1000 resultados para Ms. Hakakian
Este clip versará sobre las medias. Las palabras media / medio ocupan un lugar destacado en nuestro lenguaje al poseer multitud de significados: hay medias para las piernas, hay puntos a la mitad de algo, hay instantes o lugares que se encuentran entre dos referencias, hay medios de comunicación, hay audiencias medias, hay medios de transporte, hay medias horas, hay mediodía, hay medio tontos, hay necesidad de más medios, líneas medias en fútbol, medios culturales y hay medio ambiente, medias naranjas... y las medias propiamente matemáticas.
Parece fuera de toda discusión que los medios de comunicación constituyen uno de los referentes de nuestra sociedad y uno de los factores de impacto en todos los ciudadanos. En cuanto a la credibilidad, está bien asentada, considerándolos en su conjunto, no cada uno en particular, superando incluso las referencias continuas sobre las mentiras que difunden. Una credibilidad muy por encima de la que se otorga al colectivo de los profesores.
Hubiéramos deseado enfocar este artículo desde otra perspectiva. Su gestación había deambulado por otros derroteros. Es cierto que pensábamos escribir sobre el tremendo paréntesis que la historiografía clásica impone, en el campo de la matemáticas, al final de la edad media hispana y al llamado renacimiento, también en su versión peninsular. De la matemática «árabe» ya habíamos hablado en artículos anteriores, pero, una vez más, los medios de comunicación pretenden adiestrarnos en el lenguaje del odio, presentándolo bajo el prisma del choque cultural. Porque, una vez más, los paladines de la justicia y la democracia andan bombardeando un país musulmán respondiendo con iniquidad a la iniquidad. Razones más que suficientes, en nuestro caso, para cultivar la admiración, para revisar nuestra cultura a la luz de sus aportaciones. Las de «ellos», que fueron las nuestras, porque formábamos parte integrante de «esa» comunidad. Máxime cuando uno lee con dolor alegatos tan detestables –por racistas– y tan tendenciosos –por intencionadamente desinformados– como el de la señora Fallaci.
Todos los que nos dedicamos a la escuela, podríamos elaborar un nutrido catálogo de ejemplos, que mostraran como nuestros alumnos y alumnas, son capaces de adquirir determinados conceptos y aplicarlos a la resolución de problemas tipo; mientras que, paralelamente, tienen serias dificultades para resolver otras situaciones estrechamente relacionadas con los conceptos que, en teoría, dominan. Este trabajo no se centra en las causas de tan extraña y contradictoria convivencia (amplia bibliografía existe al respecto), más bien es un modesto intento de dar respuesta a una necesidad aquí y ahora.
Purpose: Nicardipine is a member of a family of calcium channel blockers named dihydropiridines that are known to be photolabile and may cause phototoxicity. It is therefore vital to develop analytical method which can study the photodegradation of nicardipine. Method: Forced acid degradation of nicardipine was conducted by heating 12 ml of 1 mg/ml nicardipine with 3 ml of 2.5 M HCl for two hours. A gradient HPLC medthod was developed using Agilent Technologies 1200 series quaternary system. Separation was achieved with a Hichrome (250 x 4.6 mm) 5 μm C18 reversed phase column and mobile phase composition of 70% A(100%v/v water) and 30% B(99%v/v acetonitrile + 1%v/v formic acid) at time zero, composition of A and B was then charged to 60%v/v A;40%v/v B at 10minutes, 50%v/v A; 50%v/v B at 30minutes and 70%v/v A; 30%v/v B at 35minutes. 20μl of 0.8mg/ml of nicardipine degradation was injected at room temperature (25oC). The gradient method was transferred onto a HPLC-ESI-MS system (HP 1050 series - AQUAMAX mass detector) and analysis conducted with an acid degradation concentration of 0.25mg/ml and 20μl injection volume. ESI spectra were acquired in positive ionisation mode with MRM 0-600 m/z. Results: Eleven nicardipine degradation products were detected in the HPLC analysis and the resolution (RS) between the respective degradants where 1.0, 1.2, 6.0, 0.4, 1.7, 3.7, 1.8, 1.0, and 1.7 respectively. Nine degradation products were identified in the ESI spectra with the respective m/z ratio; 171.0, 166.1, 441.2, 423.2, 455.2, 455.2, 331.1, 273.1, and 290.1. The possible molecular formulae for each degradants were ambiguously determined. Conclusion: A sensitive and specific method was developed for the analysis of nicardipine degradants. Method enables detection and quantification of nicardipine degradation products that can be used for the study of the kinetics of nicardipine degradation processes.
Monocytes can differentiate into dendritic cells (DC), cells with a pivotal role in both protective immunity and tolerance. Defects in the maturation or function of DC may be important in the development of autoimmune disease. We sought to establish if there were differences in the cytokine (granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and IL-4)-driven maturation of monocytes to DC in patients with MS and whether drugs used to treat MS affected this process in vitro. We have demonstrated that there is no defect in the ability of magnetic activated cell sorting (MACS)-purified monocytes from patients with MS to differentiate to DC, but equally they show no tendency to acquire a DC phenotype without exogenous cytokines. Interferon-beta1a prevents the acquisition of a full DC phenotype as determined by light and electron microscopy and by flow cytometry. Methylprednisolone not only prevents the development of monocyte-derived DC but totally redirects monocyte differentiation towards a macrophage phenotype. Evidence is evolving for a role for DC in central nervous system immunity, either within the brain or in cervical lymph nodes. The demonstrated effect of both drugs on monocyte differentiation may represent an important site for immune therapy in MS.
A sensitive and specific liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assay for the detection of several synthetic glucocorticoids in kidney, muscle and hair samples of cattle after a single intramuscular injection is described. After a dichloromethane wash of the hair samples, analytes were released from the hair matrix by enzymatic digestion. Muscle samples were also digested enzymatically using proteinase, while kidney samples were deconjugated by Helix pomatia juice. These preliminary steps were followed by a methanol extraction and a solid phase extraction (SPE) clean up step for all matrices. Chromatographic separation was achieved on a Hypersil Hypercarb column and MS/MS data were obtained in the multiple reaction monitoring mode using negative electrospray ionization. The developed protocols were evaluated by assessing residue concentrations in muscle, kidney and hair samples of thirteen calves, treated with a particular intramuscular injection of glucocorticoid. The lowest residue levels were found in muscle samples (approximately 5% of the residue levels in kidney), while high residue levels were obtained in hair samples. Hair is an interesting matrix since the sampling is non-invasive and the drugs may stay incorporated for a longer period of time. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.