913 resultados para Panels of artistic designs
Little is known about how human amnesia affects the activation of cortical networks during memory processing. In this study, we recorded high-density evoked potentials in 12 healthy control subjects and 11 amnesic patients with various types of brain damage affecting the medial temporal lobes, diencephalic structures, or both. Subjects performed a continuous recognition task composed of meaningful designs. Using whole-scalp spatiotemporal mapping techniques, we found that, during the first 200 ms following picture presentation, map configuration of amnesics and controls were indistinguishable. Beyond this period, processing significantly differed. Between 200 and 350 ms, amnesic patients expressed different topographical maps than controls in response to new and repeated pictures. From 350 to 550 ms, healthy subjects showed modulation of the same maps in response to new and repeated items. In amnesics, by contrast, presentation of repeated items induced different maps, indicating distinct cortical processing of new and old information. The study indicates that cortical mechanisms underlying memory formation and re-activation in amnesia fundamentally differ from normal memory processing.
O principal objetivo de um Planeamento de Experiências reside essencialmente na procura de relações entre variáveis e na comparação de níveis de fatores, recorrendo ao tratamento estatístico dos dados recolhidos. A utilização de blocos no Planeamento de Experiências é fundamental, pois permite reduzir ou eliminar a variabilidade introduzida por fatores que podem influenciar a experiência mas que não interessam e/ou não foram explicitamente incluídos durante o planeamento. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do estudo e investigação dos Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados (BIBD), Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados com repetição de blocos (BIBDR) e Planos em Blocos Incompletos com blocos de diferentes dimensões (VBBD). Exploramos algumas propriedades e métodos de construção destes planos e ilustramos, sempre que possível, com exemplos. Tendo como base o planeamento em blocos, apresentamos uma aplicação dos BIBDR na área da Educação com o objetivo de comparar cinco domínios do pensamento algébrico de uma amostra de alunos do 1º ano do ensino superior em Cabo Verde. Para a análise dos dados da amostra foi utilizado o software R, versão 2.12.1. Pudemos constatar que existem diferenças significativas entre alguns dos domínios do pensamento algébrico, nomeadamente entre os domínios da Generalização da Aritmética e Tecnicismo Algébrico com os restantes domínios. Recomendamos a escolha de uma amostra mais representativa constituída por alunos de todas as instituições superiores de Cabo Verde.
The main purpose of an Experimental Design resides mainly in the search for relationships between variables and in comparing levels of factors, using statistical treatment of collected data. The use of blocks in Experimental Design is essential because it allows reducing or eliminating the variability introduced by factors that can influence the experience but are not of main interest and/or were not explicitly included during experiments. In this work we present the results of the study and research of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (BIBD), Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with repeated blocks (BIBDR) and the Incomplete Blocks Designs with blocks with different dimensions (VBBD). We explore some properties and construction methods of such designs and illustrate, when possible, with examples. Based on Block Designs, we present an application of BIBDR in Education, with the aim of comparing five domains of algebraic thinking in a sample of 1st year students of higher education in Cape Verde. For the analysis of sample data, the software R was used, version 2.12.1. We observed that significant differences exist between some of the domains of algebraic thinking, especially among the domains of Generalization of Arithmetic and Algebraic Technicality with the remaining areas. For a more representative sample, we recommend a bigger sample consisting of students from all higher institutions of Cape Verde.
The main purpose of an Experimental Design resides mainly in the search for relationships between variables and in comparing levels of factors, using statistical treatment of collected data. The use of blocks in Experimental Design is essential because it allows reducing or eliminating the variability introduced by factors that can influence the experience but are not of main interest and/or were not explicitly included during experiments. In this work we present the results of the study and research of Balanced Incomplete Block Designs (BIBD), Balanced Incomplete Block Designs with repeated blocks (BIBDR) and the Incomplete Blocks Designs with blocks with different dimensions (VBBD). We explore some properties and construction methods of such designs and illustrate, when possible, with examples. Based on Block Designs, we present an application of BIBDR in Education, with the aim of comparing five domains of algebraic thinking in a sample of 1st year students of higher education in Cape Verde. For the analysis of sample data, the software R was used, version 2.12.1. We observed that significant differences exist between some of the domains of algebraic thinking, especially among the domains of Generalization of Arithmetic and Algebraic Technicality with the remaining areas. For a more representative sample, we recommend a bigger sample consisting of students from all higher institutions of Cape Verde.
O principal objetivo de um Planeamento de Experiências reside essencialmente na procura de relações entre variáveis e na comparação de níveis de fatores, recorrendo ao tratamento estatístico dos dados recolhidos. A utilização de blocos no Planeamento de Experiências é fundamental, pois permite reduzir ou eliminar a variabilidade introduzida por fatores que podem influenciar a experiência mas que não interessam e/ou não foram explicitamente incluídos durante o planeamento. Neste trabalho apresentamos os resultados do estudo e investigação dos Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados (BIBD), Planos em Blocos Incompletos Equilibrados com repetição de blocos (BIBDR) e Planos em Blocos Incompletos com blocos de diferentes dimensões (VBBD). Exploramos algumas propriedades e métodos de construção destes planos e ilustramos, sempre que possível, com exemplos. Tendo como base o planeamento em blocos, apresentamos uma aplicação dos BIBDR na área da Educação com o objetivo de comparar cinco domínios do pensamento algébrico de uma amostra de alunos do 1º ano do ensino superior em Cabo Verde. Para a análise dos dados da amostra foi utilizado o software R, versão 2.12.1. Pudemos constatar que existem diferenças significativas entre alguns dos domínios do pensamento algébrico, nomeadamente entre os domínios da Generalização da Aritmética e Tecnicismo Algébrico com os restantes domínios. Recomendamos a escolha de uma amostra mais representativa constituída por alunos de todas as instituições superiores de Cabo Verde
L’empresa TER és una empresa dedicada al disseny i la construcció de projectes electrònics. La necessitat de comprovar el funcionament dels seus dissenys ha motivat a realitzar un projecte capaç de recollir dades significatives de diferents àmbits com pressió, voltatge, intensitat, temperatura etc. En el mercat les dos maneres més freqüents de recollir aquestes dades són per sensors que donen una equivalència d’un paràmetre físic a un rang de voltatge (0 a 10v) o per corrent (4 a 20mA). Aquestes dades seran adquirides i processades periòdicament per un microcontrolador que les emmagatzemarà una a una per posteriorment visualitzar-les en un LCD o en un programa fet per Visual Basic capaç de generar un document que guardi les dades en Excel. Com a conclusions es pot dir que s’han assolit els objectius, tant els personals com els proposats, per tal de tenir un prototip funcional
En este artículo abordamos el uso y la importancia de las herramientas estadísticas que se utilizan principalmente en los estudios médicos del ámbito de la oncología y la hematología, pero aplicables a muchos otros campos tanto médicos como experimentales o industriales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es presentar de una manera clara y precisa la metodología estadística necesaria para analizar los datos obtenidos en los estudios rigurosa y concisamente en cuanto a las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas por los investigadores. La medida de la respuesta al tratamiento elegidas en al tipo de estudio elegido determinarán los métodos estadísticos que se utilizarán durante el análisis de los datos del estudio y también el tamaño de muestra. Mediante la correcta aplicación del análisis estadístico y de una adecuada planificación se puede determinar si la relación encontrada entre la exposición a un tratamiento y un resultado es casual o por el contrario, está sujeto a una relación no aleatoria que podría establecer una relación de causalidad. Hemos estudiado los principales tipos de diseño de los estudios médicos más utilizados, tales como ensayos clínicos y estudios observacionales (cohortes, casos y controles, estudios de prevalencia y estudios ecológicos). También se presenta una sección sobre el cálculo del tamaño muestral de los estudios y cómo calcularlo, ¿Qué prueba estadística debe utilizarse?, los aspectos sobre fuerza del efecto ¿odds ratio¿ (OR) y riesgo relativo (RR), el análisis de supervivencia. Se presentan ejemplos en la mayoría de secciones del artículo y bibliografía más relevante.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), Nebraska Department of Roads (NDOR), and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) are proposing to improve the interstate system around Council Bluffs with improvements extending across the Missouri River on I-80 to east of the I-480 interchange in Omaha, Nebraska, see Figure 1-1. The study considers long-term, broad-based transportation improvements along I-80, I-29, and I-480, including approximately 18 mainline miles of interstate and 14 interchanges (3 system1, 11 service), that would add capacity and correct functional issues along the mainline and interchanges and upgrade the I-80 Missouri River Crossing. These improvements, once implemented, would bring the segments of I-80 and I-29 up to current engineering standards and modernize the roadway to accommodate future traffic needs. In 2001, Iowa DOT and FHWA initiated the Council Bluffs Interstate System (CBIS) Improvements Project. The agencies concluded that the environmental study process would be conducted in two stages; that is, a tiered approach would be applied. The project is being conducted pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ), 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 1502.20, and FHWA 23 CFR Part 771.111, that permit tiering for large, complex NEPA studies. Tier 1 is an examination of the overall interstate system improvement needs, including a clear explanation of the area’s transportation needs, a study of alternatives to satisfy them, and broad consideration of potential environmental and social impacts. The Tier 1 evaluation is at a sufficient level of engineering and environmental detail to assist decision makers in selecting a preferred transportation strategy. Tier 1 includes preparation of a draft and final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that would disclose the potential environmental and social effects (evaluated at a planning level that considers a variety of conceptual designs) of the proposed improvements. The final EIS will conclude with a Record of Decision (ROD) that states the preferred plan for improvements to be implemented. Essentially, the Tier 1 document will establish the planning framework for the needed improvements. Because the scope of the overall system improvements is large, the interstate improvements would be implemented as a series of individual projects that fit into the overall planning framework. The Tier 1 Area of Potential Impact, which is discussed in detail in Section 4 is an alternative that considers a combination of the most reasonable concepts that have been developed, buffered by approximately 100 or more feet to ensure that any Tier 2 design modifications would remain inside the outer boundary.
OBJECTIVE: Few epidemiological studies have addressed the health of workers exposed to novel manufactured nanomaterials. The small current workforce will necessitate pooling international cohorts. METHOD: A road map was defined for a globally harmonized framework for the careful choice of materials, exposure characterization, identification of study populations, definition of health endpoints, evaluation of appropriateness of study designs, data collection and analysis, and interpretation of the results. RESULTS: We propose a road map to reach global consensus on these issues. The proposed strategy should ensure that the costs of action are not disproportionate to the potential benefits and that the approach is pragmatic and practical. CONCLUSIONS: We should aim to go beyond the collection of health complaints, illness statistics, or even counts of deaths; the manifestation of such clear endpoints would indicate a failure of preventive measures.
The Iowa DOT has been correlating its roadmeters to the CHLOE Profilometer since 1968. The same test method for the Present Serviceability Index (PSI) deduction from the pavement condition (crack and patch) survey has also been used since 1968. Resulting PSI measurements on the Interstate and Primary Highway Systems have had good continuity through the years due to these test procedures. A computer program called PSITREND has been developed to plot PSI versus year tested for every rural pavement section in the State of Iowa. PSITREND provides pavement performance trends which are very useful for prediction of rehabilitation needs and for evaluation of new designs or rehabilitation techniques. The PSITREND data base should be maintained through future years to expand on nineteen years of historical PSI test information already collected.
Introducció: Teodorico (2004) ens diu que amb el joc cooperatiu els alumnes poden valorar, compartir i reflexionar sobre la relació que estableixen amb els altres companys. Per això, l’objectiu de la meva investigació és avaluar l’efecte que pot tenir l’aplicació d’una unitat de programació, centrada en el joc cooperatiu, en la relació que s’estableix entre els alumnes de 5è de primària, focalitzant l’atenció amb el líder i el menys acceptat del grup-classe. Mètodes: La intervenció s’avalua amb un disseny quasi-experimental pre-post amb grup control. I des del punt de vista dels dissenys observacionals podem parlar d’un disseny de seguiment, idiogràfic i multidimensional. El total de la mostra d’aquesta investigació era de 48 alumnes, dividit en el grup experimental (25) i en el grup control (23). La durada de la intervenció va ser de 8 setmanes i es va utilitzar un qüestionari ad hoc per la confecció dels sociograma i un instrument observacional ad hoc de les relacions de grup-classe. Resultats: El grup experimental estava format per 4 grups d’alumnes, al final de la unitat només se’n formaven 2, en canvi, el grup control, tan abans com després, estava format pels mateixos grups d’alumnes. Un dels menys acceptats del grup experimental ha millorat la relació amb alguns dels companys, en canvi els menys acceptat del grup control no ha millorat cap tipus de relació. Conclusions: Crec que els jocs cooperatius són una bona eina educativa per intentar millorar les relacions, ja que amb més temps crec que els resultats d’aquesta investigació haguessin sigut més positius.
The objective of this work was to test a closed soilless growing system for producing bare root transplants and runner tips of two strawberry clones, using two categories of substrates. The system used corrugated roofing panels of fiber-cement, over which a substrate layer was used as a growing bed. The nutrient solution was pumped from a reservoir toward the upper end of the roofing panels and drained back to a reservoir. Plant growth and development were determined for two advanced strawberry clones, grown in sand or in Plantmax organic substrate. Growth of the stock plants and the number and dry mass of bare root transplants were similar in the substrates, but bare roots differed in their crown diameters by substrate. For number of runner tips, no significant differences were found in total, small, and medium categories in the substrates. A mean production of about 590 runner tips per square meter and 145 bare root transplants per square meter was obtained. For both clones, a large number of bare root transplants and runner tips of adequate size were produced in the closed soilless growing system using sand or organic substrate.
Many biologically active peptides are protected from general proteolytic degradation by evolutionary conserved prolines (Pro), due to conformational constraints imposed by the Pro residue. Thus the biological importance of prolyl-specific peptidases points to a high potential for drug discovery for this family of enzymes. Panels of inhibitors have been synthesized and their effects, determined in biological models, suggest the inhibition of families of enzymes with similar activities. Prolyl-specific aminodipeptidases include dipeptidyl-aminodipeptidase IV (DPP IV)/CD26, DPP8, DPP9 and fibroblast activation protease-alpha (FAP-alpha)/seprase, able to release X-Pro dipeptides from the N-terminus of peptides. DPP IV inhibitors are in clinical use for type 2 diabetes. In this review, the expression and the potential functions of prolyl-aminodipeptidases are reviewed in diseases, and the inhibitors developed for these enzymes are discussed, with a specific focus on inhibitors able to discriminate between DPP IV and fibroblast activation protease-alpha (FAPalpha)/seprase as potential leads for the treatment of fibrogenic diseases.
Tässä diplomityössä tutkittiin suunnittelupalvelun laatuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä etsittiin keinoja mitata suunnittelupalvelun laatua. Diplomityön lähtökohtana oli tilanne, jossa suunnittelutoimisto toimittaa ylläpitosuunnittelupalvelua paperi- ja metsäteollisuuden alan yritykselle. Työssä selvitettiin yleisesti, mistä suunnittelupalvelun laatu muodostuu. Tärkeä osa työtä oli tutkia kyselytutkimuksen avulla, onko tilaajalla ja toimittajalla samanlaiset näkemykset laadun osalta. Kyselyt suoritettiin sekä haastatteluin että kirjallisesti. Vastauksia saatiin kaikkiaan 45 kappaletta. Kohdejoukko oli tarkasti määritelty koostuen sekä tilaajan että toimittajan edustajista. Työssähavaittiin, että suunnittelupalvelun laatuun ja toimittajan valintaan vaikuttavat hyvin paljon itse suunnitelmien laadun lisäksi henkilökohtaiset kokemukset palvelusta. Pahimmiksi riskitekijöiksi ylläpitosuunnittelulle koettiin lähtötietoihin liittyvät ongelmat sekä aikataulujen pettäminen. Näiden lisäksi työssä tehtiin selvitys suunnittelupalvelun laadun mittaristosta, jonka oikealla käytöllä voitaisiin luoda ohjausvaikutus suunnittelupalveluprosessiin paremman laadun ja tehokkaamman toiminnan aikaansaamiseksi.
[cat] Aquest article se centra en la significació i transcendència de l"assignatura d"Anatomia artística a l"Escola de Belles Arts de Barcelona durant la segona meitat del segle XIX i principis de segle XX. S"empren, com a fil conductor, les figures de Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) i de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), els dos primers professors que impartiren la matèria i que romanen, en l"actualitat, pràcticament inèdits. El coneixement de l"ideari de Faraudo i d"Ávila permet completar el panorama de l"evolució de les idees estètiques a la Catalunya del moment i, alhora, contribueix a la comprensió de l"erosió de la primacia de l"antic en l"aprenentatge oficial de les arts a Catalunya. [spa] Este artículo se centra en la significación y transcendencia de la asignatura de Anatomía artística en la Escuela de Bellas Artes de Barcelona durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX y principios de siglo XX. Se emplean, como hilo conductor, las figuras de Gerónimo Faraudo Condeminas (1823-1886) y de Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), los dos primeros profesores que impartieron la materia y que permanecen, en la actualidad, prácticamente inéditos. El conocimiento del ideario de Faraudo y de Ávila permite completar el panorama de la evolución de las ideas estéticas en la Cataluña del momento y, al mismo tiempo, contribuye a la comprensión de la erosión de la primacía del antiguo en el aprendizaje oficial de las artes en Cataluña. [eng]This article focuses on the subject of Artistic Anatomy at the Barcelona School of Fine Arts during the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, discussing its signification. The connecting thread of this article are Jeroni Faraudo i Condeminas (1823-1886) and Tiberio Ávila Rodríguez (1843-1932), its first two teachers, who remain nowadays practically unknown. The knowledge of their ideas completes the history of contemporary Catalan aesthetics and also contributes to the comprehension of the erosion in the primacy of the use of ancient models in the official artistic teaching in Catalonia.