908 resultados para Hotel Employees
Nesta dissertao procura-se demonstrar que os conceitos de empresas visionrias, de Collins e Porras (2000), e de empresas missionrias, de Mintzberg (2001), podem ser aplicados para entender o comportamento do Hotel DallOnder. Foi aplicada a metodologia do estudo exploratrio de caso nico, por ser um caso revelador e por representar um teste local de uma teoria significativa. A coleta de informaes em vrios documentos publicados pela imprensa, em livros, artigos e reportagens, alm do que se pde obter nas entrevistas de profundidade com pessoas representativas do empresariado, com micro-empresrios, com colaboradores da empresa e com seus acionistas e diretores, representaram, neste, trabalho provas testemunhais, no sendo, assim, necessria qualquer anlise estatstica qualitativa ou quantitativa. A histria da colonizao italiana no Rio Grande do Sul aportou elementos para o melhor entendimento da formao da cultura do colono. O meio ambiente, embora adverso, facilitou a acumulao primitiva e forou a procura de novos mercados. Foram analisados a misso, a ideologia e o comportamento histrico e presente do Hotel DallOnder, suas semelhanas e diferenas com os conceitos de Mintzberg (2001) e Collins e Porras (2000) e sua aderncia a princpios ticos e de respeito social e ambiental, considerando a sua insero nos projetos administrados pela Atuaserra e pelo projeto que ele prprio criou: Caminhos de Pedra. As concluses so de que o Hotel DallOnder supera as exigncias de Collins e Porras (op. cit.) e Mintzberg (op. cit.), podendo ser classificada como uma empresa visionrio e missionria plus, pois adota os princpios ticos de Abela (op. cit) e res peita o meio ambiente, na linha do Sistema de Produto Inteligente de Blue e outros. Alm disso, aplicou intuitivamente as bases tericas do marketing social como instrumento de transformao social, visando a melhoria de vida das pessoas envolvidas, e a implantao de um novo modo de agir, criando o turismo cultural, apoiado na arquitetura, na gastronomia, na vitivinicultura, na agroindstria caseira, nos costumes e nas idiossincrasias, sem utilizar nenhum mecanismo de propaganda, difuso ou uso de mdia paga. Por isso se prope sua qualificao como empresa sociotlica, ou seja, voltada para uma misso externa a si prpria e de profundo cunho social. Apresenta diferenciais enormes: a distribuio de 10% do faturamento bruto, todos os meses, para todos os colaboradores; o estmulo ao surgimento de concorrentes em seu prprio ramo de negcios; o investimento, o apoio e a criao de atrativos tursticos sem mercado cativo e o investimento macio no desenvolvimento do turismo regional, mesmo em prejuzo dos investimentos que lhe dariam maior escala e melhor condio competitiva, e isso por acreditar na mxima em dialeto vneto dos colonos: Quanto pi baletere, tanto pi tordi (Quanto mais frutas, mais pssaros).
A busca da soluo ideal entre os fenmenos naturais para conforto na habitao de um modo geral e na hotelaria de lazer de forma especifica, constitui um desafio para profissionais e proprietrios desse tipo de edificaes. As variveis e condicionantes da regio de localizao do prdio e o domnio no assunto, tem levado alguns profissionais da rea a acreditar que podem alterar o espao em que o homem vive modificando o comportamento do meio (Enarch, 1983). Estudos especficos na rea de conforto ambiental mostram, que a utilizao correta dos meios em uso na aplicao da energia disponvel e que a correta implantao da obra no sitio podem reduzir consideravelmente o consumo energtico, proporcionando o necessrio conforto e bem estar ao usurio.O Estudo que aqui apresentado se props de forma sucinta, a traar um rpido panorama da historia da hotelaria de lazer, desde tempos antigos, com o inicio das primeiras jornadas romanas, at os dias de hoje, procurando identificar quais os critrios adotados para aproveitamento de iluminao e ventilao natural na arquitetura de hotis de lazer Na seqncia situou-se a histria da hotelaria de lazer no Brasil. No terceiro capitulo foram abordados, alguns exemplos significativos da arquitetura brasileira na dcada de 50, que influenciaram a primeira manifestao da arquitetura de hotel voltado ao bem estar, no Paran. No quarto capitulo apresentada a primeira e discreta participao do exemplo paranaense, com a adoo de alguns aspectos, no que se refere ao aproveitamento natural da iluminao e ventilao natural.O estudo de caso, finalmente buscou encontrar traos referenciais, do hotel tomado como objeto da pesquisa, procurando identificar, os critrios adotados quando presentes, para reduo de consumo de energia e para conforto ambiental na hotelaria de lazer apresentada.
o propsito deste estudo o de analisar criticamente o servio de hotelaria em relao formao e s habilidades dos profissionais da rea, especialmente gerentes e empregados da linha de frente, para atender a expectativas presentes e futuras de clientes multiculturais, visando competitividade. Uma breve retrospectiva histrica situa a experincia brasileira nesse servIo em expanso e sofisticao crescentes no pas e no mundo globalizado e apresenta as caractersticas de cada unidade hoteleira estudada. No cenrio de hotelaria, comunicao e idiomas so fatores centrais, gerando impactos recprocos entre os envolvidos. O estudo identifica propostas e iniciativas de treinamento dessa natureza entre os gerentes entrevistados e avalia as possibilidades para competncia intercultural. Uma visitao a autores estudiosos em cultura, cultura brasileira, cultura organizacional, comunicao organizacional, linguagem, idiomas e diferenas culturais no gerenciamento comps o referencial terico. A metodologia empregada foi primordialmente qualitativa, buscando percepes dos gerentes e suas implicaes para a gesto das diferenas culturais. Essa foi complementada com uma anlise de dados quantitativos, com o objetivo de dar maior consistncia leitura da realidade multicultural da hotelaria. Diante de indcios de ateno ao fator cultura para competitividade, as concluses apontaram para a necessidade de melhorar o entendimento conceitual de cultura, sistematizar e ampliar contedos de treinamento multicultural, incluir a linha de frente mais ampla e freqentemente nesses programas, cobrindo idiomas.
O presente estudo buscou entender como as mudanas ocasionadas pelo crescimento da empresa afetam o processo decisrio, com foco na transio de pequena para mdia empresa. Buscou-se preencher o gap existente sobre esse perodo de transio entre pequenas e mdias empresas, principalmente sob os aspectos abordados pelas lgicas Effectuation e Causation, descritas por Sarasvathy (2001). Esta pesquisa parte do princpio de que as pequenas empresas possuem poucos nveis hierrquicos e geralmente as decises esto centralizadas no empreendedor-proprietrio. J quando a empresa cresce e torna-se mdia empresa, h um aumento nas formalizaes dos processos e nas hierarquias. Com isso, h uma necessidade de modificar o processo decisrio, que pode ser descentralizada ou envolver mais pessoas, se comparado s pequenas empresas. O referencial terico da pesquisa, teve como base temas relativos pequenas e mdias empresas; setor hoteleiro, estrutura organizacional; ciclo de vida das organizaes; processo decisrio; e, por fim, o uso das lgicas causation e effectuation, com foco nas caractersticas do processo decisrio do empreendedor. A pesquisa teve de carter qualitativo e exploratrio e faz uso do mtodo de estudos de casos, atravs de entrevistas em profundidade com empreendedores do setor hoteleiro, que um setor de servios que tem tido grande visibilidade e crescimento nos ltimos anos. Foram analisados dois casos no setor hoteleiro de Curitiba- PR, que passaram recentemente pela fase de transio de pequena para mdia empresa. Em cada um dos casos foram entrevistados os proprietrios-fundadores, os seus sucessores diretos e o gerente-geral. Tambm levantou-se depoimentos de clientes em sites de avalizaes de hospedagem. Para anlise dos dados foram atribudas categorias analticas, e foi realizada a anlise do contedo, (contrapondo com o referencial terico apresentado) e cross-case analysis (comparativo das informaes obtidas em cada caso). Ao finalizar a pesquisa, concluiu-se que a transio de pequena para mdia empresa afeta as decises no sentido de aumentar a formalizao de processos, h uma delegao de pequenos poderes, um maior distanciamento dos funcionrios e a cpula administrativa, h uma preocupao maior com a capacitao dos funcionrios, so considerao de aspectos racionais na deciso, h uma equipe de suporte para tomada de decises, h uma preocupao com o longo prazo, as responsabilidades tornam-se mais claras, e mais autonomia delegada aos funcionrios. Pode-se dizer que no mudou o fato da administrao permanecer familiar, o foco das decises ainda mantm-se no curto prazo, as decises permanecem flexveis, mantm-se a centralizao do poder de decises estratgicas; h ainda uma dificuldade em separar o pessoal do profissional, definio de metas e objetivos no muito claras, investimentos em um projeto por vez, e o uso de rede de contatos ainda importante para o desenvolvimento da empresa.
A Narratological Analysis of D. M. Thomass The White Hotel (1981) originated within a seminar on British Postmodernist Literature during the first Masters Degree in British and North-American Culture and Literature (2001-04) at the Universidade da Madeira set up by the Department of English and German Studies. This dissertation seeks to present a narratological analysis of Thomass novel. The White Hotel stands as a paradigmatic example of the kind of literature that has dominated the British literary scene in the past three decades, commonly referred to as postmodernist fiction, owing to its formal craftsmanship (multiplicity of narrative voices and perspectives, mixing of differing genres and text types, inclusion of embedded narratives) alongside the handling of what are deemed as postmodernist topoi (the distinction between truth and lies, history and fantasy, fact and fiction, the questioning of the nature of aesthetic representation, the role the author and the reader hold in the narrative process, the instability of the linguistic sign, the notion of originality and the moral responsibility the author has towards his/her work), The narratological approach carried out in this research reveals that Thomass text constitutes an aesthetic endeavour to challenge the teleological drive that is inherent in any narrative, i. e., the inevitable progression towards a reassuring end. Hence, the subversion of narrative telling, which is a recurrent feature in Thomass remaining literary output, mirrors the contemporary distrust in totalising, hierarchised and allencompassing narratives. In its handling of historical events, namely of the Holocaust, The White Hotel invites us to reassess the most profound beliefs we were taught to take for granted: progress, reality and truth. In their place the novel proposes a more flexible conception of both the world and art, especially of literary fiction. In other terms, the world appears as a brutal chaotic place the subject is forced to adjust to. Accordingly, the literary work is deemed hybrid, fragmented and open. So as to put forth the above-mentioned issues, this research work is structured in three main chapters. The initial chapter What is Postmodernism? advances a scrutiny not only of the seminal but also of more recent studies on postmodernist literary criticism. Following this, in Chapter II Postmodernist British Fiction a brief overview of postmodernist British fiction is carried out, focusing on the fictional works that, in my opinion, are fundamental for the periodising of British postmodernism. In addition, I felt the need to include a section D. M. Thomas as a Postmodernist Novelist in which the authors remaining literary output is briefly examined. Finally, Chapter III A Narratological Analysis of The White Hotel proposes a narratological analysis of the novel according to the particular Genettian analytical model. To conclude, my dissertation constitutes an approach to D. M. Thomass The White Hotel as a text whose very existence is substantiated in the foregrounding of the contingency of all discourses, meeting the postmodernist precepts of openness and subversion of any narrative that claims to be true, globalising and all-inclusive.
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
This Masters degree dissertation presents a research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding within a hotel managers work in Natal/RN - Brazil, This Masters degree dissertation presents the research that aims at analyzing the activities regarding the hotel managers work in Natal / RN - Brazil, performing diagnosis of their activities and relating the aspects that impact the quality and productivity of hotel services and managers occupational health. This research is characterized as a case study with a qualitative approach, taking the method of Ergonomic Work Analysis which is the analysis of the managers work activity as a reference to the focus; and combining the use of observational and interactional methods. Ergonomics and macroergonomics are used in this study not only to understand the physical, cognitive and organizational constraints of the manager s duties, but also to characterize the work organizational architecture and design of that hotel. High workload, accumulation of tasks and diversion of functions performed by managers were noticed, increasing thereby the physical and psychological suffering for them. It was found that the activity of managers is characterized by the ambivalence of power, limited autonomy, cooperation, interdependence between managers and the fear of incompetence. It was also noticed that managers devote more time to the day job (37%), another time to sleep (30%), while only 33% of the rest of the day are meant for activities like taking care of health, family, social life and study. Although there are few studies addressing the health and safety of hotel managers, this research revealed that 84% of the surveyed hotel managers complain of musculoskeletal pain which 50% are obese and are 100% sedentary. It was also observed that managers adopt unsuitable postures for carrying out the work activities that contribute to becoming injured or work-related musculoskeletal disorders in the near future. Ergonomic measures were recommended as an investment in the skills and the training of managers, encouraging cooperative work, appropriateness of workload, limiting overtime, preserving the enjoyment of breaks during work and weekly holidays, changing the layout of the work sector , usage of communication technology to prevent displacement, compensatory physical activities, furniture adaptation, among others
This Thesis deals with a study on customer satisfaction and loyalty focusing on a model of factors antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. The model is based on a Satisfaction Index model adopted in Norway developed by Johnson et al.(2001) and the service quality drivers from the literature. It is surveyed a sample of tourist in Natal. It is used a survey questionnaire applied at the airport in the departure moment of the tourist. The final sample results on 198 cases. Is is used a multiple regression analysis as the method to verify the factor affecting satisfaction and loyalty. Two models arise from the analysis. The first model concerning satisfaction results with cleaness and hygiene of the bathroom, leisure facilities, employees promptness, and price as the significant factors affecting satisfaction. The model has a R2 of 0.6430 and the also check in service, cleaness of the apartment and the hotel in general, bedroom setting have colinearity with some factors entering the model. The loyalty model results with satisfaction, affective commitment as the main factors affecting loyalty, with a R2 0.5396, and also image has collinearity with satisfaction. A small part of the sample has complained and this factor was not considered in the models. The results are consistent with the literature in term of quality as the main driver of the satisfaction and that it is not the only one factor to explain loyalty
This study presents the results of a research on the use of financial and non-financial performance indicators used by medium and large hotels. The research was conducted in Rio Grande do Norte, a Brazilian State. The objective is to identify the usage of performance measures by these companies. Hotel industry is one of the most important sectors in the Rio Grande do Norte economy. The research takes the Balanced Scorecard as a conceptual framework, since it represents an original contribution to the literature of managerial accounting, for rethinking old issues, pointing out themes that were forgotten or badly interpreted, to discuss the requirements imposed by the economy environment, dominated by competitive companies, and increasing the understanding of the relationship between strategy and operation. The objective of the research is to investigate if the hotel managers make use of a managerial information system or not, when evaluating the performance of their business unit. The research reveals the usage of performance evaluation using a large variety of measures. Among them is worth mention: the usage of accounting profit altogether with the EVA/MVA, the process cycle time, total quality management, process transformation, strategic mission, vision, strategic measures, measures related to feedback, risk, costs, productivity, incomes, customers retention, customer satisfaction and profitability, measures using time as a component, quality of the process, cost of the processes, employees capabilities, information systems, motivation, empowerment and alignment. The research leads to the conclusion that the usage of the deriving concepts of Balanced Scorecard can improve the performance measurement systems used by hotels
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