960 resultados para Medical technology
There are several tools in the literature that support innovation in organizations. Some of the most cited are the so-called technology roadmapping methods, also known as TRM. However, these methods are designed primarily for organizations that adopt the market pull strategy of technology-product integration. Organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy are neglected in the literature. Furthermore, with the advent of open innovation, it is possible to note the need to consider the adoption of partnerships in the innovation process. Thus, this study proposes a method of technology roadmapping, identified as method for technology push (MTP), applicable to organizations that adopt the technology push integration strategy, such as SMEs and independent research centers in an open-innovation environment. The method was developed through action-research and was assessed from two analytical standpoints: externally, via a specific literature review on its theoretical contributions, and internally, through the analysis of potential users` perceptions on the feasibility of applying MTP. The results indicate both the unique character of the method and its perceived implementation feasibility. Future research is suggested in order to validate the method in different types of organizations (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Many authors point out that the front-end of new product development (NPD) is a critical success factor in the NPD process and that numerous companies face difficulties in carrying it out appropriately. Therefore, it is important to develop new theories and proposals that support the effective implementation of this earliest phase of NPD. This paper presents a new method to support the development of front-end activities based on integrating technology roadmapping (TRM) and project portfolio management (PPM). This new method, called the ITP Method, was implemented at a small Brazilian high-tech company in the nanotechnology industry to explore the integration proposal. The case study demonstrated that the ITP Method provides a systematic procedure for the fuzzy front-end and integrates innovation perspectives into a single roadmap, which allows for a better alignment of business efforts and communication of product innovation goals. Furthermore, the results indicated that the method may also improve quality, functional integration and strategy alignment. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper presents a proposal for a Quality Management System for a generic GNSS Surveying Company as an alternative for management and service quality improvements. As a result of the increased demand for GNSS measurements, a large number of new or restructured companies were established to operate in that market. Considering that GNSS surveying is a new process, some changes must be performed in order to accommodate the old surveying techniques and the old fashioned management to the new reality. This requires a new management model that must be based on a well-described procedure sequence aiming at the Total Management Quality for the company. The proposed Quality Management System was based on the requirements of the Quality System ISO 9000:2000, applied to the whole company, focusing on the productive process of GNSS surveying work.
Considering the increasing popularity of network-based control systems and the huge adoption of IP networks (such as the Internet), this paper studies the influence of network quality of service (QoS) parameters over quality of control parameters. An example of a control loop is implemented using two LonWorks networks (CEA-709.1) interconnected by an emulated IP network, in which important QoS parameters such as delay and delay jitter can be completely controlled. Mathematical definitions are provided according to the literature, and the results of the network-based control loop experiment are presented and discussed.
This work presents a case study on technology assessment for power quality improvement devices. A system compatibility test protocol for power quality mitigation devices was developed in order to evaluate the functionality of three-phase voltage restoration devices. In order to validate this test protocol, the micro-DVR, a reduced power development platform for DVR (dynamic voltage restorer) devices, was tested and the results are discussed based on voltage disturbances standards. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This work discusses the determination of the breathing patterns in time sequence of images obtained from magnetic resonance (MR) and their use in the temporal registration of coronal and sagittal images. The registration is made without the use of any triggering information and any special gas to enhance the contrast. The temporal sequences of images are acquired in free breathing. The real movement of the lung has never been seen directly, as it is totally dependent on its surrounding muscles and collapses without them. The visualization of the lung in motion is an actual topic of research in medicine. The lung movement is not periodic and it is susceptible to variations in the degree of respiration. Compared to computerized tomography (CT), MR imaging involves longer acquisition times and it is preferable because it does not involve radiation. As coronal and sagittal sequences of images are orthogonal to each other, their intersection corresponds to a segment in the three-dimensional space. The registration is based on the analysis of this intersection segment. A time sequence of this intersection segment can be stacked, defining a two-dimension spatio-temporal (2DST) image. The algorithm proposed in this work can detect asynchronous movements of the internal lung structures and lung surrounding organs. It is assumed that the diaphragmatic movement is the principal movement and all the lung structures move almost synchronously. The synchronization is performed through a pattern named respiratory function. This pattern is obtained by processing a 2DST image. An interval Hough transform algorithm searches for synchronized movements with the respiratory function. A greedy active contour algorithm adjusts small discrepancies originated by asynchronous movements in the respiratory patterns. The output is a set of respiratory patterns. Finally, the composition of coronal and sagittal image pairs that are in the same breathing phase is realized by comparing of respiratory patterns originated from diaphragmatic and upper boundary surfaces. When available, the respiratory patterns associated to lung internal structures are also used. The results of the proposed method are compared with the pixel-by-pixel comparison method. The proposed method increases the number of registered pairs representing composed images and allows an easy check of the breathing phase. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A green ceramic tape micro-heat exchanger was developed using Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics technology (LTCC). The device was designed by using Computational Aided Design software and simulations were made using a Computational Fluid Dynamics package (COMSOL Multiphysics) to evaluate the homogeneity of fluid distribution in the microchannels. Four geometries were proposed and simulated in two and three dimensions to show that geometric details directly affect the distribution of velocity in the micro-heat exchanger channels. The simulation results were quite useful for the design of the microfluidic device. The micro-heat exchanger was then constructed using the LTCC technology and is composed of five thermal exchange plates in cross-flow arrangement and two connecting plates, with all plates stacked to form a device with external dimensions of 26 x 26 x 6 mm(3).
Gamma ray tomography experiments have been carried out to detect spatial patterns in the porosity in a 0.27 m diameter column packed with steel Rashig rings of different sizes: 12.6, 37.9, and 76 mm. using a first generation CT system (Chen et al., 1998). A fast Fourier transform tomographic reconstruction algorithm has been used to calculate the spatial variation over the column cross section. Cross-sectional gas porosity and solid holdup distribution were determinate. The values of cross-sectional average gas porosity were epsilon=0.849, 0.938 and 0.966 for the 12.6, 37.9, and 76 mm rings, respectively. Radial holdup variation within the packed bed has been determined. The variation of the circumferentially averaged gas holdup in the radial direction indicates that the porosity in the column wall region is a somewhat higher than that in the bulk region, due to the effect of the column wall. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A gap has been identified in the literature on the diagnosis and monitoring of the degree of strategic alignment. The main objective of this article is to diagnose and analyze the strategic alignment profile using the alignment diagnostic profile (ADP) tool, which enables organizations to show visually their degree of strategic alignment. The methodological approach adopted is multiple-case studies, which were conducted at five organizations in the medical diagnostics sector. The results indicate that the ADP enables organizations to understand the steps required to improve their level of alignment and to identify and locate gaps and conflicts.
The increasing adoption of information systems in healthcare has led to a scenario where patient information security is more and more being regarded as a critical issue. Allowing patient information to be in jeopardy may lead to irreparable damage, physically, morally, and socially to the patient, potentially shaking the credibility of the healthcare institution. Medical images play a crucial role in such context, given their importance in diagnosis, treatment, and research. Therefore, it is vital to take measures in order to prevent tampering and determine their provenance. This demands adoption of security mechanisms to assure information integrity and authenticity. There are a number of works done in this field, based on two major approaches: use of metadata and use of watermarking. However, there still are limitations for both approaches that must be properly addressed. This paper presents a new method using cryptographic means to improve trustworthiness of medical images, providing a stronger link between the image and the information on its integrity and authenticity, without compromising image quality to the end user. Use of Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine structures is also an advantage for ease of development and deployment.
This paper presents a novel algorithm to successfully achieve viable integrity and authenticity addition and verification of n-frame DICOM medical images using cryptographic mechanisms. The aim of this work is the enhancement of DICOM security measures, especially for multiframe images. Current approaches have limitations that should be properly addressed for improved security. The algorithm proposed in this work uses data encryption to provide integrity and authenticity, along with digital signature. Relevant header data and digital signature are used as inputs to cipher the image. Therefore, one can only retrieve the original data if and only if the images and the inputs are correct. The encryption process itself is a cascading scheme, where a frame is ciphered with data related to the previous frames, generating also additional data on image integrity and authenticity. Decryption is similar to encryption, featuring also the standard security verification of the image. The implementation was done in JAVA, and a performance evaluation was carried out comparing the speed of the algorithm with other existing approaches. The evaluation showed a good performance of the algorithm, which is an encouraging result to use it in a real environment.
The application of airborne laser scanning (ALS) technologies in forest inventories has shown great potential to improve the efficiency of forest planning activities. Precise estimates, fast assessment and relatively low complexity can explain the good results in terms of efficiency. The evolution of GPS and inertial measurement technologies, as well as the observed lower assessment costs when these technologies are applied to large scale studies, can explain the increasing dissemination of ALS technologies. The observed good quality of results can be expressed by estimates of volumes and basal area with estimated error below the level of 8.4%, depending on the size of sampled area, the quantity of laser pulses per square meter and the number of control plots. This paper analyzes the potential of an ALS assessment to produce certain forest inventory statistics in plantations of cloned Eucalyptus spp with precision equal of superior to conventional methods. The statistics of interest in this case were: volume, basal area, mean height and dominant trees mean height. The ALS flight for data assessment covered two strips of approximately 2 by 20 Km, in which clouds of points were sampled in circular plots with a radius of 13 m. Plots were sampled in different parts of the strips to cover different stand ages. The clouds of points generated by the ALS assessment: overall height mean, standard error, five percentiles (height under which we can find 10%, 30%, 50%,70% and 90% of the ALS points above ground level in the cloud), and density of points above ground level in each percentile were calculated. The ALS statistics were used in regression models to estimate mean diameter, mean height, mean height of dominant trees, basal area and volume. Conventional forest inventory sample plots provided real data. For volume, an exploratory assessment involving different combinations of ALS statistics allowed for the definition of the most promising relationships and fitting tests based on well known forest biometric models. The models based on ALS statistics that produced the best results involved: the 30% percentile to estimate mean diameter (R(2)=0,88 and MQE%=0,0004); the 10% and 90% percentiles to estimate mean height (R(2)=0,94 and MQE%=0,0003); the 90% percentile to estimate dominant height (R(2)=0,96 and MQE%=0,0003); the 10% percentile and mean height of ALS points to estimate basal area (R(2)=0,92 and MQE%=0,0016); and, to estimate volume, age and the 30% and 90% percentiles (R(2)=0,95 MQE%=0,002). Among the tested forest biometric models, the best fits were provided by the modified Schumacher using age and the 90% percentile, modified Clutter using age, mean height of ALS points and the 70% percentile, and modified Buckman using age, mean height of ALS points and the 10% percentile.
Background: Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) patients present high levels of electronegative LDL (LDL) that can modulate the expression of molecules involved in inflammation and it is closely linked to atherosclerosis. We investigated the association between LDL(-) and inflammatory markers in patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD). Methods: Forty-seven HD patients from a private clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil were studied and compared with 20 age matched healthy individuals. Serum LDL(-) and anti-LDL(-) autoantibody levels were measured by ELISA; TNF-alpha, IL-6, VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were determined by a multiplex assay kit. Results: HD patients presented higher IL-6 and TNF-alpha concentrations (4.1 +/- 1.6 and 5.5 +/- 2.1 pg/ml, respectively) than healthy subjects (2.6 +/- 0.2 and 2.4 +/- 1.1 pg/ml, respectively) (p = 0.0001). In addition, they presented higher VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 levels and, LDL(-) concentrations were also increased (0.18 +/- 0.12 U/I) when compared to healthy individuals (0.10 +/- 0.08 U/I) (p<0.02). In contrast, the anti-LDL(-) autoantibody levels were lower in HD patients (0.02 +/- 0.01 mg/l) than in healthy subjects (0.05 +/- 0.03 mg/l) (p<0.001). There was a positive correlation between LDL(-) and IL-6 (r = 0.25, p = 0.004) and ICAM-1 (r = 0.36; p = 0.003). There was also a negative correlation between anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies and TNF-alpha (r = -0.37; p = 0.003) and VCAM-1 (r = -0.50; p = 0.0001). Conclusions: The association between LDL(-) and inflammation and the lower levels of anti-LDL(-) autoantibodies are important risk factors related to atherosclerosis in CKD. (C) 2011 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Background: The aim of this study was to identify novel candidate biomarker proteins differentially expressed in the plasma of patients with early stage acute myocardial infarction (AMI) using SELDI-TOF-MS as a high throughput screening technology. Methods: Ten individuals with recent acute ischemic-type chest pain (< 12 h duration) and ST-segment elevation AMI (1STEMI) and after a second AMI (2STEMI) were selected. Blood samples were drawn at six times after STEMI diagnosis. The first stage (T(0)) was in Emergency Unit before receiving any medication, the second was just after primary angioplasty (T(2)), and the next four stages occurred at 12 h intervals after T(0). Individuals (n = 7) with similar risk factors for cardiovascular disease and normal ergometric test were selected as a control group (CG). Plasma proteomic profiling analysis was performed using the top-down (i.e. intact proteins) SELDI-TOF-MS, after processing in a Multiple Affinity Removal Spin Cartridge System (Agilent). Results: Compared with the CG, the 1STEMI group exhibited 510 differentially expressed protein peaks in the first 48 h after the AMI (p < 0.05). The 2STEMI group, had similar to 85% fewer differently expressed protein peaks than those without previous history of AMI (76, p < 0.05). Among the 16 differentially-regulated protein peaks common to both STEMI cohorts (compared with the CG at T(0)), 6 peaks were persistently down-regulated at more than one time-stage, and also were inversed correlated with serum protein markers (cTnI, CK and CKMB) during 48 h-period after IAM. Conclusions: Proteomic analysis by SELDI-TOF-MS technology combined with bioinformatics tools demonstrated differential expression during a 48 h time course suggests a potential role of some of these proteins as biomarkers for the very early stages of AMI, as well as for monitoring early cardiac ischemic recovery. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Cobalamin (Cbl) and folate deficiencies and gene polymorphism of key enzymes or carriers can impair homocysteine metabolism and may change the serum values of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH). We investigated the nutritional and genetic determinants for total homocysteine (tHcy), methylmalonic acid (MMA) and SAM/SAH in healthy Brazilian childbearing-age women. Methods: Serum concentrations of Cbl, folate, red blood cell folate, ferritin, tHcy, MMA, SAM, SAH and other metabolites were measured in 102 healthy unrelated women. The genotypes for MTHFR C677T, MTHFR A1298C, MTR A2756G, MTRR A66G, TC2 C776G, TC2 A67G and RFCI A80G gene polymorphisms were identified by PCR-RFLP. Results: Serum folate and Cbl were inversely correlated with tHcy and serum MMA, respectively. Cbl deficiency was associated with increased MMA and reduced alpha-aminobutyrate, serine and N-methylglycine concentrations. No variable was associated with SAM/SAH ratio. In addition, gene polymorphisms were not selected as determinants for tHcy, MMA and SAM/SAH ratio. Iron, Cbl and folate deficiencies were found respectively in 30.4%, 22.5% and 2.0% of individuals studied. Conclusions: There was a high frequency of Cbl and iron deficiency in this group of childbearing-age women. Serum folate and Cbl were the determinants of serum tHcy and MMA concentration, respectively. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.