959 resultados para Parliamentary Papers


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The article was first published in the McGill Law Journal. Un résumé en français est disponible.


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Au cours des années comprises entre 1744 et 1763, le monde atlantique connaît deux guerres majeures. La France et ses colonies américaines sont impliquées dans une lutte acharnée contre l’Empire britannique. Les deux puissances rivales misent alors largement sur la guerre de course. Au-delà des conséquences commerciales et militaires évidentes, la guerre de course perturba aussi les communications transatlantiques. En effet, la prise d’un navire signifiait le plus souvent la perte des lettres qu’il transportait ou, dans le meilleur des cas, leur saisie, interrompant du même coup l’acheminement maritime du courrier. Les archives des Prize Papers, conservant des lettres et autres documents saisis par des corsaires britanniques, incarnent bien cette réalité. On y trouve notamment de nombreuses lettres françaises interceptées dans ces circonstances. Considérant que l’intérêt historique de ce fonds d’archives mérite d’être davantage souligné, cette recherche analysera donc certaines de ces correspondances françaises trouvées au sein des Prize Papers. À travers celles-ci, nous tenterons de reconstituer le système de communication transatlantique français et de ses acteurs en temps de guerre. Nous nous pencherons d’abord sur l’histoire de la constitution de ce fonds d’archives bien particulier, avant de présenter les pratiques de communication employées par les correspondants transatlantiques et les façons dont la guerre a pu les affecter. Il sera ensuite question des informations elles-mêmes qui furent véhiculées dans ce contexte si difficile.


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In this article, we discuss the first year research plan for the INKE interface design team, which focuses on a prototype for chaining. Interpretable as a subclass of Unsworths scholarly primitive of discovering, chaining is the process of beginning with an exemplary article, then finding the articles that it cites, the articles they cite, and so on until the reader begins to get a feel for the terrain. The chaining strategy is of particular utility for scholars working in new areas, either through doing background work for interdisciplinary interests or else by pursuing a subtopic in a domain that generates a paper storm of publications every year. In our prototype project, we plan to produce a system that accepts a seed article, tunnels through a number of levels of citation, and generates a summary report listing the most frequent authors and articles. One of the innovative features of this prototype is its use of the experimental oil and water interface effect, which uses text animation to provide the user with a sense of the underlying process.


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El treball discuteix per una banda com incrementar el treball personal i la responsabilitat dels estudiants en les classes pràctiques de laboratori i per altra banda quins problemes nous representa aquest treball pels professors i quines competències que es requeririen, amb la finalitat de moure l’activitat més cap a un procés d’aprenentatge de l’estudiant i reduint la funció promotora i de lideratge del professor. A part dels continguts, es fomenta la participació activa i s’incrementa el treball de competències transversals dels estudiants: aprendre per ensenyar, planificació, tasques de supervisió, capacitat de negociació, treball en grup, comunicació oral, argumentació i per sobre de tot responsabilitat. Valorar els resultats resulta de moment difícil i contradictori. Per una banda la taxa d’èxit i de rendiment de l’assignatura ha tendit a la baixa, tot i que la valoració de l’assignatura depèn no només d’aquesta activitat, i en aquesta en concret el rendiment és alt. Per l’altre, la valoració que fan els estudiants de l’assignatura és molt positiva, de manera que l’exigència i el sistema d’avaluació continuada, força estricte, no ha comportat una pèrdua d’interès per la matèria. Per part dels professors hi ha un sobreesforç de preparació de les pràctiques perquè s’han hagut de modificar els guions i el material, i un sobreesforç d’avaluació, atès que es fa una avaluació qualitativa i la seva justificació resulta particularment difícil per falta d’experiència. En general aquest tipus d’avaluació no és acceptada fàcilment i genera molta discussió sobre quina ha de ser la manera de fer-ho per no caure en la subjectivitat. El debat avui dia hauria de ser, també, com s’ha de produir la formació del professorat. Finalment, sembla haver-hi una millora en el rendiment dels estudiants que han participat en el pla d’acció tutorial de la facultat de ciències


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The scientific community has been suffering from peer review for decades. This process (also called refereeing) subjects an author's scientific work or ideas to the scrutiny of one or more experts in the field. Publishers use it to select and screen manuscript submissions, and funding agencies use it to award research funds. The goal is to get authors to meet their discipline's standards and thus achieve scientific objectivity. Publications and awards that haven't undergone peer review are often regarded with suspicion by scholars and professionals in many fields. However, peer review, although universally used, has many drawbacks. We propose replacing peer review with an auction-based approach: the better the submitted paper, the more scientific currency the author likely bid to have it published. If the bid correctly reflects the paper's quality, the author is rewarded in this new scientific currency; otherwise, the author loses this currency. We argue that citations are an appropriate currency for all scientists. We believe that citation auctions encourage scientists to better control their submissions' quality. It also inspire them to prepare more exciting talks for accepted papers and to invite discussion of their results at congresses and conferences and among their colleagues. In the long run, citation auctions could have the power to greatly improve scientific research


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This paper describes the basis of citation auctions as a new approach to selecting scientific papers for publication. Our main idea is to use an auction for selecting papers for publication through - differently from the state of the art - bids that consist of the number of citations that a scientist expects to receive if the paper is published. Hence, a citation auction is the selection process itself, and no reviewers are involved. The benefits of the proposed approach are two-fold. First, the cost of refereeing will be either totally eliminated or significantly reduced, because the process of citation auction does not need prior understanding of the paper's content to judge the quality of its contribution. Additionally, the method will not prejudge the content of the paper, so it will increase the openness of publications to new ideas. Second, scientists will be much more committed to the quality of their papers, paying close attention to distributing and explaining their papers in detail to maximize the number of citations that the paper receives. Sample analyses of the number of citations collected in papers published in years 1999-2004 for one journal, and in years 2003-2005 for a series of conferences (in a totally different discipline), via Google scholar, are provided. Finally, a simple simulation of an auction is given to outline the behaviour of the citation auction approach


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A presentation on writing research papers for SOES 6018. This module aims to ensure that MSc Oceanography, MSc Marine Science, Policy & Law and MSc Marine Resource Management students are equipped with the skills they need to function as professional marine scientists, in addition to / in conjuction with the skills training in other MSc modules. The module covers training in fieldwork techniques, communication & research skills, IT & data analysis and professional development.


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A collection of notes and white papers regarding Enterprise Architecture


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A brief coverage of the structure of a paper/report and some hints on writing and avoiding plagiarism


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La I Trobada de Coordinadors Ambientals tuvo lugar el día 10 de mayo de 2004 en el CEP de Palma y se organizó en colaboración con el Seminario de Ambientalización de centros escolares (SACE). El autor es profesor del IES Son Pacs y miembro de SAE


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This is a fun paper about data exfiltration. It's suggested reading, I'd like you to try and grasp how difficult the problem is why looking at one 'creative" attack. The second paper is a technical approach, only for the people seriously interested in this topic.