588 resultados para Honey.


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Bees are well known for being industrious pollinators. Some species, however, have taken to invading the nests of other colonies to steal food, nest material or the nest site itself. Despite the potential mortality costs due to fighting with an aggressive opponent, the prospects of a large bounty can be worth the risk. In this review, we aim to bring together current knowledge on intercolony fighting with a view to better understand the evolution of warfare in bees and identify avenues for future research. A review of literature reveals that at least 60 species of stingless bees are involved in heterospecific conflicts, either as attacking or victim colonies. The threat of invasion has led to the evolution of architectural, behavioural and morphological adaptations, such as narrow entrance tunnels, mud balls to block the entrance, decoy nests that direct invaders away from the brood chamber, fighting swarms, and soldiers that are skilled at immobilising attackers. Little is known about how victim colonies are selected, but a phylogenetically controlled analysis suggests that the notorious robber bee Lestrimelitta preferentially attacks colonies of species with more concentrated honey. Warfare among bees poses many interesting questions, including why species differ so greatly in their response to attacks and how these alternative strategies of obtaining food or new nest sites have evolved.


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Hyönteispölytys lisää monien ristipölytteisten viljelykasvien siemensatoa sekä parantaa sadon laatua. Marjakasveilla, kuten mansikalla ja vadelmalla marjojen koko suurenee sekä niiden laatu paranee onnistuneen pölytyksen seurauksena. Aiempien havaintojen mukaan mansikan kukat eivät pääsääntöisesti houkuttele mehiläisiä, kun taas vadelma on yksi mehiläisten pääsatokasveista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten tehokkaasti mehiläiset vierailevat mansikalla sekä vadelmalla, keskittyen kukkakohtaisiin käynteihin tuntia kohti. Mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää Gliocladium catenulatum-vektoreina torjuttaessa mansikan ja vadelman harmaahometta (Botrytis cinerea). Kukkavierailujen perusteella arvioidaan, onko vektorilevitys riittävän tehokas torjumaan harmaahometta ja miten hyvin mehiläisiä voidaan käyttää pölytyspalveluihin, etenkin mansikalla. Havainnot kerättiin kuudelta eri tilalta Sisä-Savosta kesällä 2007. Kukkavierailuja laskettiin mansikan ja vadelman kukinnan aikana erilaisissa sääolosuhteissa, eri kellonaikoina ja eri etäisyyksillä mehiläispesistä. Kukat valittiin satunnaisesti, ja valintaperusteena oli kukan avonaisuus. Tarkkailuaika riippui mehiläisten lentoaktiivisuudesta. Mansikan koko havaintojakson keskiarvoksi tuli 1,75 käyntiä kukkaa kohti tunnissa. Vadelmalla vastaava luku oli 4,27, joten keskiarvojen perusteella vadelma oli houkuttelevampi kuin mansikka. Kasvukauden vaiheella ei ollut eroja vierailuihin kummallakaan kasvilla, mutta vuorokaudenajan suhteen vierailuja oli enemmän aamupäivällä kuin iltapäivällä. Lämpötila korreloi positiivisesti vierailutiheyden kanssa kummallakin kasvilla. Sääolosuhteet rajoittivat havaintojen keräämistä ja kesä oli erittäin sateinen. Mehiläiset vierailivat kukissa riittävästi haastavissakin sääolosuhteissa niin, että harmaahometorjunta onnistui. Vektorilevitystä suunnitellessa, etenkin mansikalla, tulee ottaa huomioon pesien sijoittelu sekä riittävä lukumäärä. Pesien ravinnontarpeen tulee olla suuri, jotta mehiläiset keräisivät ravintoa kukista mahdollisimman tehokkaasti. Pesiin voidaan lisätä tarvittaessa avosikiöitä tai poistaa siitepölyvarastoja ravinnonkeruuaktiivisuuden lisäämiseksi. Lisätutkimusta tarvitaan pesien sijoittelun, kilpailevien kasvien sekä mansikkalajikkeiden houkuttelevuuden vaikutuksesta vierailutiheyteen. Suomalaisten mansikkalajikkeiden meden sekä siitepölyneritystä olisi myös hyvä selvittää.


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Pure cubic zirconia (ZrO2) nanopowder is prepared for the first time by simple low temperature solution combustion method without calcination. The product is characterized by Powder X-ray Diffraction (PXRD), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Fourier Transform Infra Red spectroscopy (FTIR) and Ultraviolet-Visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The PXRD showed the formation of pure stable cubic ZrO2 nanopowders with average crystallite size ranging from 6 to 12 nm. The lattice parameters were calculated from Rietveld refinement method. SEM micrograph shows fluffy, mesoporous, agglomerated particles with large number of voids. TEM micrograph shows honey comb like arrangement of particles with particle size similar to 10 nm. The PL emission spectrum excited at 210 nm and 240 nm consists of intense bands centered at similar to 365 and similar to 390 nm. Both the samples show shoulder peak at 420 nm, along with four weak emission bands at similar to 484, similar to 528, similar to 614 and similar to 726 nm. TL studies were carried out pre-irradiating samples with gamma-rays ranging from 1 to 5 KGy at room temperature. A well resolved glow peak at 377 degrees C is recorded which can be ascribed to deep traps. With increase in gamma radiation there is linear increase in TL intensity which shows the possible use of ZrO2 as dosimetric material. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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本论文从传粉生物学的角度出发,运用野外观察、室内测定和生物统计学方法,对毛乌素沙地的两种蜜源植物羊柴(Hedysarum leave)和角蒿(Incarvillea sinensis var. sinensis)的开花物候、花生物学特性、传粉昆虫行为以及繁育系统进行了研究,得出如下结论: 1.在自然居群中,存在着开白色花和紫红色花的两种羊柴植株,其中白色花植株仅占5.5±1.56%左右。白色花和紫红色花植株的花期存在明显的重叠,白色花植株的花期集中在8月中旬到9月上旬,而紫红色花植株的花期从7月中旬持续到9月中旬。在整个花期内,单个白色花植株的生产的总花数为125±11.33朵,明显少于紫红色花植株的372±30.38朵,两者存在极显著差异。 2. 羊柴白色花和紫红色花的单花花粉量、胚珠数和P/O值都存在显著差异。在单花开放的整个过程中,白色花的花蜜分泌量显著地高于紫红色花,但白色花和紫红色花的花蜜糖分浓度变化趋势相似,即都具有两个花蜜浓度高峰值。 3. 羊柴白色花植株稳定且访花频率较高的传粉者是散熊蜂、白脸条蜂和意大利蜂,而紫红色花植株稳定且访花频率较高的传粉者有散熊蜂、白脸条蜂、意大利蜂和海切叶蜂。传粉昆虫在白色花上的单花停留时间比紫红色花的稍长,两者存在显著差异。 4. 羊柴白色花植株和紫红色花植株自花授粉的结实率(白色花:4.31±0.34%;紫红色花:4.58±0.53%),相对于人工异花授粉的结实率(白色花:19.77±2.31%;紫红色花:21.03±3.02%)较低。自然结实率(白色花:25.93±2.30%;紫红色花:25.24±1.61%)没有显著性差异(F=0.25;P=0.80)。此外,羊柴不存在无融合生殖现象。 5. 角蒿花期从7月中旬持续到9月初,单花开放时间为5-9h;单花花粉量为18816.27±326.70、在花开放后3-4h时,花粉活力达到最大值71.98±1.23%,胚珠数为180.80±5.30,P/O值为104.7。在花开放后3-4h时,花蜜量达到最大值1.41±0.35ul。角蒿的传粉昆虫仅有散熊蜂和四条无垫蜂。在花开放过程中,花粉活力动态和花蜜分泌动态都与传粉昆虫的行为不吻合。 6. 角蒿自花授粉和人工异花授粉的结实率和结籽率均无显著差异。自然结实率为85.93±1.63%,显著地低于自花授粉和人工异花授粉,但是,自花授粉、人工异花授粉及自然对照的结籽率无显著差异。在开放传粉的情况下,被去雄的花结实率仅为48.90±5.37%,说明昆虫传粉仅贡献一部分结实率。角蒿不存在无融合生殖。


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数据分配是研究数据如何分布到多个物理节点的NP-Complete问题.给出数据分配算法的数学模型,提出基于时序片段评价的数据分配算法——DATE.该算法利用数据在短时域访问量分布不均的特点,将多目标优化问题转化为单一目标求解,采用蜜蜂算法(collective Honey bee behavior)调整参数并反馈算法结果,以实现系统负载均衡.随机实验结果表明,DATE相比于同类Random,roundrobin,Bubba算法在系统总时段均衡ET、系统时段内均衡值ES、系统最大波峰值EM 3个指标中表现更优.


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一、蜜蜂嗅觉学习记忆应用基础研究特殊气味的探测在刑侦工作中意义重大,常用的警犬探测和仪器分析都有其局限之处。蜜蜂嗅觉灵敏,且学习记忆能力突出,具有为刑侦工作所用的潜力。基于此,我们希望通过训练蜜蜂将其对糖水奖励的伸喙反应与指定气味建立条件反射的原理,配合适当的训练方法,达到利用蜜蜂探测危险气味的目的。在实验中,我们首先比较了不同喂养方式的蜜蜂在气味学习中的差别。由于低浓度气味无法直接使蜜蜂建立条件化,我们采用了逐渐降低气味浓度的方法,成功训练蜜蜂对低浓度(3.6×10-7) 醋酸气味建立了条件反射。结果如下: 1)自然放养与人工孵化两种不同喂养方式的蜜蜂,各两组,分别学习醋酸CS+/薄荷CS-,或柠檬CS+/薄荷CS-的气味配对。以“获得(CS+),巩固(CS-/CS+ CS+/CS- CS-/CS+),检测,干净空气假阳性检测”的顺序操作。结果显示自然放养蜜蜂对醋酸气味没有偏好(第一次给醋酸气味伸喙率:6%),学习醋酸气味能力较低(24小时后检测正确率:66%, n=25),相对应,该类蜜蜂对柠檬气味显示出明显偏好(第一次给柠檬气味伸喙率:41%,P< 0.01),而学习效果(检测正确率:50%,n=20)与醋酸组相近(P>0.05)。人工孵化的蜜蜂对醋酸气味学习能力较自然放养蜜蜂大大提高(检测正确率:96%, n=32, P<0.01),同时对柠檬的学习结果(检测正确率:80%, n=32)也明显提高(0.01


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ESI-MS was used to optimize the Ephedra sinica refinement. The ratio of honey to drug is 20/100, and the ratio of water to honey is 1/2. The toast temperature is 80 ℃, and the toast time is 2 h. The change of Ephedra sinica after processing was given.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas


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In this PhD study, mathematical modelling and optimisation of granola production has been carried out. Granola is an aggregated food product used in breakfast cereals and cereal bars. It is a baked crispy food product typically incorporating oats, other cereals and nuts bound together with a binder, such as honey, water and oil, to form a structured unit aggregate. In this work, the design and operation of two parallel processes to produce aggregate granola products were incorporated: i) a high shear mixing granulation stage (in a designated granulator) followed by drying/toasting in an oven. ii) a continuous fluidised bed followed by drying/toasting in an oven. In addition, the particle breakage of granola during pneumatic conveying produced by both a high shear granulator (HSG) and fluidised bed granulator (FBG) process were examined. Products were pneumatically conveyed in a purpose built conveying rig designed to mimic product conveying and packaging. Three different conveying rig configurations were employed; a straight pipe, a rig consisting two 45° bends and one with 90° bend. It was observed that the least amount of breakage occurred in the straight pipe while the most breakage occurred at 90° bend pipe. Moreover, lower levels of breakage were observed in two 45° bend pipe than the 90° bend vi pipe configuration. In general, increasing the impact angle increases the degree of breakage. Additionally for the granules produced in the HSG, those produced at 300 rpm have the lowest breakage rates while the granules produced at 150 rpm have the highest breakage rates. This effect clearly the importance of shear history (during granule production) on breakage rates during subsequent processing. In terms of the FBG there was no single operating parameter that was deemed to have a significant effect on breakage during subsequent conveying. A population balance model was developed to analyse the particle breakage occurring during pneumatic conveying. The population balance equations that govern this breakage process are solved using discretization. The Markov chain method was used for the solution of PBEs for this process. This study found that increasing the air velocity (by increasing the air pressure to the rig), results in increased breakage among granola aggregates. Furthermore, the analysis carried out in this work provides that a greater degree of breakage of granola aggregates occur in line with an increase in bend angle.


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This study has considered the optimisation of granola breakfast cereal manufacturing processes by wet granulation and pneumatic conveying. Granola is an aggregated food product used as a breakfast cereal and in cereal bars. Processing of granola involves mixing the dry ingredients (typically oats, nuts, etc.) followed by the addition of a binder which can contain honey, water and/or oil. In this work, the design and operation of two parallel wet granulation processes to produce aggregate granola products were incorporated: a) a high shear mixing granulation process followed by drying/toasting in an oven. b) a continuous fluidised bed followed by drying/toasting in an oven. In high shear granulation the influence of process parameters on key granule aggregate quality attributes such as granule size distribution and textural properties of granola were investigated. The experimental results show that the impeller rotational speed is the single most important process parameter which influences granola physical and textural properties. After that binder addition rate and wet massing time also show significant impacts on granule properties. Increasing the impeller speed and wet massing time increases the median granule size while also presenting a positive correlation with density. The combination of high impeller speed and low binder addition rate resulted in granules with the highest levels of hardness and crispness. In the fluidised bed granulation process the effect of nozzle air pressure and binder spray rate on key aggregate quality attributes were studied. The experimental results show that a decrease in nozzle air pressure leads to larger in mean granule size. The combination of lowest nozzle air pressure and lowest binder spray rate results in granules with the highest levels of hardness and crispness. Overall, the high shear granulation process led to larger, denser, less porous and stronger (less likely to break) aggregates than the fluidised bed process. The study also examined the particle breakage of granola during pneumatic conveying produced by both the high shear granulation and the fluidised bed granulation process. Products were pneumatically conveyed in a purpose built conveying rig designed to mimic product conveying and packaging. Three different conveying rig configurations were employed; a straight pipe, a rig consisting two 45° bends and one with 90° bend. Particle breakage increases with applied pressure drop, and a 90° bend pipe results in more attrition for all conveying velocities relative to other pipe geometry. Additionally for the granules produced in the high shear granulator; those produced at the highest impeller speed, while being the largest also have the lowest levels of proportional breakage while smaller granules produced at the lowest impeller speed have the highest levels of breakage. This effect clearly shows the importance of shear history (during granule production) on breakage during subsequent processing. In terms of the fluidised bed granulation, there was no single operating parameter that was deemed to have a significant effect on breakage during subsequent conveying. Finally, a simple power law breakage model based on process input parameters was developed for both manufacturing processes. It was found suitable for predicting the breakage of granola breakfast cereal at various applied air velocities using a number of pipe configurations, taking into account shear histories.


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El estudio sobre las condiciones de fertilidad y variables de calidad del melón resultan de suma importancia para el mejoramiento de la aptitud y competitividad del producto. El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar la influencia del contenido de potasio y su efecto sobre relaciones nitrógeno/potasio de la solución de fertilizante sobre la producción, calidad y sanidad de los frutos en dos cultivares de melén (tipo Honey Dew y Cantaloupe) bajo invernáculo y sobre propiedades físico químicas del suelo. Se determinaron propiedades de calidad, sanitarias y se analizaron propiedades relacionadas a la fertilidad de los suelos. El rendimiento y las variables de calidad como: diámetro ecuatorial y polar, sólidos totales y azúcares presentaron en ambos cultivares mayor valor en el tratamiento con mayor contenido de potasio. El grosor de la cáscara no mostró diferencias significativas, al igual que en la resistencia a la presión, como tampoco el color superficial, la longitud de la cavidad central ni el contenido de nitratos en los frutos. Ambos cultivares fueron susceptibles a la inoculación con el Fusarium semitectum, aunque Honey Dew presentó una mayor resistencia a la infección, pero sin diferencias significativas. La mayoría de las variables relacionadas al suelo no se modificaron con los tratamientos de fertilización con excepción del contenido de potasio en cosecha y poscosecha. Este hecho sumado a las relaciones significativas y positivas entre los contenidos de potasio del suelo y variables relacionadas a la calidad y producción del cultivo de melón, sugiere que el efecto de la fertilización se dio fundamentalmente a través de cambios en la disponibilidad de potasio.


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El estudio sobre las condiciones de fertilidad y variables de calidad del melón resultan de suma importancia para el mejoramiento de la aptitud y competitividad del producto. El objetivo de esta tesis fue determinar la influencia del contenido de potasio y su efecto sobre relaciones nitrógeno/potasio de la solución de fertilizante sobre la producción, calidad y sanidad de los frutos en dos cultivares de melén (tipo Honey Dew y Cantaloupe)bajo invernáculo y sobre propiedades físico químicas del suelo. Se determinaron propiedades de calidad, sanitarias y se analizaron propiedades relacionadas a la fertilidad de los suelos. El rendimiento y las variables de calidad como: diámetro ecuatorial y polar, sólidos totales y azúcares presentaron en ambos cultivares mayor valor en el tratamiento con mayor contenido de potasio. El grosor de la cáscara no mostró diferencias significativas, al igual que en la resistencia a la presión, como tampoco el color superficial, la longitud de la cavidad central ni el contenido de nitratos en los frutos. Ambos cultivares fueron susceptibles a la inoculación con el Fusarium semitectum, aunque Honey Dew presentó una mayor resistencia a la infección, pero sin diferencias significativas. La mayoría de las variables relacionadas al suelo no se modificaron con los tratamientos de fertilización con excepción del contenido de potasio en cosecha y poscosecha. Este hecho sumado a las relaciones significativas y positivas entre los contenidos de potasio del suelo y variables relacionadas a la calidad y producción del cultivo de melón, sugiere que el efecto de la fertilización se dio fundamentalmente a través de cambios en la disponibilidad de potasio.


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Since 1984 David Kolb’s Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) has been a leading influence in the development of learner-centred pedagogy in management and business. It forms the basis of Kolb’s own Learning Styles’ Inventory and those of other authors including Honey and Mumford (2000). It also provides powerful underpinning for the emphasis, nay insistence, on reflection as a way of learning and the use of reflective practice in the preparation of students for business and management and other professions. In this paper, we confirm that Kolb’s ELT is still the most commonly cited source used in relation to reflective practice. Kolb himself continues to propound its relevance to teaching and learning in general. However, we also review some of the criticisms that ELT has attracted over the years and advance new criticisms that challenge its relevance to higher education and its validity as a model for formal, intentional learning.


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Common Learning Management Systems (for example Moodle [1] and Blackboard [2]) are limited in the amount of personalisation that they can offer the learner. They are used widely and do offer a number of tools for instructors to enable them to create and manage courses, however, they do not allow for the learner to have a unique personalised learning experience. The e-Learning platform iLearn offers personalisation for the learner in a number of ways and one way is to offer the specific learning material to the learner based on the learner's learning style. Learning styles and how we learn is a vast research area. Brusilovsky and Millan [3] state that learning styles are typically defined as the way people prefer to learn. Examples of commonly used learning styles are Kolb Learning Styles Theory [4], Felder and Silverman Index of Learning Styles [5], VARK [6] and Honey and Mumford Index of Learning Styles [7] and many research projects (SMILE [8], INSPIRE [9], iWeaver [10] amonst others) attempt to incorporate these learning styles into adaptive e-Learning systems. This paper describes how learning styles are currently being used within the area of adaptive e-Learning. The paper then gives an overview of the iLearn project and also how iLearn is using the VARK learning style to enhance the platform's personalisation and adaptability for the learner. This research also describes the system's design and how the learning style is incorporated into the system design and semantic framework within the learner's profile.


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The botanic origin and the protein content of 15 honeys from small bee farms exploitations of Galicia, for family consume, were studied; the aim is to check if the protein wealth and the pollen wealth are dependent parameters. Seven honeys resulted to be Rhamnus frangula unifloral (pollen patterns with low diversity), two Castanea sativa Miller unifloral, other one heather unifloral, and five was multifloral honeys of various pollen patterns (four Castanea predominant and one Rhamnus frangula predominant). Their pollen wealth was low; eight honeys classified in the Maurizio Class I, 3 in Class II, 2 in Class III, and one in Maurizio Class IV. There has been a wide variability in its protein content (0.09- 4.83 mg prot./g honey). The relative amount of pollen from different taxa has a direct or inverse proportionality to wealth protein.