999 resultados para Lingüística geral
La incursión de nuevas disciplinas en la lingüística, tales como la sociología, el cognitivismo, la antropología, etc., han permitido encontrar diversos puntos de unión entre las investigaciones realizadas desde cada una de estas disciplinas. Ello resulta de gran interés para los estudios de variación y contacto de lenguas en los que, aparte de los factores lingüísticos tradicionales, intervienen significativamente otros de índole cognitiva, sociocultural y pragmático-discursiva.Partiendo de este marco teórico plural, y desde la perspectiva del contacto de lenguas, en las siguientes páginas se analizan las expresiones prospectivas del español. Concretamente, se pretende aseverar la hipótesis de la influencia del catalán sobre el español en la expresión formal del futuro,1 pues parece que en las zonas catalanohablantes la frecuencia de uso del futuro sintético (FS) y del futuro analítico (FA) para hablar de eventos venideros es opuesta al empleo que de estas mismas formas suele hacerse en el resto de zonas hispanohablantes.2 La idea parte del hecho de que, pese a que en catalán también alternan las dos estructuras —el FS y la perífrasis prospectiva «ANAR A+Infinitivo»—, el menor rendimiento de la perífrasis en catalán y, por tanto, su menor grado de gramaticalización, parece incidir en la frecuencia de uso de la perífrasis en español «IR A+Infinitivo».
El present article recull reflexions i propostes sobre les aportacions que ofereix l’àrea d’educació física aldesenvolupament de la competència comunicativa, amb l’objectiu de col·laborar activament a millorar-la. Desd’aquest compromís, en primer lloc, s’indiquen les capacitats relacionades amb la competència comunicativai, posteriorment, es relacionen aquestes capacitats des de l’especificitat de les situacions d’aprenentatge queaporta l’àrea d’educació física
In this study we describe an experimental procedure based on a chemical industrial process of soya-bean oil extraction applied in general chemistry for undergraduate students. The experiment was planned according to the Science, Technology and Society (STS) approach to teach basic chemical concepts and provide grounding in the management of environmental care. The use of real life chemistry problems seems to salient the relevance of chemistry to our students and enhances their motivation to learn both the practical and theoretical components of the discipline.
An overview of the last thirty years of the General Chemistry Course applied to the freshmen in our Institute is presented. All the changes introduced in the course since the first time it was offered up to our days are described and a discussion of the program now developed is given.
This article suggests a sequence of experiments on the preparation, analysis and some photochemical aspects of potassium tris (oxalato) ferrate(III) trihydrate. The sequence of experiments could be carried out in four or five 4-hour laboratory periods. The new part of this article is related to the kinetics studies involving the ambient illumination as well as the use of the cellophane paper of different colors as light filters. The aspects such as quantum yield, light absorption and photochemical reactions are explored in order to illustrate the relationships between the exposure time, light intensity and wavelength range on the photochemical reactions.
The teaching of general chemistry involves both the choice and the organization of its concepts. Although College Teachers make their choices, frequently the text books play an important role in this selection. In the present project we intend to show what are Teachers' perceptions of conceptual organization and selection as well as their perceptions of how to teach general chemistry. This demonstration is carried out through the use of metaphors from new information technologies.
This essay describes a new didactic approach, in according with the national curriculum guidelines for chemistry undergraduate courses in Brazil, employed during the one-semester course "Experimental General Chemistry" for chemistry undergraduate students at the Federal University of Piauí. The new approach has positively helped student's training by improving their reading skills and their understanding of scientific reports, by developing the use of electronic tools to search and to recover the required knowledge for their learning activities, and by improving their skills of understanding published texts and dealing with digital sources. At the same time the students are strongly stimulated to enter the research program for undergraduate students available at the University.
This work describes a systematic method to be applied in undergraduate courses of organic chemistry, correlating infrared spectra, hydrogen and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra. To this end, a scheme and a table were developed to conduct the elucidation of the structure of organic compounds initially using infrared spectra. Interpretation of hydrogen and carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance spectra and of mass spectra is used to confirm the proposed structure.
The contextualized understanding of concepts in Chemistry by students from other areas is a challenging task. In this experiment, the synthesis of biodiesel is done by base catalyzed transesterification of refined soy oil with methanol at room temperature and common glassware found in any chemistry laboratory. The proposal permits introducing several concepts, such as that of emulsion, viscosity and catalysis to illustrate an activity based on an actual problem. In this didactic approach, some common problems of biodiesel production, such as soap formation and phase separation, are introduced into the procedure in order to raise questions and motivate the students to participate in the experimental work and stimulate reflections about critical aspects of biodiesel production. This experiment was carried out in the first semester of 2006, in experimental general chemistry taken by physics and agricultural, civil and chemical engineering students of UNICAMP.
En diferents zones d"Hispanoamèrica, la substitució del futur sintètic en -rá (cantaré, lloverá) per la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu (voy a cantar, va a llover) resulta cada vegada més evident (Bauhr, 1989; Troya, 1998; Almeida y Díaz, 1998; Blas Arroyo, 2005; Sedano, 2006). Si bé en les zones peninsulars monolingües aquesta substitució també es percep, sembla que en les zones bilingües on el castellà està en contacte amb el català la tendència és justament la contrària. En aquest article es pretén verificar aquesta tendència tot partint de la hipòtesi que la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu per expressar valors temporals prospectius es fa servir en menor grau, sobretot en els parlants amb el català como a L1. La justificació cal trobar-la en la influència del català sobre el castellà; concretament, en el paradigma verbal particular del català confusió amb el pretèrit perfet perifràstic (vaig cantar) i esforç articulatori i en el fet que Anar a + Infinitiu no ha gramaticalitzat els mateixos valors que el castellà a Ir a + Infinitiu manté els valors etimològics. Per comprovar-ho, ens valdrem del corpus RESOL; un corpus de dades orals constituït per 94 entrevistes semidirigides realitzades a nens de 6º de primària, i novament quan cursaven 1º de la ESO, a escoles de Mataró i de Manlleu. Un cop analitzat el corpus, les dades revelen que, efectivament, en les zones bilingües, els informants amb el català com a L1 tendeixen a utilitzar la forma sintètica en major grau que la forma analítica. En canvi, els parlants que tenen el castellà com a L1 fan servir majoritàriament la perífrasi Ir a + Infinitiu, tot i que aquest ús no es tan profús como en la resta de zones monolingües peninsulars. En definitiva, el fet de tenir el català como a L1 sembla ser un dels factor que condiciona o determina la proliferació de la construcció Ir a + Infinitiu en el castellà parlat a Catalunya, però, alhora, la convergència de diferents factors lingüístics és el que condiciona l"ús particular d"aquesta perífrasi verbal en la zona analitzada.
La incursión de nuevas disciplinas en la lingüística, tales como la sociología, el cognitivismo, la antropología, etc., han permitido encontrar diversos puntos de unión entre las investigaciones realizadas desde cada una de estas disciplinas. Ello resulta de gran interés para los estudios de variación y contacto de lenguas en los que, aparte de los factores lingüísticos tradicionales, intervienen significativamente otros de índole cognitiva, sociocultural y pragmático-discursiva.Partiendo de este marco teórico plural, y desde la perspectiva del contacto de lenguas, en las siguientes páginas se analizan las expresiones prospectivas del español. Concretamente, se pretende aseverar la hipótesis de la influencia del catalán sobre el español en la expresión formal del futuro,1 pues parece que en las zonas catalanohablantes la frecuencia de uso del futuro sintético (FS) y del futuro analítico (FA) para hablar de eventos venideros es opuesta al empleo que de estas mismas formas suele hacerse en el resto de zonas hispanohablantes.2 La idea parte del hecho de que, pese a que en catalán también alternan las dos estructuras —el FS y la perífrasis prospectiva «ANAR A+Infinitivo»—, el menor rendimiento de la perífrasis en catalán y, por tanto, su menor grado de gramaticalización, parece incidir en la frecuencia de uso de la perífrasis en español «IR A+Infinitivo».
In recent decades, European educational systems are facing many challenges related to the treatment of cultural and linguistic diversity. The need to address this diversity requires new approaches to education; this in turn requires changes in the way we prepare teachers for the new reality they face in their classrooms. In this article we highlight some of the major problems that initial teacher training has to address in order to enable teachers to deal effectively, respectfully, and fairly with students whose linguistic and cultural background is different from their own. We also present several models for teacher education from Europe and North America based on clearly identified teacher competences for linguistic and cultural diversity
Contextualized overview of the Biodiesel Production Chain, from the lab bench to the industry, with critical evaluation of state-of-art and technological development through scientific articles and patents, focusing on feedstock, reaction/production, first and second generation processes, specification and quality, transport, storage, co-products (effluents and sub-products), and emissions. Challenges are identified and solutions are proposed based on the Brazilian feedstock, edaphoclimatic conditions, process monitoring in remote regions, state policy, and environment preservation, among others. Forecasts are made based on the technology assessment, identifying future trends and opportunities for R&D&I.
The capacity of natural zeolites and its host rock (dacite) to remove Pb2+ and Cr3+ from aqueous solutions has been investigated. Results showed that both samples prefer to remove Pb2+ instead of Cr3+. Almost 100% of Pb2+ was removed from solutions with concentration until 50 mg L-1 and 100 mg L-1 of this metal, respectively by dacite and zeolite. The equilibrium of metals adsorption process was reached during the first 30 min by both materials. Na+ can be used to recover Pb2+, but not to remove Cr3+ from the treated samples. The Sips model showed a good fit for experimental data of this study.
Tetracyclines exhibits activity to a broad range of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria and this fact allied to the low toxicity, low cost, and the advantage of administration by oral route led to their indiscriminate use, which caused the appearance of bacterial resistance to these agents, wich has restricted its clinical utility, though new applications have emerged. On the other hand, the glycylcyclines, semi-synthetic products are similar to tetracyclines, which are active against many bacteria resistant to tetracycline and other classes of antibiotics. The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of this important class of antibiotics focusing on its coordination chemistry and possible applications.