A alta do paciente da recuperação pós-anestésica (RPA) depende, dentre outros fatores, do retorno à normotermia e do escore alcançado pelo Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi verificar a relação entre o Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik e a temperatura corporal dos pacientes. O local de pesquisa foi o Hospital Universitário da Universidade de São Paulo. O cálculo amostral foi determinado por conveniência e foi constituído por 60 pacientes, entre 18 e 60 anos, submetidos à anestesia geral. Foram verificados a temperatura corporal na região timpânica e o Índice de Aldrete e Kroulik do paciente na recepção e alta da recuperação pós-anestésica. Os dados obtidos foram processados pelo pacote estatístico SPSS, com um nível de 5% de significância, e aplicaram-se o teste de Spearman e o teste de Wilcoxon. Conclui-se que não houve correlação significativa entre os dois parâmetros indicativos de alta.
Objetivou-se identificar a diferença no conhecimento sobre hipotermia do auxiliar de enfermagem após a intervenção educativa. A base conceitual de educação fundamenta-se na perspectiva da aprendizagem significativa, aliada à construção de mapa conceitual e à realização de estudo de caso. Os dados foram coletados por meio de um questionário validado por especialistas. A média do conhecimento após a intervenção educativa teve aumento de 3,49 pontos. Não se verificou diferença significativa do conhecimento quando foi relacionado às variáveis sociais e de formação estudadas. Conclui-se que a intervenção educativa foi satisfatória na medida em que as informações sobre hipotermia foram ancoradas e modificadas na estrutura cognitiva dos auxiliares de enfermagem.
Es ist bekannt, dass sowohl Hypothermie (HT) als auch Dexmedetomidin (DEX) das neurologische Endergebnis verbessern können. In dieser Studie wird der Einfluss von HT oder DEX auf den neuronalen Zelluntergang bei 104 Ratten nach inkompletter zerebraler Hemisphärenischämie durch unilaterale Karotis-Okklusion unter hämorrhagischer Hypotension und anschließender Reperfusion untersucht. In beiden Behandlungs-Gruppen zeigt sich gegenüber der Kontroll-Gruppe in der Hämatoxylin-Eosin-Färbung eine tendentielle Reduktion des Ausmaßes der Schädigung und der Anzahl nekrotischer Zellen, in der immunhistologischen Färbung mit Antikörpern gegen aktivierte Caspase-3 eine tendentielle Verringerung apoptotischer Zellen. Diese Arbeit deutet darauf hin, dass sowohl HT als auch DEX den neuronalen Schaden nach zerebraler Ischämie tendentiell zu reduzieren vermögen.
Background: Brain cooling (BC) represents the elective treatment in asphyxiated newborns. Amplitude Integrated Electroencephalography (aEEG) and Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) monitoring may help to evaluate changes in cerebral electrical activity and cerebral hemodynamics during hypothermia. Objectives: To evaluate the prognostic value of aEEG time course and NIRS data in asphyxiated cooled infants. Methods: 12 term neonates admitted to our NICU with moderate-severe Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy (HIE) underwent selective BC. aEEG and NIRS monitoring were started as soon as possible and maintained during the whole hypothermic treatment. Follow-up was scheduled at regular intervals; adverse outcome was defined as death, cerebral palsy (CP) or global quotient < 88.7 at Griffiths’ Scale. Results: 2/12 infants died, 2 developed CP, 1 was normal at 6 months of age and then lost at follow-up and 7 showed a normal outcome at least at 1 year of age. The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life was abnormal in 10 newborns; only 4 of them developed an adverse outcome, whereas the 2 infants with a normal aEEG developed normally. In infants with adverse outcome NIRS showed a higher Tissue Oxygenation Index (TOI) than those with normal outcome (80.0±10.5% vs 66.9±7.0%, p=0.057; 79.7±9.4% vs 67.1±7.9%, p=0.034; 80.2±8.8% vs 71.6±5.9%, p=0.069 at 6, 12 and 24 hours of life, respectively). Conclusions: The aEEG background pattern at 24 hours of life loses its positive predictive value after BC implementation; TOI could be useful to predict early on infants that may benefit from other innovative therapies.
La possibilità di indurre stati ipotermici ed ipometabolici come il torpore o l’ibernazione in animali non ibernanti può avere dei risvolti utili nella pratica medica, in quanto permetterebbe di trarre vantaggio dagli effetti benefici dell’ipotermia senza gli effetti compensatori negativi causati dalla risposta omeostatica dell’organismo. Con questo lavoro vogliamo proporre un nuovo approccio, che coinvolge il blocco farmacologico dell’attività dei neuroni nel bulbo rostroventromediale (RVMM), un nucleo troncoencefalico che si è rivelato essere uno snodo chiave nella regolazione della termogenesi attraverso il controllo dell’attività del tessuto adiposo bruno, della vasomozione cutanea e del cuore. Nel nostro esperimento, sei iniezioni consecutive del agonista GABAA muscimolo nel RVMM, inducono uno stato reversibile di profonda ipotermia (21°C al Nadir) in ratti esposti ad una temperatura ambientale di 15°C. Lo stato ipotermico/ipomentabolico prodotto dall’inibizione dei neuroni del RVMM mostra forti similitudini col torpore naturale, anche per quanto concerne le modificazioni elettroencefalografiche osservate durante e dopo la procedura. Come negli ibernati naturali, nei ratti cui viene inibito il controllo della termogenesi si osserva uno spostamento verso le regioni lente delle spettro di tutte le frequenze dello spettro EEG durante l’ipotermia, ed un forte incremento dello spettro EEG dopo il ritorno alla normotermia, in particolare della banda Delta (0,5-4Hz) durante il sonno NREM. Per concludere, questi risultati dimostrano che l’inibizione farmacologica selettiva di un nucleo troncoencefalico chiave nel controllo della termogenesi è sufficiente per indurre uno stato di psuedo-torpore nel ratto, una specie che non presenta stati di torpore spontaneo. Un approccio di questo tipo può aprire nuove prospettive per l’utilizzo in ambito medico dell’ipotermia.
Hypothermie schützt Neurone vor hypoxischen, ischämischen und traumatischen Schädigungen. Bisher ist jedoch unklar, ob Hypothermie auch endogene Reparaturmechanismen beeinflusst. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht daher den Einfluss intraischämischer Hypothermie auf das neuroregenerative Potential des Gehirns nach zerebraler Ischämie.rn50 männliche Sprague-Dawley Ratten wurden hierzu anästhesiert, intubiert und in folgende Versuchsgruppen randomisiert: Normotherme Ischämie (Normo/BACO), intraischämische Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) sowie korrespondierende scheinoperierte Kontrollgruppen (Normo/Sham und Hypo/Sham). In den Gruppen Normo/Sham und Normo/BACO wurde die perikranielle Temperatur konstant bei 37 °C gehalten während sie in den Gruppen Hypo/Sham und Hypo/BACO für 85 min auf 33 °C gesenkt wurde. Durch bilaterale Okklusion der Aa. carotides communes in Kombination mit hämorrhagischer Hypotension wurde in BACO-Tieren eine 14-minütige inkomplette globale zerebrale Ischämie induziert. Tiere der Kontroll-Gruppen (Sham) blieben ohne Induktion einer Ischämie in Narkose. 15 weitere Tiere durchliefen nicht den operativen Versuchsteil und bildeten die Nativ-Gruppe, die als Referenz für die natürliche Neurogenese diente. Zur in-vivo-Markierung der Stammzellen wurde vom ersten bis siebten postoperativen Tag Bromodeoxyurindine (BrdU) injiziert. Nach 28 Tagen wurden die Gehirne entnommen. Die Analyse des histopathologischen Schadens erfolgte anhand HE-gefärbter Hirnschnitte, die Quantifikation der absoluten Anzahl neu gebildeter Zellen im Gyrus dentatus erfolgte mittels BrdU-Färbung. Anhand einer BrdU/NeuN-Immunfluoreszenz-Doppelfärbung konnte der Anteil neu generierter Neurone bestimmt werden.rnNach zerebraler Ischämie zeigten Tiere mit Normothermie eine Schädigung der CA 1-Region von über 50 % während hypotherme Ischämietiere einen Schaden von weniger als 10 % aufwiesen. Tiere ohne Ischämie (Hypo/Sham, Normo/Sham, Nativ) zeigten keinen histopathologischen Schaden. Die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone im Gyrus dentatus lag für normotherme Ischämietiere (Normo/BACO) bei 18819 und für Tiere mit intraischämischer Hypothermie (Hypo/BACO) bei 15175 neuen Neuronen. In den Kontroll-Gruppen wiesen Tiere der Gruppe Normo/Sham 5501, Tiere der Gruppe Hypo/Sham 4600 und Tiere der Nativ-Gruppe 5974 neu generierte Neurone auf.rnDiese Daten bestätigen frühere Studien, die eine Reduktion des neuronalen Schadens durch intraischämische Hypothermie zeigten. Infolge des ischämischen Stimulus kam es im Vergleich zu beiden Kontroll- und der Nativ-Gruppe zu einem signifikanten Anstieg der Anzahl neuer Neurone in beiden Ischämiegruppen unabhängig von der Temperatur. Somit scheint das Ausmaß der histopathologischen Schädigung keinen Einfluss auf die Anzahl neu gebildeter Neurone zu haben. Darüber hinaus beeinflusste die therapeutische Hypothermie auch nicht die natürliche Neurogeneserate. Die erhobenen Daten lassen vermuten, dass Hypothermie keinen Effekt auf die Anzahl und Differenzierung neuronaler Stammzellen aufweist, unabhängig davon, ob eine zerebrale Schädigung vorliegt.
Neonicotinoids have been pointed to as a factor responsible for the increased honey bee colony losses in the last decades. Many studies have investigated the effects of the first marketed neonicotinoid, imidacloprid, while fewer have focused on thiamethoxam. One recent study showed that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam lead to colony failure by decreasing forager homing flight success. We thus decided to investigate the mechanism which caused this phenomenon. Our hypothesis was that this effect was caused by impairment of forager locomotion abilities. Therefore we tested the effects of sublethal acute and chronic exposures to thiamethoxam on forager walking (Chapter 2) and flight (Chapter 3) performances. The acute treatment (1.34 ng/bee) affected walking locomotion firstly triggering hyperactivity (30 min post-treatment) and then impairing motor functioning (60 min post-treatment). 2-day continuous exposures to thiamethoxam (32.5, 45 ppb) elicited fewer effects on walking locomotion, however both exposure modes elicited an increased positive phototaxis. Similarly, in flight experiments, the single dose (1.34 ng/bee) elicited hyperactivity shortly after intoxication (increased flight duration and distance), while longer and continuous exposures (32.5, 45 ppb) impaired forager motor functions (decreased flight duration, distance, velocity). It is known that flight muscles temperature needs to be precisely regulated by bees during flight. Therefore, we further hypothesized that the impaired flight performances of neonicotinoid intoxicated bees were caused also by thermoregulation anomalies. We tested the effects that acute thiamethoxam exposures (0.2, 1, 2 ng/bee) elicit on forager thorax temperature (Chapter 4). Foragers treated with high doses exhibited hyperthermia or hypothermia when respectively exposed to high or low environmental temperatures. In summary, we show that sublethal doses of thiamethoxam affected forager walking and flight locomotion, phototaxis and thermoregulation. We also display the intricate mode of action of thiamethoxam which triggered, at different extents, inverse sublethal effects in relation to time and dose.
BACKGROUND: Several adverse consequences are caused by mild perioperative hypothermia. Maintaining normothermia with patient warming systems, today mostly with forced air (FA), has thus become a standard procedure during anesthesia. Recently, a polymer-based resistive patient warming system was developed. We compared the efficacy of a widely distributed FA system with the resistive-polymer (RP) system in a prospective, randomized clinical study. METHODS: Eighty patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery were randomized to either FA warming (Bair Hugger warming blanket #522 and blower #750, Arizant, Eden Prairie, MN) or RP warming (Hot Dog Multi-Position Blanket and Hot Dog controller, Augustine Biomedical, Eden Prairie, MN). Core temperature, skin temperature (head, upper and lower arm, chest, abdomen, back, thigh, and calf), and room temperature (general and near the patient) were recorded continuously. RESULTS: After an initial decrease, core temperatures increased in both groups at comparable rates (FA: 0.33 degrees C/h +/- 0.34 degrees C/h; RP: 0.29 degrees C/h +/- 0.35 degrees C/h; P = 0.6). There was also no difference in the course of mean skin and mean body (core) temperature. FA warming increased the environment close to the patient (the workplace of anesthesiologists and surgeons) more than RP warming (24.4 degrees C +/- 5.2 degrees C for FA vs 22.6 degrees C +/- 1.9 degrees C for RP at 30 minutes; P(AUC) <0.01). CONCLUSION: RP warming performed as efficiently as FA warming in patients undergoing orthopedic surgery.
Perioperative metabolic changes in cardiac surgical patients are not only induced by tissue injury and extracorporeal circulation per se: the systemic inflammatory response to surgical trauma and extracorporeal circulation, perioperative hypothermia, cardiovascular and neuroendocrine responses, and drugs and blood products used to maintain cardiovascular function and anesthesia contribute to varying degrees. The pathophysiologic changes include increased oxygen consumption and energy expenditure; increased secretion of adrenocorticotrophic hormone, cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, insulin, and growth hormone; and decreased total tri-iodothyronine levels. Easily measurable metabolic consequences of these changes include hyperglycemia, hyperlactatemia, increased aspartate, glutamate and free fatty acid concentrations, hypokalemia, increased production of inflammatory cytokines, and increased consumption of complement and adhesion molecules. Nutritional risk before elective cardiac surgery-defined as preoperative unintended pathologic weight loss/low amount of food intake in the preceding week or low body mass index-is related to adverse postoperative outcome. Improvements in surgical techniques, anesthesia, and perioperative management have been designed to minimize the stressful stimulus to catabolism, thereby slowing the wasting process to the point where much less nutrition is required to meet metabolic requirements. Early nutrition in cardiac surgery is safe and well tolerated.
To evaluate the association between haemodynamic variables during the first 24h after intensive care unit (ICU) admission and neurological outcome in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) victims undergoing therapeutic hypothermia.
A 40-year-old man was admitted to the emergency department with psychotic symptoms and marked hypothermia. He was known to have had a macroadenoma of the pituitary gland which had been excised 10 years before. No information about his current medication was available. Several hours after admission the patient developed signs of acute cardiac failure and cardiogenic shock. He was admitted to the intensive care unit, intubated and treated with vasoactive drugs. Later investigations revealed that the patient had stopped his hormonal therapy (hydrocortisone and thyroxine) at least 3 months previously.
BACKGROUND: Ondansetron, a serotonin-3 receptor antagonist, reduces postoperative shivering. Drugs that reduce shivering usually impair central thermoregulatory control, and may thus be useful for preventing shivering during induction of therapeutic hypothermia. We determined, therefore, whether ondansetron reduces the major autonomic thermoregulatory response thresholds (triggering core temperatures) in humans. METHODS: Control (placebo) and ondansetron infusions at the target plasma concentration of 250 ng ml(-1) were studied in healthy volunteers on two different days. Each day, skin and core temperatures were increased to provoke sweating; then reduced to elicit peripheral vasoconstriction and shivering. We determined the core-temperature sweating, vasoconstriction and shivering thresholds after compensating for changes in mean-skin temperature. Data were analysed using t-tests and presented as means (sds); P<0.05 was taken as significant. RESULTS: Ondensetron plasma concentrations were 278 (57), 234 (55) and 243 (58) ng ml(-1) at the sweating, vasoconstriction and shivering thresholds, respectively; these corresponded to approximately 50 mg of ondansetron which is approximately 10 times the dose used for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Ondansetron did not change the sweating (control 37.4 (0.4) degrees C, ondansetron 37.6 (0.3) degrees C, P=0.16), vasoconstriction (37.0 (0.5) degrees C vs 37.1 (0.3) degrees C; P=0.70), or shivering threshold (36.3 (0.5) degrees C vs 36.3 (0.6) degrees C; P=0.76). No sedation was observed on either study day. CONCLUSIONS: /b>. Ondansetron appears to have little potential for facilitating induction of therapeutic hypothermia.
Recently, a new oxygenator (Dideco 903 [D903], Dideco, Mirandola, Italy) has been introduced to the perfusion community, and we set about testing its oxygen transfer performance and then comparing it to two other models. This evaluation was based on the comparison between oxygen transfer slope, gas phase arterial oxygen gradients, degree of blood shunting, maximum oxygen transfer, and diffusing capacity calculated for each membrane. Sixty patients were randomized into three groups of oxygenators (Dideco 703 [D703], Dideco; D903; and Quadrox, Jostra Medizintechnik AG, Hirrlingen, Germany) including 40/20 M/F of 68.6 +/- 11.3 years old, with a body weight of 71.5 +/- 12.1 kg, a body surface area (BSA) of 1.84 +/- 0.3 m(2), and a theoretical blood flow rate (index 2.4 times BSA) of 4.4 +/- 0.7 L/min. The maximum oxygen transfer (VO(2)) values were 313 mL O(2)/min (D703), 579 mL O(2)/min (D903), and 400 mL O(2)/min (Quadrox), with the D903 being the most superior (P < 0.05). Oxygen (O(2)) gradients were 320 mm Hg (D703), 235 mm Hg (D903), and 247 mm Hg (Quadrox), meaning D903 and Quadrox are more efficient versus the D703 (P < 0.05). Shunt fraction (Qs/Qt) and diffusing capacity (DmO(2)) were comparable (P = ns). Diffusing capacity values indexed to BSA (DmO(2)/m(2)) were 0.15 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D703), 0.2 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (D903), and 0.18 mL O(2)/min/mm Hg/m(2) (Quadrox) with D903 outperforming D703 (P < 0.0005). During hypothermia (32.0 +/- 0.3 degrees C), there was a lower absolute and relative VO(2 )for all three oxygenators (P = ns). The O(2) gradients, DmO(2) and DmO(2)/m(2), were significantly lower for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). Also, Qs/Qt significantly rose for all oxygenators (P < 0.01). The oxygen transfer curve is characteristic to each oxygenator type and represents a tool to quantify oxygenator performance. Using this parameter, we demonstrated significant differences among commercially available oxygenators. However, all three oxygenators are considered to meet the oxygen needs of the patients.
INTRODUCTION: Mild therapeutic hypothermia has been shown to improve outcome for patients after cardiac arrest and may be beneficial for ischaemic stroke and myocardial ischaemia patients. However, in the awake patient, even a small decrease of core temperature provokes vigorous autonomic reactions-vasoconstriction and shivering-which both inhibit efficient core cooling. Meperidine and skin warming each linearly lower vasoconstriction and shivering thresholds. We tested whether a combination of skin warming and a medium dose of meperidine additively would reduce the shivering threshold to below 34 degrees C without producing significant sedation or respiratory depression. METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers participated on four study days: (1) control, (2) skin warming (with forced air and warming mattress), (3) meperidine (target plasma level: 0.9 mug/ml), and (4) skin warming plus meperidine (target plasma level: 0.9 mug/ml). Volunteers were cooled with 4 degrees C cold Ringer lactate infused over a central venous catheter (rate asymptotically equal to 2.4 degrees C/hour core temperature drop). Shivering threshold was identified by an increase of oxygen consumption (+20% of baseline). Sedation was assessed with the Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation scale. RESULTS: Control shivering threshold was 35.5 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C. Skin warming reduced the shivering threshold to 34.9 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C (p = 0.01). Meperidine reduced the shivering threshold to 34.2 degrees C +/- 0.3 degrees C (p < 0.01). The combination of meperidine and skin warming reduced the shivering threshold to 33.8 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C (p < 0.01). There were no synergistic or antagonistic effects of meperidine and skin warming (p = 0.59). Only very mild sedation occurred on meperidine days. CONCLUSION: A combination of meperidine and skin surface warming reduced the shivering threshold to 33.8 degrees C +/- 0.2 degrees C via an additive interaction and produced only very mild sedation and no respiratory toxicity.
BACKGROUND: Mild perioperative hypothermia increases the risk of several severe complications. Perioperative patient warming to preserve normothermia has thus become routine, with forced-air warming being used most often. In previous studies, various resistive warming systems have shown mixed results in comparison with forced-air. Recently, a polymer-based resistive patient warming system has been developed. We compared the efficacy of a standard forced-air warming system with the resistive polymer system in volunteers. METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers participated, each on two separate study days. Unanesthetized volunteers were cooled to a core temperature (tympanic membrane) of 34 degrees C by application of forced-air at 10 degrees C and a circulating-water mattress at 4 degrees C. Meperidine and buspirone were administered to prevent shivering. In a randomly designated order, volunteers were then rewarmed (until their core temperatures reached 36 degrees C) with one of the following active warming systems: (1) forced-air warming (Bair Hugger warming cover #300, blower #750, Arizant, Eden Prairie, MN); or (2) polymer fiber resistive warming (HotDog whole body blanket, HotDog standard controller, Augustine Biomedical, Eden Prairie, MN). The alternate system was used on the second study day. Metabolic heat production, cutaneous heat loss, and core temperature were measured. RESULTS: Metabolic heat production and cutaneous heat loss were similar with each system. After a 30-min delay, core temperature increased nearly linearly by 0.98 (95% confidence interval 0.91-1.04) degrees C/h with forced-air and by 0.92 (0.85-1.00) degrees C/h with resistive heating (P = 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: Heating efficacy and core rewarming rates were similar with full-body forced-air and full-body resistive polymer heating in healthy volunteers.