivamente estetico, cioè spettacolare. Vengono esaminate – prelevando rispettivamente dal campo del teatro, della danza e della performance art – le pratiche di Jerzy Grotowski e Thomas Richards, Jérôme Bel e Marina Abramović. Quello che accomuna queste pratiche ben diverse tra loro non è soltanto la problematica del rapporto fra teatralità e performatività ma soprattutto l’aspetto particolarmente radicale e assiduo (e anche paradossale) del loro doppio sforzo, che consiste nello spingere la propria disciplina oltre ogni confine prestabilito e nello stesso tempo nel cercare di ri-definire i suoi codici fondanti e lo statuto ontologico che la distinguerebbero dalle altre discipline performative. Sono esaminate anche diverse teorizzazioni della performance con particolare attenzione a quei contributi che mettono in luce (e in questione) il delicato rapporto fra il teatro e la performance (art) attraverso una (ri)concettualizzazione e comparazione dei termini di teatralità e di performatività. La tesi esamina l’evoluzione della comprensione di quel rapporto all’interno del campo teorico-storico e artistico che inizialmente riflette la tendenza a percepire il rapporto in termini di opposizione e addirittura esclusione per approdare col tempo a una visione più riconciliante e complementare. Le radicali pratiche contemporanee fra il teatro e la performance rappresentano forse una nuova forma-processo performativa specifica e autonoma – che potrebbe essere definita tout court “performance” – e con cui viene definitivamente superato il progetto teatrale modernista?
La crisi del “teatro come servizio pubblico” degli Stabili, Piccolo Teatro in testa, si manifesta allo stadio di insoddisfazione interna già alla fine degli anni Cinquanta. Se dal punto di vista della pratica scenica, la prima faglia di rottura è pressoché unanimemente ricondotta alla comparsa delle primissime messe in scena –discusse, irritanti e provocatorie- di Carmelo Bene e Quartucci (1959-60) più difficile è individuare il corrispettivo di un critico-intellettuale apportatore di una altrettanto deflagrante rottura. I nomi di Arbasino e di Flaiano sono, in questo caso, i primi che vengono alla mente, ma, seppure portatori di una critica sensibile al “teatro ufficiale”, così come viene ribattezzato dopo il Convegno di Ivrea (1967) il modello attuato dagli Stabili, essi non possono, a ben vedere, essere considerati i veri promotori di una modalità differente di fare critica che, a partire da quel Convegno, si accompagnerà stabilmente alla ricerca scenica del Nuovo Teatro. Ma in cosa consiste, allora, questa nuova “operatività” critica? Si tratta principalmente di una modalità capace di operare alle soglie della scrittura, abbracciando una progressiva, ma costante fuoriuscita dalla redazione di cronache teatrali, per ripensare radicalmente la propria attività in nuovi spazi operativi quali le riviste e l’editoria di settore, un rapporto sempre più stretto con i mass-media quali radio e televisione e la pratica organizzativa di momenti spettacolari e teorici al contempo -festival, convegni, rassegne e premi- per una forma di partecipazione poi identificata come “sporcarsi le mani”. La seconda parte della tesi è una raccolta documentaria sull’oggi. A partire dal Manifesto dei Critici Impuri redatto nel 2003 a Prato da un gruppo di critici dell'ultima generazione, la tesi utilizza quella dichiarazione come punto di partenza per creare un piccolo archivio sull’oggi raccogliendo le elaborazioni di alcune delle esperienze più significative di questi dieci anni. Ricca appendice di materiali.
Attraverso un excursus storico, teorico e metodologico, questa tesi di dottorato analizza la nascita, gli sviluppi e l’attuale dimensione costitutivo-identitaria dei Performance Studies, un ambito di ricerca accademica che, nato negli Stati Uniti alla fine degli anni Settanta, ha sempre palesato una natura restia nei confronti di qualunque tentativo definitorio. Se i Performance Studies concepiscono la performance sia come oggetto d’analisi sia come lente metodologica, e se, come evidenziato da Richard Schechner, praticamente tutto può essere “elevato a performance” e quindi indagato secondo le categorie analitiche di questa disciplina, ecco allora che, con uno slittamento transitivo e “meta-metodologico”, questa ricerca dottorale ha scelto come proprio oggetto di studio i Performance Studies stessi, osservandoli “as performance” e avvalendosi degli strumenti metodologici suggeriti dal suo stesso oggetto d’analisi. Questo lavoro indaga come l’oggetto di studio dei Performance Studies sia, seguendo la teoria schechneriana, il “behaved behavior”, e dunque come di conseguenza, il repertorio, prima ancora che l’archivio, possa essere considerato il fedele custode delle “pratiche incorporate”. Soffermandosi su esempi di “reenactment” performativo come quelli messi in atto da Marina Abramović e Clifford Owens, così come sui tentativi condotti dalla sezione dell’Intangible Cultural Heritage dell’UNESCO, suggerisce validi esempi di “archiviazione” della performance. L’elaborato prende poi in esame casi che esemplificano la proficua identificazione tra “studiare performance” e “fare performance”, sottolinea il ruolo cruciale e imprenscindibile determinato dal lavoro di ricerca sul campo inteso come “osservazione partecipante”, ed evidenzia il costante coinvolgimento sociale e politico assunto dai Performance Studies. Questa dissertazione affronta e supporta l’efficacia dei Performance Studies nel proporsi come uno strumento innovativo in grado di analizzare un mondo sempre più performativo nelle sue dinamiche. La loro natura tanto interdisciplinare quanto interculturale sembra farne una lente adeguata attraverso cui promuovere livelli diversi di performance dialogica tra culture localmente distinte ma globalmente assimilabili.
L'inno dedicato ai sette Amesha Spəṇta è parte della produzione avestica recenziore, e si compone in gran parte di porzioni testuali riprese da altri testi avestici a loro volta di formazione tardiva. Lo Yašt si divide in tre parti principali: le stanze 0-10; 11-14; e infine la stanza 15 che comprende la formula di chiusura tipica degli inni avestici. La prima sezione (2.0-10) è composta dalla formula di apertura, incompleta rispetto a quelle dei restanti inni, seguita dai primi sette capitoli di entrambi i Sīh-rōzag compresi i Gāh. Le stanze centrali (11-14) si caratterizzano per l'assenza di passi gemelli, un elevato numero di hapax e di arcaismi formali e inoltre, una grande variabilità nella tradizione manoscritta. Si tratta di una formula magica per esorcizzare/allontanare demoni e stregoni, che doveva essere recitata per sette volte. Tale formula probabilmente rappresentava in origine un testo autonomo che veniva recitato assieme ad altri testi avestici. La versione a noi pervenuta comprende la recitazione di parte di entrambi i Sīh-rōzag, ma è molto probabile che tale arrangement sia soltanto una sequenza recitativa che doveva coesistere assieme ad altre. Attualmente la formula magica viene recitata principalmente assieme allo Yasna Haptaŋhāiti, senza le restanti stanze dell'inno nella sua versione geldneriana. Il testo sembra nascere come formula magica la quale venne recitata assieme a diversi testi avestici come per esempio parti dello Sīh-rōzag. In un periodo impossibile da stabilire con certezza la versione viene fissata nella forma a noi pervenuta nella maggior parte dei manoscritti e per la sua affinità formale probabilmente interpretato come inno e perciò incluso nell'innario avestico.
L’elaborato propone una riflessione rispetto all’atto giuridico del consenso informato quale strumento garante dell’esercizio del diritto alla salute per i migranti. Attraverso una riflessione antropologica rispetto alla natura, alla costruzione e alla logica dei diritti universali, verranno analizzate le normative nazionali, europee ed internazionali a tutela del diritto alla salute per i migranti; l’obiettivo della ricerca è indagare l’eventuale scarto tra normative e politiche garantiste nei confronti della salute migrante e l’esistenza di barriere strutturali che impediscono un pieno esercizio del diritto alla salute. L’ipotesi di ricerca si basa sulla reale capacità performativa del consenso informato, proposto solitamente sia come strumento volto ad assicurare la piena professionalità dell’operatore sanitario nell’informare il paziente circa i rischi e i benefici di un determinato trattamento sanitario, sia come garante del principio di autonomia. La ricerca, attraverso un’analisi quanti-qualitativa, ha interrogato il proprio campo, rappresentato da un reparto di ginecologia ed ostetrica, rispetto alle modalità pratiche di porre in essere la firma nei moduli del consenso informato, con particolare attenzione alle specificità proprie delle pazienti migranti. Attraverso l’osservazione partecipante è stato quindi possibile riflettere su aspetti rilevanti, quali le dinamiche quotidiane che vengono a crearsi tra personale sanitario e pazienti, le caratteristiche e i limiti del servizio di mediazione sanitaria, le azioni pratiche della medicina difensiva. In questo senso il tema del “consenso informato”, indagato facendo interagire discipline quali l’antropologia, la bioetica, la filosofia e la sociologia, si è posto sia come lente di lettura privilegiata per comprendere le dinamiche relazionali ad oggi esistenti tra professionisti sanitari e popolazione migrante, ancora vittima di diseguaglianze strutturali, ma altresì come “innesco potenziale” di nuove modalità di intendere la relazione medico-paziente.
In questa tesi viene presentata una ricerca di campo che si configura come esempio di un’antropologia applicata alle dinamiche lavorative all’interno di un’azienda ICT italiana. Fulcro della trattazione è la riflessione sui diversi aspetti di un’analisi antropologica del clima aziendale, condotta sulla base di una rilevazione dei processi lavorativi presso una società italiana specializzata in progetti di digital marketing. Il lavoro associato alle tecnologie di ultima generazione non è impersonale o dettato soltanto da regole esterne, ma piuttosto un lavoro dal forte carattere rituale, sociale, morale e performativo, dove soggetti, ruoli, idee, scelte e problematiche si intrecciano secondo modalità uniche ed irripetibili, rintracciabili anche attraverso l’etnografia. E’ dunque necessario dare visibilità al ruolo attivo dei lavoratori nel loro essere contemporaneamente individui e soggetti che lavorano. Partendo da una riflessione su lavoro e tecnologia all’interno di un quadro interdisciplinare che vede coinvolte - insieme all’antropologia - la sociologia, l’economia e la storia, ci si sofferma sulle potenzialità dell’antropologia del lavoro. Dopo aver ripercorso tutti i passi della ricerca di campo presso l’azienda, viene condivisa una più ampia considerazione sul ruolo dell’antropologia applicata al lavoro in contesti aziendali. Infine l’esperienza di antropologa in azienda viene posta a confronto con un’altra attività svolta dalla stessa autrice in ambito accademico nel campo dell’antropologia dell’educazione. Gli studi presi in considerazione e le esperienze concrete offrono la possibilità di affrontare il tema dell’antropologia del lavoro all’interno di una più vasta riflessione sulla necessità di sviluppare un’antropologia applicata in Italia. Essa non occupa ancora un posto rilevante nello scenario della vita pubblica, ma molti sono gli sforzi che si stanno compiendo in questa direzione. Uno sguardo positivo verso il futuro e la consapevolezza di un’antropologia che è insieme azione, impegno, partecipazione e sperimentazione etnografica concludono la tesi.
This study seeks to address a gap in the study of nonviolent action. The gap relates to the question of how nonviolence is performed, as opposed to the meaning or impact of nonviolent politics. The dissertation approaches the history of nonviolent protest in South Asia through the lens of performance studies. Such a shift allows for concepts such as performativity and theatricality to be tested in terms of their applicability and relevance to contemporary political and philosophical questions. It also allows for a different perspective on the historiography of nonviolent protest. Using concepts, modes of analysis and tropes of thinking from the emerging field of performance studies, the dissertation analyses two different cases of nonviolent protest, asking how politics is performatively constituted. The first two sections of this study set out the parameters of the key terms of the dissertation: nonviolence and performativity, by tracing their genealogies and legacies as terms. These histories are then located as an intersection in the founding of the nonviolent. The case studies at the analytical core of the dissertation are: fasting as a method in Gandhi's political arsenal, and the army of nonviolent soldiers in the North-West Frontier Province, known as the Khudai Khidmatgar. The study begins with an overview of current theorisations of nonviolence. The approach to the subject is through an investigation of commonly held misconceptions about nonviolent action, such as its supposed passivity, the absence of violence, its ineffectiveness and its spiritual basis. This section addresses the lacunae within existing theories of nonviolence and points to possible fertile spaces for further exploration. Section 3 offers an overview of the different shades of the concept of performativity, asking how it is used in various contexts and how these different nuances can be viewed in relation to each other. The dissertation explores how a theory of performativity may be correlated to the theorisation of nonviolence. The correlations are established in four boundary areas: action/inaction, violence/absence of violence, the actor/opponent and the body/spirit. These boundary areas allow for a theorising of nonviolent action as a performative process. The first case study is Gandhi's use of the fast as a method of nonviolent protest. Using a close reading of his own writings, speeches and letters, as well as a reading of responses to his fast in British newspapers and within India, the dissertation asks what made fasting into Gandhi's most favoured mode of protest and political action. The study reconstructs his unique praxis of the fast from a performative perspective, demonstrating how display and ostentation are vital to the political economy of the fast. It also unveils the cultural context and historical reservoir of body practices, which Gandhi drew from and adapted into 'weapons' of political action. The relationship of Gandhian nonviolence to the body forms a crucial part of the analysis. The second case study is the nonviolent army of the Pashtuns, Khudai Khidmatgar (KK), literally Servants of God. This anti-imperialist movement in the North-West Frontier Province of what is today the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan existed between 1929 and 1948. The movement adopted the organisational form of an army. It conducted protest activities against colonial rule, as well as social reform activities for the Pashtuns. This group was connected to the Congress party of Gandhi, but the dissertation argues that their conceptualisation and praxis of nonviolence emerged from a very different tradition and worldview. Following a brief introduction to the socio-political background of this Pashtun movement, the dissertation explores the activities that this nonviolent army engaged in, looking at their unique understanding of the militancy of an unarmed force, and their mode of combat and confrontation. Of particular interest to the analysis is the way the KK re-combined and mixed what appear to be contradictory ideologies and acts. In doing so, they reframed cultural and historical stereotypes of the Pashtuns as a martial race, juxtaposing the institutional form of the army with a nonviolent praxis based on Islamic principles and social reform. The example of the Khudai Khidmatgar is used to explore the idea that nonviolence is not the opposite of violent conflict, but in fact a dialectical engagement and response to violence. Section 5, in conclusion, returns to the boundary areas of nonviolence: action, violence, the opponent and the body, and re-visits these areas on a comparative note, bringing together elements from Gandhi's fasts and the practices of the KK. The similarities and differences in the two examples are assessed and contextualised in relation to the guiding question of this study, namely the question of the performativity of nonviolent action.
The Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein famously proposed a style of philosophy that was directed against certain pictures [bild] that tacitly direct our language and forms of life. His aim was to show the fly the way out of the fly bottle and to fight against the bewitchment of our intelligence by means of language: “A picture held us captive. And we could not get outside it, for it lay in our language and language seemed to repeat it to us inexorably” (Wittgenstein 1953, 115). In this context Wittgenstein is talking of philosophical pictures, deep metaphors that have structured our language but he does also use the term picture in other contexts (see Owen 2003, 83). I want to appeal to Wittgenstein in my use of the term ideology to refer to the way in which powerful underlying metaphors in neoclassical economics have a strong rhetorical and constitutive force at the level of public policy. Indeed, I am specifically speaking of the notion of ‘the performative’ in Wittgenstein and Austin. The notion of the knowledge economy has a prehistory in Hayek (1937; 1945) who founded the economics of knowledge in the 1930s, in Machlup (1962; 1970), who mapped the emerging employment shift to the US service economy in the early 1960s, and to sociologists Bell (1973) and Touraine (1974) who began to tease out the consequences of these changes for social structure in the post-industrial society in the early 1970s. The term has been taken up since by economists, sociologists, futurists and policy experts recently to explain the transition to the so-called ‘new economy’. It is not just a matter of noting these discursive strands in the genealogy of the ‘knowledge economy’ and related or cognate terms. We can also make a number of observations on the basis of this brief analysis. First, there has been a succession of terms like ‘postindustrial economy’, ‘information economy’, ‘knowledge economy’, ‘learning economy’, each with a set of related concepts emphasising its social, political, management or educational aspects. Often these literatures are not cross-threading and tend to focus on only one aspect of phenomena leading to classic dichotomies such as that between economy and society, knowledge and information. Second, these terms and their family concepts are discursive, historical and ideological products in the sense that they create their own meanings and often lead to constitutive effects at the level of policy. Third, while there is some empirical evidence to support claims concerning these terms, at the level of public policy these claims are empirically underdetermined and contain an integrating, visionary or futures component, which necessarily remains untested and is, perhaps, in principle untestable.
In his pioneering paper on “Performative Subordinate Clauses,” Lakoff (1984) claimed that subordinate clauses expressing a reason or concession allow imperatives conveying statements (i.e. assertive illocutionary force). While this analysis has gone unchallenged to this day, the present paper shows that Lakoff’s analysis is inadequate, in that reason and concessive clauses show a sharp contrast in the kinds of imperative utterances they permit. Contra Lakoff, concessive clauses with although, though and except (that) do allow imperative constructions conveying directive illocutionary forces to occur, whereas by contrast those with even though tend to disallow both types of imperatives. These findings can be explained in terms of compatibility between “component” constructions constituting a complex sentence. It is argued that the compatibility between imperatives (both directive and assertive types) and concessive adverbials (excluding even though) can be attributed to the latter’s loose integration into a matrix clause required by the former. Furthermore, it is argued that the incompatibility of even though with imperatives arises primarily from the incompatibility between the tight integration of even though and the loose integration required by imperatives, together with the associated incompatibility between the non-rectifying function of even though and the rectifying conjunction favored by imperatives.
Blindversuch ist eine dreiwöchige performative Arbeit im Rahmen meiner plastisch-künstlerischen Arbeit, die ich im Februar 2007 durchgeführt habe. Über einen Zeitraum von drei Wochen habe ich meine Augen verschlossen und das physische Sehen eingestellt. Damit verzichtete ich freiwillig auf mein wichtigstes künstlerisches Werkzeug. Ich gab vor, blind zu sein und trug die Zeichen des Blindseins: Brille, Armbinde und einen weißen Stock. Unter der Bedingung des Nicht-Sehens und in der Begleitung von Assistenten führte ich mein Leben und Arbeiten weiter. Während dieser Zeit ersetzte ich meine visuelle Wahrnehmung durch technische Mittel. Ohne zu sehen produzierte ich mit Fotoapparat und Videokamera visuelles Material. Diese Aufnahmen entstanden infolge motorisch-akustisch-haptischer Eindrücke und situativer Reflexionen. Ergänzt werden meine Aufnahmen durch visuelles Fremdmaterial. Verschiedene Personen wurden beauftragt, mich filmisch und fotografisch zu begleiten. Auch ich selbst erstellte eine Audiodokumentation meiner Erfahrungen und Reflexionen als Nicht-Sehende: Wahrnehmung, Untersuchung und Notierung der veränderten rezeptiven Bedingungen. Es fand eine bewusste Aneignung des Raums als Nicht-Sehende statt. Dazu habe ich meine Fähigkeiten sowohl im Atelier als auch im Außenraum trainiert. Darüber hinaus wurde der Blindversuch durch das Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung in Frankfurt am Main wissenschaftlich begleitet.
The Nigerian video film industry known as Nollywood forms one of the world’s biggest entertainment industries today. In its stories, Nollywood reflects the values, desires and fears of African viewers and shows them new postcolonial forms of performative self-expression. In that way, it has become a point of reference for a wide range of people. As such, it not only excites a large number of viewers inside and outside Nigeria but also inspires some of them to make their own films. This nascent phenomenon of Nollywood inspired filmmaking is the starting point of my doctoral thesis and this article. By applying the methods of shared anthropology and performance ethnography I study a group of African migrants making their own film in Switzerland.
The paper will focus on basic ways of communication between the actors in the house and home and their direct social environments (esp. neighbourhood) during the early modern period. Such ways of communication were established in and through work relations, sociability, social control and certain liminal rites. So far underestimated, the neighbourhood was both helpful and inevitable to keep house and household running. A typical aspect of the practice of communication was the importance of repetitive performative events in everyday life. In order to establish and maintain social relations, the honour of the ‘house’ as such and fundamental roles like housefather and housemother had to be performed under the eyes of neighbours and other actors. Thus, empirical evidence reveals the house and home as a specific kind of stage. In contrast to the outdated concept of ‘das ganze Haus’ (the whole house) by Otto Brunner and also a reduced socioeconomic understanding of household, the openness of the house proves to be a highly relevant feature of early modern society. This openness refers to accessibility, visibility and control. The paper will explain the proposed concept and analyse concrete examples from work and wedding.
Many technological developments of the past two decades come with the promise of greater IT flexi-bility, i.e. greater capacity to adapt IT. These technologies are increasingly used to improve organiza-tional routines that are not affected by large, hard-to-change IT such as ERP. Yet, most findings on the interaction of routines and IT stem from contexts where IT is hard to change. Our research ex-plores how routines and IT co-evolve when IT is flexible. We review the literatures on routines to sug-gest that IT may act as a boundary object that mediates the learning process unfolding between the ostensive and the performative aspect of the routine. Although prior work has concluded from such conceptualizations that IT stabilizes routines, we qualify that flexible IT can also stimulate change because it enables learning in short feedback cycles. We suggest that, however, such change might not always materialize because it is contingent on governance choices and technical knowledge. We de-scribe the case-study method to explore how routines and flexible IT co-evolve and how governance and technical knowledge influence this process. We expect to contribute towards stronger theory of routines and to develop recommendations for the effective implementation of flexible IT in loosely coupled routines.
Under the name Nollywood a unique video film industry has developed in Nigeria in the last few decades, which now forms one of the world’s biggest entertainment industries. With its focus on stories reflecting „the values, desires and fears” (Haynes 2007: 133) of African viewers and its particular way of production, Nollywood brings „lived practices and its representation together in ways that make the films deeply accessible and entirely familiar to their audience“ (Marston et al. 2007: 57). In doing so, Nollywood shows its spectators new postcolonial forms of performative self‐expression and becomes a point of reference for a wide range of people. However, Nollywood not only excites a large number of viewers inside and outside Nigeria, it also inspires some of them to become active themselves and make their own films. This effect of Nigerian filmmaking can be found in many parts of sub‐Saharan Africa as well as in African diasporas all over the world – including Switzerland (Mooser 2011: 63‐66). As a source of inspiration, Nollywood and its unconventional ways of filmmaking offer African migrants a benchmark that meets their wish to express themselves as minority group in a foreign country. As Appadurai (1996: 53), Ginsburg (2003: 78) and Marks (2000: 21) assume, filmmakers with a migratory background have a specific need to express themselves through media. As minority group members in their country of residence they not only wish to reflect upon their situation within the diaspora and illustrate their everyday struggles as foreigners, but to also express their own views and ideas in order to challenge dominant public opinion (Ginsburg 2003: 78). They attempt to “talk back to the structures of power” (2003: 78) they live in. In this process, their audio-visual works become a means of response and “an answering echo to a previous presentation or representation” (Mitchell 1994: 421). The American art historian Mitchell, therefore, suggests interpreting representation as “the relay mechanism in exchange of power, value, and publicity” (1994: 420). This desire of interacting with the local public has also been expressed during a film project of African, mainly Nigerian, first-generation migrants in Switzerland I am currently partnering in. Several cast and crew members have expressed feelings of being under-represented, even misrepresented, in the dominant Swiss media discourse. In order to create a form of exchange and give themselves a voice, they consequently produce a Nollywood inspired film and wish to present it to the society they live in. My partnership in this on‐going film production (which forms the foundation of my PhD field study) allows me to observe and experience this process. By employing qualitative media anthropological methods and in particular Performance Ethnography, I seek to find out more about the ways African migrants represent themselves as a community through audio‐visual media and the effect the transnational use of Nollywood has on their form of self‐representations as well as the ways they express themselves.