273 resultados para Otherness
A premissa do estudo compreende a existência de forças de poder nos retratos sobre o Islã no jornalismo internacional. Sabe-se que o Islã, em termos culturais e políticos, apresenta maior visibilidade a partir dos atos de 11 de setembro de 2001. Nesse sentido, a pesquisa entende que esse momento desempenha, na história, um fenômeno político de forte impacto e significação ideológica. Como objeto de análise, o estudo aborda as representações discursivas (Análise de Discurso) e as interconexões com (e do) Islã na Folha de S. Paulo e no Estado de S. Paulo, tendo por corpus o material publicado pelos jornais, na Editoria Internacional, nos 15 dias anteriores e posteriores à data que marcou, historicamente, os 10 anos do ataque às Torres Gêmeas. A tese também faz um inventário histórico-cultural da formação do Oriente Moderno e do Islã, da construção do Diferente na história e do Outro-Islã, além do resgate do jornalismo internacional. Observou-se, nas generalizações e nas simplificações das representações do Islã da mídia analisada, um retrato aproximado das ações dos fundamentalistas islâmicos, instruindo o contexto complexo do Islã como o Outro, o Diferente da história atual, denegando a ele suas atribuições culturais de autenticidade e de alteridade.
Gay men and heterosexual women may share some common interests in critiquing hetero-patriarchy. However feminism and gay liberationist politics do not always coincide and the role of individual subjectivities in recognising oppressive discourses of normativity remains debated. Interviews were conducted with seven friendship dyads of heterosexual women and gay men. Transcripts were subjected to discourse analysis, which suggested extensive management of heterosexist norms in the friends' accounts of friendship. The analysis highlighted ambiguity over the 'male' status of gay men, a concern with constructing the friendships as legitimately asexual, and the use of parody in the face of homophobia to disrupt normative assumptions. Although we primarily considered the role of heterosexist discourses, there is also evidence that other dimensions of non-normativity (for example, gender and ethnicity) are implicated in friendships constructed around shared otherness and mutual non-normativity. © 2010 SAGE.
Over the past 30 years, Art Education in interface with disabilities has been a subject of increasing interest in research in academia, especially with regard to Special Education, but still has some shortages in terms of socialization studies to discuss this type of teaching from the perspective of inclusive education. In this scenario, this paper presents an analysis from the field of teaching Visual Arts in the context of school inclusion, with emphasis on teaching drawing to the visually impaired. The conducted literature indicates a number of authors who discuss teaching drawing to people with visual disabilities, who are dedicated primarily to the Special Education context. In this sense, the shortage of research that discuss this teaching from the perspective of inclusive education, this research aimed at the inclusive approach to teaching drawing in the school context. Thus, the aim of this study was to develop a proposal for a pedagogical intervention in Visual Arts, with reference to drawing and its construction process, with the participation of seeing and unseeing students. Therefore, the methodological approach, which was qualitative, was the intervention research, in the light of the Bakhtinian principles of dialogism and otherness, with exploratory study characteristics. The locus of the research was the State School Admiral Newton Braga Faria, which is located in Alecrim, on the East Zone of Natal / RN and is near the Institute for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind - IERC / RN. The class chosen for intervention was the 7th grade “C” afternoon shift, which had children aged 12 to 16, with 27 students enrolled, three students with disabilities: 02 blind girls and 01 deafblind boy with light hearing and visual loss. As interlocutors of the research, we could also count on the Art teacher who served as a collaborator, as well as teacher in the school’s Multifunction Resource Room. The instruments and research procedures were observation, semi-structured interview, field diary and the photo / video recording. In the development of research, we conducted 10 workshops with multisensory teaching sequences, articulating the physical, tactile and graphical expressions as intrinsic to the reading and production of drawing for both seeing and unseeing students. The process and data built on research allowed for a reflection on cultural experiences with drawing in the school context and on the interactions between seeing and unseeing students in the production and analysis of tactile-visual drawings. They also point out the construction of a teaching approach to drawing, in the context of the common class, from educational workshops that enable artistic and aesthetic interactions from the perspective of school inclusiveness. Thus, we argued that the mobilization of the tactile, physical and graphical expressions can be adopted in a multisensory approach that enables a pedagogical focus that involves all students and is not restricted to the presence of students with visual impairment.
This study aims to present analyses of our research, documentary type, which investigates the construction of cultural identities of the Youth and Adults Education (Educação de Jovens e Adultos – EJA), level III, in a public school in the city of Natal/RN, through personal diaries produced in the school environment. In a qualitative-interpretive approach, we anchor our identity studies (BAUMAN, 2001, 2005, 2006; HALL, 1987, 1997, 2011, 2012) that bring us the idea that identities are built and rebuilt by social relations that we do. To this end, we start from a conception of language that does not require pre-conceptions because they are based on the utterance itself. Therefore, we have analyzed the utterances produced by these students from the perspective of Bakhtin Circle (BAKHTIN, 1988, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2010, 2012), which deals with the discursive construction emerging from intersubjective processes of verbal interaction, in a dialogical relationship of the self to the other, by the otherness and the heteroglossia. Moreover, our study is also guided by the guidance on speech genres (BAKHTIN, 2010) and personal journal (LEJEUNE, 2008; MACHADO, 1998, 2009). We join to Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006, 2009) because we believe that this research focuses on a social practice in which language plays a central role and seeks to demonstrate how the speeches of the subject students of EJA, in personal journals, are building tools not only of their identities, but also knowledge and social life of the position that this subject student takes. We conclude this work in a perception of cultural identities that are built by the subject students of EJA, because the results suggest that the identities of these students are fluidly constructed by the representation that the student makes of his or her school, of being student of EJA and how he or she is a student of this educational modality. Thus, through our work, we plan to present another look about the identity or identities of a student of EJA, pointing an insight of this subject.
A expansão das redes sociais virtuais, o aperfeiçoamento das técnicas de informação, a penetrabilidade do capitalismo de concorrência e o fragmentado sujeito pós-moderno constituem, ao lado da sociedade de consumo, os pilares desta tese. Nossa hipótese central é que as redes sociais da Internet ampliam os espaços de participação, compartilhamento, colaboração e manifestação das decepções do consumidor, mas não diminuem as descontinuidades, a incompreensão e o desrespeito oriundos das relações e práticas de consumo, podendo, muitas vezes, aceleraremasconflitualidades. A abertura para o diálogo, o incitamento à tomada de poder do sujeito e a multiplicação das trocas entre empresas e consumidores representam a oportunidade e o desafio de valorizarmos a concepção normativa da comunicação, admitindo as dificuldades da intercompreensão, a urgência da coabitação e a realidade da incomunicação. Recorremos à Análise de Discurso de tradição francesa (AD) como campo teórico-metodológico para analisar o discurso do consumidor inscrito na plataforma Reclame AQUI e construir uma crítica à comunicação corporativa contemporânea; a partir dos conceitos de cenografia, ethos e esquematização enunciativa, verificamos como a ideologia opera no interior das cenas daenunciação do consumo, constituindo uma ordem própria ao discurso do reclamante decepcionado. Esta análise ratificou as discussões teóricas que levamos a cabo, servindo de suporte para a problematização e o debate das sete cenografias que se evidenciaram no/pelo discurso do sujeito/consumidor: respeito/desrespeito, ameaça, promessa e frustração, mau atendimento e problema não resolvido, negociação, clientes novos x antigos e consumidor enganado; a imbricação do nosso corpuse o arcabouço teórico coloca na ribalta a necessidade de políticas de comunicação organizacional norteadas pelo senso prático de outridade, transcendendo as relações puramente mercadológicas; ao mesmo tempo, lança luz sobre apremência de mais solidariedade, compaixão, capacidade de escuta, compreensão e coabitação para as corporações que funcionam em uma sociedade guiada pelo frenesi da ética da concorrência e da consumolatria. Esta tese evidencia que a atuação dos consumidores e das empresas no mundo on-line representa mais que um elemento circunstancial de (in) tolerância mútua; desenha um destino comum que pode ter como rumo a outridade solidária do próximo, aceitando a experiência da alteridade, o risco do fracasso e a esperança da confiança e do respeito que a comunicação pode conceber.
Esta dissertação de mestrado apresenta os resultados da pesquisa sobre Roger Williams – pastor puritano, de origem inglesa, que migrou para a América a fim de participar da constituição da colônia de Massachusetts, no ano de 1631. Pergunta-se, nesta pesquisa, sobre os motivos que levaram Roger Williams a questionar o pensamento dominante, relativo à natureza do ameríndio e à legitimidade da ocupação de suas terras. Parte-se da tese de que a partir das experiências de Roger Williams, primeiro, com o sofrimento dos pobres e com perseguição religiosa na Inglaterra, segundo, suas próprias experiências na América, ele pôde contemplar os ameríndios como vítimas do sistema colonial inglês-puritano. Seu posicionamento seria, portanto, uma abertura à alteridade desses povos. Com isso, o objetivo determinado foi o de analisar a crítica de Roger Williams ao colonialismo inglês e sua defesa aos ameríndios, buscando compreendê-lo frente à alteridade dos ameríndios. Trata-se de uma bibliográfica das obras do autor e também de outros autores que tratam do tema. Como referência teórica, remetemo-nos ao pensamento de Enrique Dussel, principalmente, por meio de algumas categorias da Filosofia da Libertação, como Totalidade, Exterioridade, Alteridade, Alienação, Dominação e Libertação, que possibilitaram pensar o sistema colonial em sua incapacidade de contemplar a exterioridade ameríndia. Também, de Dussel, aplicou-se a reflexão sobre a crítica ética desde a negatividade das vítimas, para poder-se analisar o comportamento do personagem diante da violência colonial. E para a discussão sobre a sujeiticidade de Roger Williams, buscou-se o aporte de Franz J. Hinkelammert quanto à teoria do sujeito. Como resultado, os três capítulos da dissertação apresentam, respectivamente, uma síntese biográfica e contextual do personagem, seguida por uma exposição do debate sobre a humanidade e a civilidade dos ameríndios e sobre a questão da terra e, no terceiro capítulo, uma discussão sobre Roger Williams e a alteridade. Detectou-se, na trajetória do personagem, uma sensibilidade ética que o conduziu à defesa de grupos marginalizados socialmente, primeiro na Inglaterra e depois nas colônias. E diante disso, concluiu-se que a defesa dos ameríndios seguiu esse mesmo critério, possibilitando a Williams distanciar-se das pressuposições europeias quanto à sua superioridade para buscar novos paradigmas que orientassem as relações entre colonos e nativos. Espera-se que este trabalho possa contribuir para as reflexões críticas sobre a gênese do colonialismo e sobre os primeiros sinais de um pensamento crítico no interior do sistema colonial.
My dissertation presents a study of satire in contemporary German Fiction of Turkish migration. Engaging with a body of works hitherto neglected in scholarship, I examine how satirical texts, films, and plays intervene critically in discourses on post-unification German national identity. Drawing on the seminal work of scholars such as Leslie Adelson, Tom Cheesman, B. Venkat Mani, Petra Fachinger, and Deniz Göktürk, my dissertation expands the scholarship of Turkish German Studies by linking a discussion of satire as a critical rhetoric to the question of how we talk about what it means to be German.
Chapter one offers a novel framework of the satirical vis-à-vis standard conceptions of satire and deconstructionist theories of reading. I understand satire as a form of rhetoric that creates moments of ambiguity by bringing together intersectional categories like gender, ethnicity, race, religion, in order to challenge the audience’s practices of interpreting cultural otherness. Chapter two examines the use of ethnic self-deprecation as one such strategy in Osman Engin’s short stories and his first novel, Kanaken-Ghandi through the lens of Bakhtinian polyphony and Judith Butler’s work on hate speech. Engin, I argue, employs ethnic selfdeprecation as a narrative strategy to straddle the line between deconstructing and re-affirming cultural stereotypes. Investigating the role of ethnic impersonation in Hussi Kutlucan’s film Ich Chef, Du Turnshuh, the third chapter turns to the question of ethnicity as a visual signifier for the negotiation of cultural inclusion and exclusion in post-1990 film. In dialogue with Katrin Sieg’s work on ethnic drag and Amy Robinson’s theory of passing, I show how the film challenges ethnically-coded narratives of Germanness. In the final chapter on Nurkan Erpulat and Jens Hillje’s play Verrücktes Blut, I discuss how intertextuality and adaptation (Hutcheon, Genette) of different story and character worlds are used to create moments of ambiguity and overdeterminacy in the play, in order to challenge the audience’s perception of what an inclusive German society might look like.
This thesis explores the theme of social paranoia as depicted in the Absurdist fiction of Cold War America and Soviet Russia. The central hypothesis informing this research maintains that, despite the ideology of moral and cultural “Otherness” constructed and reinforced by both nations throughout much of twentieth century, the US and the Soviet Union more often than not functioned as mirror images of paranoia and suspicion. Much of the fiction produced in Russia from the Revolution onwards and in the US during the Cold War period highlights how these two ostensibly irreconcilable nations were consumed by similar fears and gripped by an equally pervasive paranoia. These parallel conditions of anxiety and mistrust led to a surprising congruity of literary responses, which transcended the ideological divide between capitalism and communism and, as such, underscored the homogeny of fear which lay beneath the façade of constructed difference. I contend that, because Soviet Russia and the America of the Cold War period were nations consumed by fear and suspicion, authors living in both countries became preoccupied by the mechanics of such deeply paranoid societies. Consequently, much of the fiction of the US and the Soviet Union during this period was preoccupied with the themes of paranoia, conspiracy, intensive bureaucracy and the politicisation of science, which resulted in the terror of the Nuclear Age. This thesis explores how these central themes unite apparently diverse literary texts and illustrate the uniformity of terror which transcended both the physical and ideological boundaries separating the United States and the Soviet Union. In doing so, this research focuses primarily on the multi-faceted manifestations of paranoia in selected works by Soviet authors Mikhail Bulgakov, Daniil Kharms and Yuli Daniel, and American authors Joseph Heller, Thomas Pynchon and Kurt Vonnegut. Focusing on key works by each author, this research considers these texts as products of two culturally diverse, yet equally paranoid societies and explores their preoccupation with issues of spying, infiltration and conspiracy. This thesis thus emphasises how these authors counter simplistic notions of Cold War Otherness by revealing two nations possessed by a similar sense of vulnerability and insecurity. Furthermore, this thesis examines how this social anxiety is reinforced by the way in which these authors position issues such as the mechanics of the bureaucratic system and clandestine scientific experimentation as the focal point of the paranoid imagination. Ultimately, by examining the concordance of paranoiac representation in America and the Soviet Union during this period, I demonstrate that these ostensibly divergent nations harboured similar fears and insecurities.
This paper deals with an elucidation of the theologico-political implications of Franz Rosenzweig’s relational conception of time in his work The Star of Redemption, the peculiarity of which expresses the concept “messianic difference”. Considered from the standpoint of the secularization debate, this messianic temporality offers a response to the verification of the Hegelian assembly of political philosophy and philosophy of history which, according to Rosenzweig, First World War represented. The consequent political disappointment experienced by the author of Hegel und der Staat led him to the pursuit of a Neues Denken determined by the ontological primacy of time as well as the unbreakable relationship which Rosenzweig established between “temporality” and “otherness”. Taking as terminus a quo the anthropological distinction between “personality” and “self”, i. e. between “ethics” and “metaethics”, that Rosenzweig presents in The Star, I will finally attempt to explore the various modes of temporalization that, depending on the relation to the temporalization of God and the world, are possible for the Rosenzweigian Self, as well as their related theologico-political aftermaths.
Levinas’s reflections arose as a critique of traditional philosophy which, since it was based on presence and identity, leads to the exclusion of the other. Instead of an onto-logical thought the Lithuanian proposes that the ipseity of the human being be constituted by alterity, and that it be so ethically, because the subject is sub-ject, that is, that which upholds, responsibility. In an attempt to take the obligatory attention to the otherness of the other even further, Derrida would develop a radical critique of the Levinasian posture. Deconstruction of every trace of ipseity and sovereignty in the relationship with the other, the reading that we have done of the work of Derrida opts for a no definable understanding of the human. That is why every de-limitation of an ethical field as a properly human implies a brutal violence that the levinasian humanism of the other tried to exceed.
En el siguiente trabajo presentamos un estudio multidimensional sobre la conceptualización de los pueblos originarios que han constituido los medios de prensa escrita en Mendoza durante la primera década del siglo XX. Para llevarlo a cabo acudimos al Archivo de Hemeroteca de la Biblioteca General San Martín de la Ciudad de Mendoza, teniendo como referencia al Diario Los Andes, principal periódico de la provincia, creado en 1882 y vigente en la actualidad. El objetivo del estudio es la identificación de las distintas formas de construcción conceptual sobre los pueblos etnográficos del actual territorio argentino que difundió dicho diario, y del modo en que dichos artículos periodísticos jugaron un rol activo en relación con el proceso de construcción de alteridad sociocultural y la legitimación de las políticas etnocidas implementadas por las clases dominantes.
The intention of this article is to provide a structural and operational analysis of policing beyond the police in Northern Ireland. While the polity enjoys low levels of ‘officially’ recorded crime as part of its post-conflict status, little empirical analysis exists as to the epistemological roots of security production outside that of the Police Service of Northern Ireland. The empirical evidence presented seeks to establish that beyond more prominent analyses related to paramilitary ‘policing’, the country is in fact replete with a substantial reservoir of legitimate civil society policing – the collective mass of which contributes to policing, community safety and quality of life issues. While such non-state policing at the level of locale was recognised by the Independent Commission for Policing, structured understandings have rarely permeated governmental or academic discourse beyond anecdotal contentions. Thus, the present argument provides an empirical assessment of the complex, non-state policing landscape beyond the formal state apparatus; examines definitions and structures of such community-based policing activities; and explores issues related to co-opting this non-state security ‘otherness’ into more formal relations with the state.
The subtle and complex nature of Northern Ireland's transitional landscape presents acute difficulties for the community policing concept. As the core to the police reforms in the country, its implementation has faltered in the face of institutional inertia within the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). This has been further exacerbated by a failure of the police to adequately increase the co-production of security through improved engagement and utilization of Northern Ireland's diverse community infrastructures. This paper will assess the delivery of community policing by the PSNI, while exploring their engagement with Northern Ireland's grass-roots community organizations, and specifically those involved with the governance of security at the local level. Thus, through a framework of adaptation, engagement and delivery of community policing by the PSNI within the unique context of Northern Ireland's security ‘otherness’, the paper will explore the key issues to police–community interaction associated with the broader vision of the Independent Commission on Policing (ICP) on community policing.
Au cours du siècle dernier, des améliorations au niveau des conditions de vie ainsi que des avancées importantes dans les sciences biomédicales ont permis de repousser les frontières de la vie. Jusqu’au début du XXe Siècle, la mort était un processus relativement bref, survenant à la suite de maladies infectieuses et avait lieu à la maison. À présent, elle survient plutôt après une longue bataille contre des maladies incurables et des afflictions diverses liées à la vieillesse et a le plus souvent lieu à l’hôpital. Pour comprendre la souffrance du malade d’aujourd’hui et l’aborder, il faut comprendre ce qu’engendre comme ressenti ce nouveau contexte de fin de vie autant pour le patient que pour le clinicien qui en prend soin. Cette thèse se veut ainsi une étude exploratoire et critique des enjeux psychologiques relatifs à cette mort contemporaine avec un intérêt premier pour l’optimisation du soulagement de la souffrance existentielle du patient dans ce contexte. D’abord, je m’intéresserai à la souffrance du patient. À travers un examen critique des écrits, une définition précise et opérationnelle, comportant des critères distinctifs, de ce qu’est la souffrance existentielle en fin de vie sera proposée. Je poserai ainsi l’hypothèse que la souffrance peut être définie comme une forme de construction de l’esprit s’articulant autour de trois concepts : intégrité, altérité et temporalité. D’abord, intégrité au sens où initialement l’individu malade se sent menacé dans sa personne (relation à soi). Ensuite, altérité au sens où la perception de ses conditions extérieures a un impact sur la détresse ressentie (relation à l’Autre). Et finalement, temporalité au sens où l’individu souffrant de façon existentielle semble bien souvent piégé dans un espace-temps particulier (relation au temps). Ensuite, je m’intéresserai à la souffrance du soignant. Dans le contexte d’une condition terminale, il arrive que des interventions lourdes (p. ex. : sédation palliative profonde, interventions invasives) soient discutées et même proposées par un soignant. Je ferai ressortir diverses sources de souffrance propres au soignant et générées par son contact avec le patient (exemples de sources de souffrance : idéal malmené, valeurs personnelles, sentiment d’impuissance, réactions de transfert et de contre-transfert, identification au patient, angoisse de mort). Ensuite, je mettrai en lumière comment ces dites sources de souffrance peuvent constituer des barrières à l’approche de la souffrance du patient, notamment par l’influence possible sur l’approche thérapeutique choisie. On constatera ainsi que la souffrance d’un soignant contribue par moment à mettre en place des mesures visant davantage à l’apaiser lui-même au détriment de son patient. En dernier lieu, j'élaborerai sur la façon dont la rencontre entre un soignant et un patient peut devenir un espace privilégié afin d'aborder la souffrance. J'émettrai certaines suggestions afin d'améliorer les soins de fin de vie par un accompagnement parvenant à mettre la technologie médicale au service de la compassion tout en maintenant la singularité de l'expérience du patient. Pour le soignant, ceci nécessitera une amélioration de sa formation, une prise de conscience de ses propres souffrances et une compréhension de ses limites à soulager l'Autre.
Cette recherche aborde le chant de la cueca chilienne à travers le spectre de la voix dans la construction de représentations sociales, et ce, sur la base d’une méthodologie mixte qui combine la recherche bibliographique, l’observation participante, les entrevues et l’analyse musicale. Comme point de départ, on remarque la pratique d’une cueca surnommée urbana, brava ou chilenera, caractérisée par un timbre vocal singulier associé au milieu « populaire » des chanteurs. Remontant aux premières traces de la cueca, au Chili, le chapitre 2 aborde les descriptions de la voix de la zamacueca au XIXe siècle publié dans des récits de voyage. L’analyse du contexte dans lequel ces récits se publient permet de constater que l’idée du caractère nasal de la cueca s’associe à la constitution d’altérité. Le chapitre 3 aborde la façon dont une théorie spécifique sur l’origine de la cueca chilienne contribue aux conceptions de la voix dans le genre. Le sujet de la nasalité apparaît encore, cette fois-ci imbriqué dans l’imagination de l’origine arabo-andalouse de la cueca. S’intéressant à la représentation du sujet populaire, le chapitre 4 expose deux figures centrales de la culture chilienne : le huaso et le roto, représentants du paysan et du sujet urbain, tous deux entremêlés avec des discours nationalistes. Le « parler populaire » apparaît représenté dans divers styles de cueca, en produisant des vocalités affectées par l’imagination de la classe sociale, et ce dans le contexte de débats sur l’authenticité. Le chapitre 5 aborde finalement l’expérience vécue par de jeunes chanteurs actifs sur une scène de revitalisation. Leurs dynamiques de chant en groupe soulignent l’impact de la compétition sur le déploiement de la voix. La pratique structurée selon le chant en ronde - chant à la rueda – montrera que la production d’un « bon pito », soit d’une voix adéquate à la cueca, révèle la nécessité d’adapter les voix aux besoins du groupe. La conclusion met en lumière que le rapport entre voix et style se présente comme une correlation cruciale pour comprendre non seulement la diversité des variantes de cuecas existantes à un moment donné, mais également leurs transformations au cours du temps par l’entremise d’un processus de stylisation. Au-delà du style, pourtant, la voix paraît exprimer quelque chose du sujet qui la fait résonner. Par ce biais, les diverses étiquettes accompagnant le terme cueca nous informent sur les caractéristiques ethniques, du genre et de classe des chanteurs, y compris les différentes voix d’un même sujet qui chante.