807 resultados para Methodological approach


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In order to present an estimation of the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) to higher education in Colombia we take advantage of the methodological approach provided by Heckman, Lochner and Todd (2005). Trying to overcome the criticism that surrounds interpretations of the education coefficient of Mincer equations as being the rate of return to investments in education we develop a more structured approach of estimation, which controls for selection bias, includes more accurate measures of labor income and the role of education costs and income taxes. Our results implied a lower rate of return than the ones found in the Colombian literature and show that the Internal Rate of Return for higher education in Colombia lies somewhere between 0.074 and 0.128. The results vary according to the year analyzed and individual’s gender. This last result reinforces considerations regarding gender discrimination in the Colombian labor market.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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Este estudo teve como tema de investigação Múltiplos Olhares: a construção da identidade docente. Tendo como recorte do problema conhecer as interações entre o processo de formação profissional e o processo de integração pessoal, através da indagação: qual a imagem que o professor possui de si mesmo e de que forma sua história de vida contribui na sua prática docente? Para responder a essa questão utilizamos as histórias de vida como aporte teórico metodológico (NÓVOA, 1995). Dentro desse contexto os objetivos que nortearam a investigação buscaram compreender as identidades profissionais de docentes do ensino fundamental a partir de suas histórias de vida. A pesquisa foi realizada com seis professoras do ensino fundamental, numa escola pertencente à Rede Estadual de Ensino de Pernambuco, na cidade de São Lourenço da Mata, Região Metropolitana do Recife. Na procura por respostas, foi utilizada uma abordagem qualitativa, descritiva, na forma de entrevista narrativa semi-estruturada, utilizando para o tratamento dos dados qualitativos a análise de discurso. Os resultados demonstram que a construção da identidade docente depende das interações ocorridas entre os espaços profissional e pessoal. Servindo de tema para estudos posteriores sobre a identidade docente.


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A gestão pedagógica do ensino e aprendizagem on-line: especificidades abordam os desafios da Gestão do Projeto Pedagógico que tem as Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação por base didático-pedagógica. O fenômeno constitui-se na gestão do ensino-aprendizagem de curso lato senso a distância, no uso do computador conectado à internet, e a formação do educador especialista responsável pela coordenação, ensino, avaliação e/ou monitoria a frente do trabalho educativo. Reflete sobre os desafios da práxis pedagógica, subsidiada pela busca questionadora das tecnologias, a fim de responder também à demanda por inclusão sócio-digital. A abordagem metodológica de natureza qualitativa pauta-se na interpretação da realidade, de caráter hermenêutico com o intuito de considerar a experiência vivida pelos sujeitos na educação on-line a partir de uma visão crítica. Questiona o descompasso da educação formal brasileira e os avanços sociais com as incorporações de novas tecnologias de aprendizagens. Estabelece nas análises, a relação entre as teorias que sedimentam os objetivos do curso, as práticas de gestão e as influências ideológicas que marcam esse cenário, no PIGEAD da Universidade Federal Fluminense, Rio de Janeiro Brasil, período de 2010 a 2012. Os resultados desta pesquisa mostram que a interatividade, diferencial que aproxima o indivíduo e o torna parte da comunicação estabelecida na EAD on-line, não ocorre plenamente entre os sujeitos do processo. Além disso, a gestão democrática participativa declarada em seus objetivos de formação se mostra na realidade como prática centralizadora, sinalizando um descompasso entre teoria e prática. Esta pesquisa, entre outros, oferece elementos de avaliação e aprimoramento ao PIGEAD.


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Esta dissertação teve como objetivo descrever a educação básica no contexto do sistema penitenciário de Salvador em termos de processos educacionais e da Proposta Político-Pedagógica (PPP) com vistas à ressocialização do preso. Especificamente: a) descrever a realidade educacional do sistema penitenciário; b) analisar o processo educacional, método em termos de restauração pessoal, quanto à ressocialização do apenado. Em termos de percurso metodológico, quanto à natureza da pesquisa, trata-se de um estudo qualitativo. Organizou-se a dissertação, dando-lhe coerência e direção. A fundamentação teórica foi organizada delimitando-se os pontos essenciais da investigação. Em termos de tipo de pesquisa qualitativa, trata-se de estudo de caso, o qual vai-se valer, em termos de coleta de dados, da observação, entrevistas, narrativas e análise de documentos. Há que se observar que se torna difícil a situação de reintegração social do regresso, principalmente no tocante à sua recolocação profissional, pois vive-se hoje a realidade de um desemprego generalizado com elevado contingente de trabalhadores desempregados, e que ainda na maioria das vezes ainda contam com experiência profissional. A situação torna-se difícil para uma pessoa que traz consigo o estigma de ex-presidiário, e que na maioria das vezes não tem qualquer qualificação profissional. A „recuperação‟ do preso passa pela manutenção de sua referência com o mundo exterior, tais como a família, o meio de trabalho, o bairro onde reside. Quanto mais essas referências forem afastadas (e o são), mais difícil será sua readaptação posterior à sociedade. Pode ser que, após um longo período, adaptado pelas forças de sua instituição total, o mesmo já não consiga se adaptar a uma sociedade livre.


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O SIADAP, Sistema de Avaliação do Desempenho na Administração Pública, surge como um novo paradigma de avaliação do desempenho, estratégico para a gestão das organizações do sector público, porque tem sido um enorme desafio para os serviços que o têm implementado, ou para os que ainda não o conseguiram fazer. Este trabalho pretende avaliar as opiniões de avaliadores e avaliados, relativamente ao sistema e à sua implementação numa autarquia. A abordagem metodológica seguida para a sua realização, foi uma análise qualitativa. O processo seguido foi o de realização de entrevistas gravadas com a finalidade de recolher a informação necessária ao desenvolvimento da dissertação. Foram estabelecidos os seguintes objetivos de trabalho: Apresentar e caracterizar o SIADAP, conhecer e analisar as opiniões dos avaliados e dos avaliadores em relação ao processo SIADAP, no que respeita ao seu conhecimento e experiência dos sistemas de avaliação, à importância atribuída e dificuldades na aplicação do atual processo de Avaliação do Desempenho dos Trabalhadores da Administração Pública, o papel da avaliação do desempenho enquanto ferramenta de gestão de recursos humanos, e instrumento de apoio na promoção de uma cultura de mérito. Para avaliadores e avaliados, o sistema apresenta uma avaliação globalmente positiva e com oportunidades de melhoria, embora existam pontos fracos e constrangimentos que não podem ser ignorados.


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The chapter reports on the ‘This Is Me’ project, that aimed to help students and the wider public to be aware of the impact that online material, particularly that on the Internet, has on their identity and reputation. The chapter explores practical aspects of Digital Identity, relating to issues such as employability, relationships and even death. For example, understanding the impact a photograph posted on a social networking website might have for different groups of people, ranging from friends or parents to future employers. As part of the ‘This is Me’ project stories were collected from students and others about Digital Identity matters, a grounded methodological approach based on action research was used to establish issues related to Digital Identity particularly relevant to those in academia. Drawing from these issues, resources were developed to help inform and educate people about how they can understand and control their own Digital Identity. A number of these resources are presented here, along with reflections on how they are used and can be adapted.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore the nature of the emerging discourse of private climate change reporting, which takes place in one-on-one meetings between institutional investors and their investee companies. Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from 20 UK investment institutions to derive data which was then coded and analysed, in order to derive a picture of the emerging discourse of private climate change reporting, using an interpretive methodological approach, in addition to explorative analysis using NVivo software. Findings – The authors find that private climate change reporting is dominated by a discourse of risk and risk management. This emerging risk discourse derives from institutional investors' belief that climate change represents a material risk, that it is the most salient sustainability issue, and that their clients require them to manage climate change-related risk within their portfolio investment. It is found that institutional investors are using the private reporting process to compensate for the acknowledged inadequacies of public climate change reporting. Contrary to evidence indicating corporate capture of public sustainability reporting, these findings suggest that the emerging private climate change reporting discourse is being captured by the institutional investment community. There is also evidence of an emerging discourse of opportunity in private climate change reporting as the institutional investors are increasingly aware of a range of ways in which climate change presents material opportunities for their investee companies to exploit. Lastly, the authors find an absence of any ethical discourse, such that private climate change reporting reinforces rather than challenges the “business case” status quo. Originality/value – Although there is a wealth of sustainability reporting research, there is no academic research on private climate change reporting. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing rich interview evidence regarding the nature of the emerging private climate change reporting discourse.


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Purpose – This paper aims to explore the nature of the emerging discourse of private climate change reporting, which takes place in one-on-one meetings between institutional investors and their investee companies. Design/methodology/approach – Semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives from 20 UK investment institutions to derive data which was then coded and analysed, in order to derive a picture of the emerging discourse of private climate change reporting, using an interpretive methodological approach, in addition to explorative analysis using NVivo software. Findings – The authors find that private climate change reporting is dominated by a discourse of risk and risk management. This emerging risk discourse derives from institutional investors' belief that climate change represents a material risk, that it is the most salient sustainability issue, and that their clients require them to manage climate change-related risk within their portfolio investment. It is found that institutional investors are using the private reporting process to compensate for the acknowledged inadequacies of public climate change reporting. Contrary to evidence indicating corporate capture of public sustainability reporting, these findings suggest that the emerging private climate change reporting discourse is being captured by the institutional investment community. There is also evidence of an emerging discourse of opportunity in private climate change reporting as the institutional investors are increasingly aware of a range of ways in which climate change presents material opportunities for their investee companies to exploit. Lastly, the authors find an absence of any ethical discourse, such that private climate change reporting reinforces rather than challenges the “business case” status quo. Originality/value – Although there is a wealth of sustainability reporting research, there is no academic research on private climate change reporting. This paper attempts to fill this gap by providing rich interview evidence regarding the nature of the emerging private climate change reporting discourse.


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Purpose – Effective leadership action requires managers to harness power that is intrinsically political. This paper aims to study and characterise the political nature of a manager's behaviour when taking leadership action. Design/methodology/approach – The methodological approach is qualitative and examines three organisations over a three-year period when these entities experienced a major product failure. The paper analyses the actual managerial behaviour of managers and provides insight into the factors that most strongly influence the effectiveness of managers when taking leadership action. Findings – Political behaviour when taking leadership action can be conceptualised in terms of rationality and emotionality. In so doing, it can be clarified how behaviour must be modified to ensure that leadership action is consistently effective. Research limitations/implications – A case study of three multinational engineering companies engaged in the design, development and manufacturing of turbomachinery provides the platform for the research. The concepts presented in the paper will require validating in other organisations of different demographic profiles. Practical implications – The concepts presented and the implications discussed provide insight into the political nature of managerial behaviour when taking leadership action. The paper highlights the practical steps individual managers can embrace to ensure that their behaviour is appropriate to context, even under the most traumatic situations. Thus, the paper provides managers with a model that facilitates effective leadership action. Originality/value – This paper provides insight into how managers behaved in circumstances that mattered to them. Through immersion in events at the time they took place, the authors captured situations in which managers were under real pressure and, in so doing, avoided the bias inherent when interviewing a manager about past events. As such, the paper concludes that the political behaviour in which managers engage when taking leadership action is rooted in the reality of the adversity that the most capable managers have both experienced and overcome. This detailed study reports behaviour in a situation where managers' business and future prospects were in jeopardy. This paper identifies why some managers were able to use the experience positively, helping them to adopt politically intrinsic behaviour to facilitate effective leadership action.


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Assessing the ways in which rural agrarian areas provide Cultural Ecosystem Services (CES) is proving difficult to achieve. This research has developed an innovative methodological approach named as Multi Scale Indicator Framework (MSIF) for capturing the CES embedded into the rural agrarian areas. This framework reconciles a literature review with a trans-disciplinary participatory workshop. Both of these sources reveal that societal preferences diverge upon judgemental criteria which in turn relate to different visual concepts that can be drawn from analysing attributes, elements, features and characteristics of rural areas. We contend that it is now possible to list a group of possible multi scale indicators for stewardship, diversity and aesthetics. These results might also be of use for improving any existing European indicators frameworks by also including CES. This research carries major implications for policy at different levels of governance, as it makes possible to target and monitor policy instruments to the physical rural settings so that cultural dimensions are adequately considered. There is still work to be developed on regional specific values and thresholds for each criteria and its indicator set. In practical terms, by developing the conceptual design within a common framework as described in this paper, a considerable step forward towards the inclusion of the cultural dimension in European wide assessments can be made.


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This article has two main objectives. First, we offer an introduction to the subfield of generative third language (L3) acquisition. Concerned primarily with modeling initial stages transfer of morphosyntax, one goal of this program is to show how initial stages L3 data make significant contributions toward a better understanding of how the mind represents language and how (cognitive) economy constrains acquisition processes more generally. Our second objective is to argue for and demonstrate how this subfield will benefit from a neuro/psycholinguistic methodological approach, such as event-related potential experiments, to complement the claims currently made on the basis of exclusively behavioral experiments.


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The p-nitrophenyl phosphomonoesterase assay (p NPPase) is commonly used to measure cell-wall-associated and extracellular phosphatase activity of soil fungi. p NPPases are usually assayed in the context of fungal nutrition, where inorganic P supply might be enhanced by the mineralisation of monoester organic P sources in the soil. The importance of the assay to the P nutrition of soil fungi is considered based on the evidence currently available including the consistency of methodological approach. The nature of organic P in the soil and the relevance of the assay to some specific soil substrates is discussed, particularly the chemistry and bioavailability of myo-inositol hexakisphosphate and the lower inositol phosphates. The evidence for the long-term stability of p NPPases in the soil is examined in the light of the persistence of p NPPase in soils. The role of persistent extracellular fungal p NPPases in the soil P cycle is discussed. Conclusions from p NPPase based studies must be based upon an appreciation of the constraints of the assay and the complex chemistry of organic P and p NPPase in the soil.


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Searching for and mapping the physical extent of unmarked graves using geophysical techniques has proven difficult in many cases. The success of individual geophysical techniques for detecting graves depends on a site-by-site basis. Significantly, detection of graves often results from measured contrasts that are linked to the background soils rather than the type of archaeological feature associated with the grave. It is evident that investigation of buried remains should be considered within a 3D space as the variation in burial environment can be extremely varied through the grave. Within this paper, we demonstrate the need for a multi-method survey strategy to investigate unmarked graves, as applied at a “planned” but unmarked pauper’s cemetery. The outcome from this case study provides new insights into the strategy that is required at such sites. Perhaps the most significant conclusion is that unmarked graves are best understood in terms of characterization rather than identification. In this paper, we argue for a methodological approach that, while following the current trends to use multiple techniques, is fundamentally dependent on a structured approach to the analysis of the data. The ramifications of this case study illustrate the necessity of an integrated strategy to provide a more holistic understanding of unmarked graves that may help aid in management of these unseen but important aspects of our heritage. It is concluded that the search for graves is still a current debate and one that will be solved by methodological rather than technique-based arguments.


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Clustering quality or validation indices allow the evaluation of the quality of clustering in order to support the selection of a specific partition or clustering structure in its natural unsupervised environment, where the real solution is unknown or not available. In this paper, we investigate the use of quality indices mostly based on the concepts of clusters` compactness and separation, for the evaluation of clustering results (partitions in particular). This work intends to offer a general perspective regarding the appropriate use of quality indices for the purpose of clustering evaluation. After presenting some commonly used indices, as well as indices recently proposed in the literature, key issues regarding the practical use of quality indices are addressed. A general methodological approach is presented which considers the identification of appropriate indices thresholds. This general approach is compared with the simple use of quality indices for evaluating a clustering solution.