944 resultados para Human reproduction - Toxicology - Experimental studies


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Programa de doctorado: Clínica Veterinaria e Investigación Terapéutica


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Human brain is provided with a flexible audio-visual system, which interprets and guides responses to external events according to spatial alignment, temporal synchronization and effectiveness of unimodal signals. The aim of the present thesis was to explore the possibility that such a system might represent the neural correlate of sensory compensation after a damage to one sensory pathway. To this purpose, three experimental studies have been conducted, which addressed the immediate, short-term and long-term effects of audio-visual integration on patients with Visual Field Defect (VFD). Experiment 1 investigated whether the integration of stimuli from different modalities (cross-modal) and from the same modality (within-modal) have a different, immediate effect on localization behaviour. Patients had to localize modality-specific stimuli (visual or auditory), cross-modal stimulus pairs (visual-auditory) and within-modal stimulus pairs (visual-visual). Results showed that cross-modal stimuli evoked a greater improvement than within modal stimuli, consistent with a Bayesian explanation. Moreover, even when visual processing was impaired, cross-modal stimuli improved performance in an optimal fashion. These findings support the hypothesis that the improvement derived from multisensory integration is not attributable to simple target redundancy, and prove that optimal integration of cross-modal signals occurs in processing stage which are not consciously accessible. Experiment 2 examined the possibility to induce a short term improvement of localization performance without an explicit knowledge of visual stimulus. Patients with VFD and patients with neglect had to localize weak sounds before and after a brief exposure to a passive cross-modal stimulation, which comprised spatially disparate or spatially coincident audio-visual stimuli. After exposure to spatially disparate stimuli in the affected field, only patients with neglect exhibited a shifts of auditory localization toward the visual attractor (the so called Ventriloquism After-Effect). In contrast, after adaptation to spatially coincident stimuli, both neglect and hemianopic patients exhibited a significant improvement of auditory localization, proving the occurrence of After Effect for multisensory enhancement. These results suggest the presence of two distinct recalibration mechanisms, each mediated by a different neural route: a geniculo-striate circuit and a colliculus-extrastriate circuit respectively. Finally, Experiment 3 verified whether a systematic audio-visual stimulation could exert a long-lasting effect on patients’ oculomotor behaviour. Eye movements responses during a visual search task and a reading task were studied before and after visual (control) or audio-visual (experimental) training, in a group of twelve patients with VFD and twelve controls subjects. Results showed that prior to treatment, patients’ performance was significantly different from that of controls in relation to fixations and saccade parameters; after audiovisual training, all patients reported an improvement in ocular exploration characterized by fewer fixations and refixations, quicker and larger saccades, and reduced scanpath length. Similarly, reading parameters were significantly affected by the training, with respect to specific impairments observed in left and right hemisphere–damaged patients. The present findings provide evidence that a systematic audio-visual stimulation may encourage a more organized pattern of visual exploration with long lasting effects. In conclusion, results from these studies clearly demonstrate that the beneficial effects of audio-visual integration can be retained in absence of explicit processing of visual stimulus. Surprisingly, an improvement of spatial orienting can be obtained not only when a on-line response is required, but also after either a brief or a long adaptation to audio-visual stimulus pairs, so suggesting the maintenance of mechanisms subserving cross-modal perceptual learning after a damage to geniculo-striate pathway. The colliculus-extrastriate pathway, which is spared in patients with VFD, seems to play a pivotal role in this sensory compensation.


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Die diffusionsgewichtete Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) mit dem hyperpolarisierten Edelgas-Isotop 3He ist ein neues Verfahren zur Untersuchung von Erkrankungen der Atem-wege und der Lunge. Die Diffusionsbewegung der 3He-Atome in den Luftwegen der Lunge wird durch deren Wände begrenzt, wobei diese Einschränkung sowohl von den Dimensionen der Atemwege als auch von den Messparametern abhängt. Man misst daher einen scheinbaren Diffusionskoeffizienten (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC) der kleiner ist als der Diffusionskoeffizient bei freier Diffusion. Der ADC gestattet somit eine qualitative Abschät-zung der Größe der Luftwege und deren krankhafte Veränderung, ohne eine direkte Abbil-dung der Luftwege selbst. Eine dreidimensionale Abbildung der räumlichen Verteilung von Lungenschädigungen wird dadurch möglich. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, ein tieferes physikalisch fundiertes Verständnis der 3He-Diffusionsmessung zu ermöglichen und die Methode der diffusionsgewichteten 3He-MRT hin zur Erfassung des kompletten 3He-Diffusionstensors weiterzuentwickeln. Dazu wurde systematisch im Rahmen von Phantom- und tierexperimentellen Studien sowie Patientenmes-sungen untersucht, inwieweit unterschiedliche Einflussfaktoren das Ergebnis der ADC-Messung beeinflussen. So konnte beispielsweise nachgewiesen werden, dass residuale Luftströmungen am Ende der Einatmung keinen Einfluss auf den ADC-Wert haben. Durch Simulationsrechnungen konnte gezeigt werden, in welchem Maße sich die durch den Anregungspuls hervorgerufene Abnah-me der Polarisation des 3He-Gases auf den gemessenen ADC-Wert auswirkt. In einer Studie an lungengesunden Probanden und Patienten konnte die Wiederholbarkeit der ADC-Messung untersucht werden, aber auch der Einfluss von Gravitationseffekten. Diese Ergebnisse ermöglichen genauere Angaben über systematische und statistische Messfehler, sowie über Grenzwerte zwischen normalem und krankhaft verändertem Lungengewebe. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde die bestehende diffusionsgewichtete Bildgebung methodisch zur Erfassung des kompletten Diffusionstensors von 3He in der Lunge weiterentwickelt. Dies war wichtig, da entlang der Luftwege weitestgehend freie Diffusion vorherrscht, während senkrecht zu den Luftwegen die Diffusion eingeschränkt ist. Mit Hilfe von Simulationsrech-nungen wurde der kritische Einfluss von Rauschen in den MRT-Bildern auf die Qualität der Messergebnisse untersucht. Diese neue Methodik wurde zunächst an einem Phantom beste-hend aus einem Bündel aus Glaskapillaren, deren innerer Durchmesser mit dem des mensch-lichen Azinus übereinstimmt, validiert. Es ergab sich eine gute Übereinstimmung zwischen theoretischen Berechnungen und experimentellen Ergebnissen. In ersten Messungen am Menschen konnten so unterschiedliche Anisotropiewerte zwischen lungengesunden Proban-den und Patienten gefunden werden. Es zeigte sich eine Tendenz zu isotroper Diffusion bei Patienten mit einem Lungenemphysem. Zusammenfassend tragen die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zu einem besseren Ver-ständnis der ADC-Messmethode bei und helfen zukünftige Studien aufgrund des tieferen Verständnisses der die 3He Messung beeinflussenden Faktoren besser zu planen.


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The purpose of this thesis is to further the understanding of the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of ternary inter-metallic compounds using density functional theory (DFT). Four main problems are addressed. First, a detailed analysis on the ternary Heusler compounds is made. It has long been known that many Heusler compounds ($X_2YZ$; $X$ and $Y$ transition elements, $Z$ main group element) exhibit interesting half-metallic and ferromagnetic properties. In order to understand these, the dependence of magnetic and electronic properties on the structural parameters, the type of exchange-correlation functional and electron-electron correlation was examined. It was found that almost all Co$_2YZ$ Heusler compounds exhibit half-metallic ferromagnetism. It is also observed that $X$ and $Y$ atoms mainly contribute to the total magnetic moment. The magnitude of the total magnetic moment is determined only indirectly by the nature of $Z$ atoms, and shows a trend consistent with Slater-Pauling behaviour in several classes of these compounds. In contrast to experiments, calculations give a non-integer value of the magnetic moment in certain Co$_2$-based Heusler compounds. To explain deviations of the calculated magnetic moment, the LDA+$U$ scheme was applied and it was found that the inclusion of electron-electron correlation beyond the LSDA and GGA is necessary to obtain theoretical description of some Heusler compounds that are half-metallic ferromagnets. The electronic structure and magnetic properties of substitutional series of the quaternary Heusler compound Co$_2$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_x$Si were investigated under LDA+$U$. The calculated band structure suggest that the most stable compound in a half-metallic state will occur at an intermediate Fe concentration. These calculated findings are qualitatively confirmed by experimental studies. Second, the effect of antisite disordering in the Co$_2$TiSn system was investigated theoretically as well as experimentally. Preservation of half-metallicity for Co$_2$TiSn was observed with moderate antisite disordering and experimental findings suggest that the Co and Ti antisites disorder amounts to approximately 10~% in the compound. Third, a systematic examination was carried out for band gaps and the nature (covalent or ionic) of bonding in semiconducting 8- and 18-electron or half-metallic ferromagnet half-Heusler compounds. It was found that the most appropriate description of these compounds from the viewpoint of electronic structures is one of a $YZ$ zinc blende lattice stuffed by the $X$ ion. Simple valence rules are obeyed for bonding in the 8- and 18-electron compounds. Fourth, hexagonal analogues of half-Heusler compounds have been searched. Three series of compounds were investigated: GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP. GdPdSb is suggested as a possible half-metallic weak ferromagnet at low temperature. GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP were investigated because they exhibit interesting bonding, structural and magnetic properties. The results qualitatively confirm experimental studies on magnetic and structural behaviour in GdPdSb, GdAutextit{X} (textit{X} = Mn, Cd and In) and EuNiP compounds. ~


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This thesis studies molecular dynamics simulations on two levels of resolution: the detailed level of atomistic simulations, where the motion of explicit atoms in a many-particle system is considered, and the coarse-grained level, where the motion of superatoms composed of up to 10 atoms is modeled. While atomistic models are capable of describing material specific effects on small scales, the time and length scales they can cover are limited due to their computational costs. Polymer systems are typically characterized by effects on a broad range of length and time scales. Therefore it is often impossible to atomistically simulate processes, which determine macroscopic properties in polymer systems. Coarse-grained (CG) simulations extend the range of accessible time and length scales by three to four orders of magnitude. However, no standardized coarse-graining procedure has been established yet. Following the ideas of structure-based coarse-graining, a coarse-grained model for polystyrene is presented. Structure-based methods parameterize CG models to reproduce static properties of atomistic melts such as radial distribution functions between superatoms or other probability distributions for coarse-grained degrees of freedom. Two enhancements of the coarse-graining methodology are suggested. Correlations between local degrees of freedom are implicitly taken into account by additional potentials acting between neighboring superatoms in the polymer chain. This improves the reproduction of local chain conformations and allows the study of different tacticities of polystyrene. It also gives better control of the chain stiffness, which agrees perfectly with the atomistic model, and leads to a reproduction of experimental results for overall chain dimensions, such as the characteristic ratio, for all different tacticities. The second new aspect is the computationally cheap development of nonbonded CG potentials based on the sampling of pairs of oligomers in vacuum. Static properties of polymer melts are obtained as predictions of the CG model in contrast to other structure-based CG models, which are iteratively refined to reproduce reference melt structures. The dynamics of simulations at the two levels of resolution are compared. The time scales of dynamical processes in atomistic and coarse-grained simulations can be connected by a time scaling factor, which depends on several specific system properties as molecular weight, density, temperature, and other components in mixtures. In this thesis the influence of molecular weight in systems of oligomers and the situation in two-component mixtures is studied. For a system of small additives in a melt of long polymer chains the temperature dependence of the additive diffusion is predicted and compared to experiments.


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Apart from one article published by Rabl and Sigrist in 1992 (Rechtsmedizin 2:156-158), there are no further reports on secondary skull fractures in shots from captive bolt guns. Up to now, the pertinent literature places particular emphasis on the absence of indirect lesions away from the impact point, when dealing with the wounding capacity of slaughterer's guns. The recent observation of two suicidal head injuries accompanied by skull fractures far away from the bolt's path gave occasion to experimental studies using simulants (glycerin soap, balls from gelatin) and skull brain models. As far as ballistic soap was concerned, the dimensions of the bolt's channel were assessed by multi-slice computed tomography before cutting the blocks open. The test shots to gelatin balls and to skull-brain models were documented by means of a high-speed motion camera. As expected, the typical temporary cavity effect of bullets fired from conventional guns could not be observed when captive bolt stunners were discharged. Nevertheless, the visualized transfer of kinetic energy justifies the assumption that the secondary fractures seen in thin parts of the skull were caused by a hydraulic burst effect.


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PURPOSE: This pilot study evaluated the wound healing and tissue response after placement of two different skin substitutes in subgingival mucosal pouches in rabbits. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Four rabbits were selected to receive a commercially available skin substitute consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts and an epithelial layer (test membrane 1) and a prototype device consisting of a collagen matrix with fibroblasts only (test membrane 2). In each rabbit, two horizontal incisions were made in the buccal alveolar mucosa of the maxilla bilaterally to create submucosal pouches. Three pouches in each animal were filled with either the test 1 or test 2 membranes, and one pouch was left without a membrane (sham-operated control). All rabbits were sacrificed after a healing period of 4 weeks, and histologic samples were prepared and examined. RESULTS: After a healing period of 1 month, both tested membranes were still visible in the sections. Test membrane 1 was still bilayered, contained inflammatory cells in its center, and was encapsulated by a thick fibrous tissue. Numerous ectopic calcifications were evident in the collagenous part of the membrane and in association with some basal epithelial cells. Test membrane 2 was also encapsulated in fibrous tissue, with inflammatory cells present only between the fibrous encapsulation and the remnants of the membrane. For test membrane 2, no calcifications were visible. CONCLUSIONS: Test membrane 1 seemed to be more resistant to degradation, but there was also a more pronounced inflammatory reaction in comparison to test membrane 2, especially in the vicinity of the keratinocytes. The significance of the ectopic calcifications, along with that of the resorption or degradation processes of both tested membranes, must be evaluated in future experimental studies, with different time points after implantation examine


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Previous experimental studies have indicated that locally administered enamel matrix derivative (EMD) and parathyroid hormone (PTH) may have a stimulatory effect on bone formation. However, it is not clear if the positive effect of EMD is related to its effect on the periodontium as a whole or directly on the bone-forming cells. In addition, it is not known if the presentation of PTH by adding the amino acid sequence Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) is essential for its osteopromotive effect. Local delivery of a bioactive substance at the right time and in the right concentration often constitutes a major challenge. Polyethylene glycol-based hydrogel (PEG) is a degradable vehicle developed for delivery of bioactive proteins. To enhance the mechanical stability of the PEG-bioactive substance complex, an osteoconductive bone substitute material is often needed.


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In girls and adolescents with Turner syndrome (TS), is there a correlation between serum AMH levels and karyotype, spontaneous puberty and other biochemical markers of ovarian function, or growth hormone (GH) therapy? SUMMARY ANSWER: Serum anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) correlates with karyotype, pubertal development, LH, FSH and are measurable in a higher percentage of TS patients under GH therapy. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Most girls with TS suffer from incomplete sexual development, premature ovarian failure and infertility due to abnormal ovarian folliculogenesis. Serum AMH levels reflect the ovarian reserve in females, even in childhood. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: Cross-sectional study investigating 270 karyotype proven TS patients aged 0-20 years between 2009 and 2010. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTINGS, METHODS: Studies were conducted at three University Children's hospitals in Europe. Main outcome measures were clinical data concerning pubertal development as well as laboratory data including karyotype, serum AMH, LH, FSH, estradiol (E2), inhibin B and IGF. RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: Serum AMH was detectable in 21.9% of all TS girls and correlated strongly with karyotypes. A measurable serum AMH was found in 77% of TS girls with karyotype 45,X/46,XX, in 25% with 'other' karyotypes and in only 10% of 45,X TS girls. A strong relationship was also observed for measurable serum AMH and signs of spontaneous puberty such as breast development [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 19.3; 95% CI 2.1-175.6; P = 0.009] and menarche (crude OR 47.6; 95% CI 4.8-472.9; P = 0.001). Serum AMH correlated negatively with FSH and LH, but did not correlate with E2 and inhibin B. GH therapy increased the odds of having measurable AMH in TS (adjusted OR 4.1; 95% CI 1.9-8.8; P < 0.001). LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: The cross-sectional design of the study does not allow longitudinal interpretation of the data; for that further studies are needed. High percentage of non-measurable AMH levels in the cohort of TS require categorized analysis. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Serum AMH levels are a useful marker of the follicle pool and thus ovarian function in pediatric patients with TS. These findings are in line with the published literature. The finding that GH therapy may affect AMH levels is novel, but must be confirmed by future longitudinal studies.


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An electrospray source has been developed using a novel new fluid that is both magnetic and conductive. Unlike conventional electrospray sources that required microfabricated structures to support the fluid to be electrosprayed, this new electrospray fluid utilizes the Rosensweig instability to create the structures in the magnetic fluid when an external magnetic field was applied. Application of an external electric field caused these magnetic fluid structures to spray. These fluid based structures were found to spray at a lower onset voltage than was predicted for electrospray sources with solid structures of similar geometry. These fluid based structures were also found to be resilient to damage, unlike the solid structures found in traditional electrospray sources. Further, experimental studies of magnetic fluids in non-uniform magnetic fields were conducted. The modes of Rosensweig instabilities have been studied in-depth when created by uniform magnetic fields, but little to no studies have been performed on Rosensweig instabilities formed due to non-uniform magnetic fields. The measured spacing of the cone-like structures of ferrofluid, in a non-uniform magnetic field, were found to agree with a proposed theoretical model.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological interventions for infertile patients seek to improve mental health and increase pregnancy rates. The aim of the present meta-analysis was to examine if psychological interventions improve mental health and pregnancy rate among infertile patients. Thus, controlled studies were pooled investigating psychological interventions following the introduction of assisted reproductive treatments (ART). METHODS: The databases of Medline, PsycINFO, PSYNDEX, Web of Science and the Cochrane Library were searched to identify relevant articles published between 1978 and 2007 (384 articles). Included were prospective intervention studies on infertile patients (women and men) receiving psychological interventions independent of actual medical treatment. The outcome measures were mental health and pregnancy rate. A total of 21 controlled studies were ultimately included in a meta-analysis comparing the efficacy of psychological interventions. Effect sizes (ES) were calculated for psychological measures and risk ratios (RR) for pregnancy rate. RESULTS: The findings from controlled studies indicated no significant effect for psychological interventions regarding mental health (depression: ES 0.02, 99% CI: -0.19, 0.24; anxiety: ES 0.16, 99% CI: -0.10, 0.42; mental distress: ES 0.08, 99% CI: -0.10, 0.51). Nevertheless, there was evidence for the positive impact of psychological interventions on pregnancy rates (RR 1.42, 99% CI: 1.02, 1.96). Concerning pregnancy rates, significant effects for psychological interventions were only found for couples not receiving ART. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the absence of clinical effects on mental health measures, psychological interventions were found to improve some patients' chances of becoming pregnant. Psychological interventions represent an attractive treatment option, in particular, for infertile patients who are not receiving medical treatment.


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The endometrium contains a distinct population of immune cells that undergo cyclic changes during the menstrual cycle and implantation. The majority of these leucocytes are uterine NK (uNK) cells, however how these cells interact with uterine stromal fibroblasts remains unclear. We therefore investigated the paracrine effect of medium conditioned by uterine decidual leucocytes (which are enriched for uNK cells) on the gene expression profile of endometrial stromal fibroblasts in vitro using a cDNA microarray. Our results, verified by real-time PCR, ELISA and FACS analysis, reveal that soluble factors from uterine leucocytes substantially alter endometrial stromal fibroblast gene expression. The largest group of up-regulated genes found was chemokines and cytokines. These include IL-8, CCL8 and CXCL1, which have also been shown to be stimulated by contact of stromal fibroblasts with trophoblast, suggesting that uNK cells work synergistically to support trophoblast migration during implantation. The decidual leucocytes also up-regulated IL-15 and IL-15Ralpha in stromal fibroblasts which could produce a niche for uNK cells allowing proliferation within and recruitment into the uterus, as seen in bone marrow. Overall this study demonstrates, for the first time, the paracrine communication between uterine leucocytes and uterine stromal fibroblasts, and adds to the understanding of how the uterine immune system contributes to the changes seen within the cycling endometrium.


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The identification of targets whose interaction is likely to result in the successful treatment of a disease is of growing interest for natural product scientists. In the current study we performed an exemplary application of a virtual parallel screening approach to identify potential targets for 16 secondary metabolites isolated and identified from the aerial parts of the medicinal plant RUTA GRAVEOLENS L. Low energy conformers of the isolated constituents were simultaneously screened against a set of 2208 pharmacophore models generated in-house for the IN SILICO prediction of putative biological targets, i. e., target fishing. Based on the predicted ligand-target interactions, we focused on three biological targets, namely acetylcholinesterase (AChE), the human rhinovirus (HRV) coat protein and the cannabinoid receptor type-2 (CB (2)). For a critical evaluation of the applied parallel screening approach, virtual hits and non-hits were assayed on the respective targets. For AChE the highest scoring virtual hit, arborinine, showed the best inhibitory IN VITRO activity on AChE (IC (50) 34.7 muM). Determination of the anti-HRV-2 effect revealed 6,7,8-trimethoxycoumarin and arborinine to be the most active antiviral constituents with IC (50) values of 11.98 muM and 3.19 muM, respectively. Of these, arborinine was predicted virtually. Of all the molecules subjected to parallel screening, one virtual CB (2) ligand was obtained, i. e., rutamarin. Interestingly, in experimental studies only this compound showed a selective activity to the CB (2) receptor ( Ki of 7.4 muM) by using a radioligand displacement assay. The applied parallel screening paradigm with constituents of R. GRAVEOLENS on three different proteins has shown promise as an IN SILICO tool for rational target fishing and pharmacological profiling of extracts and single chemical entities in natural product research.


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Robotic exoskeletons can be used to study and treat patients with neurological impairments. They can guide and support the human limb over a large range of motion, which requires that the movement trajectory of the exoskeleton coincide with the one of the human arm. This is straightforward to achieve for rather simple joints like the elbow, but very challenging for complex joints like the human shoulder, which is comprised by several bones and can exhibit a movement with multiple rotational and translational degrees of freedom. Thus, several research groups have developed different shoulder actuation mechanism. However, there are no experimental studies that directly compare the comfort of two different shoulder actuation mechanisms. In this study, the comfort and the naturalness of the new shoulder actuation mechanism of the ARMin III exoskeleton are compared to a ball-and-socket-type shoulder actuation. The study was conducted in 20 healthy subjects using questionnaires and 3D-motion records to assess comfort and naturalness. The results indicate that the new shoulder actuation is slightly better than a ball-and-socket-type actuation. However, the differences are small, and under the tested conditions, the comfort and the naturalness of the two tested shoulder actuations do not differ a lot.


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BACKGROUND Histologic experimental studies have reported incomplete neointimal healing in overlapping with respect to nonoverlapping segments in drug-eluting stents (DESs), but these observations have not been confirmed in human coronary arteries hitherto. On the contrary, angiographic and optical coherence tomography studies suggest that DES overlap elicits rather an exaggerated than an incomplete neointimal reaction. METHODS Optical coherence tomography studies from 2 randomized trials including sirolimus-eluting, biolimus-eluting, everolimus-eluting, and zotarolimus-eluting stents were analyzed at 9- to 13-month follow-up. Coverage in overlapping segments was compared versus the corresponding nonoverlapping segments of the same stents, using statistical pooled analysis. RESULTS Forty-two overlaps were found in 31 patients: 11 in sirolimus-eluting stents, 3 in biolimus-eluting stents, 17 in everolimus-eluting stents, and 11 in zotarolimus-eluting stents. The risk ratio of incomplete coverage was 2.35 (95% CI 1.86-2.98) in overlapping versus nonoverlapping segments. Thickness of coverage in overlaps was only 85% (95% CI 81%-90%) of the thickness in nonoverlaps. Significant heterogeneity of the effect was observed, especially pronounced in the comparison of thickness of coverage (I(2) = 90.31). CONCLUSIONS The effect of overlapping DES on neointimal inhibition is markedly heterogeneous: on average, DES overlap is associated with more incomplete and thinner coverage, but in some cases, the overlap elicits an exaggerated neointimal reaction, thicker than in the corresponding nonoverlapping segments. These results might help to understand why overlapping DES is associated with worse clinical outcomes, both in terms of thrombotic phenomena and in terms of restenosis and revascularization.