1000 resultados para Ilmatorjuntaohjus (12)
En el projecte Disseny i càlcul d’un pont grua birrail de 6,3+6,3tones amb les corresponents bigues carril, s’han buscat dos objectius. El primer d’ells, fer una recopilació acurada de la extensa normativa que afecta a aquesta tipologia d’aparells d’elevació. El segon, realitzar el disseny del pont grua seguint la normativa vigent i redactar un projecte complet amb el qual es podria realitzar la fabricació i el muntatge de l’aparell
We present early estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) in the population targeted for vaccination, during 25 December 2011 to 19 February 2012. The adjusted VE was 55% (95% CI: 3 to 79) against any type of influenza virus and 54% (95% CI: 1 to 79) against influenza A(H3N2) virus. This suggests a moderate protective effect of the vaccine in the targeted population in a late influenza epidemic with limited match between vaccine and circulating strains.
[Factum. Boullon-Morange, Mehemet-Aly, dit Jean-Marie-Alix deSuccession). 1806?]
Información elaborada a partir de: Proyecto de Humanización de la Atención Perinatal en Andalucía; Plan para la Promoción de la Actividad Física y la Alimentación Equilibrada; Plan Integral de Obesidad Infantil de Andalucía; Programas de Promoción de Salud Bucodental "Sonrisitas" y "Aprende a sonreir"; Plan Integral de Atención a la Accidentabilidad de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Tabaquismo de Andalucía; Plan Integral de Oncología de Andalucía. Publicado en el Portal Web de Ventana Abierta a la familia: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud/ventanafamilias
The dynamic properties of helix 12 in the ligand binding domain of nuclear receptors are a major determinant of AF-2 domain activity. We investigated the molecular and structural basis of helix 12 mobility, as well as the involvement of individual residues with regard to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPARalpha) constitutive and ligand-dependent transcriptional activity. Functional assays of the activity of PPARalpha helix 12 mutants were combined with free energy molecular dynamics simulations. The agreement between the results from these approaches allows us to make robust claims concerning the mechanisms that govern helix 12 functions. Our data support a model in which PPARalpha helix 12 transiently adopts a relatively stable active conformation even in the absence of a ligand. This conformation provides the interface for the recruitment of a coactivator and results in constitutive activity. The receptor agonists stabilize this conformation and increase PPARalpha transcription activation potential. Finally, we disclose important functions of residues in PPARalpha AF-2, which determine the positioning of helix 12 in the active conformation in the absence of a ligand. Substitution of these residues suppresses PPARalpha constitutive activity, without changing PPARalpha ligand-dependent activation potential.
Donateur : Reclus, Élisée (1830-1905)
This study was designed to investigate personality development with children aged 8 to 12. For this purpose, Children's self-perceptions were compared to parent's ratings. 506 children and their parents completed a selection of 38 questions from the Hierarchical Personality Inventory for Children (HiPIC). Results showed an age-related increase in the structural congruence of children's ratings compared to parents' ratings and a highly significant increase in the reliabilities of both parents' and children's assessments. The mean correlation between the children's self-descriptions and parents' ratings were higher for Conscientiousness and Imagination than for Extraversion, Benevolence and Emotional Stability and significantly increased with the children's age. Mean-levels decreased with age for Imagination in parents' ratings and for Benevolence, Conscientiousness, and Imagination, in children's ratings. This study showed that personality development from 8 to 12 years goes along with an increase in the agreement between the children's self-perceptions and the parents' perceptions of the children's personality.
Fragile X syndrome is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability. Here we report on a study based on a collaborative registry, involving 12 Spanish centres, of molecular diagnostic tests in 1105 fragile X families comprising 5062 individuals, of whom, 1655 carried a full mutation or were mosaic, three cases had deletions, 1840 had a premutation, and 102 had intermediate alleles. Two patients with the full mutation also had Klinefelter syndrome. We have used this registry to assess the risk of expansion from parents to children. From mothers with premutation, the overall rate of allele expansion to full mutation is 52.5%, and we found that this rate is higher for male than female offspring (63.6% versus 45.6%; P < 0.001). Furthermore, in mothers with intermediate alleles (45-54 repeats), there were 10 cases of expansion to a premutation allele, and for the smallest premutation alleles (55-59 repeats), there was a 6.4% risk of expansion to a full mutation, with 56 repeats being the smallest allele that expanded to a full mutation allele in a single meiosis. Hence, in our series the risk for alleles of <59 repeats is somewhat higher than in other published series. These findings are important for genetic counselling.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 56890