250 resultados para Partitions
Microsecond long Molecular Dynamics (MD) trajectories of biomolecular processes are now possible due to advances in computer technology. Soon, trajectories long enough to probe dynamics over many milliseconds will become available. Since these timescales match the physiological timescales over which many small proteins fold, all atom MD simulations of protein folding are now becoming popular. To distill features of such large folding trajectories, we must develop methods that can both compress trajectory data to enable visualization, and that can yield themselves to further analysis, such as the finding of collective coordinates and reduction of the dynamics. Conventionally, clustering has been the most popular MD trajectory analysis technique, followed by principal component analysis (PCA). Simple clustering used in MD trajectory analysis suffers from various serious drawbacks, namely, (i) it is not data driven, (ii) it is unstable to noise and change in cutoff parameters, and (iii) since it does not take into account interrelationships amongst data points, the separation of data into clusters can often be artificial. Usually, partitions generated by clustering techniques are validated visually, but such validation is not possible for MD trajectories of protein folding, as the underlying structural transitions are not well understood. Rigorous cluster validation techniques may be adapted, but it is more crucial to reduce the dimensions in which MD trajectories reside, while still preserving their salient features. PCA has often been used for dimension reduction and while it is computationally inexpensive, being a linear method, it does not achieve good data compression. In this thesis, I propose a different method, a nonmetric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) technique, which achieves superior data compression by virtue of being nonlinear, and also provides a clear insight into the structural processes underlying MD trajectories. I illustrate the capabilities of nMDS by analyzing three complete villin headpiece folding and six norleucine mutant (NLE) folding trajectories simulated by Freddolino and Schulten [1]. Using these trajectories, I make comparisons between nMDS, PCA and clustering to demonstrate the superiority of nMDS. The three villin headpiece trajectories showed great structural heterogeneity. Apart from a few trivial features like early formation of secondary structure, no commonalities between trajectories were found. There were no units of residues or atoms found moving in concert across the trajectories. A flipping transition, corresponding to the flipping of helix 1 relative to the plane formed by helices 2 and 3 was observed towards the end of the folding process in all trajectories, when nearly all native contacts had been formed. However, the transition occurred through a different series of steps in all trajectories, indicating that it may not be a common transition in villin folding. The trajectories showed competition between local structure formation/hydrophobic collapse and global structure formation in all trajectories. Our analysis on the NLE trajectories confirms the notion that a tight hydrophobic core inhibits correct 3-D rearrangement. Only one of the six NLE trajectories folded, and it showed no flipping transition. All the other trajectories get trapped in hydrophobically collapsed states. The NLE residues were found to be buried deeply into the core, compared to the corresponding lysines in the villin headpiece, thereby making the core tighter and harder to undo for 3-D rearrangement. Our results suggest that the NLE may not be a fast folder as experiments suggest. The tightness of the hydrophobic core may be a very important factor in the folding of larger proteins. It is likely that chaperones like GroEL act to undo the tight hydrophobic core of proteins, after most secondary structure elements have been formed, so that global rearrangement is easier. I conclude by presenting facts about chaperone-protein complexes and propose further directions for the study of protein folding.
We study congruences in the coefficients of modular and other automorphic forms. Ramanujan famously found congruences for the partition function like p(5n+4) = 0 mod 5. For a wide class of modular forms, we classify the primes for which there can be analogous congruences in the coefficients of the Fourier expansion. We have several applications. We describe the Ramanujan congruences in the counting functions for overparitions, overpartition pairs, crank differences, and Andrews' two-coloured generalized Frobenius partitions. We also study Ramanujan congruences in the Fourier coefficients of certain ratios of Eisenstein series. We also determine the exact number of holomorphic modular forms with Ramanujan congruences when the weight is large enough. In a chapter based on joint work with Olav Richter, we study Ramanujan congruences in the coefficients of Jacobi forms and Siegel modular forms of degree two. Finally, the last chapter contains a completely unrelated result about harmonic weak Maass forms.
The structured representation of cases by attribute graphs in a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system for course timetabling has been the subject of previous research by the authors. In that system, the case base is organised as a decision tree and the retrieval process chooses those cases which are sub attribute graph isomorphic to the new case. The drawback of that approach is that it is not suitable for solving large problems. This paper presents a multiple-retrieval approach that partitions a large problem into small solvable sub-problems by recursively inputting the unsolved part of the graph into the decision tree for retrieval. The adaptation combines the retrieved partial solutions of all the partitioned sub-problems and employs a graph heuristic method to construct the whole solution for the new case. We present a methodology which is not dependant upon problem specific information and which, as such, represents an approach which underpins the goal of building more general timetabling systems. We also explore the question of whether this multiple-retrieval CBR could be an effective initialisation method for local search methods such as Hill Climbing, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing. Significant results are obtained from a wide range of experiments. An evaluation of the CBR system is presented and the impact of the approach on timetabling research is discussed. We see that the approach does indeed represent an effective initialisation method for these approaches.
The structured representation of cases by attribute graphs in a Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) system for course timetabling has been the subject of previous research by the authors. In that system, the case base is organised as a decision tree and the retrieval process chooses those cases which are sub attribute graph isomorphic to the new case. The drawback of that approach is that it is not suitable for solving large problems. This paper presents a multiple-retrieval approach that partitions a large problem into small solvable sub-problems by recursively inputting the unsolved part of the graph into the decision tree for retrieval. The adaptation combines the retrieved partial solutions of all the partitioned sub-problems and employs a graph heuristic method to construct the whole solution for the new case. We present a methodology which is not dependant upon problem specific information and which, as such, represents an approach which underpins the goal of building more general timetabling systems. We also explore the question of whether this multiple-retrieval CBR could be an effective initialisation method for local search methods such as Hill Climbing, Tabu Search and Simulated Annealing. Significant results are obtained from a wide range of experiments. An evaluation of the CBR system is presented and the impact of the approach on timetabling research is discussed. We see that the approach does indeed represent an effective initialisation method for these approaches.
Recent developments in the physical parameterizations available in spectral wave models have already been validated, but there is little information on their relative performance especially with focus on the higher order spectral moments and wave partitions. This study concentrates on documenting their strengths and limitations using satellite measurements, buoy spectra, and a comparison between the different models. It is confirmed that all models perform well in terms of significant wave heights; however higher-order moments have larger errors. The partition wave quantities perform well in terms of direction and frequency but the magnitude and directional spread typically have larger discrepancies. The high-frequency tail is examined through the mean square slope using satellites and buoys. From this analysis it is clear that some models behave better than the others, suggesting their parameterizations match the physical processes reasonably well. However none of the models are entirely satisfactory, pointing to poorly constrained parameterizations or missing physical processes. The major space-time differences between the models are related to the swell field stressing the importance of describing its evolution. An example swell field confirms the wave heights can be notably different between model configurations while the directional distributions remain similar. It is clear that all models have difficulty in describing the directional spread. Therefore, knowledge of the source term directional distributions is paramount in improving the wave model physics in the future.
Numéro spécial: Translational Nanomedicine
The evolution of CRISPR–cas loci, which encode adaptive immune systems in archaea and bacteria, involves rapid changes, in particular numerous rearrangements of the locus architecture and horizontal transfer of complete loci or individual modules. These dynamics complicate straightforward phylogenetic classification, but here we present an approach combining the analysis of signature protein families and features of the architecture of cas loci that unambiguously partitions most CRISPR–cas loci into distinct classes, types and subtypes. The new classification retains the overall structure of the previous version but is expanded to now encompass two classes, five types and 16 subtypes. The relative stability of the classification suggests that the most prevalent variants of CRISPR–Cas systems are already known. However, the existence of rare, currently unclassifiable variants implies that additional types and subtypes remain to be characterized.
Ce mémoire interroge la posture d'adaptateur de Boris Vian, encore fort méconnue. En 1953, il a repris à son compte la littérature arthurienne afin d'écrire – en réponse à une commande de la part du Festival dramatique de Caen – une pièce de théâtre, Le Chevalier de Neige. Par la suite, cette pièce est devenue un opéra, produit à Nancy en 1957. Malgré le succès de ces deux spectacles, le souvenir de cette œuvre n'a pas dépassé la mort de son auteur. Il n'en reste aujourd'hui que les textes et les partitions musicales, puisqu'aucun des spectacles n'a été enregistré. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de mettre en lumière ce travail d'adaptation et de réécriture d'un auteur phare du XXème siècle, connu principalement pour ses romans et ses chansons, et qui a consacré ses dernières années à la création d'une œuvre globale alliant texte, musique et art de la scène. Qu'est-il possible de savoir sur l'entreprise du Chevalier de Neige? Quel est le poids de l'intertexte médiéval et contemporain dans ces deux réécritures? Quels furent les procédés d'adaptation mis en œuvre dans l'élaboration de cette pièce, puis de cet opéra? C'est à toutes ces questions que nous nous proposons de répondre, afin de découvrir l'importance et l'intérêt du Chevalier de Neige dans le parcours littéraire de Boris Vian.
Ce mémoire interroge la posture d'adaptateur de Boris Vian, encore fort méconnue. En 1953, il a repris à son compte la littérature arthurienne afin d'écrire – en réponse à une commande de la part du Festival dramatique de Caen – une pièce de théâtre, Le Chevalier de Neige. Par la suite, cette pièce est devenue un opéra, produit à Nancy en 1957. Malgré le succès de ces deux spectacles, le souvenir de cette œuvre n'a pas dépassé la mort de son auteur. Il n'en reste aujourd'hui que les textes et les partitions musicales, puisqu'aucun des spectacles n'a été enregistré. L'objectif de ce mémoire est de mettre en lumière ce travail d'adaptation et de réécriture d'un auteur phare du XXème siècle, connu principalement pour ses romans et ses chansons, et qui a consacré ses dernières années à la création d'une œuvre globale alliant texte, musique et art de la scène. Qu'est-il possible de savoir sur l'entreprise du Chevalier de Neige? Quel est le poids de l'intertexte médiéval et contemporain dans ces deux réécritures? Quels furent les procédés d'adaptation mis en œuvre dans l'élaboration de cette pièce, puis de cet opéra? C'est à toutes ces questions que nous nous proposons de répondre, afin de découvrir l'importance et l'intérêt du Chevalier de Neige dans le parcours littéraire de Boris Vian.
We study a totally discontinuous interval map defined in [0,1] which is associated to a deformation of the shift map on two symbols 0−1. We define a sequence of transition matrices which characterizes the effect of the interval map on a family of partitions of the interval [0,1]. Recursive algorithms that build the sequence of matrices and their left and right eigenvectors are deduced. Moreover, we compute the Artin zeta function for the interval map.