389 resultados para Mushrooms, Poisonous.


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Background: Ipomoea carnea (I. carnea) is a poisonous plant found in Brazil and other tropical countries that often poison livestock. The plant contains the alkaloids calystegines and mainly swainsonine, which inhibit cellular enzymes and cause systematic cell death. The objective of this study was to evaluate the perinatal effects of I. carnea in goats. Methods: Forty-seven pregnant goats were randomly allocated into 5 treatment groups and given the following doses (g/kg BW) of I. carnea: 0 (IC0), 1.0 (IC1), 3.0 (IC3), 5.0 (IC5) and 7.5 (IC7). The treatment animals were given fresh I. carnea from day 27 of gestation to parturition. Weight gains and serum biochemistry were evaluated. Fetuses were evaluated using ultrasonographic measurements. Results: Goats from the IC7 group showed clinical signs of poisoning. Ultrasound examination revealed that I. carnea feeding in all treatment groups reduced fetal movement compared to the controls. There was an increase in the total number of birth defects (retrognathia and arthrogyposis) in the IC7 and IC5 groups compared to the controls. Conclusion: The results show that I. carnea has teratogenic potential in goats. In addition, ultrasounds were useful in evaluating fetotoxicity and teratogenicity. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 00:17, 2012. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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In this manuscript, an automatic setup for screening of microcystins in surface waters by employing photometric detection is described. Microcystins are toxins delivered by cyanobacteria within an aquatic environment, which have been considered strongly poisonous for humans. For that reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) has proposed a provisional guideline value for drinking water of 1 mu g L-1. In this work, we developed an automated equipment setup, which allows the screening of water for concentration of microcystins below 0.1 mu g V. The photometric method was based on the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the analytical signal was monitored at 458 nm using a homemade LED-based photometer. The proposed system was employed for the detection of microcystins in rivers and lakes waters. Accuracy was assessed by processing samples using a reference method and applying the paired t-test between results. No significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other useful features including a linear response ranging from 0.05 up to 2.00 mu g L-1 (R-2 =0.999) and a detection limit of 0.03 mu g L-1 microcystins were achieved. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The number of organ and tissue transplants has increased worldwide in recent decades. However, graft rejection, infections due to the use of immunosuppressive drugs and a shortage of graft donors remain major concerns. Carbon monoxide (CO) had long been regarded solely as a poisonous gas. Ultimately, physiological studies unveiled the endogenous production of CO, particularly by the heme oxygenase (HO)-1 enzyme, recognizing CO as a beneficial gas when used at therapeutic doses. The protective properties of CO led researchers to develop uses for it, resulting in devices and molecules that can deliver CO in vitro and in vivo. The resulting interest in clinical investigations was immediate. Studies regarding the CO/HO-1 modulation of immune responses and their effects on various immune disorders gave rise to transplantation research, where CO was shown to be essential in the protection against organ rejection in animal models. This review provides a perspective of how CO modulates the immune system to improve transplantation and suggests its use as a therapy in the field.


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Many studies have drawn attention to the occurrence and concentration of toxic elements found in the fruiting body of mushrooms. Some edible mushroom species are known to accumulate high levels of inorganic contaminants, mainly cadmium, mercury, and lead. There are about 2,000 known edible mushroom species, but only 25 of them are cultivated and used as food. In Brazil, the most marketed and consumed mushroom species are Agaricus bisporus, known as Paris champignon, Lentinus edodes, or Shitake and Pleurotus sp, also called Shimeji or Hiratake. In this study, the concentration of cadmium was determined in Lentinus edodes mushrooms from different cities in São Paulo state and some samples imported from Japan and China. The analyses were performed by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry after HNO3-H2O2 digestion. The results showed a lower concentration of Cd in the mushrooms cultivated in São Paulo (0.0079 to 0.023 mg.kg-1 in natura) than that of the mushrooms cultivated abroad (0.125 to 0.212 mg.kg-1 in natura). Although there is no tolerance limit for Cd in mushrooms in Brazil, the results show that Lentinus edodes mushrooms can be safely consumed.


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Angesichts der sich abzeichnenden Erschöpfung fossiler Ressourcen ist die Erforschung alternativer Energiequellen derzeit eines der meistbeachteten Forschungsgebiete. Durch ihr enormes Potential ist die Photovoltaik besonders im Fokus der Wissenschaft. Um großflächige Beschichtungsverfahren nutzen zu können, wird seit einigen Jahren auf dem Gebiet der Dünnschichtphotovoltaik intensiv geforscht. Jedoch sind die gegenwärtigen Solarzellenkonzepte allesamt durch die Verwendung giftiger (Cd, As) oder seltener Elemente (In, Ga) oder durch eine komplexe Phasenbildung in ihrem Potential beschränkt. Die Entwicklung alternativer Konzepte erscheint daher naheliegend.rnAufgrund dessen wurde in einem BMBF-geförderten Verbundprojekt die Abscheidung von Dünnschichten des binären Halbleiters Bi2S3 mittels physikalischer Gasphasenabscheidung mit dem Ziel der Etablierung als quasi-intrinsischer Absorber in Solarzellenstrukturen mit p-i-n-Schichtfolge hin untersucht.rnDurch sein von einem hochgradig anisotropen Bindungscharakter geprägtes Kristallwachstum war die Abscheidung glatter, einphasiger und für die Integration in eine Multischichtstruktur geeigneter Schichten mit Schichtdicken von einigen 100 nm eine der wichtigsten Herausforderungen. Die Auswirkungen der beiden Parameter Abscheidungstemperatur und Stöchiometrie wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die relevanten Kenngrößen (wie Morphologie, Dotierungsdichte und Photolumineszenz) untersucht. Es gelang, erfolgreich polykristalline Schichten mit geeigneter Rauigkeit und einer Dotierungsdichte von n ≈ 2 1015cm-3 auf anwendungsrelevanten Substraten abzuscheiden, wobei eine besonders starke Abhängigkeit von der Gasphasenzusammensetzung ermittelt werden. Es konnten weiterhin die ersten Messungen der elektronischen Zustandsdichte unter Verwendung von Hochenergie-Photoemissionsspektroskopie durchgeführt werden, die insbesondere den Einfluss variabler Materialzusammensetzungen offenbarten.rnZum Nachweis der Eignung des Materials als Absorberschicht standen innerhalb des Projektes mit SnS, Cu2O und PbS prinzipiell geeignete p-Kontaktmaterialien zur Verfügung. Es konnten trotz der Verwendung besonders sauberer Abscheidungsmethoden im Vakuum keine funktionstüchtigen Solarzellen mit Bi2S3 deponiert werden. Jedoch war es unter Verwendung von Photoemissionspektroskopie möglich, die relevanten Grenzflächen zu spektroskopieren und die Ursachen für die Beobachtungen zu identifizieren. Zudem konnte erfolgreich die Notwendigkeit von Puffermaterialien bei der Bi2S3-Abscheidung nachgewiesen werden, um Oberflächenreaktionen zu unterbinden und die Transporteigenschaften an der Grenzfläche zu verbessern.rn


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The people of the southwestern Rhodope Mountains of Bulgaria live in small, mountainous villages and rural areas. They rely on berries, herbs, and mushrooms provided by the forest and maintain a lifestyle and culture of gathering them. This study determined the economic and landscape concentration of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) and how this has changed in the past twenty years in the region of Garmen. The objective was to gauge the cultural and economic significance of NTFPs in the lives of the people who live there. Data was collected using informal, open-ended interviews and through participant observation. Results indicate that ethnicity influence how resources are utilized. Roma people collect mushrooms for income generation; Orthodox Bulgarians gather herbs, berries, and mushrooms for medicinal purposes, to supplement their diets, and to carry on traditions. Bulgarian Muslims collect for a combination of the aforementioned reasons. Changes that occur in the forests affect each of the ethnic groups in different ways and forest management practices should include people’s knowledge and uses of NTFPs.


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El presente trabajo de investigación es una contribución al conocimiento científico de los macrohongos de los Phyllum Ascomycetos y Basidiomycetos en el departamento amazónico Madre de Dios (Perú), investigación desarrollada en la región durante los años 2006 al 2014. Durante estos años se han recorrido las trochas de investigación dentro de las 6 áreas, seleccionadas según su grado de intervención antrópica, recolectando y fotografiando todos los carpóforos que en ellas se encontraban. Así mismo se ha realizado una revisión bibliografía exhaustiva para poder identificar a estas especies de los Phylum Basidiomycetos y Ascomycetos, fotografiando las esporas en los casos que esto fue posible. Las muestras fueron recolectadas en 6 áreas con diferentes grados de intervención humana, para poder determinar si se encontraba diferencia significativa en la composición de especies de Macrohongos entre ellas. Así mismo se consideró el tipo de bosque donde se encontraba la muestra y el sustrato donde se desarrollaba. Las muestras fueron buscadas y recolectadas en las dos épocas del año (seca y lluviosa), para saber si este factor climatológico era determinante y afectaba el número de carpóforos encontrados. Se han identificado completamente 70 especies pertenecientes a 25 familias, siendo la familia Xylariaceae la más representativa para el Phyllum Ascomycetos y la familia Polyporaceae para el caso del Phyllum basidiomycetos, resultando cinco especies nuevos registros para el Perú. De las especies identificadas 23 son de interés comestible, 13 son de interés medicinal, 2 de interés mágico religioso, 2 tóxicas, 2 micorrizógenas y de 30 especies no se conocen sus usos para la ciencia. Así mismo se identificó a 6 especies promisorias (géneros Auricularia sp. y Pleurotus sp.) para el cultivo con fines alimentarios de autoconsumo y la posible comercialización a pequeña y gran escala, puesto que estas especies promisorias transforman los residuos lignocelulosicos en alimento. Se ha confeccionado una guía de campo para la identificación de los macrohongos, sus usos y recomendaciones para su consumo, con lo cual queda abierta otra puerta de nuestra biodiversidad al interés científico, gastronómico y turístico. ABSTRACT This investigation is a contribution to the scientific knowledge of the Phyllum Ascomycetos and Basidiomycetos mushrooms in the Amazonian department Madre de Dios (Peru). The study was carried out from 2006 till 2014, during which forest study paths were crossed in six areas were all types of found carpophores were collected and photographed. In order to identify the Phylum Basidiomycetos and Ascomycetos species, an intensive biographical review was carried out and photographs were taken from the spores in case it was possible to assist the identification. Samples were collected in six areas with different human intervention and forest types so that any significant difference in the species´ composition could be analyzed between these different zones and between the species specific area. The samples were searched and collected during two different seasons (dry and rainy season) to analyze if this climatologically factor affects the number of found species. In total 70 species were completely identified, belonging to 25 families. The most representative families were the Xylariaceae for the Phyllum Ascomycetos and the Polyporaceae in the case of the Phyllum Basidiomycetos. Of all the identified species, 23 are considered edible, thirteen are identified as medicinal, and two are known for psychedelic and religious practices, two are toxic, two are mycorrhizal species and of 30 species the use is unknown to science. Five species are newly registered for Peru, Moreover, six species of the Auricularia sp. and Pleurotus sp. gender were identified as promising species for cultivation to serve auto consumption and possibly small and large scale commercialization. These species transform lignocelular waste in food. Part of this study was the development of a field guide to identify mushrooms and which can be used to open doors to our biodiversity for multiple interests such as scientific, gastronomy, and tourism.