L’idea alla base della tesi è quella di sfruttare l’espressività di rappresentazione grafica della libreria D3 per mettere a punto un’applicazione web che dia la possibilità all’utente di creare dei grafici interattivi in maniera semplice e automatica. A tal proposito, si è subito considerato il dominio dell’applicazione, rappresentato dai dati da visualizzare in forma grafica, in modo da sviluppare un prodotto che, a differenza degli altri generatori di grafici, permetta l’elaborazione dei dataset reali, quelli cioè pubblicati sul web dai vari enti specializzati; un’applicazione che quindi indipendentemente dalla forma in cui i dati si presentano, riesca a rappresentarne il contenuto.
Descrizione della progettazione, costruzione e validazione della modalità automatica di esposizione negli esami 2D, disponibili presso il dispositivo radiografico top di gamma dell'azienda Cefla SC.
Realizzazione di un'applicazione in codice MATLAB per la generazione semi-automatica di nuvole di punti da convertire in superfici di spalle formatrici
The main goal of this thesis is to facilitate the process of industrial automated systems development applying formal methods to ensure the reliability of systems. A new formulation of distributed diagnosability problem in terms of Discrete Event Systems theory and automata framework is presented, which is then used to enforce the desired property of the system, rather then just verifying it. This approach tackles the state explosion problem with modeling patterns and new algorithms, aimed for verification of diagnosability property in the context of the distributed diagnosability problem. The concepts are validated with a newly developed software tool.
In this thesis we address a collection of Network Design problems which are strongly motivated by applications from Telecommunications, Logistics and Bioinformatics. In most cases we justify the need of taking into account uncertainty in some of the problem parameters, and different Robust optimization models are used to hedge against it. Mixed integer linear programming formulations along with sophisticated algorithmic frameworks are designed, implemented and rigorously assessed for the majority of the studied problems. The obtained results yield the following observations: (i) relevant real problems can be effectively represented as (discrete) optimization problems within the framework of network design; (ii) uncertainty can be appropriately incorporated into the decision process if a suitable robust optimization model is considered; (iii) optimal, or nearly optimal, solutions can be obtained for large instances if a tailored algorithm, that exploits the structure of the problem, is designed; (iv) a systematic and rigorous experimental analysis allows to understand both, the characteristics of the obtained (robust) solutions and the behavior of the proposed algorithm.
In this thesis we focus on optimization and simulation techniques applied to solve strategic, tactical and operational problems rising in the healthcare sector. At first we present three applications to Emilia-Romagna Public Health System (SSR) developed in collaboration with Agenzia Sanitaria e Sociale dell'Emilia-Romagna (ASSR), a regional center for innovation and improvement in health. Agenzia launched a strategic campaign aimed at introducing Operations Research techniques as decision making tools to support technological and organizational innovations. The three applications focus on forecast and fund allocation of medical specialty positions, breast screening program extension and operating theater planning. The case studies exploit the potential of combinatorial optimization, discrete event simulation and system dynamics techniques to solve resource constrained problem arising within Emilia-Romagna territory. We then present an application in collaboration with Dipartimento di Epidemiologia del Lazio that focuses on population demand of service allocation to regional emergency departments. Finally, a simulation-optimization approach, developed in collaboration with INESC TECH center of Porto, to evaluate matching policies for the kidney exchange problem is discussed.
Decomposition based approaches are recalled from primal and dual point of view. The possibility of building partially disaggregated reduced master problems is investigated. This extends the idea of aggregated-versus-disaggregated formulation to a gradual choice of alternative level of aggregation. Partial aggregation is applied to the linear multicommodity minimum cost flow problem. The possibility of having only partially aggregated bundles opens a wide range of alternatives with different trade-offs between the number of iterations and the required computation for solving it. This trade-off is explored for several sets of instances and the results are compared with the ones obtained by directly solving the natural node-arc formulation. An iterative solution process to the route assignment problem is proposed, based on the well-known Frank Wolfe algorithm. In order to provide a first feasible solution to the Frank Wolfe algorithm, a linear multicommodity min-cost flow problem is solved to optimality by using the decomposition techniques mentioned above. Solutions of this problem are useful for network orientation and design, especially in relation with public transportation systems as the Personal Rapid Transit. A single-commodity robust network design problem is addressed. In this, an undirected graph with edge costs is given together with a discrete set of balance matrices, representing different supply/demand scenarios. The goal is to determine the minimum cost installation of capacities on the edges such that the flow exchange is feasible for every scenario. A set of new instances that are computationally hard for the natural flow formulation are solved by means of a new heuristic algorithm. Finally, an efficient decomposition-based heuristic approach for a large scale stochastic unit commitment problem is presented. The addressed real-world stochastic problem employs at its core a deterministic unit commitment planning model developed by the California Independent System Operator (ISO).
La risonanza magnetica cardiaca è una tecnica di imaging non invasiva, in quanto non necessita l’uso di radiazioni ionizzanti, caratterizzata da un’elevata risoluzione spaziale e che permette acquisizioni in 4-D senza vincoli di orientazione. Grazie a queste peculiarità, la metodica della risonanza magnetica ha mostrato la sua superiorità nei confronti delle altre tecniche diagnostiche ed è riconosciuta come il gold standard per lo studio della fisiologia e fisiopatologia della pompa cardiaca. Nonostante la potenza di questi vantaggi, esistono ancora varie problematiche che, se superate, potrebbero probabilmente migliorare ulteriormente la qualità delle indagini diagnostiche. I software attualmente utilizzati nella pratica clinica per le misure del volume e della massa ventricolare richiedono un tracciamento manuale dei contorni dell’endocardio e dell’epicardio per ciascuna fetta, per ogni frame temporale del ciclo cardiaco. Analogamente avviene per il tracciamento dei contorni del tessuto non vitale. In questo modo l’analisi è spesso qualitativa. Di fatti, la necessità dell’intervento attivo dell’operatore rende questa procedura soggettiva e dipendente dall’esperienza, provocando un’elevata variabilità e difficile ripetibilità delle misure intra e inter operatore, oltre ad essere estremamente dispendiosa in termini di tempo, a causa dell’elevato numero di immagini da analizzare. La disponibilità di una tecnica affidabile per il tracciamento automatico dei contorni dell’endocardio e dell’epicardio consente di superare queste limitazioni ed aumentare l’accuratezza e la ripetibilità delle misure di interesse clinico, quali dimensione, massa e curve di volume ventricolari. Lo scopo di questa tesi è di sviluppare e validare una tecnica di segmentazione automatica che consenta l’identificazione e la quantificazione di cicatrici nel miocardio, a seguito di infarto cardiaco. Il lavoro è composto da due tappe principali. Inizialmente, è presentato un metodo innovativo che permette, in via totalmente automatica, di tracciare in modo accurato e rapido i contorni dell’endocardio e dell’epicardio nel corso dell’intero ciclo cardiaco. Successivamente, l’informazione sulla morfologia cardiaca ricavata nella prima fase è utilizzata per circoscrivere il miocardio e quantificare la transmuralità dell’infarto presente in pazienti ischemici.
This thesis, after presenting recent advances obtained for the two-dimensional bin packing problem, focuses on the case where guillotine restrictions are imposed. A mathematical characterization of non-guillotine patterns is provided and the relation between the solution value of the two-dimensional problem with guillotine restrictions and the two-dimensional problem unrestricted is being studied from a worst-case perspective. Finally it presents a new heuristic algorithm, for the two-dimensional problem with guillotine restrictions, based on partial enumeration, and computationally evaluates its performance on a large set of instances from the literature. Computational experiments show that the algorithm is able to produce proven optimal solutions for a large number of problems, and gives a tight approximation of the optimum in the remaining cases.
The present thesis focuses on the problem of robust output regulation for minimum phase nonlinear systems by means of identification techniques. Given a controlled plant and an exosystem (an autonomous system that generates eventual references or disturbances), the control goal is to design a proper regulator able to process the only measure available, i.e the error/output variable, in order to make it asymptotically vanishing. In this context, such a regulator can be designed following the well known “internal model principle” that states how it is possible to achieve the regulation objective by embedding a replica of the exosystem model in the controller structure. The main problem shows up when the exosystem model is affected by parametric or structural uncertainties, in this case, it is not possible to reproduce the exact behavior of the exogenous system in the regulator and then, it is not possible to achieve the control goal. In this work, the idea is to find a solution to the problem trying to develop a general framework in which coexist both a standard regulator and an estimator able to guarantee (when possible) the best estimate of all uncertainties present in the exosystem in order to give “robustness” to the overall control loop.
This Thesis aims at building and discussing mathematical models applications focused on Energy problems, both on the thermal and electrical side. The objective is to show how mathematical programming techniques developed within Operational Research can give useful answers in the Energy Sector, how they can provide tools to support decision making processes of Companies operating in the Energy production and distribution and how they can be successfully used to make simulations and sensitivity analyses to better understand the state of the art and convenience of a particular technology by comparing it with the available alternatives. The first part discusses the fundamental mathematical background followed by a comprehensive literature review about mathematical modelling in the Energy Sector. The second part presents mathematical models for the District Heating strategic network design and incremental network design. The objective is the selection of an optimal set of new users to be connected to an existing thermal network, maximizing revenues, minimizing infrastructure and operational costs and taking into account the main technical requirements of the real world application. Results on real and randomly generated benchmark networks are discussed with particular attention to instances characterized by big networks dimensions. The third part is devoted to the development of linear programming models for optimal battery operation in off-grid solar power schemes, with consideration of battery degradation. The key contribution of this work is the inclusion of battery degradation costs in the optimisation models. As available data on relating degradation costs to the nature of charge/discharge cycles are limited, we concentrate on investigating the sensitivity of operational patterns to the degradation cost structure. The objective is to investigate the combination of battery costs and performance at which such systems become economic. We also investigate how the system design should change when battery degradation is taken into account.
Fault detection, diagnosis and active fault tolerant control for a satellite attitude control system
Modern control systems are becoming more and more complex and control algorithms more and more sophisticated. Consequently, Fault Detection and Diagnosis (FDD) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) have gained central importance over the past decades, due to the increasing requirements of availability, cost efficiency, reliability and operating safety. This thesis deals with the FDD and FTC problems in a spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS). Firstly, the detailed nonlinear models of the spacecraft attitude dynamics and kinematics are described, along with the dynamic models of the actuators and main external disturbance sources. The considered ADCS is composed of an array of four redundant reaction wheels. A set of sensors provides satellite angular velocity, attitude and flywheel spin rate information. Then, general overviews of the Fault Detection and Isolation (FDI), Fault Estimation (FE) and Fault Tolerant Control (FTC) problems are presented, and the design and implementation of a novel diagnosis system is described. The system consists of a FDI module composed of properly organized model-based residual filters, exploiting the available input and output information for the detection and localization of an occurred fault. A proper fault mapping procedure and the nonlinear geometric approach are exploited to design residual filters explicitly decoupled from the external aerodynamic disturbance and sensitive to specific sets of faults. The subsequent use of suitable adaptive FE algorithms, based on the exploitation of radial basis function neural networks, allows to obtain accurate fault estimations. Finally, this estimation is actively exploited in a FTC scheme to achieve a suitable fault accommodation and guarantee the desired control performances. A standard sliding mode controller is implemented for attitude stabilization and control. Several simulation results are given to highlight the performances of the overall designed system in case of different types of faults affecting the ADCS actuators and sensors.
La prima parte del nostro studio riguarda la tecnica LAMP (Loop-mediated isothermal amplification), una tecnica di amplificazione isotermica recentemente inventata (Notomi et al., 2000). Essa presenta notevoli vantaggi rispetto alle tradizionali PCR: non necessita di strumentazioni sofisticate come i termociclatori, può essere eseguita da personale non specializzato, è una tecnica altamente sensibile e specifica ed è molto tollerante agli inibitori. Tutte queste caratteristiche fanno sì che essa possa essere utilizzata al di fuori dei laboratori diagnostici, come POCT (Point of care testing), con il vantaggio di non dover gestire la spedizione del campione e di avere in tempi molto brevi risultati paragonabili a quelli ottenuti con la tradizionale PCR. Sono state prese in considerazione malattie infettive sostenute da batteri che richiedono tempi molto lunghi per la coltivazione o che non sono addirittura coltivabili. Sono stati disegnati dei saggi per la diagnosi di patologie virali che necessitano di diagnosi tempestiva. Altri test messi a punto riguardano malattie genetiche del cane e due batteri d’interesse agro-alimentare. Tutte le prove sono state condotte con tecnica real-time per diminuire il rischio di cross-contaminazione pur riuscendo a comprendere in maniera approfondita l’andamento delle reazioni. Infine è stato messo a punto un metodo di visualizzazione colorimetrico utilizzabile con tutti i saggi messi a punto, che svincola completamente la reazione LAMP dall’esecuzione in un laboratorio specializzato. Il secondo capitolo riguarda lo studio dal punto di vista molecolare di un soggetto che presenza totale assenza di attività mieloperossidasica all’analisi di citochimica automatica (ADVIA® 2120 Hematology System). Lo studio è stato condotto attraverso amplificazione e confronto dei prodotti di PCR ottenuti sul soggetto patologico e su due soggetti con fenotipo wild-type. Si è poi provveduto al sequenziamento dei prodotti di PCR su sequenziatore automatico al fine di ricercare la mutazione responsabile della carenza di MPO nel soggetto indicato.
L’argomento trattato in questo elaborato riguarda una nuova tecnologia che si sta sviluppando nell’ambito dell’ingegneria dei tessuti: il Bioprinting. Tale rivoluzionario approccio completamente automatizzato, grazie all’utilizzo dell’elaborazione automatica delle immagini CAD (Computer Aided Design) e la fabbricazione assistita al calcolatore CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing), si propone di ricreare tessuti e/o organi. In particolare nel seguito ne verrà data una definizione e ne verranno definiti i campi di applicazione, per poi proseguire con un’analisi del processo dal punto di vista delle fasi che lo compongono e la speciale tecnologia utilizzata. Infine verrà proposto qualche studio fatto in merito ai tessuti vascolari e alla cartilagine per poi concludere con i pionieri che tuttora contribuiscono al suo sviluppo e con Organovo, una delle aziende leader del settore.
The application of dexterous robotic hands out of research laboratories has been limited by the intrinsic complexity that these devices present. This is directly reflected as an economically unreasonable cost and a low overall reliability. Within the research reported in this thesis it is shown how the problem of complexity in the design of robotic hands can be tackled, taking advantage of modern technologies (i.e. rapid prototyping), leading to innovative concepts for the design of the mechanical structure, the actuation and sensory systems. The solutions adopted drastically reduce the prototyping and production costs and increase the reliability, reducing the number of parts required and averaging their single reliability factors. In order to get guidelines for the design process, the problem of robotic grasp and manipulation by a dual arm/hand system has been reviewed. In this way, the requirements that should be fulfilled at hardware level to guarantee successful execution of the task has been highlighted. The contribution of this research from the manipulation planning side focuses on the redundancy resolution that arise in the execution of the task in a dexterous arm/hand system. In literature the problem of coordination of arm and hand during manipulation of an object has been widely analyzed in theory but often experimentally demonstrated in simplified robotic setup. Our aim is to cover the lack in the study of this topic and experimentally evaluate it in a complex system as a anthropomorphic arm hand system.