473 resultados para MONITORS


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Este estudo analisa como a classe de acionistas afeta o valor das empresas brasileiras listadas na bolsa de valores no ponto de vista da governança corporativa. O trabalho examina a interação entre o valor das empresas e cinco tipos de concentrações acionárias comumente presente em mercados emergentes: famílias, agentes públicos, investidores estrangeiros, executivos e investidores financeiros nacionais. A análise empírica demonstra que o mix e a concentração de participação acionária afeta significativamente o valor das empresas. Utilizando uma compilação única de dados em painel de 2004 a 2008, a presente pesquisa também desenvolve hipóteses sobre o efeito da participação em grupos econômicos para o valor das empresas. A investigação encontra evidências de que, apesar de sua importância para o desenvolvimento de empresas brasileiras, o capital familiar, instituições públicas, e investidores estrangeiros estão cedendo lugar a monitores mais especializados e menos concentrados, como executivos e instituições financeiras nacionais. Estes resultados indicam que a governança corporativa no Brasil pode estar alcançando níveis de maturidade mais elevados. Adicionalmente, apesar de não haver indicação da existência de correlação entre a participação em grupos econômicos e o valor das empresas, os resultados indicam que a presença de um tipo específico de acionista em uma empresa do grupo facilita investimentos futuros desta classe de acionista em outras empresas do mesmo grupo, sinalizando que os interesses acionários são provavelmente perpetuados dentro de uma mesma rede de empresas. Finalmente, a pesquisa demonstra que enquanto o capital familiar prefere investir em empresas com ativa mobilidade do capital, investidores internacionais e instituições públicas procuram investimentos em equity com menor mobilidade de capital, o que lhes garante mais transparência com relação ao uso dos recursos e fundos das empresas.


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As organizações contemporâneas apresentam elevado grau de complexidade. A extensa cadeia de processos deve ser gerenciada de forma integrada e requer descentralização da tomada de decisões para assegurar respostas ágeis aos estímulos do ambiente competitivo. Este contexto demanda a criação de ferramentas de gestão que apoiem os gestores no atingimento dos objetivos estratégicos globais das empresas, como o modelo de referência analisado neste trabalho, que alia as métricas de gestão da cadeia de suprimentos com o conceito do Balanced Scorecard. Este trabalho objetivou, por um lado, avaliar a atual arquitetura de indicadores de desempenho da unidade operacional (UO) de uma grande distribuidora de combustíveis à luz deste modelo de referência e, por outro, testar o modelo de referência através do estudo de caso quanto à sua universalidade de aplicação por diferentes empresas. Dentre os resultados obtidos, destacam-se: a arquitetura de indicadores atual da UO está desequilibrada nas dimensões do BSC – comparada à dimensão financeira que apresenta 7 indicadores, a dimensão clientes apresenta somente 2 indicadores; identificou-se uma lacuna de 50% na relação de indicadores de desempenho da UO quando a confrontamos com o modelo de referência; para as lacunas identificadas, desenvolveu-se um plano de ação para sua incorporação à arquitetura da UO; constatou-se que 24% das métricas do modelo de referência não se aplicam à realidade da UO e; o modelo de referência não abarca itens relevantes como treinamento, engajamento e Saúde, Meio Ambiente e Segurança (SMS), primordial para a realidade da empresa, que acompanha atualmente 6 indicadores de SMS. Verificou-se, também, que o uso de um modelo de referência genérico não é o mais adequado por causa das complexidades intrínsecas de cada uma das organizações. Entretanto, o mesmo pode ser usado como um guia para verificação de suficiência dos indicadores pré-selecionados por uma determinada empresa porque indica lacunas que podem não ser percebidas no processo de seleção.


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Since 2006, the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) calculates a daily version of the Broad Consumer Price Index (IPCA), the official inflation index, calculated under the responsibility of the IBGE, the federal statistics agency in Brazil. Ardeo et. al. (2013) showed the importance of this indicator and how this daily information can be useful to a country that had high level of inflation. Despite the fact that this measure is a fair antecedent variable for inflation, due to some peculiarities concerning the collection period, the initial daily rating may not anticipate some effects, such as seasonal factors and the increase in prices controlled by the Brazilian Government. Hence, by taking into account the Monitor´s daily time series, this paper intends to forecast the IPCA for the first six days of data collection. The results showed up that the proposal technic improved the IPCA forecast in the beginning of data collection.


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This thesis presents a low cost non-intrusive home energy monitor built on top of Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) concepts and techniques. NILM solutions are already considered low cost alternatives to the big majority of existing commercial energy monitors but the goal here is to make its cost even lower by using a mini netbook as a whole in one solution. The mini netbook is installed in the homes main circuit breaker and computes power consumption by reading current and voltage from the built-in sound card. At the same time, feedback to the users is provided using the 11’’ LCD screen as well as other built-in I/O modules. Our meter is also capable of detecting changes in power and tries to find out which appliance lead to that change and it is being used as part of an eco-feedback platform that was build to study the long terms of energy eco-feedback in individuals. In this thesis the steps that were taken to come up with such a system are presented, from the basics of AC power measurements to the implementation of an event detector and classifier that was used to disaggregate the power load. In the last chapter results from some validation tests that have been performed are presented in order to validate the experiment. It is believed that such a system will not only be important as an energy monitor, but also as an open system than can be easily changed to accommodate and test new or existing nonintrusive load monitoring techniques.


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This thesis nalyzes the wayfinding in Landscape Museum of Contemporary Art (MPAC), based on the Institute of Contemporary Art CACI, Minas Gerais, Brazil and the Museum of Contemporary Art of the Serralves Foundation, Porto, Portugal. The study focuses on the interrelationship of the public/visitors with the landscape, architecture and contemporary art museums in these, in order to understand visual perception and apprehension of such an environment for their users. For both were confronted documentation (visual and written) and people talk. The main hypothesis put forward is that the audience/visitor MPAC appreciates the interrelationship between the natural environment (park/garden) and built environment (the works of contemporary art and the galleries), giving equal value to both. To complement this, a second hypothesis is that during the visit to MPACS, visitors define their paths spontaneously, but strongly influenced by existing visual indicators (maps, signage and striking landscape elements), which facilitate the readability of space, which also contribute to the offered services and the experiences of similar institutions. The analytical basis of the research used the concepts of legibility (LYNCH, 2009), wayfinding (GIBSON, 2009; ARTHUR, PASSINI, 2002; WEISMAN, 1982), Experiential Cotinnum (TUAN, 1985), Space Bound (CRUZ PINTO, 2007) and habitus (BOURDIEU, 1992). Methodologically was used qualitative research (DEMO 2000) by means of a case study (YIN, 2005; STAKE, 1999) and participant observation (WHYTE, 2005). In the two institutions interviews with researchers and curators, behavior observation and questionnaires from employees, trainees, monitors and the public/visitor of the two museums were performed. Although partially referende the initial hypothesis, the research showed that the public/visitor value appears more natural environments, they experience a greater intensity and in addition to the factors listed in the second case, your perception and definition of paths suffer significant influence of emotional relations established with space. Generally the audience/visitor adapts easily to different demands of contemporary art exhibition in the two museums and the built environment (park/garden and museum) interferes with your reading path during the visit, perceived by the public/visitor condition as a factor that favors the enjoyment of works on different mounts (wayfinding), though often become a factor that hinders the legibility of the building and its built environment


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According to the methodological presuppositions of the understanding interview (KAUFMAAN, 1996), the present work aims to understand the Digital Inclusion starting from the oral speeches of eight monitors of Digital Inclusion and Citizenship Schools of the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company EMATER, located in municipal districts that belong to six regions of the state of Rio Grande do Norte. It also had the intention to analyze it (the Digital Inclusion), while educational process and its relation with the citizenship. In its first part, an analysis of the discussions about digital inclusion was developed, and a reflection about the new technologies in current times, followed by a contextualization of the rural space and the methodological course of the study, when its guiding axis and the travelled roads were presented, where the object of study is built slowly and progressively through a theoretical elaboration that increases day by day, as of the technologies forged in the field of research and formation of the subject. The second part presents the study of the collected information, that is organized in three chapters denominated as follows: Conceptions of the local context; What does digital inclusion mean? and The monitor as an educator. The reports do evidence a peculiar dissatisfaction with the social reality where they are found, that contradicts the positive reflections and perspectives of the studied authors, once that, within the actual conjuncture, the rural space has acquired another meaning, no longer being seen as a far late place. By trying to define the digital inclusion, the monitors make an association with change, the access to knowledge, active participation in society and improvement of the life conditions. Here a mission sense stands out, related to the ideological precept, which has been managing its activities. Towards the monitor‟s relation within the classroom, the senses evidence how they are and how they have been developing their daily activities. Tensions, fears and insecurities are identified, but at the same time, a compromise. The final considerations implicate to the need of reorientations in the formative process of this professionals, detaching the importance of their activities while agents of inclusion and social transformation


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This study aimed to describe and analyze aspects of the historical course of teaching Mathematics by Radio Experiences in Rio Grande do Norte, between the decades from 1950 to 1970 in order to organize a documentary (CD-ROM) containing information about Mathematics studied by Radio who have experienced it. In this, we use qualitative research. We seek support in the theoretical framework of cultural history and memory researchers as Certeau (1998), Chartier (1990), Le Goff (2008), Thompson (2002) and Peter Burke (2004). Moreover, we take the elements of oral history. We focus on the teaching of literacy and the primary of the Radio schools in two rural communities - Logradouro and Catolé - who are currently part of the city of Lagoa Salgada (RN) and, with respect to the Junior High School, we stopped in the Course of Madureza at Radio. We used as written sources, especially the documents found in the General Archives of the Archdiocese of Natal (RN) and the employees assigned by the participants of the survey. Our sources come from the oral testimonies of pupils and monitors Lagoa Salgada City, teachers, broadcasters and technicians of Rural Support Service (SAR) Natal (RN). In this study, we identify the geometry Cubação social practices of Lagoa Salgada students. Also identified in the research material, the Global Method with the pedagogy of Paulo Freire, that guided the production of lessons in literacy and primary courses. Content in Mathematics, we find traces of the trend-Empirical activist. In the course of Madureza, there was a tendency formal technique Fiorentini (1995). Finally, as a result of this study, organize and present a documentary (CD-ROM), along with the analysis of this study, containing the history of Mathematics teaching by Radio, from the speech of those who experienced Radio, emphasizing the methodology teaching developed in class, that serves as a reference material for students, professors and researchers.


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The discussion about the need of improving the reading and the writing practices of professionals from the most different knowledge areas has caused, in Brazilian and foreign institutions of higher education, a movement of insertion of curricula components whose focus is the reading and the writing in academic formation. To contributing with the reflection about that discussion, this master s degree dissertation has as object of study the situated linguistic formation. Our general objective is to analyze a linguistic formation proposal to graduating students from the Bachelor s degree in Science and Technology (BCT) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). To constructing that analysis, we have established four specific objectives: a) verifying if the ten brazilian Institutions of Higher Education which offer the BCT have curricula components of reading and writing directed to that formation; b) describing how these Bachelor s degree reading and writing curricula components are presented; c) examining differences and similarities which, in general, exist among curricula components related to reading and writing in each one of the researched institutions; d) revealing which categories delineate the linguistic formation developed in the BCT of the UFRN. In order to reaching our goals, this work has been based on the dialogical conception of the language (BAKHTIN [1952-1953] 2010), on the literacy studies (KLEIMAN [1995] 2008; TINOCO, 2008) and on the critical pedagogy (FREIRE, 1980; 2007). Methodologically, this qualitative research of ethnographic direction (ANDRÉ, 1995) is grounded in Applied Linguistics (PEREIRA; ROCA, 2009; PASCHOAL; CELANI (Orgs.), 1992). This research has the contribution of professors, scholars and monitors of the field of Reading and Writing Practices (PLE) and also graduating students from the UFRN BCT which had already studied PLE-I and/or PLE-II. The tools used for data collection/generation were: curricula components programs related to reading and writing in the BCT in the researched higher education institutions (IES), questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and profiles. The generated data allowed us to establish the following analysis categories: situationality (real situation, thematic contemporaneity and thematic focalization) and literacy projects (learning community and protagonism). The results achieved show that most IES which offer BCT worry about improving the reading and writing competences of their graduating students; however, there is still a lot to be done (increase of the number of class hours, contents and methodological aspects review, theoretical referential sophistication) so that the curricula components can be configured as a situated and significant linguistic formation. Finally, we make some suggestions for improving the work which has been made in the BCT of the UFRN, making then the mother tongue teaching in courses of the area of exact and technological sciences stronger


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Objectives: To study the relationship between the level of physical activity in daily life and disease severity assessed by the BODE index in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Methods: Sixty-seven patients with COPD (36 men) with forced expiratory volume in the first second (FEV(1)) of 39 (27-47)% predicted and age of 66 (61-72) years old were evaluated by spirometry, dyspnea levels (measured by the Medical Research Council scale, MRC) and by the 6-minute walking test (6MWT). The BODE index was calculated based on the body mass index (weight/height(2)), FEV(1), MRC and 6MWT, and then the patients were divided in four quartiles according to their scores (Quartile I: 0 to 2 points, n=15; Quartile II: 3 to 4 points, n=20; Quartile III: 5 to 6 points, n=23; Quartile IV: 7 to 10 points, n=9). Two activity monitors (DynaPort (R) and SenseWear (R)) were used to evaluate the level of physical activity in daily life. The Kruskal-Wallis test (Dunns's post-hoc test), the Mann-Whitney test and the Spearman Correlation Coefficient were used for statistical analysis. Results: There were modest correlation between the BODE index and the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate and vigorous activities per day (-0.32 <= r <=- 0.47; p <= 0.01 for all variables). When comparing the pooled quartiles I+II with III+IV, there were significant difference between the time spent walking per day, the total daily energy expenditure and the time spent in moderate activities per day (p <= 0.05). Conclusion: The level of physical activity in daily life has a modest correlation with the classification of COPD severity assessed by the BODE index, reflecting only differences between patients with classified as mild-moderate and severe-very severe COPD.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The use of the SenseWear (TM) armband (SWA), an objective monitor of physical activity, is a relatively new device used by researchers to measure energy expenditure. These monitors are practical, relatively inexpensive and easy-to-use. The aim of the present study was to assess the validity of SWAs for the measurement of energy expenditure (EE) in circuit resistance training (CRT) at three different intensities in moderately active, healthy subjects. The study subjects (17 females, 12 males) undertook CRT at 30, 50 and 70% of the 15 repetition maximum for each exercise component wearing an SWA as well as an Oxycon Mobile (OM) portable metabolic system (a gold standard method for measuring EE). The EE rose as exercise intensity increased, but was underestimated by the SWAs. For women, Bland-Altman plots showed a bias of 1.13 +/- A 1.48 METs and 32.1 +/- A 34.0 kcal in favour of the OM system, while for men values of 2.33 +/- A 1.82 METs and 75.8 +/- A 50.8 kcal were recorded.


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A auditoria, na saúde, verifica os processos e resultados da prestação de serviços, pressupondo o desenvolvimento de um modelo de atenção adequado, de acordo com as legislações vigentes. Nesta pesquisa, objetivou-se analisar as atividades da auditoria no Sistema Único de Saúde no serviço de saúde bucal, buscando demonstrar as ações e a sua inserção nas três esferas de governo. Foram realizadas análise documental e levantamentos bibliográficos sobre os sistemas de auditoria e o papel do auditor no serviço odontológico desde 1969. Os resultados mostraram que foram encontrados seis artigos sobre auditoria odontológica no SUS e que a atuação do auditor odontológico é abrangente no gerenciamento do sistema, consistindo no controle, na avaliação, na supervisão e na orientação, bem como na garantia da participação social e acesso aos serviços. Na saúde bucal o auditor analisa, monitora e fiscaliza o planejamento das estratégias e os procedimentos efetuados; realiza o cadastramento dos profissionais, das unidades de saúde e a programação física orçamentária; viabiliza os dados para o sistema de informação e o pagamento dos serviços prestados; examina o cumprimento das pactuações, dando um enfoque educativo e não mais policialesco à resolubilidade dos problemas. Conclui-se que existem poucos estudos sobre auditoria odontológica no SUS e que o sistema de auditoria é um instrumento administrativo confiável e essencial para os gestores no desenvolvimento das ações de saúde.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: Recent studies have identified that a higher resting heart rate (RHR) is associated with elevated blood pressure, independent of body fatness, age and ethnicity. However, it is still unclear whether RHR can also be applied as a screening for other risk factors, such as hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia. Thus, the purpose of the presented study was to analyze the association between RHR, lipid profile and fasting glucose in obese children and adolescents.Methods: The sample was composed of 180 obese children and adolescents, aged between 7-16 years. Whole-body and segmental body composition were estimated by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Resting heart rate (RHR) was measured by heart rate monitors. The fasting blood samples were analyzed for serum triglycerides, total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), and glucose, using the colorimetric method.Results: Fasting glucose, TC, triglycerides, HDL-C, LDL-C and RHR were similar in both genders. The group of obese subjects with a higher RHR presented, at a lower age, higher triglycerides and TC. There was a significant relationship between RHR, triglycerides and TC. In the multivariate model, triglycerides and TC maintained a significant relationship with RHR independent of age, gender, general and trunk adiposity. The ROC curve indicated that RHR has a high potential for screening elevated total cholesterol and triglycerides as well as dyslipidemia.Conclusion: Elevated RHR has the potential to identify subjects at an increased risk of atherosclerosis development.


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OBJETIVO: em decorrência dos questionamentos sobre o efeito deletério das radiações emitidas pelo campo eletromagnético (CEM) dos tipos ELF (extremely low frequency) e VLF (very low frequency) transmitidas pelos monitores de vídeo dos computadores (CRT), foi avaliada a freqüência de anomalias cromossômicas estruturais e a cinética do ciclo celular em indivíduos expostos por seu trabalho à radiação dos CRT. MÉTODOS: A pesquisa de aberrações cromossômicas foi realizada em 2.000 metáfases de primeira divisão celular obtidas de culturas de 48h de linfócitos de sangue venoso periférico de dez indivíduos expostos ao CRT (grupo E) e de dez controles (grupo C). A cinética do ciclo celular foi pesquisada pelos índices mitótico (IM) e de proliferação celular (IPC). RESULTADOS: A análise estatística evidenciou freqüências significativamente maiores de metáfases com anomalias cromossômicas (E=5,9%; C=3,7%) e anomalias/célula (E=0,066±0,026; C=0,040±0,026) nos indivíduos expostos aos CRTs. As alterações citogenéticas mais comuns foram as quebras cromatídicas, com freqüência de 0,034±0,016 no grupo E e de 0,016±0,015 no grupo C. As freqüências de IM e IPC não apresentaram diferenças significantes entre os grupos avaliados. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem um efeito genotóxico do CEM emitido pelos CRTs devido à freqüência mais elevada de quebras cromatídicas, enfatizando a necessidade de haver um número maior de estudos com diferentes técnicas que vise a investigar a ação do CEM sobre o material genético.