350 resultados para Laminates


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The widespread employment of carbon-epoxy laminates in high responsibility and severely loaded applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. Repair of these structures should be evaluated, instead of their disposal, for cost saving and ecological purposes. Under this perspective, the availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The development and validation of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour are also extremely important, allowing the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive test programmes. Comparing with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional scarf repairs in carbon-epoxy structures, using a ductile adhesive (Araldite® 2015). The finite elements analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the specific adhesive mentioned. A parametric study was performed on the repair width and scarf angle. The use of over-laminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The obtained results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing composite structures.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää raaka-aineena käytettävän paloa hidastavan laminaattipaperin markkinapotentiaali sekä kysyntä Euroopassa. Näiden kehitystä arvioitiin analysoimalla kysyntään vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimusmetodologiassa yhdistyivät useat lähestymistavat, pääasiassa käytettiin kuvailevaa ja ennustavaa tutkimusotetta. Tutkimus perustui sekä primaari että sekundaaritietoon. Primaaritietoa hankittiin tuotteen käyttäjiltä, myyntiedustajilta sekä haastattelemalla tuottajayrityksen henkilökuntaa. Sekundaaritietoa kerättiin myös, mutta tutkimuksen tavoitteisiin liittyviä lähteitä ei ollut runsaasti saatavilla. Tästä syystä primaaritiedolla oli tutkimuksessa hieman tärkeämpi rooli kuin sekundaaritiedolla, mikä on yleistä teollisessa markkinatutkimuksessa. Tuotteen tulevaisuuden näkymät vaikuttavat melko hyviltä. Teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali on suuri verrattuna nykyiseen myyntimäärään, myyntimäärän kasvattaminen vaatii kuitenkin tiettyjä toimenpiteitä. Tulevaisuudessa huomiota tulisi kiinnittää tuotekuvaan, hinnoitteluun ja laadun kokonaisvaltaiseen maksimointiin. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin suuntauksia kysynnän kasvusta tulevien parin vuoden aikana. Myös teoreettinen markkinapotentiaali voisi kasvaa, koska paloa hidastavien laminaattien kysyntä vaikuttaa kasvavan Euroopassa erityisesti rakennusalalla.


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A major challenge in the transmission of narrow pulses is the radiation characteristics of the antenna. Designing the front ends for UWB systems pose challenges compared to their narrow and wide band counterparts because in addition to having electrically small size, high efficiency and band width, the antenna has to have excellent transient response. The present work deals with the design of four novel antenna designs- Square Monopole, Semi-Elliptic Slot, Step and Linear Tapered slot - and an assay on their suitability in UWB Systems. Multiple resonances in the geometry are matched to UWB by redesigning the ground-patch interfaces. Techniques to avoid narrow band interference is proposed in the antenna level and their effect on a nano second pulse have also been investigated. The thesis proposes design guidelines to design the antenna on laminates of any permittivity and the analyzes are complete with results in the frequency and time domains.


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A sandwich construction is a special form of the laminated composite consisting of light weight core, sandwiched between two stiff thin face sheets. Due to high stiffness to weight ratio, sandwich construction is widely adopted in aerospace industries. As a process dependent bonded structure, the most severe defects associated with sandwich construction are debond (skin core bond failure) and dent (locally deformed skin associated with core crushing). Reasons for debond may be attributed to initial manufacturing flaws or in service loads and dent can be caused by tool drops or impacts by foreign objects. This paper presents an evaluation on the performance of honeycomb sandwich cantilever beam with the presence of debond or dent, using layered finite element models. Dent is idealized by accounting core crushing in the core thickness along with the eccentricity of the skin. Debond is idealized using multilaminate modeling at debond location with contact element between the laminates. Vibration and buckling behavior of metallic honeycomb sandwich beam with and without damage are carried out. Buckling load factor, natural frequency, mode shape and modal strain energy are evaluated using finite element package ANSYS 13.0. Study shows that debond affect the performance of the structure more severely than dent. Reduction in the fundamental frequencies due to the presence of dent or debond is not significant for the case considered. But the debond reduces the buckling load factor significantly. Dent of size 8-20% of core thickness shows 13% reduction in buckling load capacity of the sandwich column. But debond of the same size reduced the buckling load capacity by about 90%. This underscores the importance of detecting these damages in the initiation level itself to avoid catastrophic failures. Influence of the damages on fundamental frequencies, mode shape and modal strain energy are examined. Effectiveness of these parameters as a damage detection tool for sandwich structure is also assessed


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El Formaldehído es una sustancia química de amplio uso a nivel mundial con efectos documentados en personas expuestas entre los cuales se destacan irritación de la piel, mucosas, tracto respiratorio y ojos. Según la Agencia Internacional para la Investigación del Cáncer (IARC) el formaldehido se encuentra clasificado en el grupo 1 como agente cancerígeno con suficiente evidencia de producir neoplasias en humanos. Los sectores industriales en Colombia que utilizan de forma frecuente el formaldehído incluyen los fabricantes de maderas, los servicios funerarios, y los sectores de salud y educación. El presente estudio de corte transversal pretende, con base en mediciones históricas (2004-2013) construir un perfil de exposición a formaldehído en trabajadores vinculados al sector de salud y educación en Colombia, divididos y analizados según actividades de trabajo similares (Patólogos, Histotecnólogos, Auxiliares de laboratorio, Docentes y Estudiantes), con el fin de establecer una línea base de diagnóstico para la orientación acciones dirigidas al control del riesgo. Con base en los hallazgos y soportados en estimadores estadísticos aplicables a los grupos de exposición, en general existe un tendencia de no conformidad al comparar los resultados aplicables con valores de referencia de larga duración definidos para el agente por autoridades internacionales. De forma complementaria se encontraron brechas significativas respecto a la implementación de controles administrativos y técnicos que sugieren circunstancias de exposición no controladas en los colectivos de interés.


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In this work, IR thermography is used as a non-destructive tool for impact damage characterisation on thermoplastic E-glass/polypropylene composites for automotive applications. The aim of this experimentation was to compare impact resistance and to characterise damage patterns of different laminates, in order to provide indications for their use in components. Two E-glass/polypropylene composites, commingled ®Twintex (with three different weave structures: directional, balanced and 3-D) and random reinforced GMT, were in particular characterised. Directional and balanced Twintex were also coupled in a number of hybrid configurations with GMT to evaluate the possible use of GMT/Twintex hybrids in high-energy absorption components. The laminates were impacted using a falling weight tower, with impact energies ranging from 15 J to penetration. Using IR thermography during cooling down following a long pulse (3 s), impact damaged areas were characterised and the influence of weave structure on damage patterns was studied. IR thermography offered good accuracy for laminates with thickness not exceeding 3.5 mm: this appears to be a limit for the direct use of this method on components, where more refined signal treatment would probably be needed for impact damage characterisation.


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'Torayca' T800H/3900-2 is the first material qualified on Boeing Material Specification (BMS 8-276) which utilizes the thermoplastic-particulate interlayer toughening technology. Two manufacturing processes, the autoclave process and the fast heating rated Quickstep™ process, were employed to cure this material. The Quickstep process is a unique composite production technology which utilizes the fast heat transfer rate of fluid to heat and cure polymer composite components. The manufacturing influence on the mode I delamination fracture toughness of laminates was investigated by performing double cantilever beam tests. The composite specimens fabricated by two processes exhibited dissimilar delamination resistance curves (R-curves) under mode I loading. The initial value of fracture toughness GIC-INIT was 564 J/m2 for the autoclave specimens and 527 J/m2 for the Quickstep specimens. However, the average propagation fracture toughness GIC-PROP was 783 J/m2 for the Quickstep specimens, which was 2.6 times of that for the autoclave specimens. The mechanism of fracture occurred during delamination was studied under scanning electron microscope (SEM). Three types of fracture were observed: the interlayer fracture, the interface fracture, and the intralaminar fracture. These three types of fracture played different roles in affecting the delamination resistance curves during the crack growth. More fiber bridging was found in the process of delamination for the Quickstep specimens. Better fiber/matrix adhesion was found in the Quickstep specimens by conducting indentation-debond tests.


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Development of civil aerospace composites is key to future “greener” aircraft. Aircraft manufacturers must improve efficiency of their product and manufacturing processes to remain viable. The aerospace industry is undergoing a materials revolution in the design and manufacture of composite airframes. The Airbus A350 and Boeing 787 (both due to enter service in the latter part of this decade) will push utilisation levels of  composite materials beyond 50% of the total airframe by weight. This  change requires massive investment in materials technology, manufacturing capability and skills development. The Quickstep process provides the ability to rapidly cure aerospace standard composite materials whilst providing enhanced mechanical properties. Utilising fluid to transfer heat to the   composite component during the curing process allows far higher heat rates than with conventional cure techniques. The rapid heat-up rates reduce the viscosity of the resin system greatly to provide a longer processing window introducing greater flexibility and removing the need for high pressure during cure. Interlaminar fracture toughness (Mode I) and Interfacial Shear Strength of aerospace standard materials cured using Quickstep have been    compared to autoclave cured laminates. Results suggest an improvement in fibre-matrix adhesion.


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The surface finishes of laminates produced by Quickstep™ and autoclave processes for use in automotive outer skin panels were compared. Automotive quality, painted carbon fibre samples, manufactured via both processes, were exposed to typical exposure environments including combinations of temperature (70, 120, 170°C), UV-B, humidity (95% RH) and immersion in water.

The microscopy and surface roughness results demonstrated that the surfaces produced by the Quickstep process were less susceptible to damage in the aging environments than the surfaces of the autoclaved samples. Quickstep samples displayed surface bubbling of only 5 μm, compared to the autoclaved surface bubbles which reached a diameter of 30 mm before bursting, with complete delamination occurring between the paint and the composite. The surface roughness measurements revealed the autoclave samples (Ra = 0.72 μm) were up to three times the roughness of the Quickstep samples (Ra = 0.23 μm).


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Thermoplastic-toughened epoxy resins are widely used as matrices in modern composite prepreg systems. Rapid curing of thermoplastic-toughened epoxy matrix composites results in different mechanical properties. To investigate the structure–property relationship, we investigated a poly(ether sulfone)-modified triglycidylaminophenol/ 4,4'-diamino diphenyl sulfone system that was cured at different heating rates. An intermediate dwell was also applied during the rapid heating of the thermoplasticmodified epoxy system. We found that a higher heating rate led to a larger domain size of the phase-separated macrostructure and also facilitated more complete phase separation. The intermediate dwell helped phase separation to proceed even further, leading to an even larger domain size of the macrostructure. A carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composite prepreg based on the poly(ether sulfone)-modified multifunctional epoxy system was cured with the same schedule. The rapidly heated composite laminates exhibited higher mode I delamination fracture toughness than the slowly heated material.


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Though serving as an effective means for damage identification, the capability of an artificial neural network (ANN) for quantitative prediction is substantially dependent on the amount of training data. In virtue of a concept of “Digital Damage Fingerprints” (DDF), a hierarchical approach for the development of training databases was proposed for ANN-based damage identification. With the object of exploiting the capability of ANN to address the key questions: “Is there damage?” and “Where is the damage?”, the amount of training data (damage cases) was increased progressively. Mutuality was established between the quantity of training data and the accuracy of answers to the two questions of interest, and was experimentally validated by identifying the position of actual damage in carbon fibre-reinforced composite laminates. The results demonstrate that such a hierarchical approach is capable of offering prediction as to the presence and location of damage individually, with substantially reduced computational cost and effort in the development of the ANN training database.


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A family of simple, displacement-based and shear-flexible triangular and quadrilateral flat plate/shell elements for linear and geometrically nonlinear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminate composite plates are introduced and summarized in this paper.

The developed elements are based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and von-Karman’s large deflection theory, and total Lagrangian approach is employed to formulate the element for geometrically nonlinear analysis. The deflection and rotation functions of the element boundary are obtained from Timoshenko’s laminated composite beam functions, thus convergence can be ensured theoretically for very thin laminates and shear-locking problem is avoided naturally.

The flat triangular plate/shell element is of 3-node, 18-degree-of-freedom, and the plane displacement interpolation functions of the Allman’s triangular membrane element with drilling degrees of freedom are taken as the in-plane displacements of the element. The flat quadrilateral plate/shell element is of 4-node, 24-degree-of-freedom, and the linear displacement interpolation functions of a quadrilateral plane element with drilling degrees of freedom are taken as the in-plane displacements.

The developed elements are simple in formulation, free from shear-locking, and include conventional engineering degrees of freedom. Numerical examples demonstrate that the elements are convergent, not sensitive to mesh distortion, accurate and efficient for linear and geometric nonlinear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminates.


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Based on the first-order shear deformation theory (FSDT) and Timoshenko's laminated composite beam functions, a simple displacement-based 4-node, 24-dof quadrilateral laminated plate element is proposed in this paper for linear analysis of thin to moderately thick laminates. The deflection and rotation functions of the element boundary are obtained from the Timoshenko's laminated composite beam functions, hence convergence to the thin plate solution can be achieved theoretically and shear-locking problem is avoided naturally. The in-plane displacement functions of a quadrilateral plane element with drilling degrees of freedom are taken as the in-plane displacements of the proposed quadrilateral element. Some numerical examples of linear analysis of composite laminated plates are calculated, and the results show that the proposed element is convergent, shear-locking free, efficient, accurate and not sensitive to mesh distortion.


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Quickstep✹ is a novel technology for composite materials manufacturing. Characterisation of carbon fibre reinforced polymer composites cured both conventionally and with the low cost Quickstep process revealed a higher glass transition temperature, enhanced fracture toughness and better impact resistance for the Quickstep composite laminates.


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One set of composite laminates was manufactured from bi-directional carbon fibre woven cloth pre-impregnated with epoxy resin and used to establish experimental techniques. Another, similar set was used for extensive data collection. One other set of laminates, manufactured from uni-directional carbon fibre, was also subjected to extensive tests to represent a different material. The results give the pre and post characterizations of repaired composite materials; outlining at each stage the losses and gains of structural strength and stiffness and discusses the difficulties experienced.