994 resultados para Java Applet


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Reconfigurable computing is one of the most recent research topics in computer science. The Altera - Nios II soft-core processor can be included in a large set of reconfigurable architectures, especially because it is designed in software, allowing it to be configured according to the application. The recent growth in applications that demand reconfigurable computing made necessary the building of compilers that translate high level languages source codes into reconfigurable devices instruction sets. In this paper we present a compiler that takes as input the bytecodes generated by a Java front-end compiler and generates a set of instructions that attends to the Nios II processor instruction set rules. Our work shows how we process Java bytecodes to the intermediate code, in the Nios II instructions format, and build the control flow and the control dependence graphs. © 2009 IEEE.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In the universities, before the start of each school year, is held the distribution of classes among available teachers. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the maximum workweek for each teacher and their preferences for each discipline, to prevent a teacher to give lessons in two separate locations at the same time and to avoid some teachers to become overloaded while others with large clearance. This process, manually performed, is time consuming and does not allow the visualization of other combinations of assignment of teachers to classes, besides being liable to error. This work aims to develop a decision support tool for the problem of assigning teachers to classes in college. The project encompasses the development of a computer program using the concepts of object orientation and a tree search algorithm of a combinatorial nature called Beam Search. The programming language used is Java and the program has a graphical interface for entering and manipulating data of the problem. Once obtained the schedule data of classes and teachers is possible, by means of the tool, perform various simulations and manual adjustments to achieve the final result. It is an efficient method of class scheduling, considering the speed of task execution and the fact that it generates only feasible results


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Dynamic analysis is an increasingly important means of supporting software validation and maintenance. To date, developers of dynamic analyses have used low-level instrumentation and debug interfaces to realize their analyses. Many dynamic analyses, however, share multiple common high-level requirements, e.g., capture of program data state as well as events, and efficient and accurate event capture in the presence of threading. We present SOFYA – an infra-structure designed to provide high-level, efficient, concurrency-aware support for building analyses that reason about rich observations of program data and events. It provides a layered, modular architecture, which has been successfully used to rapidly develop and evaluate a variety of demanding dynamic program analyses. In this paper, we describe the SOFYA framework, the challenges it addresses, and survey several such analyses.


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Observability measures the support of computer systems to accurately capture, analyze, and present (collectively observe) the internal information about the systems. Observability frameworks play important roles for program understanding, troubleshooting, performance diagnosis, and optimizations. However, traditional solutions are either expensive or coarse-grained, consequently compromising their utility in accommodating today’s increasingly complex software systems. New solutions are emerging for VM-based languages due to the full control language VMs have over program executions. Existing such solutions, nonetheless, still lack flexibility, have high overhead, or provide limited context information for developing powerful dynamic analyses. In this thesis, we present a VM-based infrastructure, called marker tracing framework (MTF), to address the deficiencies in the existing solutions for providing better observability for VM-based languages. MTF serves as a solid foundation for implementing fine-grained low-overhead program instrumentation. Specifically, MTF allows analysis clients to: 1) define custom events with rich semantics ; 2) specify precisely the program locations where the events should trigger; and 3) adaptively enable/disable the instrumentation at runtime. In addition, MTF-based analysis clients are more powerful by having access to all information available to the VM. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of MTF, we present two analysis clients: 1) dynamic typestate analysis with adaptive online program analysis (AOPA); and 2) selective probabilistic calling context analysis (SPCC). In addition, we evaluate the runtime performance of MTF and the typestate client with the DaCapo benchmarks. The results show that: 1) MTF has acceptable runtime overhead when tracing moderate numbers of marker events; and 2) AOPA is highly effective in reducing the event frequency for the dynamic typestate analysis; and 3) language VMs can be exploited to offer greater observability.


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A JME-compliant cryptographic library for mobile application development is introduced in this paper. The library allows cryptographic protocols implementation over elliptic curves with different security levels and offers symmetric and asymmetric bilinear pairings operations, as Tate, Weil, and Ate pairings.


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ACR is supported by a research grant from CNPq.


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[ES] El TFG (Trabajo Fin de Grado) de esta aplicación consiste en una Web 2.0 de gestión de dibujos, destacando la participación de cada usuario para gestionar y a su vez comentar, votar o etiquetar dibujos. La Web 2.0 promueve la participación de los usuarios y el intercambio de opiniones e información, colaborando los usuarios entre sí como creadores de contenido. De esta manera se le conoce como web social, proporcionando un medio para gestionar información con el fin de compartir los resultados. Por tanto, la diferencia entre la Web 2.0 frente a una web normal, es que los usuarios no se limitan a observar pasivamente los contenidos que se han creado para ellos. Una de las características principales de la aplicación es la herramienta para crear y editar dibujos, implementado en un Applet. Un Applet es un componente de una aplicación que está desarrollado en Java y se puede ejecutar desde una página web. La herramienta en sí te permite insertar figuras o dibujar a mano alzada y eligiendo el color. Al ser desarrollado en Java, el formato que tiene la aplicación web es JSP (Java Server Page). La principal ventaja de JSP frente a otros lenguajes es que el lenguaje Java es un lenguaje apto para crear clases que manejen lógica de negocio y acceso a datos de una manera prolija. Esto permite separar en niveles las aplicaciones web, dejando la parte encargada de generar el documento HTML en el archivo JSP. Otra ventaja es que JSP hereda la portabilidad de Java, y es posible ejecutar las aplicaciones en múltiples plataformas sin cambios.


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[ES] El trabajo consistirá en abordar el desarrollo de un videojuego utilizando el lenguaje de programación Java y una librería especializada en desarrollo de videojuegos. Crearemos un videojuego del género plataformas. Para ello utilizaremos una vista en dos dimensiones, el jugador controlará un personaje humanoide con el que deberá atravesar una serie de niveles. Los niveles estarán agrupados en mundos con distintas temáticas (nieve, espacio, etc.) y en ellos el jugador se encontrará con múltiples obstáculos y enemigos. Los mundos se definen como agrupaciones de diez niveles en las que en el décimo nivel de cada mundo (nivel final) el jugador se enfrenta a un enemigo con una complejidad mayor al resto. Un ejemplo de videojuego de plataformas similar al que se va a desarrollar sería: "Super Mario Bros.". La librería que utilizaremos permite el desarrollo de videojuegos de escritorio y para móviles utilizando el mismo código. Es multiplataforma y soporta Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, y navegadores con soporte WebGL.


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[ES] El estándar Functional Mockup Interface (FMI), es un estándar abierto e independiente de cualquier aplicación o herramienta que permite compartir modelos de sistemas dinámicos entre aplicaciones. Provee una interfaz escrita en lenguaje C que ha de ser implementada por las distintas herramientas exportadoras y pone en común un conjunto de funciones para manipular los modelos.
JavaFMI es una herramienta que permite utilizar simulaciones que cumplen con el estándar FMI en aplicaciones Java de una manera muy simple, limpia y eficiente. Es un proyecto open source con licencia LGPL V2.1H y su código fuente se encuentra disponible para ser clonado en la pagina del proyecto. El proyecto se encuentra alojado en www.bitbucket.org/siani/javafmi y cuenta con una página de bienvenida donde se explica como se usa la librería, una página para reportar incidencias o solicitar que se implementen nuevas historias y una página donde se listan todas las versiones que hay disponibles para descargar. JavaFMI se distribuye como un fichero zip que contiene el .jar con el código compilado de la librería una carpeta lib con las dos dependencias que tiene con librerías externas y una copia de la licencia. Comparada con JFMI, con menos lineas de código, una API limpia, expresiva y auto documentada, y un rendimiento que es un 66 % mejor, JavaFMI es objetivamente la mejor herramienta Java que existe para manipular FMUs de la versión 1.0 y 2.0 del estándar FMI.


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Process algebraic architectural description languages provide a formal means for modeling software systems and assessing their properties. In order to bridge the gap between system modeling and system im- plementation, in this thesis an approach is proposed for automatically generating multithreaded object-oriented code from process algebraic architectural descriptions, in a way that preserves – under certain assumptions – the properties proved at the architectural level. The approach is divided into three phases, which are illustrated by means of a running example based on an audio processing system. First, we develop an architecture-driven technique for thread coordination management, which is completely automated through a suitable package. Second, we address the translation of the algebraically-specified behavior of the individual software units into thread templates, which will have to be filled in by the software developer according to certain guidelines. Third, we discuss performance issues related to the suitability of synthesizing monitors rather than threads from software unit descriptions that satisfy specific constraints. In addition to the running example, we present two case studies about a video animation repainting system and the implementation of a leader election algorithm, in order to summarize the whole approach. The outcome of this thesis is the implementation of the proposed approach in a translator called PADL2Java and its integration in the architecture-centric verification tool TwoTowers.