462 resultados para Nédonchel, Mathilde de


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Mineral compositions of residual peridotites collected at various locations in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform (MARK area) are consistent with generally smaller degrees of melting in the mantle near the large offset Kane transform than near the other, small offset, axial discontinuities in the area. We propose that this transform fault effect is due to along-axis variations in the final depth of melting in the subaxial mantle, reflecting the colder thermal regime of the ridge near the Kane transform. Calculations made with a passive mantle flow regime suggest that these along-axis variations in the final depth of melting would not produce the full range of crustal thickness variations observed in the MARK area seismic record. It is therefore likely that the transform fault effect in the MARK area is combined with other mechanisms capable of producing crustal thickness variations, such as along-axis melt migration, the trapping of part of the magma in a cold mantle root beneath the ridge, or active mantle upwelling.


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During Leg 109 of the Ocean Drilling Program, about 100 m of serpentinized peridotites were drilled on the western wall of the M.A.R. axial rift valley, 45 km south of the Kane Fracture Zone. The present study reports petrological and mineralogical data obtained from 29 small pieces of these ultramafic rocks, including about 60% serpentinized harzburgites, 26% serpentinized lherzolites, 14% serpentinized dunites, and one sample of olivine websterite. Modal analyses show that all these rocks are plagioclase-free four-phase peridotites equilibrated in the spinel lherzolite facies. The estimated average modal composition of the sample set is about 80% olivine, 14% opx, 5% cpx, and 1% spinel, that is, a cpx-poor lherzolite. The well developed porphyroclastic structures and mineralogical characteristics of these rocks indicate their affinity with the group of residual mantle tectonites, among the abyssal peridotites. Features typical of magmatic cumulates are lacking. The high contents in Al2O3 of the cpx (average 5.4%) and of the opx (average 4.3%) porphyroclasts, the low Cr# of the spinels (average 22.9%), and the rather high content in modal cpx (about 5%), indicate a moderate percentage of melting, of the order of 10%-15%. Site 670 peridotites plot close to the least depleted mantle rocks collected in the oceans in most diagrams used to define the average trend of the ocean-floor peridotites. Microprobe traverses across the cores of the exsolved opx and cpx porphyroclasts permitted the recalculation of the magmatic compositions of these pyroxenes: the 'primitive' opx were equilibrated at about 1300°C, probably at the end of the main melting episodes, whereas the 'primitive' cpx show lower equilibration temperatures, at about 1200°C, reflecting a more complex thermal history. The subsolidus evolution is well recorded, from 1200°C to about 950CC, by the exsolved pyroxenes and the olivine and spinel phases. Unusually high blocking temperatures, close to 1000°C, indicate that the peridotite body was cooled very rapidly between 1000°C and the beginning of serpentinization. Oxygen fugacities, calculated for 10 kb and at the blocking temperatures indicated by the olivine/spinel geothermometer, are close to the usual fugacities calculated in oceanic peridotites and basalts (of the order of 10**-10 to 10**-11, on the QFM buffer). Site 670 peridotites have compositions close to those of the peridotites collected in the Kane Fracture Zone area, and obviously belong to the moderately depleted mantle peridotites which characterize abyssal peridotites collected away from mantle plumes and oceanic islands. In particular, they differ from the highly residual harzburgites collected along the M.A.R. over the Azores bulge.


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We deployed autonomous temperature sensors at black smoker chimneys, cracks, and diffuse flow areas at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal field (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, ~37°17'N) between summer 2009 and summer 2012 and contemporaneously measured tidal pressures and currents as part of the long-term MoMAR experiment to monitor hydrothermal activity. We classify the temperature data according to the hydrogeologic setting of the measurement sites: a high-temperature regime (>190°C) representing discharge of essentially unmixed, primary hydrothermal fluids through chimneys, an intermediate-temperature regime (10-100°C) associated with mixing of primary fluids with cold pore fluids discharging through cracks, and a low-temperature regime (<10°C) associated with a thermal boundary layer forming over bacterial mats associated with diffuse outflow of warm fluids. Temperature records from all the regimes exhibit variations at semi-diurnal tidal periods, and cross-spectral analyses reveal that high-temperature discharge correlates to tidal pressure while low-temperature discharge correlates to tidal currents. Intermediate-temperature discharge exhibits a transitional behavior correlating to both tidal pressure and currents. Episodic perturbations, with transient temperature drops of up to ~150°C, which occur in the high-temperature and intermediate-temperature records, are not observed on multiple probes (including nearby probes at the same site), and they are not correlated with microearthquake activity, indicating that the perturbation mechanism is highly localized at the measurement sites within the hydrothermal structures. The average temperature at a given site may increase or decrease at annual time scales, but the average temperature of the hydrothermal field, as a whole, appears to be stable over our 3 year observation period.