257 resultados para Laryngeal


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Background: The treatment of advanced malignancies of the tongue with total glossectomy is controversial. Methods: The present study retrospectively reviews 20 patients that had total glossectomy with or without laryngectomy performed at the Princess Alexandra Hospital (Woolloongabba, QLD, Australia) over the past 10 years. The clinicopathologic parameters, perioperative morbidity and mortality were assessed. Results: The 5 years disease free and disease specific survival rates were 34% and 38%, respectively. Ninety per cent of patients acquired independent oral feeding prior to discharge, while 57% of patients that had laryngeal preservation performed achieved satisfactory vocal rehabilitation. Conclusion: Total glossectomy is an oncologically sound surgical procedure that should only be performed in carefully selected patients with advanced malignancies affecting the tongue.


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Objective: Laryngeal and tongue function was assessed in 28 patients to evaluate the presence, nature, and resolution of superior recurrent laryngeal and hypoglossal nerve damage resulting from standard open primary carotid endarterectomy (CEA). Methods. The laryngeal and tongue function in 28 patients who underwent CEA were examined prospectively with various physiologic (Aerophone II, laryngograph, tongue transducer), acoustic (Multi-Dimensional Voice Program), and perceptual speech assessments. Measures were obtained from all participants preoperatively, and at 2 weeks and at 3 months postoperatively. Results. The perceptual speech assessment indicated that the vocal quality of roughness was significantly more apparent at the 2-week postoperative assessment than preoperatively. However, by the 3-month postoperative assessment these values had returned to near preoperative levels, with no significant difference detected between preoperative and 3-month postoperative levels or between 2-week and 3-month postoperative levels. Both the instrumental assessments of laryngeal function and the acoustic assessment of vocal quality failed to identify any significant difference on any measure across the three assessment periods. Similarly, no significant impairment in tongue strength, endurance, or rate of repetitive tongue movements was detected at instrumental assessment of tongue function. Conclusions: No permanent changes to vocal or tongue function occurred in this group of participants after primary CEA. The lack of any significant long-term laryngeal or tongue dysfunction in this group suggests that the standard open CEA procedure is not associated with high rates of superior recurrent and hypoglossal nerve dysfunction, as previously believed.


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The present study examined 24 individuals with either complete or incomplete injuries to the cervical spinal cord through the use of standardized assessments of dysarthria and a perceptual rating scale. Perceptual assessment revealed predominantly prosodic and phonatory disturbances, while physical impairments were common in the respiratory and laryngeal subsystems of speech production. A reduction in intelligibility and speaking rate resulted in a diminished communicative effectiveness ratio for most participants. Individuals showed a high degree of variation, with no clear relationship between lesion type and impairments present. Further investigation is required to verify the physiological nature of the respiratory and laryngeal impairments found in the present investigation and to determine the relative contributions of these to the overall presentation of speech and voice post cervical spinal cord injury (CSI).


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In recent years, the multiparametric approach for evaluating perceptual rating of voice quality has been advocated. This study evaluates the accuracy of predicting perceived overall severity of voice quality with a minimal set of aerodynamic, voice range profile (phonetogram), and acoustic perturbation measures. One hundred and twelve dysphonic persons (93 women and 19 men) with laryngeal pathologies and 41 normal controls (35 women and six men) with normal voices participated in this study. Perceptual severity judgement was carried out by four listeners rating the G (overall grade) parameter of the GRBAS scale.(1) The minimal set of instrumental measures was selected based on the ability of the measure to discriminate between dysphonic and normal voices, and to attain at least a moderate correlation with perceived overall severity. Results indicated that perceived overall severity was best described by maximum phonation time of sustained /a/, peak intraoral pressure of the consonant-vowel /pi/ strings production, voice range profile area, and acoustic jitter. Direct-entry discriminant function analysis revealed that these four voice measures in combination correctly predicted 67.3% of perceived overall severity levels.


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Chronic cough (CC) and paradoxical vocal fold movement (PVFM) are debilitating conditions. PVFM has been given many labels,(1) including vocal cord dysfunction, Munchausen's stridor, functional inspiratory stridor, nonorganic functional or psychogenic upper airway obstruction, factitious asthma, psychogenic stridor, emotional laryngeal wheezing, and episodic laryngeal dyskinesia. 3 Although CC and PVFM have been considered separate entities in many reports, there is preliminary support for the notion that there may be an underlying link between these two conditions. Speech pathologists have become increasingly involved in the treatment of these patients and therefore need to understand the theoretical background of these disorders, the pathophysiological links between the two, and the impact of voice disorders on these populations. The aim of this article is to review the current literature on CC and PVFM from a speech pathology perspective to provide a model for defining and conceptualizing the disorders and to provide a framework for management and future research.


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Acute pulmonary disorders are commonplace within the athletic population, with exercise induced bronchoconstriction (EIB), and vocal cord dysfunction (VCD) common diagnoses. VCD is a condition that causes the adduction of the vocal folds during inhalation, causing obstruction at the larynx and thereby a severely impaired sporting performance. VCD can be brought on by laryngeal irritants, emotional and psychological stress and asthma. The gold standard of treatment for VCD centres on an interdisciplinary approach from specialists that often include a respiratory consultant, speech and language therapist (SLT) and a psychologist. The present case study details the interdisciplinary approach to the treatment of an elite female swimmer with VCD with an intervention programme that lasted nine weeks, instigated by a local general practitioner (G.P.) who chose to engage a Sport Psychology Consultant (SPC) due to the sport-specific nature of the psychological stress experienced by the individual. The steps involved in the design of the sport psychology interventions are outlined and the relationship of those interventions to the work of the other specialists is discussed. The 9 week intervention programme was aimed at reducing perfectionist tendencies and competitive state anxiety using a combination of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), goal-setting and imagery. Overall, the treatment programme was deemed a success as perfectionism and competitive state anxiety levels reduced over time along with the frequency of VCD occurrence. This case study demonstrates the breadth of roles that can be undertaken by a SPC and raises awareness of a complex respiratory disorder that is not yet fully understood.


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Aim. Reoperative thyroid surgery is an uncommon operation associated with a higher complication rate; we reviewed our series of patients on whom reoperative thyroid surgery was performed.Method. 106 patients had a thyroid reoperation for recurrent multinodular goiter (93 patients), recurrent thyrotoxicosis (3) or suspected malignancy (10); bilateral completion thyroidectomy was performed in 68 cases, lobectomy in 36, removal of a mediastinal recurrence and of a pyramidal remnant in 1 patient respectively. Results. Temporary hypoparathyroidism occurred in 41 patients (38.67%), definitive in 7 (6.6%), transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy in 5 (4.71%), permanent nerve palsy in 1 (0.94%); in 3 cases (2.83%) surgical revision of haemostasis was necessary for postoperative haemorrhage. After monolateral surgery we had 13 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (34.21%), 2 of definitive (5.26%) and 1 transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (2.63%); after bilateral surgery we had 29 cases of transient hypoparathyroidism (42.64%), 5 of definitive (7.35%), 4 of transient recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy (5.88%), 1 of definitive (1.47%) and 3 of postoperative bleeding (4.41%). Conclusions. Reoperative thyroid surgery is a technical challenge with a high incidence of complications. Scarring, edema and friability of the tissues together with distortion of the landmarks make reoperative surgery azardous. A higher risk of complications is described when previous surgery has been performed on both sides. Total thyroidectomy should be considered the procedure of choice for benign multinodular goiter eliminating the potential of a reoperation. Whenever necessary, reoperative hyroidectomy may be performed safely with little morbidity in experienced hands.


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An 85-year-old male was hospitalized because of deterioration of his general condition and infection of the tracheostoma. He had had laryngectomy, bilateral neck dissection and radiation therapy for a laryngeal carcinoma 5 years earlier. Despite a good recovery, he could not get up because of a new onset of postural symptoms (dizziness, lightheadedness, collapse). Late onset of baroreflex failure and autonomic nervous system failure were diagnosed. Volatility of blood pressure (supine hypertension, upright hypotension) was treated with NaCl supplement during the day and a short-acting antihypertensive (clonidine) at night. With this regimen, the patient could walk without support.


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Aim Review the literature from 1990 to 2013 to determine known anatomic sites, risk factors, treatments, and outcomes of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods Using a systematic search strategy, literature pertaining to HNSCC in sub-Saharan Africa was reviewed and patient demographics, anatomic sites, histology, stage, treatment, and outcomes were abstracted. The contributions of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), human papillomavirus (HPV) and behavioural risk factors to HNSCC in the region were assessed. Results Of the 342 papers identified, 46 were utilized for review, including 8611 patients. In sub-Saharan Africa, the oropharyngeal/oral cavity was found to be the most common site, with 7750 cases (90% of all cases). Few papers distinguished oropharyngeal from oral cavity, making identification of possible HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) difficult. SCC of the nasopharynx, nasal cavity, or paranasal sinuses was identified in 410 patients (4.8% of all cases). Laryngeal SCC was found in 385 patients (4.5% of all cases), and only 66 patients (0.8% of all cases) with hypopharyngeal SCC were identified. In 862 patients with data available, 43% used tobacco and 42% used alcohol, and reported use varied widely and was more common in laryngeal SCC than that of the oropharyngeal/oral cavity. Toombak and kola nut use was reported to be higher in patients with HNSCC. Several papers reported HIV-positive patients with HNSCC, but it was not possible to determine HNSCC prevalence in HIV-positive compared to negative patients. Reports of treatment and outcomes were rare. Conclusions The oropharyngeal/oral cavity was by far the most commonly reported site of HNSCC reported in sub-Saharan Africa. The roles of risk factors in HNSCC incidence in sub-Saharan Africa were difficult to delineate from the available studies, but a majority of patients did not use tobacco and alcohol.


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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OBJECTIVE: Traditionally, upper airway examination is performed while the patient is awake. However, in the past two decades, drug-induced sleep endoscopy (DISE) has been used as a method of tridimensional evaluation of the upper airway during pharmacologically induced sleep. This study aimed to systematically review the evidence regarding the usefulness of DISE compared with that of traditional awake examination for surgical decision making in patients with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). DATA SOURCES: Scopus, PubMed, and Cochrane Library databases were searched. REVIEW METHODS: Only studies with a primary objective of evaluating the usefulness of DISE for surgical decision making in patients with OSA were selected. The included studies directly compared awake examination data with DISE outcome data in terms of possible influences on surgical decision making and operation success. RESULTS: A total of eight studies with 535 patients were included in this review. Overall, the surgical treatment changed after DISE in 50.24% (standard deviation 8.4) cases. These changes were more frequently associated with structures contributing to hypopharyngeal or laryngeal obstruction. However, these differences do not automatically indicate a higher success rate. CONCLUSION: This review emphasized the direct impact of DISE compared with that of awake examination on surgical decision making in OSA patients. However, it is also clear that the available published studies lack evidence on the association between this impact and surgical outcomes


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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária


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Hypersensitivity to the chicken egg is a widespread disorder mainly affecting 1-2% of children worldwide. It is the second most common food allergy in children, next to cow's milk allergy. Egg allergy is mainly caused by hypersensitivity to four allergens found in the egg white; ovomucoid, ovalbumin, ovotransferrin and lysozyme. However, some research suggests the involvement of allergens exclusively found in the egg yolk such as chicken serum albumin and YGP42, which may play a crucial role in the overall reaction. In egg allergic individuals, these allergens cause conditions such as itching, atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma, vomiting, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, laryngeal oedema and chronic urticaria, and anaphylaxis. Currently there is no permanent cure for egg allergy. Upon positive diagnosis for egg allergy, strict dietary avoidance of eggs and products containing traces of eggs is the most effective way of avoiding future hypersensitivity reactions. However, it is difficult to fully avoid eggs since they are found in a range of processed food products. An understanding of the mechanisms of allergic reactions, egg allergens and their prevalence, egg allergy diagnosis and current treatment strategies are important for future studies. This review addresses these topics and discusses both egg white and egg yolk allergy as a whole.


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Introduction : Les nourrissons, vu la grande compliance de leur cage thoracique, doivent maintenir activement leur volume pulmonaire de fin d’expiration (VPFE). Ceci se fait par interruption précoce de l’expiration, et par le freinage expiratoire au niveau laryngé et par la persistance de la contraction des muscles inspiratoires. Chez les nourrissons ventilés mécaniquement, notre équipe a montré que le diaphragme est activé jusqu’à la fin de l’expiration (activité tonique). Il n’est pas clair si cette activité tonique diaphragmatique compense pour l’absence de freinage laryngé liée à l’intubation endotrachéale. Objectif : Notre objectif est de déterminer si l’activité tonique diaphragmatique persiste après l’extubation chez les nourrissons et si elle peut être observée chez les enfants plus âgés. Méthode : Ceci est une étude observationnelle longitudinale prospective de patients âgés de 1 semaine à 18 ans admis aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), ventilés mécaniquement pour >24 heures et avec consentement parental. L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) a été enregistrée à l’aide d’une sonde nasogastrique spécifique à 4 moments durant le séjour aux SIP : en phase aigüe, pré et post-extubation et au congé. L’AEdi a été analysée de façon semi-automatique. L’AEdi tonique a été définie comme l’AEdi durant le dernier quartile de l’expiration. Résultats : 55 patients avec un âge médian de 10 mois (écart interquartile: 1-48) ont été étudiés. Chez les nourrissons (<1an, n=28), l’AEdi tonique en pourcentage de l’activité inspiratoire était de 48% (30-56) en phase aigüe, 38% (25-44) pré-extubation, 28% (17-42) post-extubation et 33% (22-43) au congé des SIP (p<0.05, ANOVA, avec différence significative entre enregistrements 1 et 3-4). Aucun changement significatif n’a été observé pré et post-extubation. L’AEdi tonique chez les patients plus âgés (>1an, n=27) était négligeable en phases de respiration normale (0.6mcv). Par contre, une AEdi tonique significative (>1mcv et >10%) a été observée à au moins un moment durant le séjour de 10 (37%) patients. La bronchiolite est le seul facteur indépendant associé à l’activité tonique diaphragmatique. Conclusion : Chez les nourrissons, l’AEdi tonique persiste après l’extubation et elle peut être réactivée dans certaines situations pathologiques chez les enfants plus âgés. Elle semble être un indicateur de l’effort du patient pour maintenir son VPFE. D’autres études devraient être menées afin de déterminer si la surveillance de l’AEdi tonique pourrait faciliter la détection de situations de ventilation inappropriée.


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Introduction : Les nourrissons, vu la grande compliance de leur cage thoracique, doivent maintenir activement leur volume pulmonaire de fin d’expiration (VPFE). Ceci se fait par interruption précoce de l’expiration, et par le freinage expiratoire au niveau laryngé et par la persistance de la contraction des muscles inspiratoires. Chez les nourrissons ventilés mécaniquement, notre équipe a montré que le diaphragme est activé jusqu’à la fin de l’expiration (activité tonique). Il n’est pas clair si cette activité tonique diaphragmatique compense pour l’absence de freinage laryngé liée à l’intubation endotrachéale. Objectif : Notre objectif est de déterminer si l’activité tonique diaphragmatique persiste après l’extubation chez les nourrissons et si elle peut être observée chez les enfants plus âgés. Méthode : Ceci est une étude observationnelle longitudinale prospective de patients âgés de 1 semaine à 18 ans admis aux soins intensifs pédiatriques (SIP), ventilés mécaniquement pour >24 heures et avec consentement parental. L’activité électrique du diaphragme (AEdi) a été enregistrée à l’aide d’une sonde nasogastrique spécifique à 4 moments durant le séjour aux SIP : en phase aigüe, pré et post-extubation et au congé. L’AEdi a été analysée de façon semi-automatique. L’AEdi tonique a été définie comme l’AEdi durant le dernier quartile de l’expiration. Résultats : 55 patients avec un âge médian de 10 mois (écart interquartile: 1-48) ont été étudiés. Chez les nourrissons (<1an, n=28), l’AEdi tonique en pourcentage de l’activité inspiratoire était de 48% (30-56) en phase aigüe, 38% (25-44) pré-extubation, 28% (17-42) post-extubation et 33% (22-43) au congé des SIP (p<0.05, ANOVA, avec différence significative entre enregistrements 1 et 3-4). Aucun changement significatif n’a été observé pré et post-extubation. L’AEdi tonique chez les patients plus âgés (>1an, n=27) était négligeable en phases de respiration normale (0.6mcv). Par contre, une AEdi tonique significative (>1mcv et >10%) a été observée à au moins un moment durant le séjour de 10 (37%) patients. La bronchiolite est le seul facteur indépendant associé à l’activité tonique diaphragmatique. Conclusion : Chez les nourrissons, l’AEdi tonique persiste après l’extubation et elle peut être réactivée dans certaines situations pathologiques chez les enfants plus âgés. Elle semble être un indicateur de l’effort du patient pour maintenir son VPFE. D’autres études devraient être menées afin de déterminer si la surveillance de l’AEdi tonique pourrait faciliter la détection de situations de ventilation inappropriée.